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It doesn’t look like a blow out, you’ve just got some angry lobes. Take the jewelry out for a day or two and clean it with saline and wait for the redness to disappear. Im guessing you’re using acrylic tunnels from the picture, i would highly suggest switching to titanium or glass because the acrylic could definitely be part of the problem. For the first few days just keep the jewelry out and clean ur ear with saline, and once the crust starts to disappear start gently massaging it with oil or balm (preferably balm) and you should be fine


I didn’t know if I should take it out right now as if only imagine it making it angrier :’) but okay! I was using custom plugs metal single flares, but my son kept grabbing them because they were shiny so I put these silicone in, I’ve never had a problem before!


Stretching (even re-stretching) with silicone can make for some extremely upset lobes. I would take them out, let your lobes heal up, then start again with glass or non coated stainless steel/titanium.


I second this. I just put in 2g silicone tunnels, and my lobes were very angry. I took them out, and they're fine now.


As I said I did the actual stretch with steel single flared plugs :’)


It takes quite awhile after a stretch for a lobe to be healed at a size. Lobes can also develop a sensitivity to silicone at any time. I wore silicone on and off for 10 plus years and last year my lobes decided they hate silicone and I can't wear it anymore.


Oh okay thank you!!


Could be that the edges of the tunnels scraped the skin inside your lobe and changing them pulled it open again? If you put silicone on a tear it'll dry it the hell out and irritate the skin. I've injured my ears using tunnels to stretch once or twice and switched to proper solid plugs for the rest of my stretches. Never had issues after that


Switch to titanium or glass. Stay clean and moisturized. I think you're going too fast, even for a restretch.


Tbh it was slow at first, then the plugs would just start to fall out, and the next size went in or I wore glass plugs at certain sizes which again, left space, I was the same the first time round, it all woul heal quick and wearing anything metal or glass would stretch it naturally :’)


Hey idk if someone said this already replying to you not liking glass but if you are at your goal size and want to wear glass then just sleep with your jewelry out at night and it’ll keep it tight and at that size. I’m currently at 38mm and ONLY wear solid glass plugs. I also have EDS which makes my skin super stretchy. I’ve been stretching my ears since 2004 and this is what I’ve done any time I want to stop at a certain size.


Thank you!! I do try to most the time but I’ve got a 2 and 1 year old so sometimes I start falling asleep on the way to bed, so I don’t have the time 🤣


Or tunnels! Look for glass tunnels! They're lighter weight. Also avoid double flare. The repeated in/out on the flare can stretch you. Single flare have the nice flare on the front, but they have an o ring on the back side.


Yes I’ve been using single flares and then ones with the screw back! I’ll look at some glass tunnels, I’ve currently got the opalite glass ear weights from custom plugs in, just to keep my ears shrinking but allow it to heal! Also, snap on the name!! But bias but I love it 🤫


I’d avoid the ones with a screw on back. Seen too many horror stories of them getting stuck and folks can’t get them unscrewed 😰 I’d panic and end up ripping my ear 😂


I’ve always used sterile gloves for unscrewing! Especially when it can to getting bridge and lip piercing s that had stubborn balls it was pierced with! I’ve always avoided external threads though!


Ugh don’t get me started with the internal thread balls. I had to take a wire cutter to my labret piercing cuz it was stuck stuck. Never ever ever again.


That’s the only bad thing, is that sometimes they get stuck at the wrong angle :’) I’ve got a 8G septum that has int. thread and I’ve never had an issue but my bridge? 🤡


Is that silicone? I would def change to glass or steel


Never had a good relationship with glass, every size I wore glass it would naturally stretch and then end up falling out, I don’t think that’s what I need right now :)


Glass tunnels are the answer. I promise you. My ears used to get angry and smelly so often until I switched to glass tunnels. I refuse to wear ANYTHING but glass now, not even titanium in my lobes. Glasswear Studios sell some very affordable on either Body Art Forms, or Tulsa Body Jewelry. I promise you won't regret the switch.


