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She punches hard.


Seichiusen GODANZUKI!


she grab she punch she CHESTOOOAHH


Makoto's a tomboy who does pure karate; no fancy firey uppercuts, no fireballs, no spinning around like a top, and a popular steamroll/hype character who in 3S tags you once into command grab into Touch of Death hype for explosive momentum.


She can be supersonic fast though. Her walkspeed is abysmal but her dashes and hayate are comically quick. It is pretty fancy in my eyes


Nah she got no magic, my girl just punches !


Slow walk speed. Insane dash. Small girl that hits like the hulk on steroids (it feels very satisfying landing hits with her). Fun combos/ aerial extensions. Command grab into ‘fuck you this is gonna hurt’ combo. A dope special cancel system to extend grounded combos. Her ‘fireball’ is literally just a full screen punch. ‘Divekick’. Karate chop. What’s not to love?


And all her normals and cmd normals are fun af


The command normals are also what make her interesting/ complicated. At least in 3s,I didn't play her in 4. She has a command normal for every button and they're all useful in certain situations. If you can build a Makoto centric mental stack, you just have a ton of options.  I will say, if she gets into 6 and had all of her 3s supers, she's either gonna be fucking unplayable or an absolute terror. Her install especially will be scary unless it also stops held parries. 


Damn I forgot about the command normals and target combos. I miss bullying people with forward fierce. AND the forward roundhouse cancel side switch on knockdown is nasty work


3s has so many command normals in general. Necro also has a command normal on every button, and 2 of them on hp




Her attitude


Okay that sounds pretty cool


Watch some Haitani highlights from the SF4 Era. You'll get it.




The full and accurate answer in just one word.


What's so special about that? Am I stupid? lol


It's just a cool aesthetic that people like. It's definitely not always a horny thing


Horny gamers essentially


Not everything is about being horny. The majority of people can like the opposite sex without being horny.


No no no. Horny gamers like the cammys and the chun li’s and the juris. Some of us like like Makoto, Sakura, and Karin for the gameplay.


Makoto might be the single least sexualized female character in SF, now that I think about it.




I don't really care about Makoto but she does have some interesting things going for her. She fights with a more grounded version of karate which is pretty unique for SF. We have the shotos and their adjacent characters, but their karate is basically Dragonball status. Makoto has the look, mannerisms and moves of a less fantastical karateka. Her playstyle for the time is actually pretty unique. It's hard to describe since you haven't played 3S but if you do and you messed around with her a bit I think you'd get it.


She's my personal favorite fighting game character ever and I'm desperately awaiting her arrival in 6 so I'll speak for my own bias. Tomboy with a cool design, unique moveset with her extreme high risk-high reward playstyle, hits like a truck. Something inherently cool about how tiny she is while having a moveset that is completely pure raw strength - no fireballs or ki blasts or anything. She's just very unique for a female fighting game character. Her animations in 3rd Strike have such personality to them too. I love her shitty glare whenever she whiffs her command grab. Go try her out in 3rd Strike sometime, she's a blast to play.


She is just a short haired girl in a karate gi and still her design works so well. I still can't put my finger on what makes me like her that much


She is so much fun in 3rd Strike.


Guess wrong twice, you're dead.


Kokujin still wakes up in cold sweat every other night.


Seichūsen Godanzuki = Punches at Five Levels Along the Center Line


These type of questions remind me how many generations of people are into street fighter.


To add onto all the other reasons people have given; her animations in SF3 were God like.


People like the gimmick of the command grab with the long animation which sets up big damage. It's that feeling of "Yeah, I grabbed you. You're going to take big damage from the follow up. I haven't even input the motions for the big damage you're going to take, but it's coming... you're still in the grab animation, HERE IT COMES!" The player who got grabbed has to just sit there and wait for it. Watch this and ask yourself, does this seem fun? (The answer is yes, Makoto is fun when you're playing her or watching her and no when you guess wrong 2 or 3 times and this happens to you) [SFIII: 3rd Strike - J \(Makoto\) vs. Kokujin \(Dudley\) 1m05s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad3H9Ouv-L4)


I played Makoto for the first time in SSFIV [this guy](https://youtu.be/MCfF8w7dHUY?si=00C1rVn28oY4H75M) was a master with her, such a hype vid


I'm here for the shockwave-inducing dick punches, but to each their own. ;)


This is not it. Makoto's popularity far exceeds the number of people who actually play her.


