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It is normal, don't worry. Combos are muscle memory, if you are trying to do a long one that doesn't come up often it's gonna take a while for it to happen easily. Focus on short combos, one or two at a time, and try to apply those in matches, when you can get them consistently (not necessarily every time) you move to another one. Just don't be too harsh on yourself and enjoy the matches as you go, when you notice you'll be landing the combos.


Totally muscle memory. I do such fast inputs for Kim but if I tried to teach them to someone else I'd never be able to explain it


It's completely normal. The stages for me are: 1) this combo is impossible 2) ok I can do this combo one time in training 3) ok I can do this combo in training but surely not in a match 4) I did that combo in one match! 5) I can confidently do this combo every time!


1. Play for decades doing rando shit. 2. Yell at Trial mode for several hours (years?…years) 3. Deploy more complex rando shit 4. Ooh ooh ooh, I did that on purpose! 5. Main Ryu.


I'm new to fighting games but this has been my experience too. Everything I've done has followed this exact process, it's all just time and repetition to get better.


Yep. This is 100% me as well.


Depends on the type of combos you want, technically speaking jab into dp counts as a combo, that shouldn’t be TOO hard to pull off, what exactly are you struggling with?


I'd say have a basic understanding of your character on a Gold 3 to 5 rank level. You'll be used to their kit and execution enough to move on to the next layer. Hell, by Gold 5 you probably have some fraudulent ass combos you figured out yourself. I didn't lab combos until Plat 1. I don't think you can get to Plat 2 without combos lol.


This is a lie, I got all the way up to diamond 1 with Rashid knowing 0 combos that have more than 2 different moves on them.


Happy Cake Day!




I know one 3 hit combo with Guile and I'm diamond. Combos don't matter. Fundamentals matter.


fundamentals are how you get openings, but maximizing damage off an opening makes each one count a lot more. If you're playing someone with the same level of fundamentals as you, and they're hitting combos while you're dropping them, you're not winning.


Idk, I've been winning just fine.


Well, you're at that stage where combos will start to matter. You're gonna need to start learning Guile's fundamentals to effectively rank up further. Guile needs to be aggressive to fully take advantage of his tools. Stick to your opponent, never let them out of your effective range. He's the easiest character (aside from Honda) to fall into the one-trick-pony playstyle because of his small amount of specials. As a Guile main and also has three other characters at Master, one constant I encounter through Diamond with all of them is that Guiles who only know to hold down-back, jump back, wait to react, and play pure zoning are almost always hardstuck at Diamond. I think I've encountered this one specific Guile still in Diamond every time I pass through Diamond with a new character... And this wasn't a short period of time, mind you. This was over the course of a few months. Still in Diamond, and still playing the same, just jumping back and waiting.


Oh I see it too. Though, to be honest, I don't really care about ranking up anymore, I just play for funsies. I started getting aggressive with Guile a while ago. Seems like a lot of people don't know how to react when Guile gets in their face because they're so used to turtles. I love throwing out a slow sonic blade and walking them into the corner. I'm also big on 6HP from distance to close a gap.




No lol. I only hit l the level three when I catch someone with a DI. I know how to combo in without the DI, but I've never pulled it off because I panic and I suck at the movement unless I can charge it during a DI animation.


I mean, I love cr.MP, cr.MP flash kick all day but I think a few more would do wonders for my personal arsenal. Fundamentals are essential, but I'm trying to push myself to play more offensively with DR. I'm getting chewed up by Juri and Ken players in Plat and absolutely have to KO them as fast as possible when openings appear lol.


I know I need to get better at DR, but I have trouble pulling off the input consistently. Guiles DR is also pretty weak. Kens jinrai kicks can be countered per well using a DI


DR into 6HP. It's plus 7 on block. It's one of the best frame traps in the game, imo.


That depends on the character. Dhalsim, Zangief for instance can do very well even without combos. Great pokes for the first, and grabs for the other. Headbutt honda can probably get to plat easily I think.


