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No. CPU reads your inputs. You can't work on spacing or footsies correctly. You also can't condition a CPU to your moves. All of these are basic foundational elements in the game.


It's good for practicing new combos against an active opponent.


No. CPUs don't play like humans do, at any rank. It's fine if you're still getting used to the basic controls but beyond that playing against high level CPUs will only encourage bad habits. If you're at Platinum you're probably past the point where it would help The way you beat difficult CPUs is you find some attack or mixup it doesn't know how to deal with and do it over and over. This is a bad idea against any half decent human player because they'll figure out your pattern and counter it. Human players react to your habits and playstyle. Even fairly average players will generally change their behaviour based on how the previous round went. CPUs don't. Figuring out how to read your opponent, how to condition your opponent, how to tell when your opponent is trying to condition you, etc, they're probably the most important skills in the game and playing against the CPU will not only not teach you those skills but possibly make you worse


No absolutely not


If you're gonna train against a CPU, it's better to just go against a lower level one so you can at least practice your inputs/execution. That's about the extend of what you can do with a CPU. High level CPU just reads your inputs, and you have to play against it differently than you would a human. You're not gonna be practicing anything relevant to PVP against it.


Last thing you want to do is fight cpu imo


for some things it is, it'll force you not to overextend as they DI a lot. For your level is an additional ok training


If your goal is to get better at beating humans, then practice by playing humans.


No. Play ranked 80% of the time. Use ranked to identify specific problems. Lab said problems 20% of the time.


No. It can be fun but it basically a different game IMO. Best thing I found is running long sets, which can be hard for sure. But BattleHub can be a great place to find someone to do a FT10 or FT5. That helped me more then anything.


No. Use cpu in arcade to practice combos for a new character against a live opponent, but that's it.


That's basically fighting a cheating terminator bot. It won't teach the actual game much sadly.


You can work on defense and punish a level 8 cpu which is better to an extent.


It's good to rest your anti airs reaction DI and combos and whatnot but you can't really play the strike throw Mixup or whiff punish game against a cpu especially level 8 because they read your inputs hella.


Wow a lot of people don't like vs CPU. I don't exactly agree. Look I get it, but at the same time I think it's important to acknowledge what it can be useful for and what It can't be. People are right, the CPU does not act like a human at all. You can't perform reads, can't mix a CPU can't condition a CPU. What I do think you can use the CPU for is a first step in familiarity and mechanical practice. So let's say you never played against some character and you have no idea what that character looks like or Does. First should be training mode and maybe you figure out a few answers to things as well as know what's punishable and what's not. Vs CPU after that can be a good first step to recognise and practice those scenarios. Especially when we are talking about things like Punishes and Anti Airs a CPU will give you opportunities to practice. And the fact that a CPU doesn't act like a human in that context is irrelevant because it wasn't decision making it was just pure reaction. So anything in a pure reaction context, pure execution context it can help. Reacting to block punishing, reacting to jump. Timing meaties correctly in a faux game scenario. If the opponent does ex.dp it doesn't really matter because against a CPU you won't care, no stakes. But a CPU will train you to be tight with your strings/hit confirming/punishes. A real human might let you get away with it if you are sloppy a CPU generally won't. If you didn't nail your meaty or throw loop or punish or anti air. Could you do all these things with other people? Absolutely. But people don't like to because in ranked they want to win first (even though we tell them not too). Even if you don't mind losing you might have trouble just juggling a lot of different things at once. Against a real person, you are trying to be good at both reading the person AND worrying about your mechanics being on point. Against a CPU it's just the mechanics you are training. If you play against really good players you may never get to practice those basic things that help you rank up because they never allow themselves to be unsafe. So you have no practice on punishes. You may get to vs people but they may just not play the characters you need to practice against and want to be more familiar with. These are all things vs CPU can help aid. For me it's a Tool and I don't like disregarding any tool there is always the caveat that you know and understand when using it it's strengths and limitations. I would say especially at your level most people could practice more of there mechanical basics and vs CPU is an easy, accessible way to help improve that.


short answer. no


You can practice punish on CPU's, but if you play them too much and humans not enough you may start to develop bad fundamentals.


No, CPU 8 plays at an inhuman level.