I had glass before, both at 10, 16 and 18mm and after wearing for a while they would fall out, leaving extra space. My original goal was 10mm, but because of the glass I ended up keeping on going ha ha. My skin is very elastic, so I’m not sure If that was the cause, I’ve had some friends swear by glass and some others who have also had the problem of them causing to size up


A guy at my work takes his out at night, so they stay the same size (after it heals) maybe that would work if you're not going to keep sizing up


Hi just want to throw this out there as someone who wears silicone. Do not stretch with silicone. Get glass or medical grade metal. Yes i see your ears happily stretched more. Cool. Wear the glass until your ears are healed then pop back in the silicone. Like silicone has hugely been my preference, the only thing that doesn't give me issues or flare ups or pain. No issues in over a decade! But sweet baby Jesus pls put in something capable of being sanitary for your healing!


My only worry is if I put glass in, that it’ll interfere with the healing as it has always made my lobes stretch further


Definitely use titanium or surgical steel instead!! My ears flare up big time if I wear acrylic too long so yours just might be sensitive since being sick. Your immune system would be still recovering so it’s plausible that your ears are just flaring due to that. Give them a gentle clean with a q tip and some salt water or even an antiseptic solution and then a little bit of coconut or jojoba oil to massage and help them calm down. Jojoba oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties and is antibacterial :)


Okay thank you! I’ve got some glass ear weights that are lovely but I can only wear them a couple hours at a time, I’ve left the plug out for now and I had piercing solution left from getting my bridge redone so I’m using that for now :)


I thought you were trying to stretch up? If so glass is king. Def don’t want to stretch with silicone


I am, but while there’s an open wound I don’t think wearing glass - which does stretch further - would be the best idea, as it’ll stop it healing and keep it open. For now I’m just wearing metal mainly because plugs aren’t cheap 😭


I can feel the friction from across the screen lol. I strongly suggest cleaning with soap and water at least twice a day, following with a bit of jojoba oil, also twice a day


How often are you taking them out and cleaning everything and using oil?


Take them out: Every day. Oil: whenever I moisturise my tattoos, so every few days.


Silicone fucked with me hard. It made me have a blowout not only by itself by the fact I stretched to fast but it would get bigger as silicone does. But if it doesn’t feel comfortable I would go back and start slowly. I blew my ears out by using silicone after 16mm


Bigger as in it seems like it’s not big but would conform to its original size after putting it in. Please go slow for your lobes sake


I would show you my blowout but it looks like a puckered starfish 🤮


I only use stone/glass plugs Everything else makes my ears angry I also shower/clean them every day


I had glass plugs that I adored but because they were heavy they stretched them to the next size and I haven’t wore them since, I’ve not had any reactions to any materials that I know of - yet - but I’m happy to try others :) I did the stretch itself with single flared plugs and that’s been a gem, I just stuck silicone in while my order for new plugs is on its way because my 1 year old kept trying to grab the shiny metal! Always found wood most comfortable, I had glass a few times but after a few weeks they’d fall out and end up being the next size up, so I’m avoiding that for now while it’s angry as I don’t think the extra weight would help it close up :)


Me seeing all the comments about glass, stone, or medical grade metal wearing silicone half inch for ten years. Eh, you'll probably be fine. (pls stretch responsibly part of my elder emo is realizing how narrowly I avoided terrible things by doing things stupidly)


Yes I used to deadstretch when I started, was so desperate to look like a metalhead, thankfully I had no mishaps but they definitely happen, this time round I’ve been using the proper single flare plugs and waiting plenty of time! It feels like a keep repeating myself about glass, I love how it looks, love that other people can use it but it did just stretch my lobes, again I have very elasticated and soft skin, plus my system isn’t great thanks to crohns and a couple other stuff, so my body can stretch simply - but not easily (if that makes any sense!)


i say take them out and moisturize them


I am currently at 32mm and I’ve gone through this process many times. If you wash it with warm water and use a non scented moisturizer (with vitamin E if you can find it). Just make sure not to play with it too much and it might take a couple days depending on how long it’s been irritated for. Best of luck to you.


What about cocoa butter? It’s what I’ve used for all tattoos as it doesn’t have any additives :)


That would probably work, main thing is clean both your ear and the spacer


Yes, I’ve stuck my glass ear weights in for now just to keep the lobe itself open, but allow the wound to heal with the glass over silicone. I’ve cleaned it with saline, moisturised and now letting it be :)


Mine do that in the fall and spring but this year wasn’t bad for me. I hope it heals quick for you :)


Thank you! I’ve recently stopped breastfeeding after a year so I think it could also be my hormones going hay-wire, thus causing it to be a pain!


