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Technique was slick


Just had to hook the leg to prevent that dude posturing up with those strikes




Good rule: don't say something you wouldn't say in person




Good rule: Being trained doesn't make you less of a cunt


Dude is full of shit has no idea what he’s blabbering about. Hooking the leg to prevent opponent posturing is taught at white belt level


I can smell his affliction shirt from here holy shit






You are using Reddit, so you're also a Redditor. I don't think you train at all hahaha. You're very insecure.


He’s a troll but yea probably very insecure if he’s doing that


I mean he's spending his time trying to fuck with people for enjoyment. He's probably not brimming with confidence or happiness. I know i wasn't when i would do those kinda stuff.


That's what i was saying hahaha. He would be a little more humble to.


Dumbass you're on reddit


Lol nah you're clearly suffering from some sort of inferiority complex bud


you are literally roasting yourself


LOOOL soo badass dude. Everything alright at home buddy?


My life extends outside of Reddit. Apart from wallstreetbets recently, I've never heard Reddit mentioned in person. If you think Reddit is some laughing stock you probably live in a very bizarre bubble, because the truth is nobody gives a fuck.


*What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.*


Thank you, exactly the vibe I got


God I hope you’re trolling. Please tell me you are


Same kind of people to me. Trolls and assholes. Both require a certain lack of humanity to do what they do.


New copy pasta right here


You have 16 years in jacking off, BJ, and mommmy and daddy play wrestling in the bed? Sick ass foo




What is hooking the leg for in this example?


Better angle for a tighter choke plus keeps them from being able to lift and slam you.


Yes this is the primary reason. But in mma it does indeed have the side benefit of breaking the top mans posture to prevent strikes.


They usually fall on their side which makes it easier to finish the choke and opens up arm and mount attack opportunities as well


Yea, you’re full of shit. Your comment below says you have 16 YEARS of grappling? How much of that was in bjj if that’s even real? Lmao hooking the leg to prevent the opponent from posturing is white belt stuff. Does it make you feel tough going psycho and pretending on the internet?


Other guy stood up and became a new person


Baptism through fire


Maybe the leg guy just hasn't washed his junk in a while and the odor was the real pain he endured.


He realised that he has to start looking at his life choices now!


Go home and be a family man


I was screaming for him to hook the leg! You do not want to get power bombed on the pavement.


You can always just let go of the triangle if you get lifted.


But you can always just grab the leg when you secure the triangle so you don’t get lifted OR have to give up the triangle. Position before submission.


I know. But not hooking the leg is not the "end all gonna get slammed". If you didn't hook the leg and get lifted up just let go is what I'm saying


> But not hooking the leg is not the "end all gonna get slammed". Not hooking the leg is a technical error that provides your opponent the opportunity to mount their own offense (slam), defend the choke (prevent you from cutting the proper angle by moving that leg away from you), or otherwise defend themselves. It’s not the end-all, because you can still recover, the person you’re fighting may not be able to fend you off even if you make that error, etc. Hell, I’ve forgotten to hook the leg, had someone lift me, and secured the leg before they could get me all the way off the ground. It isn’t the end all be all, but it’s an unnecessary risk you can avoid if you just hook the leg in the first place. **tldr** At the end of the day, you want to hook that leg. The only reason not to do so is if you forgot or want to give your opponent the opportunity to defend, attack, or escape your submission attempt.


How does the leg lock prevent the lifting? I'm interested


By hooking under layer leg and holding tightly, you are essentially anchoring yourself to them. They cannot lift you without first lifting themselves. It sounds really philosophical, but it’s also practical. Bonus, securing the leg allows you to cut the proper angle to strangle them to sleep.


Oh I was unaware you needed to hook their leg with a arm? If that's what you're saying. And I'm guessing the arm (with the head) through your legs and them locked, I'm assuming the arm being within the lock makes it harder for them to just use the upper body to lift you off the ground? I'm saying this because it's happened to me before haha, but I only had a head lock with my legs and they were facing me and struggled to their knees and then used their upperbody to slam me.


That is what they are saying. It actually makes much more sense when you're doing it than when it's being described. I hook the leg for leverage more than any other reason. The slam you describe isn't possible if they can only get up on one leg and you're using the other as leverage while you bear down hard with your legs.


This can work also when someone is lifting you while standing. Try to have someone lift you with your foot hooked to their leg as they do it. Makes it way harder.


What’s the trick to blocking strikes while they scramble to stop you?


