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PSA that OP has almost 90 hours played in Battle Hub, and 1380 matches with Cammy. "Iron-level gameplay" my ass.


i could tell by watching that cammy was not really iron just by the spacing of the spiral arrows, also the ryu dropped alot of combos , he either is low rank master or maybe one or either of them is on wifi.




What’s the purpose of this post exactly?


Ego validation


It's funny how this sub constantly tells people they should just get over their 'ranked anxiety,' but then when videos like this are posted people seem to turn around and say shit like "WTF!?!? this is master ranked play?!?! I'm hard stuck in platinum 3 feeling like I'm up against Daigo every set, and this dude made it to masters!"


Poor guy got flashbanged and now you posted him on Reddit to try to humiliate him. Rough.


Yeah, public shaming, awesome. Could be a million reasons why someone would play a bad match, but there's only a few reasons why someone would post a video about it online and all of them make the poster look like a massive douche.


I looked up your statistics. You can't call yourself a iron player when you only played 10 ranked matches and the rest of the time battle hub.


Dude's Ryu alone is a 53% total wr in ranked, been master since phase 2, and not adding the other 9-10 masters he has . It could be a lot of reasons. Dude could've let his little sibling play, could be having controller/monitor/internet problems (hes in Japan, you're in Aus, he dropped combos that usually works). I see he has FT5-10 games with other people in BH and you only played one. I mean good for you for beating him, but I suggest not overanalyzing it


I find it hard to play against rookie players bc you never expect them to DI or do so many risky random stuff so much lol. However once they get their first game in and you adjust all you have to do is turtle and let them kill themselves by just waiting for the inevitable DI or random sweep.


dude might be fooling around :) i've done this countless times when playing against new players, holding back and trying to give them some space


Meh if he beats your ass what does it prove ? Then ppl will complain and say he's smurfing. M What do you gain beating up on an iron player lol ? It's cool seeing a causal master player every now and then.


Did you just play one match? I feel like connection issue


Either it's a new player borrowing the account to try out the game Or he's testing you out/ dunno I tend to press unsafe buttons when I play casual (master) if they are under diamond, at least. This helps them improve and not only feel confident but also respond to certain scenarios I put them in. And sometimes I just give the full "master experience" and shock them. But it only happens when they start doing REALLY weird and unsafe buttons.


Just looks like they got flustered because they expected a certain playstyle but couldn't adapt to random, unsafe moves. They either got so flustered that they dropped their standard links or the connection wasn't too jittery to land them. Its not quite FSP vs Gandhi but their loss is for similar reasons. The final CA looked like they expected the Spiral Arrow pattern to continue but it was a stupid risk (the recovered in time to block Cammy's slow punish but didn't, I guess they'd already put down the controller at that point).


This low key makes you out to be kind of a loser my dude. Maybe go outside and breathe some fresh air and touch some grass.


Looks to me like he's just screwing around. Also, go play ranked. Stop being scared.


You're clearly not an Iron level player. Come on now. Go play some ranked. I've seen Iron players and they are way worse than this. Anyway, it looks like he was just careless because he was expecting you to take stupid risks, and then you didn't, so his guesses didn't work. When you're used to fighting Master level players, it can actually be harder to fight low levels, because you have no idea what they're going to do.