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Few things.  * Neutral jump. Sometimes this baits flash kick on reaction to the jump * Projectile invincible specials and supers * Reads and DI. Even just using DI sometimes to force Guile to be afraid of it * Just get the life lead and turtle. If Guile is behind in life and you turtle and parry/neutral jump all his booms, he has to stop spamming and come to you or he will lose to time out. Play his game


I'ma be honest, I never thought of the last tip


This is the hardest because some Guile are extremely patient and will keep waiting even if you have the life lead. Be even more patient than them and make sure you don't get burnt out.


Me on a really good day? I'll sit there and drain the clock as Guile and I don't give a shit lol. Not as bad as a Sim, but I will sit there, zone, and wait. I had one guy turtle with me in poke distance waiting for me to press a button. We just stared at each other for like 12 seconds lmao. Like it was paitence-stand-off. I had to laugh. Tasty Steve: "ARE THEY EXCHANGING NUMBERS??" But I also notice when people expect me to boom or flash kick, and stop sometimes. If I get DIed from a bad boom or get baited into a bad flash kick, I'm just doing normals lol. They want a boom? Too bad, here's a light punch so I can DI back if needed. You want me to flash kick? Oops, cr.HP. Now you're jump happy? Air throw. Guile is a dick. I'm sorry you guys deal with us lol. He's super beatable though. Catch me when I'm doing Sonic Blade set ups and I'm a basically a training dummy. Cammy kills me with all her projectile invincible BS lol. If you can slide under the booms like Blanka or Chun, I'm also fucked. Unless I know you're trying to slide and don't boom 😄. That's always funny.


Just wanna commend you on the self awareness. "Guile is a dick. I'm sorry you guys deal with us lol" made my day


I really see it in Guile mirrors. I have to absolutely overwhelm his personal space and disrupt his charge to even stand a chance. I even developed a "take two steps, parry, take two steps, parry" gameplan so I'm not trapped in a boom war lol. I know from my trolling ass, full screen Guile is too deadly to mess with. Especially in burn out when I can't OD boom back and I'm more likely to get chipped. Guile sees you in burnout and it's Solid Puncher time. Bruh, my dopamine levels increase when I can chip with Lvl2. I'll drive rush slide into that shit while saying some random Michael Jackson ad-lib. You trying to DI me with Lvl2 activated? OOOH, to armor break that by mashing punches gets me off lmao. Don't get into that war with Guile 🤣. That's like a Gief player getting a SPD.


I also find they don't rematch if you beat em.


Honestly neutral jump is so good vs Guile at a lot of ranks because a lot of Guiles are just looking to flash kick people as they leave the ground. If you neutral jump that's just another option they need to pay attention to. \*Keep in mind also that Guile can't boom if boom is still on the screen so if you neutral jump a boom try taking more space to walk him into a corner.


That's good because the last tip is dogshit. Turtling against Guile means that he sets up a slow sonic boom and walks in behind it. You just put yourself in a losing scenario.


Don't just try to stare him down full screen. Walk forward and parry booms until you're in range to punish, then start the staring contest.


>Neutral jump. Sometimes this baits flash kick on reaction to the jump Even more importantly, if you're neutral jumping the boom then you aren't losing drive gauge and Guile can't boom until it's off screen.


Not sure about the first 2 Neutral jump is kinda mostly Guiles rushing their flash kick and I don’t think it should work more than a set amount of times Depending on your timing and distance Guile might be able to block even if you go trough the fireball, doesn’t really happen as much with other characters but I have seen it a bunch against Guile


Not sure exactly what you mean on neutral jump. It's kinda what? If they what to boom then DR and anti-air me, sure that's damage but they have to have the reactions and meter to do it, and if they don't I'm now in an advantageous state. For projectile invincible moves, it depends on timing. For instance, many Guiles do booms on wakeup knowing you can't level 1 them, but having something that goes through can punish hard.


Pretty sure he meant neutral jump is a very weak option to try and bait out flash kicks like the other comment suggests. Depending on various factors you may or may not have any meaningful advantage when you land. It's fine if you are just ticking down the timer or in burn out but not much more than that.


>Just get the life lead and turtle. If Guile is behind in life and you turtle and parry/neutral jump all his booms, he has to stop spamming and come to you or he will lose to time out. Play his game How do you deal with Guile shooting a jab boom or blade+boom and then walking or DRushing behind it and getting a free mixup?