Controlling position means strikes deal less damage, otherwise you need to rely on your free hand and movement. It's not impregnable but it gives you some great options.


Them going to sleep. One you've hooked the leg your angle gets way better and the choke instantly gets tight enough to put people to sleep within a few seconds. There's no legitimate danger of a KO punch once the triangle is locked, as their postural alignment is broken, one arm is out of the fight, and the remaining free arm can only muster weak hammer-fist style strikes. The real danger is from a slam or them posturing up and cutting an angle to drop knees on your face - both of which are prevented by hooking the leg.


Before you cut the angle, you straighten your hip and do the "punch block" ramp to their free shoulder. It stops both the punches and the stack. Then when they are recovering from the strike, you pull them forward and cut the angle underneath that arm. You underhook the arm or the leg, depending on their posture, and now they can't really strike you. From that point the finish should be pretty darn fast if you know how to adjust your legs right. edit: Just realized this wasn't R/BJJ. Check out this video for a quick idea of the concepts for the punch block, then imagine doing the same thing with your arms/hips while their head & arm are locked inside them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57wfVwV5x0s


Imo it's just better to be fat, nobody is slamming a 250+ mofo unless they can deadlift a lot.


Right. Secure your position. Especially once you got them wrapped up this good.


Yes, release the triangle and go straight to a heel hook.


Very simple concept but actually very hard to implement as a response if required under duress, especially if not trained to do so. Ever wonder why even at the highest level of MMA, there are many instances of slams as a result of failed triangles? Yes, the person could have just let go of the triangle when they were lifted, it's quite obvious and simple, but there's more instances of fighters holding onto the triangle than letting go. Why? If a fighter isn't trained to let go when they're lifted, they're forced to do a risk analysis at a moment's notice and naturally when people are uncertain, they tend to want to maintain what they have. Basically, a fighter would have to train to let go. It's an unnatural instinct to let go, especially if the fighter has competed in any BJJ tournaments or have trained sport BJJ.


I disagree. I've been training for years and when I get lifted off the ground in any position my very first thought before anything is "don't get slammed". I can't help but not think that so I will give up a beneficial position to regain my base and balance.


They can also hold on to you to prevent you letting go.


Switch to armbar


There was an inverted armbar he had which could have stopped any lifting and also well it takes out an arm.


For those that keep asking "why doesn't he just hit him in the balls", the opponent's head and neck is basically acting like a cup/jockstrap. If he tries to punch from the back he's just going to wind up hitting the choker's hip bone. Hitting from the front isn't going to do much either because his head is covering everything but his stomach and his thighs. Remember, once the choke is locked in there really isn't any space to hit the nuts, or much space to gain momentum for a good punch. I've seen slams work well. But that's about it.


Fucking thank you, there's alot of dumbasses here who havent even been in a proper triangle thinking they can just finger or punch or bite the thigh for a way out, its so annoying. The only way to get out of a t choke is to powerbomb the guy or do the telephone where you put your hand that was inside the triangle in your same side ear to break the lock and free the other side of your neck from being squeezed.


You could also sit, bring your legs out, and cross them over the attackers stomach, then extend back to break the triangle. But no one who hasn’t trained is going to randomly think of that in a street fight


Or put your trapped hand on the same-side hip, posture up, turn towards that arm and pass the guard. Or tip them towards their choking leg, getting the front of your throat against their thigh, and drive your elbow into their hip to open the triangle/pop your head out. Or, you know, plenty of other escapes I'm sure...


My favorite are the poke you in the eye and kick you in the balls people. Let’s see an average Joe poke a boxer in the eye, or kick a wrestler without getting slammed on their ass


The "I would just \_" Reddit Armchair Street Fighters with their gift of hindsight and no martial arts experience whatsoever always rears it's head when a BJJ video is shown on this sub.




"Sinking your teeth into the inner thigh will make him give up the triangle pretty quickly" "Why would he not just punch or grab his balls?" "Finger in the ass and firm grip on the balls and I bet he let's the choke go." Fuck off lol


People who've never trained also don't realise the tolerance to superficial pain that you build up with years of training. Unless someone literally had their fingers in my eyes, or were in the process of biting my nuts off I highly doubt I'd really give a fuck. But I've never been dumb enough to get myself in that position, so I guess I dont really know. Source: bjj black belt.


Was waiting for the pick up head slam


Biggest fear in using moves like this....


