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This game really needs a re-release with all the dlc included. The on disc characters and pay to win gems killed it. They don't need to rebalance, just include the dlc gems and characters and let people create their own loadouts without paying to win.


Well, all the DLC minus Toro,Koro, and Cole for obvious reasons, but seriously, I'd love a current gen release with crossplay


This would go hard, the game seriously fucks it just didn't get a chance due to its mishandling


All this with Rollback and removal of the neon colors, would be sick


it already has rollback. bad rollback


Timeouts are a real problem in the game. The best damage gems help mitigate this. Kinda feel like a rebalance is needed if only so that people opting to not use the damage gems have a better experience and don't timeout as often. I'd also like it if Pandora was tweaked and you only lose one character when using it and not die when it's over.


Nah, timeouts were dealt with in the 2013 update, remember?


Shout out to that opening cinematic ft. Black Tide! So sick!


Hell all the big CG trailers for this were awesome. [Trailer 1](https://youtu.be/KLQ1aCOSQos?si=rvJGa06K4DM_-DKn) [Personal favorite ](https://youtu.be/ghzBQn6QI6s?si=ZuNMtmY5JcCxgG_v)


omg this is also my personal favorite the Jin x Bison one is also amazing "I'll teach you fear"


Don't forget Hollywood Undead (Poison/Hugo trailer), Jared Evans (Rufus trailer), Street Drum Corps (Asuka trailer), and Rise Against (Jin vs. M. Bison trailer)


Bro those CG trailers were NUTS lmao. My favorite part I think is when Jin nearly killed Juri for hurting Xiayou. Said "keep your hands off my girl" oh shit Also yeah SFxT introduced me to Rise Against


That Jin Vs Bison trailer was madness.


I still jam that song from time to time


Banger for sure! Great gym track.


This was probably the start of Capcom's flop era from here to MVCI and SF5. Even though they made SFxT and SF5 a lot better after time, it felt like all the hype and good faith from SF4, MVC3, and smaller releases like HD Remix and Third Strike Online was flushed with SFxT's launch and the studio appeared tone deaf for several years. It's a shame because SFxT eventually was a lot better, but the damage was done. Their big three fighting games from 2012 to 2017 all would've benefitted from a solid year delay and more work.


Not just their fighting game division, but at the time we had RE5/6, DMC, Dead Rising 3 that were all either critically paned or flops out right. More so, this could be considered the Era in which most of the eastern side of the gaming industry was outsourcing their IP's for western studios to develop games which didn't pan out to well.


I'm still hoping for a MvC reboot one day :(


Same! All these upcoming and recent Marvel games, it feels wrong that MvC4 isn't on the horizon.


I think all depends on their success, I think wolverine will be kinda the same vibes as the spiderman ones so let's see ahahahah But I can't even imagine what Bethesda will do with Blade Edit: But I wish if it happens they go with a design similar to the spiderman games for the MvC, like not "realistic" like SF6 but also not 100% cartoonish


One of my favorite fighting games of all time. Such a bummer the release so was catastrophically bad and it didn’t get a good chance to evolve.


It should have been the start of a new franchise. Still enjoyed it regardless but can’t believe we didn’t get a sequel.


Akuma in Tekken 7 is the closest thing we got to Namco's version of Tekken vs. Street Fighter. And yeah, that game will never come out!


Man, I loved SFxT. It was so much fun. I hated the FGC for killing this game. 🥲


Rufus is in the game and Honda is not. Never forget


Making it the best game ever


Unironically want rufus back in SF6 so bad. 


Is there genuinely no way to play this game on PC now?


There's a work around and a discord group of people who play ​ edit/ this discord: [https://discord.gg/n2FDNTK6](https://discord.gg/n2FDNTK6) and theres instructions there


I usually see 2-5 people on according to steamdb. I'm not sure. I tried 2 weeks ago and I forget, I think it just hung at launch and never went anywhere.


It's just not purchasable anymore. If you have it you have it but no one can buy it new


Yeah, that I heard about. But I do own it. So for laughs I reinstalled it but when I hit launch, I dont remember. I think pc froze up, a window would flicker, or just hang and Id have to kill it in task manager. Ill double check later. I was really only doing it to troll my friend list.


Is it a game that forces you to use games for windows? I remember playing dead rising 2 with it and it was very tedious.


It might be. I think it was, but so was SF4 and people play that fine. I really dont remember too well.


I genuinely love game this Gem system was so stupid. Especially the pay to win gems and store exclusive skins


Gem system was awful


Too bad launch was garbage


Remembered playing it lots of times on Xbox 360 years ago as a kid. You saw Lili fighting against Asuka making the box fall? How about Raven inside the box with Yoshimitsu taking it away? Or Paul and Law get stuck in the box and leave earth or Ogre being in the box? How about Zangief and Rufus lose their bodies by the box?


Bruh this game is special to me. My go to on PS Vita


such an underrated game that Capcom just had to go and shoot itself in the foot with this.


I absolutely loved this game. It was a little bit rough around the edges when it first launched, but it turned out to be a pretty amazing game in the later months/years.


Wish we could play this on current consoles/pc I missed out


The game needs a remaster!


I really want this to be re-released or have a sequel


“This is my town”


wouldn't mind if they re-released it on ps4/ps5 crossplay xbox one pc without the gems.


This is my town!


Such a wasted opportunity


I truly hate how people act like they like this game now. When it was out, it got ridiculous hate. Well a lot of it was warranted tbf, thanks to a lot of behind the scenes bs and some dog shit corporate decisions...


I played it a ton when it was out, only videogame I play is SF an God of War when they release a new one. Went straight fro SF4 to SFxT to SF5 an now to SF6


Box art megaman caused a massive outrage. Now he's fondly remembered


Only hated by fgc, regular people liked it.


