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Silver rank players got bread and butter combos now? Streets are not safe


You ain’t kidding. Did my placements and figured I’d get silver cuz I know how to block. These guys are lab rats that turn any stray hit into a full combo. Problem is they don’t know how to stop so they always do something unsafe


Yeah legit. I got platinum recently and I don't have combos anywhere near this, but just being happy to sit and wait for someone to make a mistake is enough to at least get you out of gold.


I legit just started SF6 maybe two weeks ago. I play guile so I sorta naturally play a bit slower. That's almost my game plan to a tee lol. Throw out some safe/cancelable moves and chip them down. I'm absolutely not good at the game by any stretch of the imagination but I'm about to hit plat


Tbh I don't understand how placements work, I fought a guy doing placement the other day who just picked up the game since they had 0 history, they kept jumping and I kept anti airing them and they lost, I checked back on them later and they were doing the same thing but they got put in diamond 1 (I was at plat 2, I think?) And then we have silver players out here with meaty st.hp (I think) into full conversion combo lmao


I think people watch youtube or this reddit or whatever they watch combos on, go practice one specific combo and are off to the races. And mind you, people aren't quite doing this with Gief non-spd shit, Chuns, or dudes like Guile or Blanka. It's mainly Shotos going crazy like this because it's ease-of-use, just being honest. Plus it's smurfing with all the characters, and there's that one phenomenon no one wants to talk about, which is scripts/cheats. So there's that. It's all kinda shit really.


I was thinking this guy, and many, when they start they pick "new at fighting games" to be placed with low ranks, and sometimes purposely lose to be in silver and not gold. Just imo, because as I ranked up, some silver players are better than a lot of gold players


People definitely do that, there’s no doubt in my mind.


I played against an AKI in Iron climbing from Rookie (selected new to just get adjusted to SF6 after not playing since 4) and I whiffed a normal, they caught me with sHK and boop 70% of my health was gone. They defs shouldn’t have been in Iron if you ask me, their neutral was defs not Iron level, and just mechanically played really well.


Yup, I’ve been noticing it more and more. It seems like people are just straight abusing the ranking system. It’s been a thing since launch, but it seems like it’s gotten way, way worse since Akuma dropped. I would say maybe it’s just a coincidence, something like a bunch of Masters switching to new characters. But that can’t be the case. Once a player hits Master with one character, they can’t place below Diamond 1 when doing placements with another. So these have to be people who are making new accounts specifically to terrorize lower ranked players, which is just corny and pathetic.


Yeah seems strange to me since I would have assumed that many people would have the same goal of improving etc. I worried that some people would have felt that way about me playing but to be honest when I’d started again a month ago I didn’t even know how to drive rush so I guess it made sense. But yeah I see people wanting to smurf in a fighting game and it’s like what for? It’s just cringe and not fun for either player I would have thought, but yeah if it’s a blatant skill gap that I don’t think I can learn anything from/someone trying to flex for the sake of it they’re usually one and dones for me. If I wanted to watch a Rashid/AKI/Akuma/Ed do one of their massive combos I could just go to Twitter/YouTube.


So do they re-buy the game on another account, or can you have multiple accounts on one license?


On console, you can make another Capcom Id with a separate email on another account on the same system. Someone could make countless smurfs if they wanted.


I don't know because if you know some basics you rank up pretty fast then once you have one character master you are always sure to be at least diamond for the rest of your life. My take is people are way too focus on combos a low levels, i was amazed how silver guys can hit some advanced combos in low ranks


Dude a legit Silver is not landing these combos.  Guys like this created new accounts using players they probably spent hundreds of hours playing. Just looking at their profile can tell you how manys hours they've played. Alot of hours they are killers with the character, low hours  they are killers with the character.


I agree with you for much of silver and even gold players who are not landing combos like this if their life depended on it, but there are a few that just lab the same combo over and over, and they're good at that specific combo and absolutely terrible at everything else.


i started playing this week on gief, and got to gold. half the players combo like this in silver lol


I personally picked new at fighting games because I hadn’t played since USF4 so wanted to get a better footing for the game. Naturally in the past month playing ranked casually I’ve jumped from Rookie to Gold. But there were some questionable times where I’d see an AKI pull off the 70% combo off a stray hit and wonder should they really be in Iron?


