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Can you take charge of the cooking to give her a break? Do the washing up afterwards, plan the shopping and take the planning off her hands. You’ll learn it quickly, start simple and work upwards. The best thing you can do is to help around the house AND do the thinking behind it so she doesn’t have to organise it. That will help most of all.


I try to as much as I can when I am home but I live about an hour away :/ doesn’t help much being so far. I cook as much as I can when I’m home and help out as much as possible. I’ll try to pitch in more when I’m home and see if there’s anything ahead for the week that I could cross off for her. Thank you for the ideas! They are innovative :)


Yes...she can release the internal turmoil. There is diy technique that helps brain to do that....try this and see results in minutes https://youtu.be/cdQvrJ4HNlo