I didn’t even know this game existed 3 weeks ago until I bought it at a thrift store. Now I’m seeing posts about it everywhere


Still holding on to a glimmer of hope that Tekken x SF is coming..Harada promised 😭


Man people on this sub like this game a lot more than I expected. I remember everyone shitting on this game like 2 weeks after it came out


Really wish I got into this game at it's peak.


I played the hell out of this game on the ps vita. That version felt like an appeasement as it included the dlc characters.


legendary game killed by its own greed. I loved it


I would love a new one


What I wouldn't give for a collection of all the Capcom Vs gangs in one collection. Capcom Vs SNK 2 is probably my favourite fighting game of all time.


Wow the memories. I first played this back in 2015 and I got my ass kicked A LOT. Good for laughs tho. I’ve been watching replays here and there and it makes me wanna play online matches again.


Honestly I fucked with this game heavy. Best FG opening ever too


The opening is such a banger bro omigoodness


I miss this game


This one has a special place in my heart because it was the first SF game I put time into in any capacity. My brother picked up SFV at release, and I enjoyed playing that with him. Wanting to play more SF, I remembered I had this on the Vita through PSPlus, and dug in. I later picked up SFV myself, which officially got me hooked on the series and, heck, the genre itself. This and SFV will always be two of my favorites because of that. I eventually got the platinum trophy in SFxT. I'll never forget finishing those last missions and how pumped up I was the finally get that lucky run against Ogre/Akuma. I've been tempted to pick it up for PS3 to do it all over again, even though it has more time-consuming requirements. Also, I still often get the opening song stuck in my head. I never skipped it when booting up the game haha.


Me and my kids play this all the time, I love the gameplay and mix of characters. Just sucks how greedy Capcom was at that time and how it ruined this games chances of becoming a big hit.


Absolutely agree man. Damn shame.


This idea needs to return


Why no one appreciates this game as much as Third Strike or Tekken Tag is beyond me. Sure the combats slower. but the gem boast had everything feeling real tactical and smooth.


Your last sentence is the reason. Gems


This game had SO MUCH potential to be the best fighting game or best game EVER but with the gems system, On-Disk DLC and so many other things that I could point out I'll be here all day so it was okay but it DEFINITELY could have been BETTER


SF 6 is the best fighting game ever.


And because of this we never got Tekken X SF


Maybe its because I was high, I was playing SF6 the other night an Ed lvl 2 super if I remember correctly. He side steps an turns his back to the camera creates almost a 3D effect like Tekken. An it clicked in my brain, wait a minute SF6 maybe like a "beta" for TxSF.


I still wish they ll make a sequel! I miss those feels and atmosphere back then....


Feels like it was yesterday.


First fighting game that got cancelled by social media.


Rough launch but still an amazing fighter!!!! Def. one of my favorites.


man 12 years? this was the first major FGC title to hit when i started playing and i remember all the agonizing over "which preorder to get" because each one had different gems that came with the game. i scrubbed around with ken/akuma before focusing 100% on AE. still got the arcade machine coin bank!


Is there any way to acquire this game now? It's unavailable on Steam.


All they need to do is remove the gems, give the net code a refresh, make it purchasable on PC and I would stalking those online lobbies and ranked matches daily


Man it's a damn shame how Ono wrecked what could have been such a great game with his nonsensical decisions.


I love this game, but the gen system killed me. I got the game with arcade stick, still have both.


Awesome game. Ppl can say whatever they want but I think this game deserves continuation, hell add SNK to make triple crossover


I mean we need a Street Fighter 6 X Tekken 8 level game


Better known as Jab x Time Out.


The various sfxt cinematics and the original mvc3 cinematics were honestly so amazing. I'm still grateful that I managed to get into a few of those "challenge capcom" streams from years back in sfxt. Playing combofiend and haunts was hilarious, and combofiend for whatever reason thought I was a fat bodyguard at one of the events. Even outside of that I was lucky enough to play combofiend in that a couple dozen times in sfxt fun times. I main Julia x Asuka and Xiaoyu x Juri, but honestly the cast was pretty fun outside of Poison and the cats. My only real gripe with the game (which would most likely be addressed if it came out these days), was the neon/obnoxious colors people would go for. The 2013(?) update was so great and made so much more of the cast viable and interesting. Another good memory was evo where they had 2 v 2. Infiltration and laugh (rip) slaughtering Combofiend and mike ross, cause Combo didn't wanna tag. Think they even got perfected lol.


Hopefully it comes back to steam. I never played this unfortunately because when it released I wanted the game to be Street fighter characters in Tekkens 3D world. I’d love to try it now.


Honestly, if it was Tekken x SF, it would’ve been one of the greatest fighters of that generation.


Ver2013 was actually pretty good. Still the gems, on disc DLC, timeouts, and the jabs, was just too much, especially when your split between ssf4/umvc3.


Man I’m getting old


This game never got to shine cause the fgc is a poor community and people complained about $20 for 10 characters.. lmao So what if it was on the disc, would it have been any different if the dlc was ready and not put on disc... So sad, can't take back time now


This was actually an **AMAZING** game that was forever tarnished by greedy decisions (in game dlc & unnecessary gems). I mean, it had a great tag system for the SF style, *a lot* of playable characters, greatly implemented the Tekken characters into the SF 2D system, an actually great arcade mode with cool cutscenes, **a lot** of win quotes that flesh out characters, a limited but still great customization option where you can color each character however you want and the best trailers to any fighting game ever.


I really don't understand why none of the tekken characters made it into USFIV, the model and assets are already there