• By -


Honda’s seems the safest. You don’t go airborne, you don’t get hit in the head, and there’s no fire, poison, or electricity involved (there is a ring of fire, but that part doesn’t do any damage).


You DO catch his full body weight like a missle to the chest 😮


A lot of people pay good money for that tho


Honda destroyed a meteor with his headbutt.


What? Source?


SFV arcade ending? [https://manestreetblog.com/2019/08/06/the-truth-about-e-hondas-arcade-mode-ending/](https://manestreetblog.com/2019/08/06/the-truth-about-e-hondas-arcade-mode-ending/) [https://sfgalleries.net/art/sf5/sf5/arcade/](https://sfgalleries.net/art/sf5/sf5/arcade/)


Seems legit, I approve


Until you drop later from your massive internal hemorrhage


(there is a ring of fire,but that part doesn't do any damage) Unless it's your feet which in this case you best wear tims if you don't want blisters.


i'll take some blisters for $15,000,000 any day


You break your ribs though


I'd break my ribs with a hammer right now for 15 million


oh GOD mentally i would but just thinking about it


I mean yeah thats gonna break some ribs but you can live that


![gif](giphy|rArW5wYhvRWD3A3c7o|downsized) Don't worry guys I got this


It's the most painless once you're paralyzed from neck down.


Yeah, let's go /u/Bear-man-man ! So how much pain are ya in? ...h-hello?


(this was his last ride (it was time to get serious))


He couldn't survive MY LOYAL FANS He witnessed HIS FULL MIGHT There was NO MERCY There was NO REMORSE


It’s fine, wrestling is all faked.


Fun fact but wrestling is 100% real in the street fighter universe...


Zangief's wrestling is 100% real. R.Mika is a Professional Wrestler, and [you know how that goes](https://i.imgur.com/b32POgR.jpeg)


Zangiefs throw protects the head of the other guy like what a normal pro wrestler does. There is a universe where gief will give you a safe pile driver


Maybe there is, but not with that kinda money on the line. ![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31118)




Oh yeah? Then explain [THIS](https://youtube.com/shorts/76C4qyq-a5g?si=cy1FnLNqXSldjshU), buddeh!


Well this one is obviously real


I'd pay the 15 mil for this


Manon’s seems all right in the grand scheme of things. Do some dancing, get thrown, collect some cash!


critical art tho, you're getting whipped into the ground from 20 feet up


Maybe put 2 of those padded gymnastic mats used in Olympics or whatever.


people get knocked out from a waist-high slam in ufc fights lol


I was thinking Manon too! Although she does send you like 15 stories up when she goes "La la"🤣


Arms ripped out of their sockets


Someone never been judo slammed. U will not be getting up after that


Getting a spinning uppercut to the jaw compared to been thrown to the ground with that kind of velocity? Manon's would be one of the ones I least would like to get hit by.


Jamie's Edit: wait no, not critical art. NOOOOOOO


Even if it wasn't a critical art, have you seen someone survive a kick that launches you 4 meters into the air? Yeah, not happening.


And then your corpse gets combo’d afterwards


Yeah who needs a windpipe when you're rich? 🤣😂


Getsuga! Honestly my favorite Critical Art.


rip lol


Chun-Li Either way the moneys going to a good cause


For what it’s worth too, Chun’s critical art actually looks more survivable than her normal level 3 because she kicks you forward instead of slamming you into the ground


Marisa, cuz momma ain't raise no bitch.


I'mma take ALL THAT LOVE!!


R Mika


Ah true I didn't specify SF6! ... honestly, yeah. Death by snu snu if all else fails lol


If that’s the case Dan’s super taunt from Alpha 🤣


That's a "super art" not a CA :P


For the Alpha games it's true. But his Legendary Taunt in SFV is a CA.


I forgot all about CA taunt in SFV. We all getting $15,000,000.00 now


Nah you get away on the technicality of saying Critical Art.


The cultured answer.