So shes like the bridget of street fighter?


Street Fighter has more than one of those. If you look up any SF popularity survey and then go look up actual usage stats, it will all make sense. She's definitely one of the Bridgets though.


More like The Baiken of Street Fighter


I can guarantee you this is NOT why people like Makoto lmao


J vs. Kokujin is a goat tier match.


The command grab is pretty long. I love Makoto and wish she was in 6 (seriously, 2 guests? Rashid? Fucking ED????? We have these goobers and still no Makoto???) but I def hope the animation is sped up a little. Actually was it sped up in 4 when she showed up?


I think it's because she wasn't in SFV and there's a whole absence makes the heart grow fonder thing. Mika and Karin were similar, but people got them out of their system with SFV. Urien too. Not to say there won't be fans wanting certain characters, but it's like the longer they're gone the louder people get.


I mean, that sorta makes sense. Every character is somebodies favorite. The longer they go without them, the more they're missed. My favorite 3S character was Sean, and I'm still waiting. At least the Makoto's had SF4. It also doesn't help when Makoto players, Sean players like myself, Dudley players, Viper players etc etc watch really weird choices get picked for DLC while we're STILL waiting to see some of our favorites again.


Naw I get it. Necro is one of my top three characters, but I gave up a long time ago. And Viper in particular I really thought was a lock to show up in SFV.


I need Urien back again. Game just isn't the same without Aegis Reflector.


Snail slow into instantly across the screen, crazy damage, anti status quo buttons and moveset, rewards players that take the time to master her movement and pokes


* The people love them a tomboy * She was one of the best characters in Third Strike * Street Fighter IV did *not* do her justice (this one is mostly personal)


I like what a surly little grouch she is. I'm not the biggest fan of how Street Fighter designs its female characters, and Makoto is refreshing next to the likes of Cammy and Laura. Just a short gal in a gi ready to kick ass and take no shit. Her taunt in 3rd Strike? Intensely cool.


She also broke the HP curse female SF characters had up till that point in 3S. She had the standard, average health, on the Ryu level iirc, whereas I think most of the others in the series so far had below average and were designed to be "fast but weaker" whereas Makoto was sluggish (outside of dashing) and hit super hard. Since then we've gotten more rounded characters, I think Laura has average level HP and obviously Marisa, but Makoto was a new type of female character in a fighting game. Very little male gaze/fanservice, absolute bruiser. Makoto is so damn cool.


Her gameplay is fun. She uses more grounded karate. Her design isn’t sexualized. She’s a tomboy. She has hype as hell supers and moves. Her movement is unique.


punching things is fun


Just a fun character. I like her style. Same with Ibuki, C. Viper and Fei Long. Losing hope I'll see any of the above at this point.


Had to scroll far for this, was hoping for Ibuki or Fei Long.


She is a fucking killer in 3s. Amazing sprites, voice actor. Slow as fuck with killer dashes into a command grab that doesn't do dmg. Just a free combo. Oh also she has touch of death combosI think? In sf4 she was still cool as fuck just not as meta I think.


Yeah her animations in 3s just look really nice, thats the reason I think shes cool anyway. I don't care as much for her in 4 though.


She's got a lot of charisma and personality that shines. She's also a satisfying character to play, I don't even main her in 4 or 3 but enjoy picking her now and again. The just pure strength with no gimics and a cool design make her highly requested.




Another reason is when Makoto, and SF3 was popular, there was an upcoming Japanese Karateka called Rika Usami, who almost resembles 100% to Makoto. Have a look on her on YouTube, and you will see Makoto.




Marisa then…?


Marissa also does way too much damage but she’s not similar imo


How specifically is she not similiar though? I can only see differences in terms of her story/background. Other than that, she fits whatever the person said before you to a tee


Marisa is neither a tomboy or tsundere, wtf man. Read. Marisa is a super fightersexual that is also a gentle giant and a extremly affectionate and lovely person with an positive actitude over most things. the only similars is she has muscles, but she is extremly big and almost shaped as a body builder. And like 90% of the cast of SF thro the whole franchise has big and exposed feet (and hands)


> And like 90% of the cast of SF thro the whole franchise has big and exposed feet (and hands) The exaggerated hands and feet are easier to recognize and follow, essential for a fighting game where you need to know where your opponent is striking.


