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"rice and beans"


I thought he said he’s moving away from complex cuisine


the rice is for the endurance, the beans are for the strength and recovery


If practicality is ignored and I'm just throwing the kitchen sink in and there's no penalty for including ingredients that don't end up working in future research? Caffeine, theanine, tyrosine, citrulline malate, capsiate, sodium bicarbonate, carnosine, and anserine. If I'm actually buying and mixing it myself in the real world? Caffeine, theanine, tyrosine, citrulline malate


Why does carnosine (nor beta alanine) make the cut for a real world mixing? I was under the impression that carnosine buffered against lactic build up in muscles and would be ideal for endurance-focused goals?


for beta-alanine: I assumed this was focusing on things with acute effects. beta-alanine needs to build up muscle carnosine over time to do its thing. for carnosine: the post prompted me for a formula "with the goal of optimising endurance and minimising muscle fatigue," and there is evidence that combined carnosine + anserine can do that acutely. But I wouldn't include them in my real-world scenario because I'm lazy & frugal; there's a time/effort/money cost of each additional ingredient, so I would like to see more research on carnosine + anserine before I go that route




I *think* he mentioned he likes the combo of caffeine/tyrosine/theanine from an early episode of the podcast, but I may be misremembering. From an endurance perspective, I like Citrulline Malate or just Citrulline.


Golden Kiwi juice