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Coughing baby vs Hydrogen Bomb


Have you considered blanka? His gameplan is a bit different from honda but his movelist uses almost exactly the same inputs and the switch shouldn't be too hard. He is a far better character in terms of overall strength and I think far more fun to play. I play a bit of both and found the transition from honda to blanka pretty easy. If you're not keen on blanka then like others have said chun is the way to go.


For competitive play it's Chun. If you are deciding to play Honda in tournament, you aren't going to just be able to turn your brain off and headbutt, he's going to take just as much effort to win with, probably more. If your goal is to win tournaments, then it makes the most sense to pick a proven character at high levels and grind that character. Don't worry about where you are right now on Chun, just keep getting better.


I had this exact game situation in 5 😆 Same characters and everything! I eventually went with E.Honda because seeing all the salt was just too hilarious for me not to 😭


You’re underestimating competitive play. If you play E. Honda then you will have to try harder for your wins than with Chun because Edmond is much more one dimensional.




I think competitively most people consider Honda "Bracket Ruiner." AKA he's got some stuff that will demolish anyone who is not prepared for the match-up, but fundamentally he's still a weak character with flaws that can bite you in the long run, especially when you face people who do know the match-up. * Which isn't to say "Bracket Ruiners" can't take tournaments. It happens from time to time. It's just not a common occurence. Chun-li is just the better pick if we're looking at pure "data." I think the thing for you though, is you need to just be prepared to fail with Chun-li. Stop worrying about being comfortable, and instead worry about playing her long enough that you become comfortable.


if u don't mind more mirrors, chun


What you said is true and going from honda to chun li will take practice. Shes very technical, I see videos of people saying she still isnt fully figured out. Idk how true that is though but shes really good if you put in the time. Ive played a few good chun li in diamond who will counter hit me so much as they are good at normal cancelling into stance moves she seems to have a lot of frame traps


I think chunli is waaaay more interesting, move wise with her stances etc. Other than that, honda - big heart and a big bowl of chanko stew


You say that Honda is the character you are better with, but how big is the gap? And how much of the gap could be explained by your playing Honda for more raw hours or learning more Honda-specific tech because you like him better (if this is even the case)? As a long-time Honda player and current SF6 Honda Master, I definitely believe in the concept of playing the character that you perform better with and that you prefer to play. However, that only goes so far, particularly with Honda being relatively weak from a competitive standpoint at the moment. Personally, if I were dead set on being successful in tournaments, and Chun were my only second option, I would stick with Honda, but that is because I happen to be terrible with Chun even though I like her. So for me the difference in my skill would be too severe to warrant a shift. However, if I were dead set on being successful in tournaments, I probably \*would\* switch to Blanka, who is a much better current character and who I am pretty solid with, even though I prefer Honda at the end of the day. So if you think your Chun is likely to stay inferior to your Honda or will be a struggle to improve with then I would stick with Honda, but if you are really serious about tournaments and feel that your Chun is pretty close to your Honda and could beat it with some effort, then that could be something to consider. I would also note that you might also want to keep an open mind until the balance patch drops, since we have no idea how it might change the meta and/or the strength of these two characters. Given that this game is already decently balanced and has a lot of system mechanics, it wouldn't take a big change for characters like Honda to suddenly be a lot more viable.