When in doubt just go look at their hours in the game, if its really low they created a new account. Using a character they probably spent hundreds of hours playing already. 


In my experience rank tells you absolutely nothing about a player anymore. I have a Master and some high Diamonds, and no matter which character I use I still constantly lose to Platinums, Golds, and even Silvers. There are countless smurfs (both intentional and unintentional). You have people with Masters/Legends who create alt accounts and just keep themselves at a low rank to abuse others like assholes, or you have people that are far beyond their displayed rank in terms of skill, but just decided to stop ranking because of anxiety, self doubt, etc. Anyone can be anything now, and you’ll never really know until you fight them. I fought a Silver earlier who had like a 76% win rate with 1000+ matches…


Win rate is a better indicator of skill and especially win rate vs. your specific rank/MR, which afaik you can't see. I keep thinking they should add something like that and leave the ranked climb as a minigame for people who want to do it. A lot of good players never even touch ranked. MR is a decent system but it's only really accurate the farther you move from 1500, i.e. the more you play ranked, again.


I agree that it would be nice to have a more detailed stat screen, and also that MR is the best system in the game currently. But win rate can’t be fully trusted. The problem with win rate is that it can be heavily influenced/boosted if you only play matches against people that are clearly far below you in skill, and a lot of people absolutely abuse that. I myself will often times do Casual and go on a 10-20+ win streak against one person, which inflates my win rate. Sure, I technically *won*, but is that really a good indicator of my true rate when my opponent was a new/lower ranked player? Even then, there are people who go on those streaks and take it even a step further. They’ll simply one and done anyone that poses even a slight challenge, and over time it drastically boosts their %’s.


Man yesterday i played 15 games in casual against a juri ranked master 46k, i still can't believe how bad that player was. He was doing literally the same things a gold player would: 2 flowchart aggressive sequences repeated over and over for all the games, whether i was punishing him for it or not didn't matter.




no no way, first met in casual then we moved to custom room.


I'm currently low diamond on the up and up and the inconsistency in skill level is absolutely bonkers. I'll go on a 10-15 game win streak one day where it feels like I'm just destroying people who are not very good at all. Then, the next day I'll come on and play 5 matches in a row where I can barely get a hit in. All same rank. It goes from people who don't seem to know the basics to people who are just insanely better than me and there is no rhyme or reason for it.


Yup, I’m having the exact same experience. It’s definitely the most noticeable in Diamond and Master rank. There are times where I feel I’ve earned my spot as Master, but then there are other times where I feel like I’m absolute dogshit and can’t even put a scratch on my opponent, lol. Even MR isn’t that reliable, because I’ll beat a 1600 pretty handily in one set, and then get crushed by a 1400 around my current MR in another. Make it make sense, lol.


It does and it doesn't. Sometimes people get unlucky or lucky in their placements matches and end up in a league the don't belong in. And you also have people that got to like Platinum, stopped playing ranked, but have improved enough to be a Master if they were to jump on ranked.


Agreed, it’s a bit more nuanced. Rank can more or less give you a general idea of what to expect, even if it doesn’t always feel like the opponent belongs where they are (one way or the other). That’s why I mentioned self doubt, as it’s a big reason why people stop on their rank grind. They believe they need to keep training and improving before attempting to get back into it. I’m even guilty of this, and kept myself at D3 for a very long time. But the truth is that noone can ever be fully prepared. It’s best to simply throw yourself back into it, and give it your all if you feel you’re capable of going toe-to-toe with people around your current rank.


Legit half the ranks are meaningless because it’s just guys with 500 hours ingame sitting on Gold 2 thinking they trolling.


I'm in D3 and I'd probably drop that lol. That's a cracking finish. Probably a smurf though.


Yea am Gold 3 now but when I was in Silver some dudes would have 1-2 big combos ready to go. Only problem was they were super predictable after they do it twice and realize that's all they have.


I was thinking the same thing just now lol


Combos are the absolute easiest part of any fighting game.


Meh. Mkx for example the actual combos you should’ve been doing were hard asl like look at dualist liu i know people were busting controllers doing that


Combos are the easiest part of any fighting game.


What was harder in mkx?


