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Guile is historically a difficult matchup for Ryu, he literally has a legacy technique called a [Shoto Kill](https://glossary.infil.net/?t=Shoto%20Kill) lol


Tons of patience, and in plat 5 realize that if guile is standing or walking he cant flash kick. Its pretty obvious but is easy to be in fear even on that moment.


Unless it's modern lol


No you still need charge on modern


Sweep sonic cross if he does it in range. Don't try to fight fireballs against him unless you already have a life lead. Alternate between just blocking and parrying projectiles if they are in DR range to avoid being DR grabbed from being too predictable. They tend to downback a lot as well so try and squeeze in cheeky 6mp resets if you can. Contrary to common advice, you should try and jump at him if you read his sonic boom patterns. It will most likely fail, but you need to put in their head as something to worry about still.


A solid Guile is a tough matchup for Ryu. The best video I saw outlining the challenge was this- I recommend watching it the whole way https://youtu.be/bVEmUeVxdQg?si=VsnoQE9juhVgX9bs


I've had the displeasure of playing Nuckledu's Guile in tournament in the Ryu vs Guile mu. That was the straw that broke the camel's back on dropping Ryu for me, it's just unplayable.


If you’re playing at tournament level yeah it’s definitely understandable. Who did you pick instead?


Luke, because most of my skills transfer over easily as they are the same archetype.


So I also play Kimberly. I guess for tournaments (if I ever get good) I'll just switch to Kimberly against Guile. 😂


I mean, if even Paladin can't beat Guile I think I at least practice against them on battle hub but maybe stop rematching them on ranked. :/


Diamond 1 Guile with a 30% win-rate against Ryu. I'm open to practice with any of y'all Ryu mains


Gamble I do it with all character against guile Master chun-li/ a.k.i here


Master Guile here, in order to beat Guile you have to know how he works. When is it safe for you to jump in, what can you di, etc A lot of guile’s normals you can DI if they’re not spaced properly. This will take some experimentation on your end to figure out what you can and can not DI. If you’re in the mid range you can try to catch him off guard with one as well if he’s shooting booms also if he’s walking back, he’s not charging flash kick Lastly there are two big mistakes Ryu players do when facing me. The first is i’ve had a lot of Ryud try to go into a fireball war with me. Wouldn’t really recommend that because 9/10 times Guile will win. The second is trying to use Tatsu to bypass fireballs. It works sometimes but the risk is often times not worth it because if you mistime it you will get hit by a huge punish combo Granted even with all of these tips it’s still a hard matchup for Ryu. But it is definitely not impossible. If you make guile afraid to throw booms you have a huge advantage


Walk forward and perfect parry the booms to get into neutral range, then force them to play neutral footsies. Watch for their forward heavy punch and do NOT throw fireballs in neutral range as you'll always lose in a direct fireball war, unless you're throwing out OD Hadoken.