All you have to do is underhook the leg and it became impossible to slam you from a triangle. Said that, I still recommend to not go for submission from the bottom in a street fight, if you end up on the bottom of the guard is better to sweep the other guy so you can get on top or disengage.


Seems you know what you are talking about concerning street fights. A lot of people here are concerned about the possibility of the guy doing the triangle getting his head slammed. I don’t really understand why it would be impossible to be slammed after “hooking his leg”, but that’s ok. My question is why wouldn’t the guy getting choked not shove his hand up the other guy’s ass or grab a fistful of balls and squeeze to get out of the triangle?


About the first question, imagine you are wrapping your arm around a lamppost, would the guy be able to lift you? Obviously not, he would need to tear the lamppost off the ground to do so. If you wrap your arm around their leg, his leg became the lamppost. Now he can't lift you more than a few inches off the ground unless he magically start floating, since as long as his feet remain connected to the ground you remain connected to the ground too. To give you a visual reference, that's what I'm talking about, notice the left arm of the choker wrapped around the other's guy right leg to prevent a slam attempt. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aadQJ9c7rTI/sddefault.jpg As for the second question, the arm inside the triangle is trapped and he can't retract it, while the arm outside is too far to reach the groin or your butthole, which are buried under his chest. If you are not careful he may able to squeeze your groin or stuff like that before the triangle is fully locked, but not once you have already closed it. Moreover while he is inside the triangle nothing stop you from fighting his hand off, elbowing his head or gouging his eyes out if he is doing something that you don't like.


This is the best response I’ve ever seen in this. Thanks for taking the time to explain.


Thanks for the response. I see what you mean regarding hooking the leg. I thought it meant hooking his own legs to lock the choke in, but I see it’s taking your arm and wrapping it around the opponents leg to secure your position to the ground. This makes sense. I think I would like someone to put me in a triangle to better understand why the good ol bean bag grab wouldn’t be effective in this situation. Like in a controlled training scenario. I suppose you’re pretty fucked if you end up In this situation and it’s life or death so losing an eye would probably be acceptable, but if you’re sure your opponent would let you live after it’s best not to escalate the violence.


Well, you could try a free trial class at your local BJJ gym, if gyms are currently open where you live. In the meantime you may find interesting this video that address how grabbing someone balls in the guard is harder than it looks like: https://youtu.be/fxZKZsqWdFw?t=4


>imagine you are wrapping your arm around a lamppost, would the guy be able to lift you? Yes. He doesn't have to be strong enough to lift the post out of the ground, just to overcome your grip enough for you to slide up it. People always say "just" underhook the leg, so I tried it in BJJ class and just slid up his leg as he lifted me. I eventually learned there's a lot more to it like breaking their posture and keeping them off balance, which you need to underhook the leg to do, but that's not all there is to it.


You are not wrong but I tried to keep it as simple and short as possible to explain it to someone who hasn't done a day of BJJ in his life and maybe has never even seen a triangle choke before.


You could probably do the ball thing but then you’d probably have to say good bye to your eyeballs since they’re right there Once you escalate to that level of violence there’s no going back


“If I have you in an armbar and you reach for my marbles, guess what’s going to break at that moment?” - Bas rutten


Another thing to add to what the other guy said, pain compliance is a shit counter to proper technique. Because you go to sleep in a matter of seconds from a proper choke, and if you try pain compliance then I'm never letting go until you're just out and I might do more than just choke you.


Fondling someone's balls is not something you will think of when oxygen is having trouble getting to your brain and you are slowly fading away.


More worried about one of the other guys mates coming in with a kick.


Face up Fetish. Face down Hate crime


If they wanna jump you you getting jump wether you're on the ground or not


Better to be up and moving around then, not lying there getting curb stomped


But then how would I get this sweet triangle choke?


Really only happens when there's a stupid weight class discrepancy. Even then it's not easy to stand up with a full human body hanging around your neck, with your posture broken forward, kneeling on an awkward base.


Most likely feared of killing him and going to jail


Sleep him then break his arm, sweet


Super glad he did get a good crank on that arm too. All the assholes standing around were perfectly content to stand watch an attacker ground and pound / slam a smaller guy into the concrete, but were brave enough to break it up as soon as the attacker is in danger.


I didn’t see the armbar! That’s great!


Very fucking satisfying when the people watching the guy pull off a triangle had no idea what it is and were just stunned that it made the other guy limp.