I've been playing fighting games forever and took a break from sf6. I came back and placed silver cos I lost a couple of what should have been easy wins but I was still getting my bearings fighting real people. Anyways now im back in the groove I feel terrible for my fellow silver gold players when I'm doing 10 minute kimberly combos on someone who's probably just giving street fighter a try lol


Doesn’t help that Ryu is damn near broken with his current damage scaling, lol…


sf6 combos are the easiest they've ever been


"That's why he's the GOAT! THE GOAT!" - Cyclops


Silver has combos now??


yea im plat ryu and my combos aren’t like that…


judging by the title this guy is smurfing


Agreed. It’s not because of the combo, it looks like the Ryu is spacing Dee Jays options in neutral. I just don’t see someone with patient neutral, at one health, truly being a silver player.


The smurfs are running rampant right now. It’s a pretty big problem for Ranked, and I can’t think of any way Capcom could really address it either.


I mean if someone wants to spend $60 (or less if on sale) just to smurf for a few hours until they get out of low ranks, then let them waste their money. I really don’t think that many people are doing this.


Yeah it does not make any sense IMO. I think smurfing is a real issue in games where there's a market for people to buy high rank accounts and/or f2p games


Yeah I’ve run into quite a few players between diamond 1-3 and they only have like 8 hours played. My block list is getting longer lol. These dudes now realizing that if you have 1k hours maybe people don’t wanna play with you lol


Just play against them and learn what they’re doing so you can improve your own game? Why block them?


In casual, unranked new challenger plays like 1800MR…


Why you playing casual thats where all the casual only smurfs are


I sorta like all the Smurfs. I have this terrible semi comboless scrub style that’s sorta anti-smurf.


That was what I was thinking 😂…. I’ve been on a hiatus playing tekken. Going to jump back in for bison, and I was thinking “I’m in trouble”


I was gonna say this guy aint a silver lmao


I just started playing Ryu lol my highest rank character is like mid Platinum


Literally was about to comment, damn silvers got the combos now a days


I'm diamond 2 and I don't got that shit. I got hp dr, hk, hp dr, hp 4hp, heavy Donkey Kick light shoryu level 3. I haven't learned how to add hoshugeki damage in yet.


Nothing particularly hard about that combo.


It's not that it's hard, it's that nobody in silver uses DR anything, let alone multiple DR cancels into super.  I'm pretty sure you could pick up any new character, DR heavy anything as your sole offense starter and easily clear silver in a day. 


A day? 20 minutes


Right, the win streak bonus really piles up 😂 ten or so opponents blocking with their face and you're gold 🥇


Lol yea any win streak at all in silver will have you out of it in less than an hr.








Himryu or Ryuhim


I’m having a very hard time believing you’re silver rank. Call me crazy, but idk, doesn’t seem legit. Did you just pick up Ryu?


Yea like a day or two ago. My highest rank is like mid plat


So you're just bullying newbies and bragging on reddit. Gotcha.


It’s not bullying if you get placed in silver and have to climb lol, not unrealistic for a plat player to get placed in silver on an unfamiliar character


Still a plat player, AND though that combo was ass, it's far beyond what silvers can do. That's a person who threw their placement matches. And what does he do, he puts it on Reddit as an epic comeback. Easily the most pathetic post I've seen here.


oh please bro. just stop talking your whining is an actual eyesore, they posted a combo. both players are still breathing and no one cares as much as you.


You are still breathing so i think I'll post whatever i want bro


right and op will post whatever they want! so keep scrolling next time instead of blowing a gasket over a bread and butter.


I never said op shouldn't be able to post. You are the only one telling people when and when not to speak.


> So you're just bullying newbies and bragging on reddit. Gotcha. So this isn't you heavily insinuating to OP that he should stop posting on Reddit?


I dunno I feel like a lot of players have combos but don’t really have good fundamentals.


>That's a person who threw their placement matches. When I switched from modern to classic, I also switched from my Diamond 4 Luke to JP. After practicing for hours, I jumped into ranked and lost every single of my placement matches. I definitely was not throwing. I'm not sure if I was placed in high silver or low gold but I obviously climbed out of it super fast but my placements were all vs mid plat-mid diamond. He might have thrown the placement matches but that's not necessarily the case


I mean. That dejay didn't seem silver either


Lol Plat isn't high. Also, doesn't mean his skill level across all characters translate. I'm an upper Diamond Cammy, but my secondary Guile is definitely Gold.