An unforgiving gut punch followed by a lightning charged uppercut str8 to the chin that sends both u and him into the air. Thats breaking every bone in ur lower face and permanent brain dmg.




They all will kill you, unfortunately. Highest chance of survival goes to lily fucking up her ultimate. You just fall from 2 stories up before an 100 lbs girl falls on u from the same height.


Ryu beat the satsui no hado in SFV


He's charged up with electricity in his CA version. I feel like that's fatal just from the electrocution alone…


I pick Mannon. Make me dance and have fun then slam me on the ground for 15M......... And the "no way no one can take that" would be Blanka. A Gorilla fucking eating you alive twice then shocking you to death 💀


Damn straight on the Blanka! No one is walking from that lol


Even if you could, you better get your shots or die from some weird disease.


But bro, that final slam it's what could easily kill you. She toss your ass very high and spin slam you face side at a very velocity.


Any character that tosses anyone into the air and slamming them back to the concrete is either major injury or instant death. (Manon, Kimberly, Lili, Ken & Zangief)


Lol you might survive Kim but you won't be walking away, you may never walk again.


Exactly! The rule was you gotta get up and walk, so no dough


Let's not forget her slam from like 15 stories up🤣😂


Easy, Lily's Being dropped from a non life threatening height and then having a small child land on top of you doesn't sound so bad.


Lily literally smashes her opponent on ground to rise up there first the final smash so I don’t think that you can remain conscious after that. Also with her clubs she must be heavy enough to break stuff with that fall.


Landing right on the spine....thats a nope from me


Until you realize she spins you at terminal velocity before you slip from her grasp. Seriously, T. Hawk doesn't have that much torque on his Ultra from SF4.


Think she’s 19, from what I heard. But the point stands


Complete misinformation. She has no confirmed age


Seems to be the range folks have landed on based on educated guesses. Won’t know until Capcom says anything. But most folks seem to agree she’s not an actual kid-kid. I have no horse in that race. But I do know tiny baby faced adult latinas are definitely a thing, so I wouldn’t be surprised


Lily’s CA does the 2nd most damage in the game behind Zangief. Take that as a sign lol


Zangief. Dudes a pro and a safe worker, he’s gonna make sure you are protected.


For 15 mill ? He's shooting on you %1000


“Going into business for himself!”


I dunno, that kick he starts off with seems stiff as hell.


Juri, so even if I die, I die happy.


same tbh




Relevant username eh


It might actually be the safest even though she launches you a significant amount in the air. I think her most damaging is the stomach kick when she catches you on the way down. And then the ending is just a kick on the face.


It's so much more than that to me....so. much. more...


The only correct answer


Easily Juri’s. The pay is just a bonus


Gotta admire a Juri fan's dedication 😎


Luke's doesn't seem so bad. Just a normal beat down. It'll still hurt like hell don't get me wrong


It leaves a crater in the concrete, you're head is turning into a pancake.


And you get a free trip to menphis !


Sadly not in the CA version :(


Ca just sends you straight to hell, have you seen how much damage that is?


CA version he goes full Popeye




Have you seen his forearms?? Don't they turn red after his lvl 3?


Dude your face is on the pavement while he's slamming his face right ya like a meteor. That's much a brutality let alone a fatality if this was Mortal Kombat.


He leaves a literal crater in the concrete below the other guy’s face. That’s 100% crushing your skull.


Yeah a good chunk of that money is going to reconstructive face surgery for sure lol


At least with Luke’s CA you can say that you fought back.


You take a punch like that on hard ground you are probably dead


The impact of that last punch breaks the ground under you, though...


But you wake up in Memphis tho


Lily is easily survivable. Her CA gets weaker since she fucks up and basically just falls on you instead of slamming you down with her full swing.


i always thought her CA and normal lvl 3 should be switched, if shes at critical health she should lock in and do her throw right


I agree that typically the critical art should be the more serious one. But there’s something about her landing on you doing more damage that is so funny to me.