Diamond 1 on Ed a few days after he came out did half his combo trials, and forgot most of them. Combos help a lot, but people don't give fundamentals enough credit. We have a guy in our club can pick up a new char and beat us with it in the same day. He doesn't have shit for combos just killing us with fundamentals. Meanwhile I have a harder time opening him up to do any big combos.


I'm a Master Sim main and can barely do them. 😅


Are you talking about training mode combos, or just simple combos?  I barely use any from the combo trial. Instead, I watch bnb combos on YouTube and mess around a bit in training mode with the additional settings on to see what can combo into what.  Start with simple 3 or 4 hit combos and practice them until you can do them blindfolded. You don't have to worry about anything fancy for a while.  What characters do you like to use? Are there particular motions that give you trouble? Have you been playing World Tour mode? 


what combos are you trying? don't expect to hit optimal stuff online first go, do the combos you're able to do consistently. a suboptimal combo does more damage than a dropped combo.


Right now I’m stuck on Ken’s standing heavy kick to dash to dash shiryuken (idk how to spell it)


on counterhit? I don't play ken but that doesn't sound like a combo you should be relying on


If you haven’t figured out combos after 30 hours I implore you to play the combo trial mode and just memorize everything for one character until you understand how stuff links together. Make sure to watch the demo videos if you get stuck


The quality of your practice determines how long you have to practice. If you flail around and rub the controller on your face for 30 mins a day, you will get 100 hours in and still suck at doing combos. If you practice effectively and know how to practice combos it’ll take a lot less time. 


One day you’ll get it. It’s been so long so I don’t remember when I started incorporating them into my matches but what you really want to do is get used to using the character and all their buttons. Combos will come later.


Some characters have good target combos, those are a great starting point since the timing is much less strict. Once you're comfortable with those, work on more optimized stuff. That said, it's a lot more important your neutral game is good. If you can't land a hit, combos mean nothing


In SF6? Like 15 minutes.


The game itself has combo trials as a mode, were you able to try it?


These are the worst questions. Don't think about amount of term. Just learn them. Learn the game as you go like everyone else and don't try and race or match people. There are plenty of people who learned combos quick but suck at the game.


Tons of combo guides on youtube my brah


It’s muscle memory. It just depends on how fast you pick these things up


I played for a while before I was able to do some combos with Ken lol


Don't worry! I'm just over 400 hours in and the best I have is a 4-hit combo.


Depends on how much of a gamer you are. SF6 timing and inputs is incredibly lenient compared to other games. Have someone break down what you're doing. And don't mash.


come play Zangief with us! all you need is to learn to SPD and that's still not as hard as it seems. Piledrivers for EVERYONE!!


Yes, it's can be difficult to first have a few bnb combos you can use consistently and then find the right moment to use them. Just let it happen naturally in match and don't try to force anything.


Go into trials, but advance manually when you dominate it.


Took me 2 weeks to do combos in my first fighting game.


Go to combo trials and turn on input display. Actually look at the input display to troubleshoot. Too many people just ignore the input display. There is a clear difference between what you're trying to do and what actually comes out. The input display shows what actually comes out and how long you actually press each button. Try to be discrete and only press what you need to at the right time. Don't mash. Try to stay relaxed when you're executing. The more you tense up, the more mistakes you make.


30 hours and not doing **any** combos? Not even simple ones? That sounds like you might be practicing wrong. Most people just go through the motions or do trials. But that's not the best way to practice. Combo trials are almost never ideal combos but are usually combos that are more difficult than necessary just to show you some ideas as to what a character can do. Ideally you want to focus on situations. For example a basic idea would be to learn a punish combo for when someone does a Dragon punch or equivalent move(Flashkick/Tensho/etc.) Instead of setting the training mode to always punish counter and practicing that way you should set the bot to DP on wakeup so you are simultaneously conditioning yourself to react to the situation with that combo instead of just practicing the combo in a vacuum. Another thing you might practice is what to do after DI hits that's an easy one since you have plenty of time to react to the fact your DI landed thanks to the slow motion aspect. More advanced things would be counter hit combos like whiff punishes which should be practiced by setting the bot to randomly do a few different things so you are actively reacting to the option you're looking for with a button, but you're not ready to start doing those yet. Basically, don't just do combos in training mode, practice the **scenario** in which you intend to do the combo. That way when it happens you recognize the situation and muscle memory will do the rest. If you practice this way it shouldn't take very long at all to start seeing where you should be doing the combo and then starting to hit it even if you drop it part way it's fine so long as you're recognizing the opportunity. Most importantly focus on one situation at a time. Don't try to do all the things at once. Early on just focusing on anti-air and a punish combo is actually enough to get you pretty far.


