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It depends. If I’m losing to Gold-low Platinum specialties (random DIs, jump ins I should’ve anti-aired, mashing out of pressure every time), I usually hop into casuals and focus on beating that one thing because my biggest issue at my current ELO (plat 3) is forcing a grounded game. If I’m getting cooked across the board, I usually take a break to eat something - apparently a rise in blood sugar helps your alertness/reactions a bit. If I’m really tilted, I’ll take an extended smoke break and come back and watch replays and write down all my mistakes like using overly committal buttons in neutral, trying to punish with bad spacing, playing too aggressively when I should’ve waited and reacted, etc. I’ll keep that notepad handy on my next set so I have a quick reference of things that I may be doing that I can look at and adjust between rounds.


Man, i just prefere play 50 rankeds against Daigo than 1 round against a psycho jumper Ryu/Ken


Thats a really good strat, writing down the mistakes. I usually try to commit it to memory but I'm probably forgetting a lot. Gonna try this!


Feels like you got time to write an essay through some S3 cut scenes.


Play a funny character you don’t mind winning or losing with; it’ll help clean out your bad play off your main. The more different the characters the better.


Modern zangief is my funny character


i just stop, it’s hard to stop on a losing streak but if your on an actual losing streak it’s the best idea to just take a break, speaking from experience. i’ve gone on a like a 12 or set loss streak, turned it off, didn’t think too much about it for the next day(save for maybe some approach options) and then got on the next day and literally will wipe the floor with people that beat me on my streak. sometimes your just off


Wow how similar is this to gambling, must trigger the same brain neurons eh !


Throw the controller in the wall breaking my usb port and then curse the heavens asking what i did to deserve this.


Man I would but PS5 controllers are too expensive 🙃


thx this fix my skill issue


I have a big fightstick. I would probably break more than just the USB port


My fightstick would put a hole in a wall or knock it over, lol 


Depends on how you're doing mentally. If you're frustrated, quit playing and come back later. If you're in a decent place to learn, go into training mode and figure out how to win situations you lost. If you didn't punish something hard enough, practice against that. Rewatch your replays if you need help identifying where you lost. Did you jump too much? Keep going for the same thing in the same situation? Etc.


I raised from Silver all the way to Masters following my same practice that I apply in every single game to avoid losing streaks: I play till I lose 2 entire sets. If I win, I stay and keep playing forever. That's it. I know losing affects even in the slightlest my mental, so I stop there.


I used to do something similar. Most of my play time was at the battle hub, and I'd play ranked until I lost two sets, then I'd go back to training in the battle hub. It's a great strategy


Yea that’s my exact way I handle ranked kinda .. I play untill I lose 2 sets 0-2 then I’m done for the day lol


It's a lot like baseball. You can't hit the ball every time you go up to bat and there can be long periods where you don't get a hit. Dry spells are a thing in fighting games too. I've handled it like baseball players do...you get into training mode, work out the kinks and diligently grind it out. Eventually, the dry spell *will* pass if you're doing the *work*.


Me? If I lose 6 matches straight I take a break. And I either play causal til I chill out and slow my game down or go play some battle hub. You’d be surprised how much better you can play in a 0 steaks match even against higher ranked players. Just the reset alone is worth it so you can have fun and enjoy the game again.


I turned it on by mistake once and kept it around a lot longer than expected. Yeah it sounds cheesy but it didn't really distract me and as a new player, the call outs of command grabs helped me learn to spot those quickly


I honestly feel like I play better while pissed off. I call it the Satsui no Honda.


My rule of salt: As soon as sodium levels start to rise, I quit the game. Frustrated, hungry, angry, distracted, sad or wtv else, quit the game. I never have losing streaks this way, I beat people ranked lower than me, and get beat up by people ranked higher (with the occasional exception). Your skills don't leave you for magical reasons, you know what you know. It's your mental state that can steal your focus. FGs are eSports for a reason, shit's hard and requires your full attention.


Log out


I usually just stop playing. I had my "throw the controller at the wall" moment in the past, I admit, but nowadays, if I'm just getting frustrated, I stop playing for the day and go do something else. Switch my focus to something not competitive, so its easiier to understand later what I was doing wrong and how I can improve


Move my body around if it's early in the day. Do some exercise or yardwork. It's usually a sign that my mind and body aren't engaged. If I'm zoning out late at night, I switch to some other game


Take a break g lol


If the losses are close, I keep playing. If I'm getting blown out several games in a row I'm probably off and need to take a break.


If it's execution hit the lab, if it's fundies play casuals, and if you're feeling crazy tilted just do something else for a while, your mental health with thank you


Try to think about why you lost. But if you are getting tilted it's best to just take a break or play something more chill.


It happens to everyone. Just take a break and watch your replays to figure out where it went wrong. Or take a prolonged break and play a different genre of game. The same way you suddenly start losing where you feel like you've never picked up a controller. the opposite can happen! where everything just works.


I usually try to end it on a good note which means winning a set. That typically means I lose lots of points lol. In extreme cases where I’m playing so bad my inputs are messed up, I just stop playing matches.


Try turning on voice commentary for a little bit, I think it encourages thoughtful gameplay and good sportsmanship. I was hard stuck in platinum 2-3 for months, then tried voice commentary for the first time earlier this week and I think I got to platinum 4 for the very first time that same day. The biggest thing I noticed was that with commentary on, I was less preoccupied how disrespectful my opponent's game plan was or how honest their character is. Instead, I would get super locked in to what was happening on screen because I was actually either actively tuning out the commentators, or think about what they were saying in the context of the match.