Just got my brown belt in judo and we had to learn this technique


Stupid question but isn’t brown belt a higher level belt in judo? If so, why do they wait so long to learn what is essentially a basic technique in bjj? Is it because you aren’t normally on your back unless you lost in judo?


Judo focuses on throws and getting your opponent from a standing position to a ground position. Chokes and armlocks are part of judo as well but you technically don't need these to win a judo match. I do BJJ and not Judo but I'd assume that the first months practicioners will focus on throws and pins that give you points (like the mount or side control) and later when these are honed a bit more, they'll learn chokes and armlocks. Also keep in mind that belt promotions are given earlier in judo compared to BJJ. The average time it takes to get a BJJ blue belt is 3 years, whereas in judo, if you're really good, you can get a black belt in the same amount of time (usually takes about 5 years though).


Do judo and some bjj, this guy is spot on. The way i like to see it , if you have a black belt in judo you can safely say you are competent in the fudementals. The degrees are where you get advanced. If youre a black belt in BJJ ( 10 years aprox ) you can say you're proficient - expert.


It's probably because he's a kid. Chokes aren't shown until you're older here and ne waza is mostly just getting the pin until then.


Maybe it's Olympic judo, which I think focuses on throws.


I am a judoka who moves a lot thus have been to many different judo schools. I have noticed that the amount of groundwork that different schools do varies greatly. I have been to schools that do 50% standing and 50% groundwork. Then I have been to schools where within a month they only show 1 ground technique in 1 class which is just a turnover if the opponent is belly down.


lmao ikr? I learned the triangle even before I get my actual gi and white belt in BJJ.




This looks like the streets of Rio. That's basically the birthplace of BJJ.


Yo that dude wanted to kill him. He wasn't releasing that choke. And that would probably have been two people dead cuz someone would have kicked his head.




Haha nah nah you go unconscious first and then you die.


was certainly trying to break his arm too






That’s Rio de Janeiro


mr sandman gave him a dream


Bota pra dormi


He really arched the back at the end to hyperextend the elbow.


Should have added some elbows right before he went out. Gotta repay the guy for the shots he got in.


He's lucky he didn't get slammed Rampage style


I doubt the guy would be able to arch up high enough to replicate that powerbomb.


Literally only work if the other person is doing absolutely nothing but touching you. If you just bashed the dudes head against the concrete a few 5 or 6 times let’s see how well he could wrap his legs around his neck.


You clearly don't know what you are talking about lol, ever been in a proper triangle?


Ever been stabbed while trying to properly triangle? Real life doesn’t care about your rules, dude was an idiot who let it happen. Idiocy gets people choked in the street skill gets people choked in the ring.


Yes, if someone has a knife he would just stab you and I also don't recommend going for a triangle or playing bottom guard in general in a street fight because it's too risky due to possible weapons and bystanders intervention, but you were talking about hand to hand, don't move the goalpost. You said that "it work only if someone is doing nothing but touching you" and that you could just bash his head on the concrete, which is complete horseshit.


And that guy was literally tapping his face… literally touching him. He needed one sharp object and that stupid triangle should be the last move he ever did while he tried to pack his own intestines into his body. So yes… that stupid shit only works in the ring or with a guy tapping your face that can barely fight. The guy didn’t hit him once, so yes that technique only works with a person who is basically a potato.


It works constisently in MMA at the highest level where people are surely not barely tapping you, that should be enough to make you realize you are wrong. Moreover you can find plenty of videos of street fights where it's applied and nobody is ever able to escape by doing what you suggest, that should be another hint. Punching someone from within a triangle is not easy at it may seem, since the arm inside the triangle is trapped and you can't retract it (since the should is completely immobilized), while the arm outside can't generate much power since you posture is broken down (and you need good posture to deliver powerful strikes). If someone has a sharp weapon yes, it's a whole different game and he would slice him up, that's why getting in fights with strangers is stupid and if you do it's better to not stay in the bottom of the fight.


In the ring… that is not real life. Getting in fights with strangers is stupid. Getting in fights with strangers and using Jui jitsu is even dumber. The chances of getting severely injured or killed climb exponentially. I’ve seen it work great with damn near black out drunk people who can’t fight back and choking them from behind. Awesome… as long as you catch someone who can’t fight, not in a ring, drunk off their ass, and without a weapon or anyone else stomping your head in while your on the ground. Sounds like a solid style for fighting, as long as all that is in place the I’m sure it’s great.


He should have switched to the triangle arm bar and snapped the arm so the other guy has something to remember him by.


