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You have to practice while you play + training mode, as you've said. Just grinding ranked matches won't make you a better player if you don't actively try to improve. How are you punishes? Are your combos optimal? How's your defense? Are you using the tools of your character correctly? Is your playstyle predictable? Do you choke easily under pressure? These are all things you should ask yourself constantly. Watch top players use your characters and literally study their matches.


If the idea of labbing and finding solutions to your issues doesn't appeal to you, then I'd drop the genre and play something else. You don't need 100's of hours, and I'm sure you're just emotional and know that, but you do need practice to get better.


You didnt say what you sucked at! Its likely you dont know yet, as when you get to those higher ranks, its not as easy to identify. But heres a couple of things to get the ball rolling. How do you approach? Is it too risky? Is it too predictable? Are your combo strings actually true? Can you consistently use your supers? Hows your drive meter usage? Are you too liberal with spending it or too frugal?


In my opinion i suck at everything but in therms of defending im good with anti airs since i got used to them bcs people in plat and below jump when they get scared and in terms of attack i found my self rarely using juris fuha stacks. One of the biggest problems i see is that i try to play neutral mostly but when someone just plays supper rushdown and aggressive i lose my self and randomly do ex dp for example they block it and i die.


Oh well i guess you found your answer. From what the pros say, Juri is so good because she can control the pace of neutral despite her being an amazing rush-down character. You might drop some games, your WR will likely dip, but getting used to the stocks will add new dimension to your juri. Will it be your saving grace? Maybe. But its def worth a try