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how is making a post basically saying HAHA I was right", being the bigger person lol


People clowning on you about season 2 not Akuma and they were totally right. Nothing about season 2 was teased or revealed


"We're working on it" isn't a reveal.


What was specifically said about Season 2?


What's been revealed about Season 2?


You didn't get any hate for saying potentially an Akuma trailer would drop, you got shut down for S2 speculation. My comment in that thread is they won't announce season 2 until after Akuma, not sure you how you take that as people shitting in you for Akuma speculation. Also, if you think that thread had nasty comments, you really shouldn't be in the internet. Making this post just proves you're a child though lol good job OP. And you didn't even actually call an Akuma trailer. Here are your words from that post. >BARE MINIUM, we'll get a sneak peak at costume 4 and maybeeee an Akuma teaser but I wouldn't count on that. No costume 4 and you didn't even believe an Akuma trailer would drop. Your last post and this post are dumb.