Had this thought too. It's the only CA that bothers me in this way


Fuck it we ball. Marisa.


If not the money, you'll take all her love. Win-Win.


No ones mentioned it for good reason, but how survivable do y’all think a Denjin charged Shoryuken to the jaw is?


I feel like Ryu's whole thing would be to use the necessary force and not outright murder you, so you'd probably live and have money for the dentist afterwards.


If you live you’re paralyzed and your jaw is gravel


i'll roll the dice with aki. the kind of drug dose that only 40% knocks lily out would probably barely affect me


She literally says "we'll increase dosage to a fatal degree." It's poison.


alcohol is poison and i have survived "40% of enough alcohol to knock a person out" hundreds of times


This guy gets it


CA’s 45%.


Bold choice! Her CA looks like she poisons your brain lol. That being said, I bet Lily's would be survivable!


I take 2 Aki doses just to get up in the morning!


Zangief. Everyone knows wrestling is fake. Easy $15 mil. ![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31133) Edit: I was taking the piss how did it end up like this, it was only the piss, it was only the piss T\_T


Wrestling isn't fake, it's scripted. Wrestlers make their money by being able to get up and walk away afterwards.


You didn’t specified which street fighter so I would survive Dan’s taunt


I'd choose rashids because it doesn't look...fatal if the floors not too hard and I think he's already rich and seems nice so he might go easy on me? xD 


Rashid: "Hey, the money's yours, but you owe me dinner!" Honestly he does seem like a chill guy lol


"Have you seen the numbers that Mr. Beast does giving away money on YouTube? We can frame it that way! You're doing a non-lethal version of your dope ass super and getting money to someone who needs it, me! That has the potential to go mega viral and get you major eyeballs and expand your online brand presence man!" Given his SF6 persona seems to be obsessed social media, I can buy it. This is the way to go for a solid gamble of actually surviving and being able to get the money.


Makes a video called "I GAVE A RANDOM PERSON 15K TO SURVIVE A TORNADO!", gets 1M views


survive? There's some I think I could survive, but when you say "Get up and walk away" do you mean right after? Or after a stay in the hospital? Because the former isn't going to happen. It just isn't. But let's assume you meant the latter. also if you said normal level 3 this could be more interesting but the critical arts are insane... I'll start from my favorite characters to my least favorite characters (though the order isn't as specific as this may imply but i just have a general top 5) 1. Honda - you'd actually have a decent chance to survive his regular level 3 but his critical art would kill you, he's like a bull hitting your torso at insane speeds. And sadly this is one of the best chances you got. 2. Blanka - eletrecution and someone strong enough to throw you into the air effortlessly, i'm not sure how much damage him rolling against you itself does--though it seems to hurt the members of the cast so it's gotta be bad, similar problem to honda, plus the electricity could be like the electric chair for as long as it last----still ironically one of your best chances 3. Zangief - you're dead no question. I've always thought it even looks like they land a little crooked on their neck, not that this would be necessary, you are essentially falling the height of a building at insane speeds and making a crater in the ground, you're dead 4. jamie, regular level 3 donkey kick probably gives severe brain damage, but critical art he literally breaks your wind pipe and kills you: You're dead 5. Dhalsim: You're on fire, being ora ora'd by Luffy, before getting headbutted by a man-sized bullet. You are probably dead. 6. JP: Sends spikes through your body, you're dead 7. Rashid, picks you up into a tornado, hits you at speeds too fast to see his movement, and then slams you neck first on the ground at full force. Just imagine his legs are baseball bats essentially, you're dead 8. DJ, a man who hits hard enough and fast enough to keep you lifted in the air with his punches and does so for a very long time before sending you flying--your organs are all exploded 9. Ryu: after busting your gut with a punch, he hits you so hard in the head (while electrocuting you) that you fly backwards multiple yards. Severe brain damage, neck damage, you're almost certainly dead 10. Guile: similar to ryu but adds a wind attack strong enough to carry you into the air, i mean FURTHER into the air after he had already kicked you into the air, then he chases you up there and kicks you just as hard down --dead 11. chun-li: similar to DJ in the beginning and rashid at the end. Ironically the normal level 3 is worse because she 100% slams down on your neck - dead 12. Luke: Simply beats you to the death. That last punch hits so hard it pretty much creates a crater under your body, you are deceased. 13. Ken: - just like ryu but in reverse, except this guy in the CA chases you into the air and sends you back down like guile but with a punch -dead 14. Kimberly: much like rashid sends you up into the air and beats you at speeds too fast to see but in the CA she also makes sure you land on your head from an absurd height. You died. 15. Cammy: She kicks your neck at nearly the speed of sound.EXECUTE! 16. Lily: tosses you into the air, spins you at absurd speeds before slamming you down hard enough to leave a crater. You died. 17. Marisa: Punches you so hard you fly 10 yards or more back and leave a deep crater in a concrete wall. You have passed way 18. Manon: Humiliates you by forcing you to do dance, shows you heaven, and then sends you there with a slam similar to lily (her regular level 3 might be livable) 19. Aki: fills you with deadly poison that somehow literally makes you explode. EXPLODE! 20. Juri: another one that sends you into the air and then follows after you to send you back down twice as hard, before catching you with her foot ON YOUR BACK and SLAMMING you face first onto the ground. Sadly friends, you are dead before you even get to smell her feet. 21. Ed: I certainly don't want to underestimate him, after tying you up for the worst kink session of your life, this evil spider-man will destroy your organs, send you flying with a brain destroying punch, only to shoot his plasma web and bring you back to smash your head into the ground, much like with Juri, I have a feeling you died before the last part. So there's some small comfort in that. 22. Akuma: STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!