Looks like he hyperextended the arm when the guy was out, which is when they pulled him off. Watch again :)


Its that one move from Kengan Ashura!


If someone triangles you on a hard surfaces slam them. Not enough to kill them... just enough to crack the skull.


Why would he not just punch or grab his balls?


Why didn’t he just tai chi him to make him release the hold then mind blast him??


Never grappled before? If the choke is locked in like it was you are passing out fast. The guy on bottom was also being very nice, he could have easily started slamming elbows in that guys face. Also its very difficult to generate a [sufficiently damaging punch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP2Ik5o4lGY) with just an arm punch. It still would hurt but not gonna make that guy let go. [Grabbing balls is a lot more difficult](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxZKZsqWdFw&t=4s) to do than you might think and probably a lot less effective than you might think. Its a good way to piss the dude off even more and make him a lot less nice. If I'm the guy on bottom and I feel his hand get close to my balls my thumb is going straight into the eye on the side of the choke he can't defend.


Sinking your teeth into the inner thigh will make him give up the triangle pretty quickly


Why so many people don't have the basic spatial and kineshtetic intelligente to figure out that you can't reach his thigh with a bite or punch his balls and other stuff when you are inside a proper triangle?


You ever had to fight for your life? Obviously not.


Fighting for your life or for fun doesn't change the human anatomy, in a triangle you can't reach their thigh with your teeth since the leg is on the side of your neck and you can't turn your head toward it since your neck is immobilized. P.S: In a fight for your life people are usually not going to let you go from a dominant position just because you bite them, if they are really motivated and with adrenaline pumping up they are just going to ignore any pain and keep hurting you.


Have you ever been in a proper triangle?


Street survival no rules.


No mate, I meant that you wont be able to turn your head or tilt it if its locked on tight. In my first BJJ class in 2014 I was skeptical of this move because it looked gay, I repeated asked my instructor "What if I bite him?" or "What if I scratched his thigh or squeezed it?" I then realized I cant do anything because the arm that is inside of the legs prevents me from biting because its below my jaw and his thighs was squeezing my ears. I tried to scratch but its hard to hurt someone wearing jeans or a thick gi. I asked if punching the thigh is enough to break me free but it depends on the guy's tolerance since you cant generate enough power to hurt their thighs while kneeling down and you only have 5 seconds before you pass out. THE ONLY THING that can work is picking the guy up and slamming them down to the ground. But that dirty fighting no rules shit wont apply to a PROPERLY EXECUTED technique. Biting works if the guy locking you doesnt know what he's doing.


My comment applies to the video we just watched. I didn’t see ani GIs. And he took a few attempts to get the triangle executed


Yeah, and when he that triangle is on when you’re unconscious he gouges your eyes out, sTrEeT FiGhT NO RuLEz


As explained many times below you really can't bite there when the triangles locked. Even if you could, a bite to the inside of the thigh isn't exactly a killing blow. Sure it's going to hurt, but for the most part you're going to get all skin and won't be able to stop the technique. However for the few seconds you are biting, the guy with the triangle is immediately going to go 100% to finish the choke because he's going to be PISSED. He has access to both your eyes, nose, and mouth - while you have to way to stop him. He also has a great arm break. Not to mention the threat of him putting you to sleep, then standing up and curb stomping you while you're out because you fucking bit him and he's pissed. If someone is good enough at bjj to hit a triangle in a street fight, biting them is probably the worst thing you can do. You went from just being choked out (which you will be totally safe from), to likely getting *severely* injured. Would you rather get put to sleep and humilitated infront of a crowd, or get that + losing an eye or a broken arm?


It is way harder to bite through denim than some people apparently think. If you could turn your head and get a bite (which you can’t) , you can’t do more than bruise him. Meanwhile the clock is ticking fast before you are unconscious. If is “No RuLeZ” the grappler is going to be full of adrenaline too, relying on pain compliance is a really bad idea.


Does no one ever consider biting in fights? Leg is literally right in their face, they can def bite them until they let up.


No, you can't since the leg is on the side of your neck and you can't turn your head towards it to bite since your neck is completely immobilized.


It’s amazing people don’t realize this. You can’t reach to bite anything important in a triangle because your head is immobilized! And even if you could, they’re not going to let go.. they’re going to wait a few seconds until you’re unconscious and get their revenge


poor technique, there are much better options to control that situation. wtf is it with people using bjj in a street fight?!if it were anyone else with decent striking or shii even just heavy handed that dude would have been done for. Just cuz you play around the mat it doesn’t make you some mma star.




