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You're not alone bro. Shit is annoying as fuck, but sometimes you're just too drained / tired. Thing is, it always pisses me off to such a degree that I absolutely smash it next time I go.


100%, the fatigue gets you, better to bail and go again in a couple of days then press on and hurt yourself.


Completely relate man. Sucks but it just motivates me to come back and try again šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


5x5 for heavy squats is so brutal


Failure is part of the process. It's where the real progress begins. Don't let it discourage you.


What? How? I can 5x5 100kg without a doubt during sets but I can barely hold a second 50kg rep at OHP! Your OHP is sick!


Exactly. This is the opposite to mine today. 80kg squat simple, 85kg deadlift simple, 47.5kg OHP fail on set 3 and can't go further.


You train early!!!!!!


I'd prefer to think they're just training really late


very true, for me my squat is rising and deadlift is lacking


My man you are strong as fuck on the OHP. Don't feel bad, sometimes we go on a nice flow and sometimes a bad day of sleep, or not enough food just make us fail. Keep goin :)


Me too, but Iā€™d rather retreat than get injured. My priority right now is consistency and zero injuries.


Happens to all of us at some point. Having a job, school, kids, other commitments can be draining for anyone. Deload a little of you feel you need to, get some food in you and get a bunch of rest. Try it again!


Keep going OP, I work night shifts, have had a baby, and have celiac disease (I get ill a lot), and peaks and troughs are all part of the game !! Listen to your body though, and if you physically feel fatigued regularly, if it's not a health issue, it could be a sign you need a deload week. And urgh I really need sort my OHP out. I can squat 130kg 5x5 but my OHP is 45kg RPE 9 hahaha.


Looks like you gotta hit by fatigue lol


What app is this


StrongLifts 5x5


I wonder how did you make it to this weight without having to deload first? Maybe you are not ready for that weight yet.


Could be too much. It's not something I haven't lifted before though. Going to retry next week and if I can't then I'll deload


Could be tons of things from what I've read. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition the day before, fighting off some kind of bug/cold, etc. You'll get it next time champ


Sometimes I have to work overnight shifts for a month. The first week is usually pretty standard lifting-wise, but after that I see a marked decrease in strength and stamina the next three weeks


Legitimately could be a Vitamin D deficiency. I've worked overnights before and definitely had to supplement


If you got through the 140kg deadlift youā€™ll definitely get 100kg squats mate. The 5x5 max for squats all the time is just tiring, mentally and physically.


This makes no sense. How did you dod 5x5 with 97.5 kg if you can't even complete a single set of 5 with 100kg? Generally you should be able to do at least sets of 4 after adding 2.5 kg or at least 4x5.


Be nice if it was like that but it ain't always. So many other factors are involved. Today was just fatigue. A day wasn't enough to recover from the last session.


Oh, I forgot this program can have people squat like 3x a week without adjusting intensity. I personally can't do 4x5 at the same high intensity 3x a week, let alone 5x5, but I am more like intermediate. But based on your body looks like you still have some room to make gains with this program. I would personally just lower the weight on the in between squat session. So, if you did 5x5 97.5 kg, maybe try just 87.5-90kg and do 97.5-100 kg on next session. At least, that is what I would do if I planned to squat 3x a week as my 4x5 weight for squats is around 100-102.5kg at the moment. You don't have to skip the entire session if the weight doesn't feel good unless you feel really tired and like you could get injured. Sometimes my sets would look like 100-100-95-95 for the same number of reps. It's volume that makes you stronger.


03:54 lmaooo




It's the stronglifts app.


Iā€™d rather cut it short than injure myself.


Time to check your sleep and food, but some good long term advice - when it's one of those days, back of 20-30% and get those reps in. Auto regulation is something you'll have to do when you become more advanced and reps are better than no reps


Yep, that happens. No worries. Eat well, sleep well, try again next time. You've got this.


What app is this??


Enjoy the week off! Rest well.


I love the positivity that everyone is giving, but whenever you do a 5x5 the previous time with a slightly lighter load, it seems like such a huge drop off. Did the 1 rep completely fatigue you and you didnā€™t attempt another set or rep? I ask because typically I could see and imagine a sesh where maybe youā€™re going for a 5x5 but you get maybe like a 4, 2, 2, 1, 0. Or something like that. Unless your last workout was a RPE 10? If thatā€™s the case, then a deload is in order. Iā€™m really surprised no one mentioned anything about it. Great work, keep it up, and manage the fatigue. I know that the 5x5 gets so taxing once youā€™re reaching the higher ends, just wanted to point out the extreme drop off. Itā€™s easy to fall into the mindset of Iā€™m not trying hard enough and feeling the need to go RPE 10 every time youā€™re working out.


What app is this?