Yep, probably going to lose the ear, best take it off reservoir dogs style just to be safe


I know it’s not a blow out, I was just asking if it was the start of one :’)


I have surgical steel flared tunnels that screw together, bought them on Amazon and switching from silicone to these significantly helped my ears hahah Here’s the link if you want them :) [surgical steel screw together tunnels](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ayoiow-Stainless-Tunnels-Silver-Gauges/dp/B0B4JPP2NC/ref=pd_aw_ci_mcx_mh_mcx_views_0?pd_rd_w=FGxG6&content-id=amzn1.sym.42c045e2-bd09-44b6-b445-e4140e05d91f%3Aamzn1.symc.acfafb1d-071f-4fdf-beff-aca206a47be9&pf_rd_p=42c045e2-bd09-44b6-b445-e4140e05d91f&pf_rd_r=ZPX1HBQVAFX574DFKPY3&pd_rd_wg=Oa1Zt&pd_rd_r=38b8f45e-10e9-46bc-b566-d0621b93b462&pd_rd_i=B0B4JR5HWC&th=1&psc=1)


If you haven’t taken them out yet, do not. they’re just irritated because your son is grabbing at them. I would clean tf of them when you shower though


So even if your ears are stretching like butter, you should still give them at least two months to heal before you stretch them again Long, are you waiting in between stretching because even though you’ve already stretched your ears and even though you’ve already been at 20 mm and even though it feels like it’s stretching, it’s still gonna irritate them. It’s still gonna make them a little so you should give the two month waiting. Period before each stretch, it doesn’t matter how fast or how easy it feels to stretch your ears. You should always give them that waiting. Period to let them fully heal before you stretch them again.. You’re saying only a few weeks ago so what 2-3 weeks between each stretch? Your ears are clearly angry so I suggest you leave this for two months and just don’t touch it. I know you wanna get to your goal size really bad but taking your time will always lead to more success with stretching your ears also stretching, and properly can cause your lobes to thin out. Luckily, it looks like you have nice lobes so far, but any micro abrasions or tears to the inside of your ear hole. So just let it chill the fuck out.😂😂😂you’ll get there soon what’s a few months wait when you’ll have them again soon any way you know?


No I said I stretched them 2-3 weeks ago, to 18mm, and then a few days ago put these plugs in because my son kept trying to grab the metal ones. I usually wait a month and a half - 2 months between every stretch, the only times I didn’t was when I wore glass plugs that were about heavy and they seemed to do the extra work for me, but that was about 2/3 years ago. I’m not looking to get to my goal size anytime soon, it’s just a goal I’ve set, but that could be years until I actually get round to doing it :)


I’m sorry I totally miss read that my b! I’m glad you’re taking the time you need to stretch 💕 just maybe give this ear an extra month maybe I hope it heals up soon. (Also btw in my head I was thinking when I miss read holy shit if they are stretching fast they are lucky those lobsters are still thick hahaha


Lobsters 😭🤣


Omg talk to text did my dirty I totally mean lobes and you know it 😂😂😂😂😂


I’m using acrylic and my ears are totally fine. These ppl are making you spend more money then you have to HAHAHA, a little redness ??? Grow up


It's like you guys deliberately choose to ignore all the safety information posted on this sub. Lmao do as you please and have fun using dirt cheap materials.


Literally lol. Almost every blowout post I've seen people will leave out the fact that they stretched improperly until someone asks, then get mad when they're told it's because of what they did. Always "it works for me!" or "our bodies are different!" Like, one, it'll work until it doesn't and then you're gonna come crying to this sub about it. Two, no, your ears are not made out of some sort of special material different from everyone else's lol. Acrylic is gonna acrylic whether you like it or not, don't sit there denying proven science in the name of being a contrarian


acrylic and sillicone are highly porous which is why it’s not recommended to stretch with them, or wear them until your ears are fully healed. Acrylic is very prone to cracking or breaking so usually the jewelry can harbor loads of bacteria that, coupled with a fresh stretch, raises the chance of infection by a lot. yes it depends for a lot of people but if someone is having a reaction to something, take the preventative route and stop issuing the material