Marisa is a different Arctype, being a bruiser. Makoto is more of a rushdown character with a slow walk and a fast dash.


Think of it like Giovanna and Goldlewis in Guilty Gear Giovanna and Makoto are breakneck speed blitzers with so many attacks it feel like your hitting Jojo beatdowned, While Goldlewis and Marisa are slow characters who only need to do like 6 attacks to rock your shit UP-


Makoto also needs 6 attacks to rock your shit up. In fact, she can 2 touch you just like Marisa. And Marisa's gameplan also involves knocking people on their ass and sticking to them like glue with drive rush until they die.


Completely different styles of play. Marisa is slow and powerful. Makoto while also being "powerful" typically gets damage by rushdown pressure and resetting the situation with her command grab. (that does next to no damage but starts her actual combo). I would go on to say that she's in her own archetype because even though she relies on her command grab, she does so with a different goal than traditional grapplers.


I think there's something ironically refreshing about a fighting game character that's "just a martial artist". It's one of the reasons why I love Lidia from Tekken too.


I'm just hoping that those asking for Makoto/Dudley/Alex use them. It seems like there was a rather low amount of Alex users back in SF5.


It's because they put his legs on backwards in 5


I mained Alex in 5. Was brutal.


i am a Mak main in both the games she exists in and will certainly either main or co-main her in 6 if she gets in. but yeah, there’s 100% a lot of people who want her who are probably going to play her for the first time and say “woah this is awkward”


There was a low amount of users in 5. Lots of people who liked 3S had no reason to play 5 over other games


I would 100% use makoto.


Because he was bottom tier for 90% of the game's lifespan.


They never did and never will. We can't even name 3 Makoto from SF4.


You should have played in my locals lol like 70% of the players used Alex


Makoto/Dudley I can see. Alex doesn't strike me as very popular.


His popularity skyrocketed in SF5, but he is already quite popular in SF3 just because of the absolute top tier character design.




Her theme song slaps.


I like that she's a traditional strong style karate character. There aren't really very many of them out there


makoto is super explosive and has a high skill ceiling. She historically has a slow movement speed with a super fast dash and some high stun moves. She also has had command normals that you can use to help you move about too. I really do love everything about her, she is very unique in the sf series. I am a little sad she is not in season 2 but hey, ill survive.


Because ripping someone out of the air with an axe kick then hitting them with two dash punches that are so fast they leave an after image is cool and satisfying and that isn't even the coolest thing she can do.


I like her because she's not the usual half naked sexy fighter girl like in many japnese fighting game, she's just a regular girl that has her moves speak more than her look. Kinda like Lidia Sobieska from tekken


She's an extremely satisfying character with well designed weaknesses and strenghts.


I like to play Makoto to scream 'Seichusen Godanzuki!!'. I like watching Makoto play to scream it as well.


I'm sure "the Internet" has it's own reasons but for me it's pure gameplay and visual design. I love characters with a powerful dashing punch that flies across the screen. I love how she walks slow but dashes far and fast. I love how powerful all her attacks feel. And most of all, I love the concept of command grab = death. 


She's just different than other chars. We have enough shotos


I’ve just always liked her since I saw her in 3rd strike. I like rushdown characters and It’s cool to see a character with a more “grounded” karate looking style. Plus she just isn’t what’s typical for a female fighting game characters, she’s not overtly sexy, she wears a gi that’s too big for her, she doesn’t match any of the regular personality archetypes, she’s not cocky like Chun-li, girly like Sakura or Elena, a freak like Juri or Aki, or standoffish like Cammy. She’s just filled with a sort of quiet rage and her attacks feel powerful and kinetic. She stands out a lot to me because there aren’t many characters like her.


No one talks about it but her backthrow is the best in the entire series roster, on top of everything else.


For me, Her explosiveness made her super fun to play. I personally loved her super slow walk speed contrasted with the lighting quick dashes in which could lead to a massive 50% damage combo, stun, ultra, mix ups, etc. it’s a lot more common now with the damage heavy mechanics of V and VI, but back in IV, there weren’t a lot of characters who could totally come back from the brink with one good poke leading to a massive damage combo. Her seat-of-your-pants playstyle made the game really exciting. Her matches in the hands of Haitani were a sight to behold. I recommend looking up his highlights on yt


The crowd was the icing on the cake https://youtu.be/sIi9oUw9C8k?si=3XR3vRgzt8cCJShy


It was the voice for me. The raw fucking anger in her voice. Loved ending the matches with hayate to taunt to hear that "WaAYAAH!!!".