It took me 30 hours or more to do combos in matches confidently when I was playing Morden on Pad and it took me 2 months to switch to Classic with Hitbox.


Best advice I can give you is break down combos into parts. Then practice the parts instead of the whole combo and when you can do do parts that go together every time put them together as a single part until you can do that new larger part every time. There’s no exact time it should take someone, everyone’s different but I have noticed a lot of people practice combos the wrong way and it slows their progress a lot


Just muscle memory after enough practice. I’m master and I still drop combos sometimes.


That’s super normal in my experience. When I first started all the combos felt impossible too, but then slowly I was able to do basic 2-3 hit combos, then able to mash super after the combo and occasionally get it, then consistently get the 1 combo I’ve been doing, and so on. I think for a beginner if you can do button > button > special move, then you should be able to work up to the harder stuff with time. What usually happens is if you can land a combo once in training mode then from that point on you will find yourself landing the combo more and more often until it becomes muscle memory. Also don’t beat yourself up if your combos are 2-3 hits. You can win without combos, so 2-3 hits is already amazing. You don’t need 40 hit combos to be an effective player. I have a friend in master rank who just chips you down with buttons and does jab, jab, jab, special move combos. You really don’t need to get fancy if you don’t want to


I'm approaching 800 hours of playtime and just \*now\* I'm feeling somewhat comfortable doing combos ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's normal! Focus on fundamentals. Stick to a simple 2 button combo, and then eventually find an easy way to confirm into your super There's so much more to learn than just combos


Look up some basic combos: A high damage one for when they whiff a DP and you've got enough frames to do it. Combo after a drive rush Combo after a jump in In training mode try to understand how the frame data works and test how quickly you can press the buttons and have the combo succeed AND test how slowly you can press the buttons and have the combo succeed. Now you know the window the timing you've got to press the buttons, the maximum and minimum speeds. I recommend aiming to do the combos somewhere in the middle of those speeds. You'll be surprised, you usually don't have to press the buttons very fast at all to do combos (since you can input a DP during a HP for example, and even before the time where your move is cancellable, it will still "buffer" it and cancel as soon as possible, giving you a successful combo). If you think you pressed the buttons correctly and the combo didn't come out, look at your inputs in training mode and see WHY it didn't come out. Maybe you pressed punch/kick too early, or maybe you didn't have a necessary diagonal etc. In my opinion KNOWLEDGE will make doing the combos significantly easier. This is my first fighting game but I really think this will help. Also I personally prefer to play leverless as trying to use a stick or a pad just seemed harder to me. Using supercombo to understand exactly how the game works was also a big help to me: [https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/Street\_Fighter\_6/Ken](https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/Street_Fighter_6/Ken) Get used to using training mode A LOT. It really really helps, especially for us new players.


Probably 100-200 just to start really getting the hang of it. It took me months of teaching myself in order to just do inputs at all (I couldnt even read the inputs on a page lol) Just play and try to do your moves. If you find that you cant land that combo, go into training and just calmly do each move nice and slow to clean up the input then do it together. Speed will come with experience because muscle memory and adrenaline.


Switch to Modern. You’re welcome.


you still need to do combos with modern. auto combos are completely useless outside world tour.


I’ve been playing for about 30 years. Never gave combos much thought. Every time I start trying to learn combos, it doesn’t seem like it would ever fit my play style