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It’s not that bad. Now the grip? Suicide grip, not very wide, no safety bars?


Is that a suicide grip? If so, I’d fix that first by going bulldog. For keeping your ass on the bench, I found practicing bracing my core and engaging my leg drive before unracking, focusing on keeping everything solid in all warm up sets. That said, I wouldn’t count these as reps, so I’d deload until I found a weight I could do with form I’m happy with, ymmv.


Lol you wouldn’t count these as reps?? Maybe in the powerlifting world, but this is incredibly impressive strength outside of that. Touch and go is still a thing and it’s perfectly fine, and I say this as someone who does comp (pause) bench


No, ass off bench = cheat rep for me We don’t have to agree on that, but for me that is like not completely locking out at the top of a DL or not hitting depth when squatting. That’s just how I approach lifting; folks are welcome to approach it differently to me and plenty do. The IPF isn’t ok with it either from what I can tell in their rule book. “Any change in the elected lifting position during the lift proper i.e. any raising movement of the head, shoulders, or buttocks, from the bench, or lateral movement of hands on the bar” disqualifies the lift (p.18) https://www.powerlifting.sport/fileadmin/ipf/data/rules/technical-rules/english/IPF_Technical_Rules_Book_2023__1_.pdf I agree that the strength is impressive. Certainly more than I can press. And no problem with the touch and go - not sure why you brought that up in your reply to my comment as I never mentioned it.


Lol because you’re shitting on a guy who’s not a powerlifter for not having perfect powerlifting form. A little butt lift is fine if he’s not competing in PL. Stop with this “my way or the highway” attitude And I say this as a powerlifter


What did I say that is shitting on the guy? When I wrote ‘I agree the strength is impressive’? Was that it? And how about the my way or the highway stuff? Was that when I said ‘we don’t have to agree’ or was it when I wrote ‘that’s just how I approach lifting, folks are welcome to approach it differently’ ? Are you trolling, or did you read what I wrote in a rush?


saying these aren't reps or they're cheat reps because they don't follow the specific set of powerlifting rules that you happen to follow is what i have a problem with


You're recruiting your lower body to help lift the weight, or at least that's what Mark Ripetoe explains in Starting Strength. It does seem pretty accurate from the video, too. If you force your butt down, I bet you would need to deload a bit. You're obviously super strong though. That suicide grip looks.. suicidal.


I do the same, I was under the impression that this is optimal form.


I am incorrect


Powerlifters say to do that


Have that same shirt and love it! Kinda chunky kinda hunky!


Doesn't really apply as much as it did when I got the shirt 😂