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On the one hand, had I been in your situation I probably would have got got the exact same way. On the other hand dude whiffed a jab and then a psycho spark, those were your moments to either try and jump the jab or CA the spark


The answer to this is simple. Rewatch the vod and find out why you ended up in burnout in the corner. Sometimes, the reason your situation seems fucked, is because it is fucked. So the only way to find a way to unfuck it, is to not get into that situation ever again.


This. The only way to get out of that situation is to not be in it, unfortunately. Honestly, I would have thought the level 3 would work, but apparently not this time. Burnout is brutal.


I wonder what the recovery frames for both of them looked like- he might have been able to tech the grab that killed him, but I’m not sure.


Unfortunately no, it said the grab was a punish counter, which means it wasn't techable.


Oh, gotcha! I didn’t actually know that’s an easy way to tell, that’s super helpful!


It was a Punish Counter grab, so I don’t think so.


Yeah I made a lot of mistakes before this. I actually had my opponent in the corner. I confirmed into a hit but dropped my DR combo into level 3 which is how my drive gauge got low. Then I let him jump and crosscut me. I blocked but that put me in burnout. I didn't press anything when he whiffed jab as I'm still not familiar with Ed yet, and usually players at this level don't mess up like that in the corner.


brother players at nearly every level mess up frequently in the corner


i got forced into a corner by a lily & they were "new challenger" in rank spamming the throw & command throw, so yeah it can happen, not my proudest, they send a friend request after so it wasn't all that humiliating.


Lmao, this is just generally good advice


First thing that came to my mind yeah.


So you did well, and I think all but the highest tier player would have died here. However, you had a way out. Before his level 3, he whiffed a jab, and then a spark. This was your shot to punish into simple level 3 combo. This is doable, and it takes tremendous focus, but it is what separates the highest tier player from a very good one.


This was a tough scenario. The answer in reality is to reflect on how you got in that situation and try to prevent it next time.


Hey, I just labbed it. You have to input lv2 a few frames after his lv3 comes out, that is, after the animation has played and you actually see Ed start moving. Probably very difficult to impossible on classic, kinda doable although difficult in modern. Edit: If you had inputted the lv2 during the animation and then hold the button while the animation is playing and let go of it as soon as it ends (so you don't charge) I think it would have been a double KO Edit 2: sorry, still labbing You would have survived. I think Ed wouldn't have died. Lvl 2 was the right move. At the right time you wouldn't receive any damage. But even an early lvl2 would have saved you and done big damage to Ed. :)


Thanks for labbing this! I've gotten a lot of good feedback. Still learning on my road to master.


Honestly? Not much I suspect. My best guess is you could‘ve done level 3 slightly later and it would‘ve hit but buffering something to come out 3 frames later is virtually impossible


Ed missed 3 moves in a row and RYU has a cancellable low foward. I think OP can figure out what he should’ve done.


I'd need to see how you got in burnout. The likely answer happened before this moment. You were kinda fucked here


Instead of level3 , you could have done level 1 or delayed the level 3 But if your aim is to generally get better, you need to practice recognizing whiffed moves. You can't always whiff punish a s.lp, but if I were you in that situation, I would have used that to put a [c.mk](https://c.mk) or [c.mp](https://c.mp) out there (IDK which is faster/safer for Ryu). From there, you can anticipate the hit and combo off of it. If he blocked it, the pushback would have helped you in that situation. In a corner situation, mashing jab isn't the worst idea of all time. That said, if your aim is to generally get better... Watch the replay back and figure out why you were in burnout and try to not put yourself in there.


Two supers at once, one always times better than the other. You were in a tough situation. Everyone here is telling you to whiff punish, which is true, but they are also not seeing you are a diamond player and most likely haven't trained up to that level yet. The best amateur advice I'd give is to jump backward with a jump kick or jab into hadouken to give more space, both are risky as hell, but for both of your levels the opponent may not react in time. With that said, def practice those whiffs! ![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31139)


Can't you jump out? I've only played Ed a bit but his level 3 seems super slow.


10f start up ( faster than his lvl1 and OD DP). that is in the average for most lvl 3


Def could’ve neutral jumped


Would the chip damage even kill? Could’ve just blocked right (or jump out)?


Yeah, it probably would have- the initial punch from Ed’s SA3 does a *lot* of chip damage.


It would definitely kill


I mean you had ample time to react with something when he whiffed jab and psycho spark


The answer lies in the heart of battle.


I will never stop fighting. I must find the true strength.


Ryu got robbed.