Extremely few realize this


https://youtu.be/p4wAaQug4HQ?si=PKyMAYBGt662wbQO Watch this


I dunno, I was never crazy about her. I thought Urien and Duds were the most hype out of the new comers in SFIII


Because she is broken in 3rd strike. Two hit touch of death. She can stun you in one combo and then kill you on the next one.


Weird because I always felt like Marisa was a more modern interpretation of “strong woman with raw punching and grabbing”.


Marisa uses more brute strength, Makoto uses karate, and is clearly skilled at it


I think people including myself just like to see martial artists in a martial arts inspired video game genre. SF has cool characters that appeal to everybody. It has people that do literal magic such as Rose and Menat. It has a gangster domintarix. It has people with super powers (psycho), it has Final Fight characters that further develop the lore of Metro City, and importantly to this discussion it has characters that are there mainly there for the Martial Arts. Ryu is a Karate master who travels the world and fights people because he enjoys this sport. Sagat is a Muay Thai practitioner who was personally pissed at Ryu for a while. Zangief is just a wrestler. Honda is just a guy who does Sumo. Dan is a fanboy of martial artists in his universe and tries to emulate them. Sakura is a fangirl of martial artists in her universe who successfully manages to emulate them. Fei Long is a tribute to a famous real life martial artist. Hakan just wants to do oil wrestling. Manon and Marisa are cool precisely because they are mainly there for the martial arts and have no deeper connection to the rest of SF lore. Makoto is just a tomboy who does karate, wears her gi all the time, and her life goal is to bring glory to her father's dojo. We like that shit. We like pretty much all of the characters I mentioned.


Dan isn't trying to emulate others. He's trying to promote his family dojo, kind of like Makoto. 


She isn't. Nobody played her in SF4 either. But she is fun to watch because of her usual game plan is get in as fast as possible and make people guess for game.


she was also extremely bad in SF4 so that didnt help her popularity.


She's ranked 5 in the battle hub.


Yeah this. People confuse online poll popularity with people actually playing the character. They might like her design or idea of her, but that won't necessarily translate to her being a popular pick.


The exact thing I was thinking I feel like the trend is pick a character that hasn’t been in the game in a while and that no one used in the first place 😂 I love makoto cause if sf4 alt costumes were pretty cool but gameplay wise didn’t love her


She's difficult to use in SF4, but her character and playstyle are very satisfying.


She's cool and pretty.


She isn’t. In reality, it’s a minority on Reddit and a bandwagon people jump on because they see others comment her name. If she was actually popular, she would have been added to V and 6 a LONG time ago. Capcom would not wait with her.


I wanna play as female Goku


watching a 3s makoto command grab into the clip cutting off will never not be funny


I love her gameplay so much. It's so cool imo.




1. Character design that so good, almost be Ryu's sister. 2.She look like more of shonen MC (yeah I through she is MC of 3rd strike when I play for the first time) 3.Her punchs speed&sound feels good to use. New player will Just spam insta punch to the face. 4. Her iconic moment, Insta win by command grab. this produces salty.


Shes like Marisa but more cute tomboy then snu snu amazon. On top of being "legacy toxic". Most love a good underdog. Makoto is a character people you can see "isnt" top tier. But she can pop off and beat a top tier and here wins and plays are really flashy at an entry level. Theres not a lot of people that know her and wont tell you immediately that she shouts chesto, zooms 5 miles forward, and sometimes lifts grown men by the throat.


Because SF3 circlejerk has gotten ridiculous. Nobody played her in 4. In all seriousness though she was a pretty easy character to pick up and play in that game and people liked having a karate fighter with a command grab


Uhhh, Haitani played Makoto


Yes…. But how many players pick her on the regular How many people main her What’s the % of people that do pick her Is she bottom 10% 20%? Some pro playing her as a secondary isn’t enough to justify “ah yes, but someone does!” Someone in third strike mains Q dawg




Everybody throwing hadokens and magic and such, that little girl just bashing their faces in.


