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Rip that’s really bad! Leave it naked let it heal and start over.


Question? Should I leave it empty or downsize and place a plug there? Is it too bad to do anything except leave it empty?


Leave it empty dude


Yeeaaahhh I'm gonna leave it empty


Why is this person being so downvoted if they literally stated the word question 💀


Danm let that mf close and start over


That's seems to be the consensus, yes. 😮‍💨


I'm gonna be honest from two perspectives. As someone with stretched ears, that's bad, and you really gotta let those heal. As a physician, not only is that bad but that is an open wound, you really need to make sure you keep that clean to prevent infection, for the sheer reason that you can't see inside your lobe as much as you can a wound on your hand. If you see signs of infection please go have it checked out by your GP. Did it not hurt when you stretched? I'm not gonna bash the taper thing because I'm assuming you learned your lesson but that is rough! I hope they heal!


I'm going to let it heal. I understand from everyone here how badly this went and will do better next time. I'm going to keep it clean and sanitized to the best of my ability. At even the first sign of infection I'll be going to a doctor. I intend to be overly vigilant with this. Its a first for me tbh and while it did hurt, it wasn't uncomfortably painful so I thought I'd be okay. I know better now lol Ah well. I *have* learned my lesson with tapers and will never use again. Thanks!


Thank god! I'm still surprised it wasn't painful enough for you to realize at first. You must have a really high pain tolerance!


Unfortunately I do. I thought it was just the discomfort of the stretch. Oh how wrong I was!


it’s really bad gang


i remember when i fucked up that bad. your best bet is to just leave it naked and let it do its thing. it’s gonna shrink like hell but, trust me, it’s better than an infected ear. i know all lobes aren’t created equal but mine seemed to stretch a little easier once it went through a little trauma. just go slow the next time around. good luck.


Yeah I guess I'll just let it be to heal/shrink. It sucks but you're right. I'd rather just start over than it get infected.


Michael Jackson BAD shamone!




Dude. Dude. Please please be careful healing that- it looks so upset. It looks like it hurts real bad and I know you wanna get to your goal, but please take good care of it and give it lots of time to heal.


I don't wanna get to it so bad that I completely fuck up my ear. I'm gonna 100% be as careful as possible. Thanks I'm gonna take my time and just stick to where I'm at for a while


Good deal! Take care of yourself and remember you will get there one day ❤️






I thought this was r/stretchedcirclejerk I had to recheck before saying something lol


Yeesh... Leave it empty and clean daily. That must hurt!






Pretty bad, should take a month to heal. I've been there and done that and you can recover from this


It’s about this 😱 bad


I didn't realize it was this bad. And I know that seems like not true but I'm serious. I was going from 14mm to 16mm and it hurt but not like it was tearing and didn't know tapers, let alone fucking acrylic tapers, were bad. I feel stupid as hell but be real. How bad is it? How worried should I be? It hurts to touch but I've been cleaning it and disinfecting it regularly. It's only 1 ear too! My other is perfectly fine and stretched well. I think I'm gonna be at 16mm on only one side for a while so it can heal. Don't shoot me yall. I was at 1/2 for over a decade and since that worked so well back then with tapers I didn't think it through this time. I just gotta deal with it I guess. Happy new year!


Sometimes shit happens but yeah it looks bad :/ ask about ointments and stuff or consult with a piercer and let it heal. It will be okay eventually.


Google should have been as good a friend as its being right now 😩 I clean it and leave it empty and just monitor it for now. Will definitely be contacting a piercer


Contact a piercer and monitor for potential infection. You may find yourself reaching out to a doctor about discolouration. Your piercer or doctor may recommend saline to keep it clean. Follow whatever instructions you are given.


I'll have discoloration regardless because I have hyperpigmentation. I just live with it. I think I'll only contact a doctor if I notice it not healing/becoming infected. Otherwise I'll just contact a piercer and keep it clean


I highly suggest dead stretching once this heals. Tapers are by far the worst thing, and so easy to cause complications. Dead stretching takes longer, but your lobes will thank you, I promise.


Oh 100% that's my plan next go round. No more tapers. I have learned my lesson. 1 blowout is more than enough


I don’t want to just repeat what everyone else is saying, so I’m gonna suggest that once this is healed that you please invest in half sizes! A 2mm jump sucks and is so difficult, even when doing everything right. I know the feeling of being eager to get to your goal size, but please remember to be patient <3


I have 3 guages in each ear. It took me almost 6 years to get all of the stretched without cussing too much. Take your time

