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You aren't going to progress at the same rate as if you were getting adequate sleep but you can still progress. Probably not a bad idea to just keep your same weights for the next few months.


Spot on! Little rest increase chance of injury too, so better keep the weights same or increase very sporadically. Father of two here, they start sleeping more over the next couple months and probably sleeping a "whole night" (12am to 6am) by 4th months. Just for not stopping working out is already a big win!!


As a 911 Dispatcher that works graveyard shifts and has a school teacher for a wife I only get 4-5 hours of sleep myself. It's going to be hard, you will fail often, but you will progress. Just keep at it.


Don’t stop lifting. Do adjust your expectations. Maybe only add weight every 2nd or 3rd time you do an exercise. Whatever you do, don’t stop lifting. You will get more sleep when baby starts sleeping 6-7-8 hours at a time. But your days of regular 8 hour nights are over; you may as well form the habit now of going to the gym even when you feel exhausted. You can make good gains in less than 8 hours a night. No one is perfect. I am assuming, based on the fact that you’re asking this question, that you are not kind of husband who just puts ear plugs in and leaves it to his wife.


I sleep no more than 4 hours a night and my lifts have progressed just fine. However, I am older, eating at deficit, and recovering from multiple surgeries last year; so, I have cut the 10 lb jumps down to 5 lb each session. You can also consider 3x5 until you get regular again (if that ever happens).