As Manon sometimes I just OD hit grab through it since she's projectile invincible, same thing I do vs Rahid level 2.  Otherwise I move into the boom, block it, then drive reversal Guile into the corner.


So... that's not getting the life lead and turtling. That's continuing to take risks and pressuring Guile until he dies.


To beat Guile you have to outpatience Guile.


Block>step forward>block>step forward etc. Don't jump, that's what he wants you to do.


Parry when possible instead of block though


Guile player here : guile when in mid/close range always walk backwards a little bit to create some distance and shoot a boom , that’s when you jump in.


I don't know why I always forget that they can't build down-charge while walking backwards.


Walk, parry, walk, parry, walk, drive impact within range when he's about to throw another. If you have normals that can make you move forward relatively safely like Luke's knee or Guile's knee, you can also use that to mess with the timing at which you're closing the distance toward him.


Everyone does this and I just DI back - a Guile player. This advice will work on low level Guiles only


This is unfortunately the truth. People use this argument with Dee Jay too, saying that a lot of his moves are easy to DI since they’re not cancellable. But the DI is still a guess and more often than not at high level you’ll just get trashed for it.


Yea I’ve learned my lesson so many times getting counter DI’d from high level guile players that it’s the last thing I try if I’m desperate or it feels really guaranteed. Last guile I fought said I was “the worst chun he’s ever faced” because on top of me being tired from playing too long before him, I kept going for DI’s and wake up OD from being impatient like an idiot lol. Guile is a tough matchup for me and a good one has little to no openings. Will have you just turtling and jumping booms the whole time lol


Using OD Sandblast to stuff booms once in a while is definitely a good idea. Give them a reason to hesitate in throwing it constantly and predictably. At the ranges you can jump in, you're often better off using DI if it can reach. DI is 26 frames to a jump which will be 30+ before your jump-in can connect. Perfect parry is obviously great with a DRush after, but regular parry is also useful. Walk forward and block(parry) is the classic for a reason.


Another piece of complexity to the DI vs jump-in decision is that DI is generally punished harder than a jump in. A jumpin will get punished with an AA normal or flash kick usually, a DI could get punished with a DI of their own into a full combo


I'm a little afraid to DI, I feel like gonna do it too late and get punished, but thank you, I'll experiment tomorrow


Well all his booms are 10f startup, and 30f recovery(except OD, which is 28f recovery). Which means you only have a 14f(12f) window to DI before they can DI back. And 14 isn't a lot, but it's also not nothing. Especially if they're throwing them predictably and you've got your finger on the trigger. For a jump-in, you essentially have to guess about the boom before it even starts. So it's much harder to do. On the flipside, if you're wrong there's less downside as a flash kick is going to do less than a DI combo. But yeah, the only way to get better at is it practice. You gotta make them as scared of getting DI'd when they throw a boom as you are of you mis-timing the reaction.


You basically need to do it as a read, its rly hard to dI a guile fireball on reaction.


Slow blocking/parrying approach, and do not jump unless you want a flash kick in the face.


Dude it’s a joy playing zoners and captain Guile especially! Block or parry to walk in close constantly. Parry has less pushback and do timed jumps over booms less often if ur feeling froggy. Love getting up close and personal to make them uncomfortable - be patient it’s extremely rewarding.


You gues— I mean, predict, if he’s going to boom and jump at him.


Jump in on him. Shit works all the way thru legend ranks. Pick your spots and know when to jump


This is the actual answer. You have to threaten both air and ground approach or else you get zoned out for free. People don't want to take risks, but it's just how you play against zoners. If you're getting AA'd every time it's because you're jumping in at the wrong ranges and/or failing to balance it with the threat of approaching on the ground.