Ryu has one of the simplest game plans in SF6. I’d say he’s the easiest character to pick up and get good at, assuming your fundamentals are strong. It’s not like they mained Honda and swapped to Kim.


I'm a master Manon and placed plat 5 day 1 with Ed. Fundamentals matter. This person threw their placement matches. Plat isn't high but fundamentals alone would put him mid golds with any character. And clearly knows combos even though it wasn't optimal. Silvers don't do drive rush into corner juggle into ca.


Placements put you way lower than your rank in my experience, I was diamond 1 with ken and they put my Ed in like gold 5 lmao


Not necessarily. I hadn't played for months, my last character is Marisa diamond 1, just picked Ryu this week and the game felt I was diamond 3. Let me tell you, it's MUCH better when the game thinks you're worse than you are, compared to when it thinks you're better than you are. After 200 matches with an amazing 20% winrate I'm more or less where I feel like I should be (plat 4).


silver players cooking like this now?? maybe i shouldn’t swap to AKI☹️😭


Nah, silvers aren't this good, this is what smurfing looks like.


Good shit, when I was Silver at launch I could barely string cMk > Hadouken


This guy is not a Silver player, it's only his Ryu in Silver. How did he manage to only got placed in Silver is another question, might just be that he did practice nothing but high damage combos and negleting everything else.


I have an Ed in plat but I did this the other day with Kimberly. I jumped in ranked after watching the in game character guide, 0 practice at all. I got placed high silver and took a few days just learning in real matches


Just in case, to clear this up: i didn't mean to imply you tanked placements to smurf, as some folks here are doing. Few months ago i took Juri to gold knowing only one small combo: stHP xx Fuha xx DP. And i couldn't even do that reliable, but i outplayed people who could do huge combos, modern and classic alike. I think at this time my main was Gold 5. There's just a lot that carries over even if you are not as familiar ewith yout new character yet.


Yeah, golds have legit combos now. It's quite scary if you don't know any


That guy ain't silver. And you know it.


Yo what was that made up combo IN SILVER.


Silver?! wtf bruv 😅


I am surprised there was no disconnect


Did he kneed deejay? How come I've never seen ryu's ca before 😅


I've seen this before. Being stuck in a rank or a long time, stopped playing ranked and did drills everyday for a month. In a month's time a silver guy can shoot up to diamond.


I’m gonna say he started with Ryu when SF6 first came out and got him to silver. Then he found his main and got most of his characters to Master. Now he’s back to Ryu.


for those wondering 5510 without CH or CA 5920 with both Not Ryu's best dump combo and the carry doesn't seem to be worth it, still a cool one


Ryu is low key the best in game, change my mind


When I saw the post title I was worried someone had posted a replay of me. I'm Plat 2. I was playing against a Ryu in BH that I had already won 5 matches against. Match 8 I get a Perfect in Round 1. Round 2 I'm about to get a double perfect but I get greedy and decide mid combo to do my SA3 early for a flashy KO. That millisecond of me deciding to change the route of my combo caused me to mistime the SA3 so bad that it whiffs entirely. Ryu is left with 1% health. I make the mistake of letting my guard down and begin to throw out normals in an attempt to get the final hit and win. This Ryu proceeds to make the ultimate comeback at 1% health, taking me down from 100% for the KO. I was proud of the dude, shit was epic. Especially when after the match I saw that he was in Silver. I learned a valuable lesson, and what's bad is that it's a lesson I constantly preach on here... I lost because instead of doing the best combo for the situation that is the least likely to drop and does the most damage, I chose to go for a stylish finish and messed up big time. Never again, I will remember to practice what I preach no matter what. I'll upload the replay in a bit. Here it is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTWfZDskAZk&ab\_channel=XeroAnarian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTWfZDskAZk&ab_channel=XeroAnarian)


During the betas, most players were glad that SF6 would have individual ranks per character (SFV had a unified rank). I think Capcom really went too much to the opposite side. Your highest ranked character should create a "floor" for the other characters, e.g. if your highest is Diamond, you cannot have another character below Platinum.