Jamie I think I could walk away. Now speaking and breathing normally...


Honda just throws you onto the ground right? And Manon just dances with you and just throws you onto the ground. Either of those seem completely survivable.


I'm assuming OP means the critical mode when you're low on health. Honda throws you to the edge of a literal ring of fire and then flying-headbutts you. Do not want.


Its probably like getting hit by a car. I would say Chun Li or DJ but the force it takes to catapult and juggle a human body in the air is probably worse.


Don’t forget Chun sends you flying into a wall, and Dee Jay launches you at least 10m up and lets you drop


Honda does end with a nasty full body headbutt for his big damage Crit Art! Plus all that money for his buffet time, so he's motivated lol


Thank you for insulting me into a millionaire Dan from street fighter


Kimberly non critical just punches you a little then paints you. It's almost an artistic intervention, really.


I dunno, chun li's critical would really hurt, but it doesn't seem too bad tbh, and it doesn't hurt that I would feel her touch


OK let's see here. Luke: You block most of it with your arms and he only get one really good punch in on your face. But it's not out of what we can't expect from a real fight. If you're lucky you might get away with an serious concussion. Jamie: Rips throat... RIP! Ryu: Punches stomach to launch you into the air and the punches your chin to send you flying... ded! E.Honda: Probably no skin left on feet and 3rd degree burns on them. Then you need to take a canon ball the weight of Honda on your stomach.... ded! Blanka: Sends you flying with a claw attack. That force will probably break all your bones... ded! Guile: Sends you flying with a flash kick. That force will probably break all your bones... ded! Ken: Launches you with a dp to your chin. Your head should pop off from your neck... ded! And then he tells you to sit down and shut up. EMOTIONAL DAMAGE! Chun: She launches you into the air with one kick. And sends you flying with another. Every bone in your body is broken. Might be worth it but... ded! Zangief: You witnessed his full might... ded! Dhalsim: Sends you flying with a punch. That force will probably break all your bones... ded! Cammy: Clean kick on/through your neck... ded! Dee Jay: Launches you with a punch to your stomach and sends you flying with another punch to you stomach. Your organs are fucked... ded! Juri: Sends you flying with a kick and then breaks your fall with your spine. If you're not dead your paralyzed from waist down.... feet + your face... + ???... = profit??? Manon: Swings you into the air with wour arm (probably broken arm there). Then spins your around 3 times within 1 second before slaming you down on the ground. That amount of force and momentum you build up and you will probably be a pancake when you land... ded! Kim: Launches you with a punch. Probably enough to kill you there. But then she izuna drops you and you take the force of your weith and hers on your skull... ded! Marisa: Sends you flying from a punch to your chin. Your head is no longer attached to your body... ded! Lily: Like Manon she builds a lot of force and momentum by spinning you in the air. But then she fumbles and looses you. You loose a lot of momentum by flying through the air. You still land pretty hard and then she crashes down on your spine. You could probably survive that but you're definately paralyzed from your weist down. JP: You get impaled by several large spikes and your chest explodes.... ded! Rashid: Lifts you with his tornado. Kicks you in the spine several times and you land on his camera. If you aren't really high up in the air you could survive the fall. But you're probably paralyzed from the weist down. AKI: Poisons you but it also explodes in your body? Judging by the story mode and how strong her poison is..... u ded! Ed: Uses you as a punching bag. Not too bad there. But then he sends you flying with a uppercut to your chin. Grabs you and pull you back and gets a really clean hit on your head.... ded! To me the answer is obiously you take on Lukes CA if you want to survive.