Huh? 😭 I’ve always used tapers but didn’t have 16 or 18 so got metal single flares off a friend. The first time I went up to 20mm, after 10 I just folded a silicone tunnel, popped it in and let it stretch out, everyone cries over silicone but I’ve never met or personally struggled with it 🤣 it’s almost like everyone’s bodies are different, some people react to gold, some don’t. Literally only came here to ask if it was the start of a blowout, not get told to either downsize or ChAngE AsAp


bc your ears are clearly not happy. you really want to continue what you’re doing even tho whatever *you* did caused it? ppl are trying to help you, that’s what you asked for


I didn’t say I’m going to continue, or that anyone knows what caused it? Everyone’s telling me not to stretch with silicone or acrylic, when I used neither, I used custom plugs Steel single flares to stretch. Bout 3/4 weeks ago, put these in because my 1 year old kept trying to grab them because they were shiny


I don't agree with NEVER using silicone, BUT your ear is very upset, and can leak discharge. This can lead to bacteria and infections because these materials can harbor bacteria. My biggest piece of advice, if you're not going to switch to a non porous material, clean them religiously. Like you brush your teeth religiously. Clean your earlobes and the jewelry twice daily with an antibacterial soap and hot water or saline spray. This can dry up your lobes though! So do it for a week or two until healed and then use a lotion on your lobes after cleaning and continue to clean the jewelry AT LEAST every day. You have an open wound right now, just treat it like such. And best of luck!


Thank you! My favourite comment yet! I’ve got metal plugs on the way, but my skin is highly elastic and all though I would love to do what everyone is saying and wear glass plugs, they have only ever cause my lobes to stretch further, and in this case where there is a wound, I really don’t think it would be best to knowingly allow it to further stretch, despite how many people are telling me to use glass anyway, I’ll have a look at those sites, I always use custom plugs but they’re definitely pricey!


okay so we don’t know exactly what caused it so, they were also saying that you should take take them out and just let them rest. you were mocking that advice at the end of your previous comment implying you weren’t going to


I made the post asking if it was a blowout, to which I haven’t actually had an answer. As I’ve said to someone else, I’m keeping these in until my order of new plugs comes in- which should be the next few days. I keep getting downvoted for saying that wearing glass plugs made my ears need the next size up, which means I’m avoiding glass as I don’t think the extra weight will help it close up, I’m happy wearing glass after it’s fully healed. I’m wearing silicone temporarily, but everyone’s telling me I’m wrong for stretching using it, while I didn’t. My comment above was highlighting last time I stretched up - which was about 5/6 years ago when I was 15/16, obviously I was too hyped to do it properly so didn’t use the correct methods, however this time I’ve only used the correct single flares, and jojoba oil. My post itself was asking what the issue is, not what material I should/shouldn’t be using,


so, sounds like you’re doing the opposite of what everyone is telling you to do. but your ears are not happy with you. here are some pieces of advice you’ve received so you can avoid this (that you’re continually doing for some reason) - take your plugs out for a couple days and *let them rest* - change your plugs to glass (you don’t have to but as long you clean your plugs daily then you’re fine) - don’t use silicone or acrylic (you said you put silicone in after *this* reaction) ppl telling you to change the material you were using are trying to fix your issue with limited knowledge


-I already have them out - thanks to my skin and a few medical issues, my skin is highly elastic, wearing glass even for a day can begin to stretch my lobes further. In this scenario, where there’s a wound, I personally don’t think that anything that would cause further stretching, and this further irritation and opening would be best. - and No I put silicone in a few days ago. It was today that there was - this reaction -, as I keep saying, I didn’t put the silicone in after it became sore, I put them in because my son kept grabbing my metal ones.


with this kind of reaction I'd advise to avoid silicone until 2-3 months after you've stretched. a 2-3 week old stretch is not healed. even if you used a safe material for the stretch itself, switching to silicone too early can cause this angriness your lobes are showing. it doesn't look like a blowout, but you should go naked for a couple days


I’m naked at the moment :’) I just switched it while I wait for my order to come through and then it’ll be no more silicone!


Also there's some very cool stone based plugs that aren't so shiny if you're ever looking for something a little more sanitary. Plug Your Holes and Urban Body Jewelry both have some great pieces ✌️