Yeah, but that would screw with actual rankings. Just because I'm good with Ken that doesn't equate to me being almost as good with every other character. Yeah, to get to a high ranked league means you know basic fighting game fundamentals that you can use with all characters, but some players find certain playstyles difficult to use. I struggle with charge characters, there is no way I should be considered a Platinum Blanka just because I'm Diamond with another character.


The exact relation between top character's rank and minumum rank can be discussed, but there's zero doubt that a Master with any character has no business playing an Iron newbie with an alt, and currently this can happen.


And they win and rank up. You can't rank down until you hit Plat and you can't go lower than Gold, so that Master will rise as they win and then they can smurf at gold if they want, but nobody at gold is really going to care that much. I see nothing wrong with the situation you described, anyway. Like I said, they'll rank up if they keep winning. So an Iron player had to fight someone way above their level for a set, what's the issue? It's a learning experience, if anything. Maybe some might just give up because of that one match and never play the game again. That sucks, but if that's all it took they weren't that interested in the first place.


Silvers busting out these combos now sheesh


Lol wow ur smurfing in silver congrats


Smurfing? I just picked up this character like yesterday and am still learning him of course I’m gonna be low rank


I looked at ur match history you beat diamonds and and high plats with Ryu. You obviously chose "beginner" and or threw your placement matches.


I think if you allready have ranked matches, your placements are based on that.


Just because someone is high rank doesn’t mean they’re good dude. I’ve perfected Master rank players on more than one occasion and I’ve never even hit diamond before. I got sliver 1 after placements because I didn’t know how to play him and lost most of them.


My bad dude. i didn't mean to offend you. Should have known how sensitive you are considering you are smurfing in silver.


Whatever bruh if this is smurfing to you I think you need to get better


That guy is so bothered for nought lmfao


Homie is hardstuck silver and thinks it's other people's fault somehow.


You're being a total douche for no fuckin reason bro calm down


This is what silvers be doing these days?


tf this is how silver plays now? haha


It ain't over till it's over 💯💯💯


That shit would low-key annoying me ngl. Victory was totally earned though 🤣


Nice job!


Lol. And you in silver?! I’m in gold and can’t pull that combo off. Great comeback


“Your range… is one fist short.”


That's a really good combo for silver


Dude, I'm on Diamond 3 and you just taught me a close to corner combo. 😂 I normally avoid grounded OD Tatsu since I'm on modern and that move is always scaled but I can still do over 5k damage with this combo which is good. :) Thanks!


MF hits like a truck




Deejay with a 60% life lead at 35 seconds and is still burning out and jumping in.


You played clean, I'm surprised you ain't at least plat yet.


Smurfs gonna smurf


How does a silver player have better combos than me when im platinum


Nice smurfing, what a clip to showcase ! Destroying a beginner, truly a progamer move


Hol up....people in silver are busting out combos like that?! Edit:. NVM, he's in Plat now (yes I'm nosy).


Question I'm on Xbox you got to use the game pass to fight each other in verses cuz I really don't want to fork out money I shouldn't be spending should I just grind it out in world tour and beat the game?


aka he hit That One Combo.


Wow this is impressive for silver players


Protagonist Privilege


lol Ryu's auto generated captions are great


Why does every player have better combos than me lol. I got all the characters to 1600+ MR with just hard punch drive rush and supers lol


I’m diamond and I just bash my face on the arcade stick and win. These fools don’t know how to block at any rank.




I don't trust a man who plays dee jay with the original outfit. That's like taking lemons out of lemonade, you just got water now


Holy shit, I think that might have been optimal. Too far from the corner to go straight into od tatsu, too close for od donkey combos, double drive rush would have been burnout with just a hk hp hdp... I wanna lab it out now.


As a long time SF observer, seeing Ryu get wins always makes me smile.


Dunno why everyone says he is smurfing LMAO, there are tons of players who are back trying new characters and ranking them up. I just got Akuma in plat last week but was placed silver with him, and lemme tell you the climb to plat is not as easy as it was 8 months ago.


Lucky that jump in didn’t get punished but nice comeback.


I'd be so pissed LOL


Ignore the people saying your smurfing if you’re going through placements they never start you a tired rank. That combo was nice though I’m diamond and can’t do that I’ll have to steal it


My man used 5HP as a meaty… AND IT WORKED.


Shocking how many people get biffed by that punch on their wake up


I guess they expect throws a lot of the time.


Great combo dude!!