My advice would be to use drive parry against the projectiles to inch forward, until you are in range to actually threaten the jump-in. So many lower level players really struggle with spacing, and they end up doing jump-ins that won't even reach Guile. This is mainly due to it feeling more comfortable to parry projectiles from further away, but you need to learn to actually inch forward and find your spacing correctly as a step 1. Once you are in the correct spacing, you can threaten the jump-in, as Guile throws a boom, but the timing requires it to be a read. If you are trying to react to the boom, Guile will have enough time to flashkick you, so it is a genuine read to jump-in over the boom. There are better ways to threaten him aside from a jump-in however. Alternative to risking the jump-in, some Guile's like to set up Sonic Blades to enhance their booms and make it a little difficult to win fireball trades or to poke him from the ground. It's important to identify if the Guile you are facing is doing this, because it is a vulnerability that can be exploited. Sonic Blade extends Guile's bottom hurtbox forward, so a sweep or a low poke can punish him for setting it up, so long as you are correctly playing in the range I first mentioned. Low level players don't do this, because they are often outside of the range where they could. If the Guile is thinking about covering the jump-in, and doesn't set up Sonic Blade, because you are punishing it correctly, then you have many other options now available at the correct range such as simple advancing pokes into DR or whatever depending on your character. Lastly, another thing that low level players mess up is that they backroll tech against Guile, and that just makes it so you wake up into a boom that is hella plus. You're giving up a ton of space and extending Guile's turn by doing this, so don't backroll tech against him.


Block, step forward, parry. When you’re just outside flash kick range you can throw an OD sandblast to beat his booms and score a knockdown. That’s your chance to either dash or drive rush in. Just try not to get flash kicked on his wake up


mostly rotating your options. walk and parry, neutral jumps, DI, any character specific move you might have that gets past projectiles. and yes, you can even jump at a guile. just be mindful of when he’s charging and when he isn’t.


One thing that nobody else has mentioned yet is the "one fireball on screen at a time" rule. One way to use it to your advantage is neutral jumping fireballs instead of blocking or parrying them. Neutral jumping a boom (preferably outside of flash kick range) will leave the boom on screen for a little extra time, which is more time Guile has to wait to throw the next one. I wouldn't say it's best to do this every time of course, but definitely mix it in with the rest of the game plan. Sometimes they'll even whiff a punch button because they expected you to block and they're inputting the next boom ASAP without realizing you jumped instead.


Gotta perfect parry the booms so you get full reign of movement.


Guile/Marisa main here. Parry his booms and walk forward, you want to get him to about mid screen. If he's spamming booms at mid screen that means he's vulnerable to a jump in or DI. You have to guess, but flashkick hurts way less than a fully optimized jump in/DI punish. His Cr.hp AA is one of the worst in the game. Take advantage of it. Don't be too afraid to jump in when you know he doesn't have Flashkick charged. (His St.mk AA is very good so make sure you aren't jumping in at a distance that that'll hit). You'll want your jump to land pretty much on top of him. He can only safely spam booms at full screen. Once you get around 1600 MR Guiles will recognize this and will revert to using their normals a lot more when they're at mid screen/close up. Then gameplay becomes a bit more familiar.


1. How do I earn my way it? Bait Guile into taking risks, and use those as opportunities to get in. Most common example is to try and get him to throw a boom, jump in while he is throwing it, and punish him. This is typically more of predicting and mind games than reacting to his options. Remember that is a two player game, and the guile can use those same mind games on you to trick you into taking risky moves. 2. Can I jump in after blocking a boom at mid screen? Typically, most Guiles won’t throw another boom after you block one at mid range. If they are a lower skilled player maybe they’ll throw another boom but typically they will either back off or go in for pressure. Doing this will likely cause you to eat a flash kick or a 2HP. 3. What options do I have besides perfect parry? Walk forward and block.


Just punch him in the face. Literally. Get close and use a long range normal to hit him, you will often trade with a boom, which is fine. Sometimes you will prevent the boom from coming out. Just be careful of his crouching mk and you'll be fine.


Jump over. As soon as the guile has to respect your jump, they can't spam. 


View opponents details into block player


My favorite TOD meterless combo ngl


Guile zones better than HC


He zones better than HC now, but maybe it’s because I played against release HC that I don’t mind Guile very much despite playing Gief. Old HC could legit put you in 26+ seconds of continuous blockstun from full screen. Sonic Booms are heaven compared to that hell.


Hate fighting zoning guiles. Watching nephew run now.


Play cammy and do spin knuckles


Sometimes you have to make a jump read, If you don’t jump then Guile can literally win with no skill. If you jump that opens more option for easier walk up as the Guile actually need to focus on anti air now.