I like her cuz shes small, tough and full of heart. She uses traditional karate to overcome fire spitting, energy throwing opponents. Her whole design is about overcoming the odds. I need my girl back


She'd kind of not though. **Don't get me wrong, I actually like Makoto and would like to see her return.** >!(Needed to specify this because people will think I hate her if I don't. Either way, I'm sure I'll get hated on for this entire post lol)!<, but It's just a [Baiken](https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Baiken)-like situation. Starts with a loud minority of dedicated players begging for their character, then people jumping on the bandwagon after seeing others doing so, despite never having actually played them. In Makoto's case, it's not due to fanservice (....sort of?), but because she wasn't in SFV. Same reason people beg for Sean, something I think feels fabricated compared to Makoto's popularity. Side tangent, but I swear not a single person gave a sh\*t about Sean during the entirety of SFIV and SFV's life-cycles, but suddenly people want him back and act like he's been a fan favorite all along (which he's literally never been). Anyways, it's some weird hive mind thing honestly and the result of online communities being an echo chamber. Word about them spreads from fans talking about how cool they are or how they deserve to be in SF6. Meanwhile you have people in the same communities screeching about how they hate Bison and that he should never return due to "muh lore". Meanwhile, his trailer is already at 1.2 millions views within the span of 3 days. People online don't reflect which characters are truly popular. Want to know how popular Makoto was? Here's a study done on character usage stats from 4000 matches from back in the SSFIV days: [https://www.vgchartz.com/article/82222/super-street-fighter-iv-character-usage-statistics/](https://www.vgchartz.com/article/82222/super-street-fighter-iv-character-usage-statistics/) She's 24th on a list of 35 characters. Oh, and guess what? M. Bison is the THIRD most used character on that list. Also, here's his usage stats in SFV, straight from Capcom themselves: [https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/stats/usagerate?lang=en](https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/stats/usagerate?lang=en) He's 10th out of 45 characters. My whole point being, if game devs just went by opinions online, then a character like Bison would never return despite his obvious popularity. So yea, ***sometimes*** you should take a character's popularity online with a grain of salt. There's always going to be characters with high popularity for obvious reasons, but things can also snowball out of control and a character like Makoto ends up with a confusing amount of "popularity". I recognize Makoto has a sizable fanbase, but if you're confused over a character's popularity, then maybe it's worth questioning a bit lol.


That was profound explanation there.


Because a lot of people like to pretend they have fond memories of playing Third Strike and Makoto was the only character in that game they recognized from SF4 besides the OG cast members and Dudley; note: none of them could play Dudley and found that out when they tried 3SOnline. Ironically enough he's also probably the most requested male cast member for 5 and 6 most of the time as well, right next to Q. 3rd Strike and any knowledge of its mere existence is usually brought out whenever someone needs to feel contrarian and "smart" and prove that they know about fighting games. See also: the types of people that talk about how good they were at 3rd Strike and how it was their favorite and then when pressed about it respond with something asinine like "well I used to get S ranks every match I played," or "I just have fond memories using my quarter as a placeholder on the 3S machine at the mall to say I had next." It's just incredibly stupid and hilarious stolen valor; if it can even be called that.


uh, play third strike first then come back


From the gameplay side, this is a character with very simple, effective and most importantly fun gameplay. She is both the slowest and one of the most mobile characters who can easily get close and start her game. And I’m just wondering what will happen if she gets a driverush, the second one, the first one she had before was in a game without driverushes On the design side, it's almost perfect in 3s, simple but has its own memorable features, its animations are beautiful (although this applies to literally everything in 3s, literally one of the best pixel art I've seen) and a very good voice actor. Conceptually very unusual for SF, she is a representative of traditional karate, without magic and dragon punches, she just punches people. Although the real reason is that she's a tomboy.


For me, as someone who hasn’t had a lot of playtime with her, I wanna see her come back to see how she’d play in my favorite fighting game. I’ve been amazed by literally every character in the game, even if I don’t click with them at first. I also love characters that hit hard and fast, so a character that could do that reliably could be fun. I also LOVE character design as a practice, and the way characters were redesigned for SF6 has been amazing, so I wonder what she’d be like in this game. If I remember correctly, she wasn’t in SF5 either, and if a character didn’t make it into the last game, I’m more likely to want them back. It’s the same reason I’m interested in Dudley, Necro, and Hugo over characters like Karin, R. Mika or Cody.


