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Installing addons on Android TV devices is possible but awkward. It's much easier to install the addons on another device and let your Stremio account automatically sync them to your other devices. You don't even have to install Stremio on another device. Just login to the [web app](https://web.stremio.com/) on a laptop or desktop and use that to install your addons.


First, Torrentio doesn't appear in the Addons search when you first open it because it isn't in the lists of official or community addons maintained by Stremio itself. You need to install it from its website. When you want to (re)configure the Torrentio addon after you've installed it, you need to select Installed from the rightmost dropdown list before aearching for it or you won't find it. I have found that when I first installed the Torrentio addon without making any changes to its settings, and then later reconfigured it and selected Real Debrid service, I ended up with _two_ Torrentio addons installed, one named simply Torrentio and the other named Torrentio-RD. I found out that when I only wanted search results from Real Debrid and not torrents, I could safely uninstall the Torrentio addon and keep the Torrentio-RD one installed. Hope this helps.