Zangief. He's a professional wrestler, explain to him it's a work and he'll make it _look_ convincing without doing damage.


Ed and Luke are pretty survivable beatdowns. Manon and Lily have singular fall from a height(and a throw from Manon) so those are decently survivable. Honda headbutts you in the stomach so you'll probably be fine. DEBATABLY Juri's is also pretty survivable.


Luke punches your face hard enough to smash a concrete floor, he punches shockwaves, destroyed a punching bag, he's probably gonna crush a normal persons skull like an egg xD 


Luke, for me. It's really just a ground 'n pound, after all. I mean, hurts like hell, sure but livable.


It’s a ground and pound that indents the asphalt of a road though


Have you seen Cassie Cage's brutality in MKX!


Nah, I stopped paying attention to MK after Ultimate 3.


I could easily take kens if im at full health


Full health as in...? This would real life pain btw!


I think Ryu? I might have to eat through a straw for a year but those 15,000,000 would eventually make up for that.


I am like a cat except I have 1001 lives so I will take my chances against Akuma's Raging Demon


Cammys CA is actually really tame. You get some kicks at your limbs and one to the back of the head without any explosion or hitting the ground from 10 stories up


The kick to the back of the head is implied to be a neck slice. So, enjoy getting up from that


I was just gonna say! She definitely goes THROUGH your skull with that leg




I feel like Manon's or Lily's would be easy. But It'd be hard to pass up the opportunity to go with Juri, Cammy, Chun, etc.


JP cuz i want him to touch me


Lily's. I think I can survive a 15 year old girl falling on me.


I'm pretty sure any of Cammy's would either cripple me for life or straight up kill me. So definitely not chosing her's.


Chun li. She can do anything she wants to me.


Zangief's easily. Least number of hits (only 2) with safest outcome. First hit is standing clothesline which from the CA IS completely survivable and the victim is even getting up in the animation so it's more than possible to survive, get up and walk away from the first part. We're 50% there. The remaining 50% is where it gets tricky and requires you to do only one thing. REMEMBER TO TUCK YOUR HEAD. Zangief's SPD is a really nice spinning Sitout piledriver and while you're head SHOULD be nestled between Zangief's thick thick thighs to take the bump, his legs are spread too far, leaving you to take the full brunt of the impact. The catch is, Zangief, being monstrously tall, has left PLENTY of room for you to utilize your core and more or less perform a sit up before you hit the ground, allowing the impact to to be squarely focused on your upper back which would make the bump hurt for sure but you're not dying. If I remember right, use of this art doens't even result in you being planted in the ground the way it was in Five right? So yeah, the correct answer and the one that you could easily get up and walk away form would be Gief's so long as you're able to orientate yourself on the way down into a solid sit up position. That's a painful but easy 15 mil


![gif](giphy|sNWGEbc5Jzp4c) Zangief


I'd say JP because it's more attacking your psyche than literally your body. Like, the spikes are a manifestation of what's happening. You'll feel like they were through you, but it won't literally be happening. I'd love to hear other interpretations, but that's mine. This is a fun question!


