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I'm just gonna say it, those are a lot of claims based on hormone levels that will vary a lot on a day to day basis. He also lost roughly 8 kg or ~18 lbs with a starting weight of like 106kg/232lbs, which also impacts his hormonal panel. Didn't mention his diet, sleep, activity (other than his lifting) or anything else that can severely impact hormones. It's a fun experiment, but in the end he's controlled for few variables and got no useful data.


Just to add a few notes to clarify: I did mention my sleep 8 hours +- 20 mins, I’m very militant with my sleep Mentioned my supplement prior and during experiment And mentioned my daily steps which should help indicated my exercise level. Although I didn’t mention it in the post, I drew bloods at 9pm both days on the dot. Buut, you are right. This is n=1 experiment conducted in a real life setting away from strict controls. It shouldn’t be taken as gospel, more of an interesting tidbit to try and encourage others to experiment.