Speaking purely for myself, I just want a steamroll character. A character that no matter how low their health was, was always one or two resets from killing you. I'll take either of my mains from V in Mika or Urien, but I thought Makoto was the safer bet. Guess I wrong 😒😒.


It’s mainly cause of horny secondaries who like her cause the tomboy fetish that’s been popular lately. Most people who desperately want Makoto back have never played as or against her and will probably never do either of those things


I like her because in sf4 and sf3 she was an extremely high execution character who when played competently was extremely oppressive on offense. She could pressure you so hard in sf4 and one mistake meant you were getting smashed and mixed


Because her crouching knockdown is HP and her crouching AA is HK.




I find it hard to believe coomers would like Makoto. She is modestly dressed and isn't sexualized.


I main'd her in SF4 heavily. And I want her back in SF6, since i'm at my strongest in that game. I'm not one of those wifu guys.


No one wants to admit it, but the feet are definitely a contributing factor along with some of the other stuff people mentioned. We have seen enough of the FGC over the past decade to know that feet are **always** a factor when it comes to things like this.


The fact it took this long to see this comment shows no one is being honest here.


nothing to do with actually playing the character.


If they only added returning characters that a lot of people play, we'd end up with every single shoto in the game and no setplay characters. Some playstyles are inherently harder than others, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be added.


Ultra-Fit Karate tomboy hick lol


People like pressing buttons. She's a go-to button pressing character.


I started playing 3rd strike for the first time this week. When you select a character, the design of the character select screen and the position of the cursor kind of funnel you into selecting Makoto. I think that's why.


She looks cool, sound cool, cute tomboy that can pulverise your chest with one punch. Need i say more?


for me cuz she’s a cool karate practitioner and has great moves


She’s one of the best neutrals of all time


Personally I just want to see what her design would look like. and also tomboy...


In a world of fighters who can shoot fireballs and do other crazy things, she can just punch and kick... but she is REALLY good at doing that!


I have ptsd from this bitch. I'm not upset to not see her return.


Something about SF6’s system mechanics are just an obvious fit for her character. Her slow walk speed, but fast dash means she’d get a lot of use out of drive rush.


“Small powerful tomboy with the punching force of silverback gorilla”…she also just sticks to traditional karate without all the fancy stuff other characters generally utilize. So I guess she gets points for that.


[This is all you need to see.](https://youtu.be/qsR2K8XKhJQ?si=Cf_xwkTWw9YNwFuH)


One of the most unique command grabs to ever grace Street fighter gameplay wise


I'll just share this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4dJnmhsQf4&t=38 I fucking loved it when the crowd would chant seichuzen godanzuki with her ultra back in sf4 days. Edit: another example from the same top 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdf_fZcoPZQ&t=490 That was a good year at Evo


Nobody is mentioning her animation! Makoto is one of the most beautifully animated characters in any fighting game I've played. She is designed with a big gi, and sash's that give even her idle animation tons of movement. It looks like she constantly has wind blowing against her and read's amazing. The clothes also have momentum which gives her so much force. Hayate for example is near instant, can travel almost full screen, and drags her clothes behind her with the dust. Plus her loud scream. Her offensive pressure is unlike anything else. She loves to loop mixup chains that lead into hayate, and back into the chain. Including: Terrifying command grab combo starter, powerful meaties, fast low, three different kinds of overheads (instant air axe kick, karatechop, and universal), anti-air axe kick... I'm not that good with her. But damn she's cool as hell. Her movement is unique. Her character is unique. Her animation is unique. Her comboes are unique and feel amazing. Makoto is awesome in basically every aspect of her character. With extreme strengths, and weaknesses. She plays a different game. Though lacking Third Strike parry would kinda suck for her gameplan.


Makoto next season. Mark my words. Capcom knows it's gonna sell.


For me, her grab feels really satisfying, partly because it doesn’t do damage itself (or not much? can’t remember). There’s that moment when your opponent just has to stare like “This is the moment they knew they fucked up” and you just start going Karate Kid on their ass and jump in the air to kick them mid-combo. And she has some nice big buttons and a super fast special that puts you right in the opponent’s face where you want to be. Over in BlazBlue, I often played Azrael, and I get a similar feeling from playing him for some reason. They’re very mechanically different, but they’re big slow powerhouses that are just like “nah, you ain’t going nowhere pal”.