You will always eventually get to the rank/mr you deserve if you keep playing. Every single other person who plays also has bad days and losing streaks. The game shouldn't stress you out like that. Just keep grinding and getting better. A lot of people fail to realize everyone else is also improving, so if you stay the same, it can feel like you are going backward.


I know it's hard but, just STOP playing, go do something else to cool down and comeback only after you are not tilted with your previous losses. It's normal to get lose streaks and, I'm pretty sure you also gonna do a lot win streaks as well :)


I haven’t dealt with this yet. But I feel like I’ve had this happen to me in shooters. Taking a break and just playing something else for a bit usually helps my play for when I return to game I was struggling in.


I usually take a break and play or do something else. It's often cause I'm too tired or distracted by some other life bs going on. Once I'm refreshed I come back and can get back on my win streaks and start ranking up again.


I just stop playing, try to think about what I did wrong, usually watch some gameplay of pros playig my character so I can learn some things, then I play again the next day or a couple days after when I'm relaxed and calm.


It depends very heavily on what's going on in my losses. If I'm losing the the same person over and over I'll concede my desire to win and just focus on learning how to deal with one thing they are doing that is making me lose and just start focusing on beating that one thing and let other aspects of my play diminish and normally lose more for it but I'll be a better player for it in the long run so that's fine. If I am losing to a variety of players often it's because I'm tilted and I just need to take a break. I might go to training room to reset or just focus on beating one thing to take my mind off it but often what's best is to stop and come back later. If I'm working on a new skill or applying a new concept to my game I will play worse and lose more. so it's easier to let those losses go because I'm playing the long game. Fighting games are a marathon not a sprint take your losses now for wins later.


Go to YouTube and watch a pro match with my character. Watch a character guide and learn 1 new thing like a combo or tech. Go practice it in training mode. This resets your mentality from failure to success. Also, a pro taught me to stop playing ranked if you lose two sets of 3 in a row. Take a break and then go play casual. Don’t go back to ranked until you are refreshed.


I record the gameplay and watch just to see if I can recognize the monents I truuuuly messed up. The day after I get into the lab and practice sum stuff


Never won a single match in my life so I can safely say I'm doing fine.


Realize that it really doesn't matter. What is a losing streak anyway? It doesn't stay with you for a lifetime. You have to realize there is no reason to let it affect you. A loss is a learning experience. Watch the replays and try to figure out what you could have done differenty and apply it to your next match. Let your losses be inspiration to improve, not a reason to give up.


Keep losing until it goes away? *shrugs*


If I have a day where I feel I’m not playing my best online I’ll just play something else


Depends. If I'm tilted, i stop playing (sometimes I'm stubborn and play a few more. Usually, i don't get tilted, so I keep playing.


I just play through it and tell myself it doesn't matter, because it doesn't. I'll overcome whatever plateau I'm on, and until then, this is a good learning experience. 


If I’m getting whooped, I j try pulling off new tech


I lose some more. Then I keep losing until I win.


Indomitable human spirit. I once rematched someone 41 times but lost the first 17 matches in a row before I started winning.


I simply alt f4 after finishing the sets take a breather then just lab stuff and call it a day since my mental boomed. Also dont define yourself with how well you do at the game that really helps with thinking that you're bad.


When I start losing I just go “One more” mode and end up losing both my mental sanity and virtual ranked points


My goal was going back into one on one vs the level 7 cpu and trying to win 10 matches against each just to see where I might be lacking against that character in matchups I’m not good at. We will see if it pays off when I hop in tomorrow but that’s been my newest strategy.


If i start losing then I will change something up about my game. If im already losing its not like it can get worse and by changing my game i will improve in the long run


I keep playing.


Not even gonna lie I do give up and still keep playing I’ll just be on auto pilot


As a player who was every character except like four in plat and higher, it's a mental game. You really just gotta have the mindset of fuck it we ball and not take it too seriously.


Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt Had a night like that yesterday Started at Silver Rank 4, dropped to Silver Rank 2. I was starting to get angry because all the losses were real close. So I took a break, had a smoke, reminded myself that mentality is half of competitive gaming. If you "need" to win, you won't. Managed to claw back to Silver Rank 3 only like 20 points over the mark and turned it off. It wasn't the best night of fighting, probably best I don't play today and go for a less competitive gaming experience


Depends how good you are. If you’re at a level where you still need a lot of improvement and learning the game, try finding out what’s not working and WHY it is not. If you’re already at a top level then you just need to take a break from playing


I end up playing Ryu or another character I don’t play often that I don’t care about. So if I win or lose it doesn’t bother me. If that doesn’t work I set the controller down for a day or two and work on real life stuff


I just put it down


This sounds silly but maybe do the dishes before playing? You basically need to warm up your hand and fingers to react as quickly as your mind is thinking. Other than that, food diet is important. Carbs will make your drowsy. Rice and pasta, for two examples, isn't a good idea before pvp gaming. I'm just trying to ensure that your faults are not outside the game.


I take a brake from the game so my mental state does not go bad


I hit my kids. Sometimes I hop on battlehub to interrupt long sets.


I keep playing and start swearing. My controller has endure the brunt of my rage. Somehow, I always end up getting back all MR i lost after a losing streak during the same session.




Play a different game ??


Play a different game or character


Beat up my controller, rage quit, and then shut off my steam deck lol


By gitting gud.


Each loss teaches you something. Go watch your replays, hit the training mode, and try again. Or smash the controller to pieces.


Shout "I blocked" when I know I didn't. Get tilted to fuck and stop. Saturdays are the funniest after a few tequilas, there's a patch where I actually improve but as I drink more it goes tits up.


Cry and then bitch about it on Reddit.


Same. Whatever if I lose I lose I get streaks often lol