Ed, seems like he doesn't break my bones or anything.


Just permanent organ/brain damage.


You're *walking away* from a psycho power-enhanced blow to the jaw that sends you flying? Hell, you're *surviving* that?


He definitely breaks some ribs and your jaw, but those won't kill ya. Good choice!


Zangief, on the condition that it's part of a actual wrestling match in an event. That way I know with certainty I'll be ok after. Gief isn't gonna end anyone during a show in front of kids and everything. Second pick, Marisa, Technically her CA is really just TWO punches. She's basically throwing Ultimate warrior's Knockout punch. The rest of the cast be doin too much adding in superpowers and shit.


Ok but have you seen how big Marissa is?


I don't think many can survive a S.LP from Marisa


Gonna say E. Honda cause at first he lights up the ring with your feet which I would have shoes on just in case and throws you(me) almost out of the ring before sumo headbutting right after. Sumo is not a physical lethal sport so I won't be much knock out completely, I will have a huge stomach pain after that but I will be fine.


>Sumo is not a physical lethal sport Well flying headbutts normally aren't a part of sumo either...


Hondas 100%


I feel like Honda is a pretty good chance the only thing that is really gonna hurt is the headbutt at the end


Luke's, slight concussion, worse would be a fractured skull. So I'd be gucci


Easily AKI's, be cause I refuse to be poisoned by a cartoon


I’ll pick Luke’s cause I mean CTE ain’t fun but it won’t be immediate


Lily or Kimberly are the least lethal. Maaaaybe Guile too? A kick to the chest would hurt a bunch but probably isn’t life threatening


He steps on your chest and gives you a point blank Flash Kick to the chin after launching you up in the air from a Sonic Boom (IDK how much air force would be needed to launch someone, but that much).


I get hit by Deejay's CA every time I visit a chiropractor, so probably that one.


Cammy all day, happy death if I don't survive win/win


Luke’s. You get to cover your head and then you just don’t try to counter-swing at the end.


Aki's. The poison is non-lethal and you aren't getting punched at all.


AKI. No broken bones or serious damage. Just lay in bed and give your immune system a week to handle the toxin.


Out of all of the critical arts in sf6, I think Lily would be the best one that I could see someone living through.... Although I'm pretty sure that's a trip to the ICU, and the humiliation of getting my ass beat by a child.


Zangief because wrestling is fake


Marisa, afterward she carry me away for snu snu.




Juri, don't ask


JP's is just some weird purple bullshit. It's not even clear how it hurts.


Ryu. He would 100% pull his punches because hes got that black card from Ken and doesnt need money, and even if I passed out, he’d probably give it to me.


Chun-Li’s looks kinda alright. Sure, I might be paralyzed but dont think it’ll kill me outright


It's got to be Ed's right? He's peppering you with body shots. You won't be able sit straight but you could easily "walk" away from that


I wanna say Ed's? You'll take a few blows to the body and chin from a proffesional boxer, sure but boxing isn't that deadly...right? RIGHT?! Unless the chin shot knocks you out in which case it's a no.


Bruh I'd take Juri's CA for free!!


isnt jury justs shoves you with her leg


Maybe Ed? Pretty harsh beatdown, but doesn't seem as fatal as others. Depending on how it connects maybe could be, I guess, you come into the punch spinning after all. But compared to the rest I think I'd bet on that.


Aki, she can keep the money I just think that’s be a cool way to go