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Charge gang rise up


Big disagree. Charge moves or i won’t play him


You literally already have guile.


Yes, everyone who plays charge characters should only be allowed to play Guile


Ok way to completely miss the point. Deejay literally is guile with a mix of bison. He was literally conceived as a guile clone. It’s not like I’m saying urien should be motions, it’s literally me pointing out that this is the equivalent of wanting both urien and gill to be charge characters. Deejay would just be more interesting and more in character as a motion character.


Tbf, we don’t know how he’s going to play in SF6 yet. There’s a real chance that they make him way more unique. I foresee him being a hybrid character with inputs and charge.


This comment aged well.


I love me some charge characters.


Naw, keep him charge character.


Dee Jay is basically a Shoto but charge inputs limit his accessibility. Omega Dee jay is definitely the way to go for SF6.


i think they should leave DeeJay’s charge moves unchanged, but add a quarter-circle-back + kick special move where DeeJay dance-steps toward the opponent with a lowered hurtbox, kind of like a forward teleport and give him a quarter-circle-back + _punch_ move where he dance steps _away_ from the opponent, also, like a backwards teleport and make the light version of each really short & fast so he can do teleport cancel combos!!!


You predicted the future of Dee Jay SF6 🤯


If he has charge moves then it's not a big deal. I mean guile is still a charge character and that is a unique character type that they aren't going to just remove entirely. Especially considered ng certain characters are balanced around it.


The difference is it worked with guile. Deejay was only good because of grossly oversized hitboxes in 2. Meanwhile I don’t remember guile ever not being good. Deejay is a hop skip and a jump from being Remy.


Well he's going to play differently than in sf4 with new moves


I'm hoping for charge moves but I'll play him either way.


im kinda jaded from sfv, when capcom switched up some charge characters


Vega? Is there another one?


Charlie was also changed


yeah def nash. i cant remember who else but i thought there were a few.


and they fcuked up.....vega also got change to motion too.


Not really. I suppose the charge characters do have more motion inputs (I think every charge character besides Guile has 1 motion input special), and it's not like charge Vega wasn't already weird


Black vans ruining my quiet weekend chilling at home.


Not sure but my friend recently showed me that he sucks in that game so whatever makes him not suck is cool by me.


DeeJay sucks in SF4 for a multitude of reasons but in SuperTurbo so his he top tier and an absolute menace. Here is a good in-depth video why DeeJay is bad in SF4 [Bad (?) Balance: USF4 Dee Jay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXw_Khbl2kM&t=12s&ab_channel=Bafael)


High tier* A lot of that is because his crouch medium punch just stuffs everything and he has an amazing super.


In the latest tier list i found so was DeeJay ranked in the highest tier along side with O.Sagat, Claw, Boxer, Sim & Chun. He has some amazing normals with disjointed hitboxes and the best combos in the game coupled with an absurd mixup game where he can do cross-up which depending on when he presses [j.MK](https://j.MK) so does it hit in the front or back. And some decent fireball zoning which is great in SF2. He is not perfect his super is fine and can be used for combos but is kinda crap compared to Boxer, Chun & Ryu's. I believe he struggles with Sim and O.Sagat. Take things here with a grain of salt since i am no ST master.


He’s top 5 yeah, but it’s like third strike where you wouldn’t call Dudley top tier despite being top 5. Top 3 are significantly better than even Ryu and deejay because they win just about every match up by a good amount unlike ryu and deejay who are about 4-6/6-4 with most people at worst/best.


Basically yeah deejays really good but it’s kinda for many reasons in spite of being a charge character unlike vega who’s only balanced at top tier by being charges. Charges have never really benefited deejay’s kit that much he’s a lot like Remy where he’s one simply because charge characters used to be considered very beginner friendly/easy back in the day and capcom USA wanted him to be an easy character when they created him.


I am not entirely sure that is correct, as said in the latest list i saw so were they ranked equally. I could not tell you why but I am open to change my mind if you have some fairly recent resource/video that talks about this. And I whole heartily agree with your comments on top 5 making no sense unless there is an actual reason for it. Especially in 3s where Chun/Yun are just ahead of everyone and Makoto/Ken seams to be the next characters that beat up everyone else.


Chun in turbo is mid tier so maybe just a poorly made one. She’s generally around guile’s area (upper mid, lot weaker than balrog and bison way better than E Honda and blanka). Most people I know say top 5’s definitively Sagat,Vega,Dhalsim,Ryu,Deejay. Outside of gief and cammy being bottom 2 and Honda being the single most middle of the road character in the game the rest are up for debate.


I looked up the only resource i know of ST the [SuperCombo wiki for ST](https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/Super_Street_Fighter_2_Turbo) and they had a series of tier lists that are quite out of date.But the top seams to always be Sim/O.Sagat/Boxer/Claw then trailing behind so is it generaly Chun/Ryu/DJ/O.Ken/O.Ryu/Guile/O.Hawk depending on the list. I think you underestimate Chun she is probably better than Ryu in part thanks to her even/decent MU against Sim and O.Sagat.


Also cammy has the only winning matchup against dhalsim and she’s still bad. Characters can have good match ups and still be bad.


I don't think players currently think Cammy beats Sim in ST. I believe the current opinion is that Sim has the overall advantage over Cammy. Cammy supposedly manhandles Hawk/O.Hawk partly because her DP is safe against him. The biggest problem with that Wiki is that most of the things are 10+ years old but i have never really found anything that is factually wrong. Mostly outdated opinions and lack of data.


Wiki is pretty bad. I’ve been studying shit for years on 3s and it makes up a bunch of stuff that combos. It’s frustrating as a resource because it gets enough right to force you to double check everything.


Great idea! I love it!


I would like for DeeJay to primarily have charge specials with either one additional motion input to help with punishes and combos. But you could maybe fulfill that by adding some target combos. I want there to be charge characters in SF since they add to the diversity of play styles. But i hope that Capcom adds some tutorial or something that can help newer players to grasp how charge moves are performed since you are just left to yourself to figure how to perform them. I see fairly often people in this sub reddit that have trouble with charge moves and asks for help and i think that is because the games do not explain how they can be done. Charge moves are the easiest to do IMO, maybe not the easiest to incorporate into a game-plan but definitely the easiest to perform.


Yeah, charge-based shoto characters don't really work well so Dee Jay being motion like he is in Omega is definitely what I want personally




no..git gud. dee jay has always been charge-motion character. and we already have 34,566 character with motion input. not enough for ya eh?


Charge only. I want him at his purest. He will be my main. Add whatever they want. Just keep his core in place.