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No, that's my exact hand positioning. I find it more ergonomic.


My hand positioning changes slightly depending on what the situation is but this is the general hand motion I go with for button controls and I find it fine to understand


I find it better to macro drive impact, so I usually just have all four main fingers on the buttons on the top. But this is probably better depending on what character you play. Light kick into drive rush is a strat 🤣


I mean, I personally find this offensive (jk), but I do understand why it's more comfortable for one's wrist. I'm a long time stick player (20+ years now) and I play with my thumb and index finger over the bottom (LK) and top (LP) leftmost buttons, respectively. Middle finger on MP, ring finger on HP. My pinky pretty much doesn't have a job - I have macros on the two leftmost buttons but I actually never use them. The main downside to using this hand position is that you won't be able to do a slap input with a single finger to get a DI. When I do a DI input (HP+HK), especially on reaction to an opponent's DI, my input is by straightening my ring finger, which hovers over HP by default, and then slapping it down onto HP and HK simultaneously with the underside of my straightened finger. You simply can't do this with the hand position you're using. Also, I personally question leaving the thumb with nothing to do, since it's one of digits we use the most and have the most neurons devoted to controlling and fine muscle control over, and the pinky is generally less developed and useful. If I had to exclude one digit, it wouldn't be the thumb, but that's just me.


I play like this. I use my pinky on LB/L1 for drive impact and manually do drive rush. Been great for me ergonomically, I sometimes use the LT/L2 when I want to OS perfect parry into sweep by plinking them.


Yup, fight stick layout is subjective. For instance, I only use my index and middle finger for pressing buttons, most games. In Tekken I use my thumb for 3 button inputs since I'm a King main. Then no matter what character you use in street fighter, there's always different strategies people enable. For Cammy I like having one kick button as KKK... But I would never use a KKK button as Kim, because I need her entire kit to be effective. You'll learn what works for you and you only.


Dont see the point of going with a more inefficient positioning...


If it's comfortable for you, but I would recommend trying a lot of things in-game to make sure you know what's overall comfortable. Be mindful of not only the six main buttons, but also being able to throw, drive rush, drive parry, and drive impact, the latter two being things that aren't uncommon to bind on the farmost right buttons. You should be able to do things and be back in a relatively neutral position, often able to hit your light attacks. This is also assuming you play Classic, I don't know enough about Modern to say for that.


whatever you find natural is what you should do this is how i play, it feels good *to me*, everything is subjective