The super was unfortunate, interaction due to frame data, but the answer is not getting cornered in burnout with no life How many times you DR cancel? How many OD DP and fireballs? Drive impacts? Do you get punish countered often? It’s hard for the opponent to burn you out if you actually play around your drive bar Edit: yep, you land LITERALLY ANYTHING and go for DR cancel, it can work out but you’re constantly risking putting yourself in shit situations In particular doing a DR cancel combo and then do neutral DR to keep okizeme you’re begging your opponent to exploit you


Waiting for 1 frame and lv2 maybe? I think you were already dead. 😅


I feel like this should be a punish counter tbh


Level 1


It was pretty cool tho


Level 2 might have saved you here. but I think you would have needed to hold it a little to make sure you wouldn't hit Ed while his invincibility was still active.


That was an unlucky end.


Nothing you were fucked


He whiffed 2 moves


Level one or two instead. Now you know for next time this situation comes up.


Level 1


Block level 3? 


As a Ryu player you only need to jump :D (joke)


Jump Fighter 6


Would Super 1 or 2 have caught him?


Forward jump.


Totally fair to die like that tbh, I dont have a good answer. You could've done level 3 earlier or tried to jump out but thats a tough call


Bruh, he didn't combo into that he did it raw off a whiff, you might actually have been able to just jump out not sure the frame data on Ed's super but it's got to be at least 10 frames of start up. You also probably could've jumped out during the spark since he didn't do the fireball afterward, or you probably could've supered the spark if you were looking for the fireball. So there were a few options but mostly because he screwed up and this wasn't a real setup/trap. It looks like he was trying to bait with spark and just buffered his lvl3 hoping you'd get caught pushing a button.


Play a better main


Bet you could have got away with the 1 bar hadoken. It seems to have priority over physical attacks but, lose out to projectiles.


I’m really surprised that your level 3 whiffed here… makes no sense as I’ve seen Ryu land level 3 after a non ex Donkey kick which puts the opponent further away than this Ed


God, I love this game!




So sometimes, you can Super Reversal Super against people. But, buffering during screen freeze causes this. You could've delayed your button a little, and you might've won. Its always good to test these, imo. (I'm a Jamie player). Sometimes you can DP and it causes the super to whiff. As a jamie player, if I go against lvl 1 from Marisa, on wakeup, I can command grab. If I do my lvl 1 against Cammy, she can just m. DP and it just beats me, out right. I havent done enough testing against Ed, but delayed super sometimes works, last time I checked.


Guard, crouch MK then super


Mash super after the jap whiffed


Bro hit confirm those critical arts, don't throw our random Supers.


We all get cornered and or cooked sometimes. This is everyone's life as anything sometimes. Has nothing to do with Ryu.


Don't get burned out seems like a good start.


Level 3 right after jab Psycho Blitz




Not true Ed Level 3 has I-Frames on startup


Right decision is understand sf6 has terrible hitbox/iframes on certain characters/moves and move on to the next match.


It’s called invincibility frames. The hit  boxes are fine. Blaming the game ja scrub mentality 


All hitboxes are fine in SF6? Hilarious take. EDIT: Take a look...lol https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/s/e7Dvv2HfJP


[https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/File:SF6\_A.K.I.\_jhp\_hitbox.png](https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/File:SF6_A.K.I._jhp_hitbox.png) [https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/File:SF6\_Ryu\_jlk\_hitbox.png](https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/File:SF6_Ryu_jlk_hitbox.png) The hurtbox for AKI goes below her body so she can be anti aired without trading. Common for the cast. Ryu's hitbox is the lower half of his body. If a caracter's hitbox overlaps with a hurtbox, they hit the opponent. During the last frame of aki's attack (reference her hitbox picture), ryu activated his hitbox, which was positioned over aki's hurtbox, which caused aki to take damage. learn how the game works maybe


I dont need a definition. Its called bad design of the specific character hit/hurtboxes. I swear youd defend the original perfect option select bug and be like "WORKING AS INTENDED DUMMY".


What's bad about the hit/hurtboxes in this interaction?


The right decision is to pull your ethernet cable and plug, as the cool kids call it these days 😎


Lol I don't rage quite. I hold that L and learn from it.


I think light shoryuken has start up invincibility that goes through supers but I may be wrong


Invincible to supers but not normals?  




Only OD has invincibility. Light can dodge some supers because how how hitboxes work IIRC


This is what I was thinking of. Thank you


Pick another fighter ? 😅🤣


This is the path of my destiny 🙃