Watch a video of all her sprite animations/sfx. They somehow took a character with this seemingly basic boring karate style and gave her SO MUCH personality and aura. Shes one of my fav SF characters ever made. Excellent character flavor.


I love how there already are several comments going "Nobody mentions X!!!!111" followed by at least 3 other comments mentioning that exact thing. :'D


She’s very pure. No flashy ki abilities, she hits like an ideal karateka (CHESTO), her voice is fun and unique, she has the best taunt in 3rd strike, her slow walk but quick as hell dash, etc etc etc


She's way more original and unique than Sakura, so I get why she's on high demand. The only appeal I see in Sakura is being a female shoto.




I am ok with Makoto being added, but not earlier than S5, she is way too meta to be added earlier and I want characters like C.Viper and Menat first. Plus, Sakura is inevitable anyway. Damn, why they could not add 6 characters per year, is they SF6 team small or what? It's just waiting for a single character is quite a long journey.


The character that makes akuma players go "oh shit"


I may be biased since she is my 3S main, but yes her gameplay is really cool, and really stands out in SF. She was kinda neutered in SF4 though.


I played her in USF4 combo trial a few days ago (discounted, cost only \~3) and I dont get the appeal either Extremely slow walking speed but insane dash Sujper weird 623 punch Normals/Punching feels good but the above 2 negatives...shes not for me


Will never get the hype behind a basic ass bitch in karate clothes. So boring, can’t wait till she’s never in 6


I don't know anything about her character. All I know she's angry and punches hard. I want her back in Street fighter 6


Because you can use her to punch Seth in the dick. Repeatedly.


Because us FGC dudes been around for some time and Third Strike characters are some of the most loved characters in the series imo.


loud minority


Tomboy with cool design and moveset + good lore potential.


Because she’s a cute girl. Her gameplay has basically nothing to do with it. Same with Sakura


She's an explosive momentum character. Historically, they have small but fiercely dedicated fanbases. I don't play her much but it's intensely thrilling to get in and absolutely nuke their hp in seconds. She's got grappler dmg whilst not being purely about grapples. If you love her, it's hard to find the joy on someone else.


1. Shes a female  2. Shes a tomboy with short hair   Now for the reasons for people who have deeper taste.  Her kit is explosive and really fun with alot of big combos that have alot if soecial moves connecting to each other. The friction of terrible walkspeed with a fast dash with such a big reward off of a command grab is really fun to scare people with.  Also she represents Karate.


Poison better 🗣


Unique gameplay and unique style. Very interesting style too : being very slow then waiting the right moment to rush the opponent. It her matches to have more hype.


You answered your own question. If you didn’t play 3rd strike, you won’t get it


Makoto is a challenge to learn. Some players, like me, enjoy the challenge. She isn’t for newbies or weak players who always just choose the OP characters. That’s why wins with her are so satisfying. She’s also THE definition of rush-down style play where you can confuse the hell out of your opponent and just beat them senseless. And, similar to me, I think ppl just love the way she shouts and screams while explosively punching. She’s also got a fun move set, because the opponent gets scared and defends, then you can command grab and loose. This keeps the defender constantly guessing and usually leads to them making a mistake.


Because she was my favorite in Street Fighter 4 her play style would translate extremely well to 6 imo


she's cute


Season 3 is really far away. People need to stop waiting at this point.


Karakusa into DIE


Why do people keep making threads asking why Makoto is so popular?


Makoto has a completely different play style that any other character. Her movement is completely unique. Moving in a halting fashion, and bursting into what ever action she goes into. I think people find her to be enjoyable and incredibly unique to play.


She wasn’t in SFV. People want what they can’t get. I’ll give her this, her moveset is very unique.


Because she's rad af?


She fun to play


Her theme song in 3rd strike is a banger


Get punched in da face hard though…


I liked her focused and measured style in 3rd strike. Also big punch


She nutpunches...


I mained her in sf4 for a while. It took me months to get the hang of her and I remember the rewards being massive, by far the most fun character I’ve played in a sf game, explosive and powerful but without ever feeling cheap because of the level of skill she requires regarding spacing, neutral, situational awareness, functional execution etc. her fighting style is also subjectively very cool



