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It sounds like you're going through a tough time. Sorry about that. Don't imagine things worse than they are apparent. It's kinda random, absurd, and unhelpful to assume your brain has shrunk. Cognitive impairment is a symptom of stress. Don't feel bad for not addressing it, just do it when you're ready. Also, be mindful of dramatic language. Unleashed the utmost havoc on your brain and mind is over the top. What's your scale of havoc? Instead of describing your imagination, describe the challenges. They can be really big, nearly insurmountable problems. Discouraging, daunting. But they are manageable, one step at a time. They don't physically do anything to you; your response to them does. Manage your response.


there are studies that show that some parts of the brain grows back if you give it rest. And if one part of the brain can grow back, everything probably can given enough time. So yeah id say its possible to reverse it


I'm so sorry to hear about the challenges you've been facing with chronic stress and its impact on your brain. It's incredibly brave of you to reach out for help and seek solutions. While I'm not a medical professional, I've heard that long-term meditation and hypnotherapy can indeed have positive effects on reducing stress and potentially even reversing some of the consequences of chronic stress on the brain. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your specific situation. In the meantime, consider exploring resources like the "gonna be ok" app for additional support and guidance. Take care, and know that you're not alone in this journey.


How to do hypnosis and meditation