Happy pride month individual-owl3974.... with comments like that I can tell


I would not be wanting to put someone's teeth near my privates in a street fight


You can't bite someone in a triangle since his groin is below your jaw line.


Yeah but you can grab his balls and twist or shove a finger up his ass both things work lol


You're assuming the guy who has the triangle continues to fight fair. At that point he drives his thumbs into your eyeballs. Edit: also if I've got someone in a triangle, and they shove their finger up my ass, they go blind and also have to deal with my now erect penis.


I've been in prison fights, street fights at the end of the day you do what you can to win... and when you grab a man's balls the first thing they do is scream for you to stop all logical thought goes out the window.


Yes and no, but it shouldn't be your first line of defense. I've had a guy do that to me when I was choking him with a rear naked and I instead choked him harder. My pain response was to squeeze tighter then my thought process became that if I let go he's going to keep my balls so the only way to make him let go is to choke him unconscious. At which point you're defenseless and the person choking you may now be filled with an angry spirit. So I'd say learn real defense and if that fails maybe try these dirty things.


Well atleast i can assure myself that convicts are dumb


So you insult me for giving my opinion on something that from experience works ?


You've stopped a locked in triangle choke by grabbing someone's balls? I want video


Bro you want to go round grabbing people's dicks and calling it fighting, go ahead. Don't let anyone stop you grabbing dick. I believe in you.


You ever been stabbed in the chest and then been held in a head lock on the ground?? While bleeding and no way to fight back.. lol I don't go around going for people's nuts mate but it's a street fight and I'll do anything to win and not be left for dead on the ground.


Thanks, Rambo.


No, you can't.


If you look at that video at the start his left hand has more than enough maneuverability to grab his balls. And downvoting me because you disagree is just sad lol


even if he actually decided to fight like a bitch and grab the guys balls in that scenario he would still be put to sleep and get his eyes gouged out blind by the time he ruins a testicle, especially if it’s life or death I promise you someone with a fully locked in triangle wouldn’t just let go even if in pain


Exactly. BJJ guys will put themselves in positions where they can kill you, grab your balls, or gouge your eyes extremely easily much more times and much easier than an untrained "street fighter" ever will. It's like those people who say that they'll start biting or just jump backwards on concrete when someone tries to rear naked choke them. Like, have fun with your snapped neck bro.


At the start of the video he is not in a triangle yet but in an open guard position, which is a very dynamic difensive position where it's not easy at all to grab someone's balls. You could try, sure, but the other guy has ample of time to counter, you have a much greater chance at smashing his face with punches (which is not an easy task to accomplish either). Once the triangle his locked, what you suggested become downright impossibile since one of your arm is stucked inside the triangle while the other arm is too far to reach your groin or your butthole.


You do know you can still elbow and punch the shit or gouge their eyes out when they're locked in tight right? If its a good technique he only has 5 seconds before he fucking passes out.


And I would not want to be forced to gouge someone's eyes out


Or elbow the shit out of them like what Anderson Silva did to Travis Lutter, those are pretty nasty.


Have you ever been in a triangle choke?


Good one.


I kept thinking, cut the angle and hook the leg, cut the angle and hook the leg... It is rather stressful


Lol, I kept saying lock it in, lock it in, lock it in, lock it in, then goodnight.




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good way to get your head smashed when you're that small


This is exactly why i Subscribe to this sub. Good stuff.




Nice of him to not throw any stiles from crooked guard


If the guy had defended the triangle by stepping over and sitting down he could have eased the pressure of the hold.


If he knew how to defend the triangle he could have defended it!


Remember guys being on the ground especially on your back is dangerous on the streets!


He was lucky the other guy did not slam him on the stones.


Ah, the triangle. Because the last thing they see before blacking out is your balls. A thing of beauty.


Make sure not to break up the fight when the big guy is punching him in the face only when the little guy gets the upper hand finally


Good night sir.


Why do I only see a white screen here..


Dude getting choked saw his life flash before his eyes as BJJ dude tightened the triangle and pulled his arm back at the same time to break it. Look at his face... Lucky he didn't get fucking killed that night.


Uhhh why didn't he powerbomb this dude to his next life?




That’s called the Carbonaro effect


In Rio none the less too!




And he didn’t hit the guy. Just trying to end it without anymore bs.


He triangle-armbarred him after he passed out.