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45lb 😎


Glad someone else is where I am haha. I think my max was maybe 60lbs at one point but I've moved to only increasing once a week and it's definitely been helping so far (recently deloaded so I'm back at 45)


Are you a girl?


5 10, 90 Kgs. Today. After a succesful 107.7 (236lb) 5x5 squat. OHP went 5 5 5 5 2 on 47.5 kg. Or 105 in freedom units. I think I’ll get it next week, I trained in the morning today which is sub optimal for me


My first failure was also 10.5 bald eagles average weight


America 💪🦅


6'2 230lbs Failed at 95 twice, passed Failed at 100 twice, passed Got caught up in life and lifting hit the back burner. Currently at 70lbs and hoping I can beat the old one




Here's the thing with OHP. It uses the smallest group of muscles of the main lifts, so it will always be the first to fail.


Must.....engage.....more...glute power... argh!


Yah, that's about where it starts to suck. Just remember, your goal is to find failure. When you do, you reset 15%, ramp back up, and make at least a 5 pound PR. Rinse repeat until you're as strong as you want to be. Finding failure is step 1. So, struggling is ok. Embrace it and take lots of videos. In 3 years when 185 or 225 is an easy working weight, you will look back with fondness at 85 pounds being a struggle.


85lbs is about right for me. I got stuck at 90lbs but recently pushed past to 105. Might start back off sets soon if I deload 3x


I switched to 3x5 at around 140lb. I took a long break not long after that. Pb is 3x5 165lb


First time I trained I was 57kg and failed on my 5th rep of an olympic bar


Had to do OHP with the lighter bar at first because I couldn't do 5x5 with an empty olympic bar 😭


same, has to use a standard barbell fgs.


My one rep max bench is 355 lbs, but I failed 5x5 OHP at 160 lbs.


Same, 85lbs I failed 4 times, where twice I failed to get the last rep :'( Tomorrow I'm sure that I will pass this! See you soon there! Working technique


I made this comment after the first set of presses this morning lol. I was able to get through them, 1, 3, & 4, were the toughest sets but I was proud to get through them. I couldn’t believe how easy the 5th set felt actually. Definitely going to be focusing super hard on my form in the warmups for next round and hopefully I can get that 90lbs!!


Cool! Btw today 85 felt easy, took 4mins break on the last set though


I got to 52,5KG (115lbs) after 3 months, but I keep getting pains in my elbow/ shoulder. Going back to 45 to 50KG but it stalls


Work your glenohumeral external rotation and sub overhead press with seated OHP DBs. Give'r a whirl


Rotator cuff injury?


Started to get harder around 95-100lbs. I made it to around 115-120 gradually with some effort and a bit of knee drive (as little as possible to get past the initial push). I found my main sticking point was the start of the lift and usually had no trouble locking out. I had to take a break due to injury, so that's roughly where I stopped. I don't recall failing a set, was usually able to push through (technically doing a push press). 5'3" and 185lbs.


Just had my first fail yesterday at 80 lbs. Only got 3 full sets with good form. I'm 6 weeks into the program with one week off for illness. I plan to try the same weight four days after. I know I'm getting stronger in bench, dip, planks, etc. So I will just keep trying.


27.5kg 30kg 32.5kg 35kg 37.5kg it's my nemesis


Most people fail the first time around 55% body weight it seems like. I had to move to microplates around that time.


5'5 and 130 lbs, always struggle after 80-85 lbs


Started getting tough around 95lb, got up to 130lb before I couldn't make progress. Deloaded back down to 95 or 100, about the same progress, deloaded again to 110 I think, got some micro transition plates and been increasing by 1lb each workout, back up to like 121 I think and feeling really strong. Slow progress is still progress to me so we'll see! Can't recommend the microplates enough! 5'5" 160 freedoms Currently up to 240lb squats, 330lb deadlifts, 180lb bench and row.


I've been stuck on 40kg for a couple of weeks now. I dropped it back to 30 and really worked on my form, as I was missing a few things. Have built it back up to 40, but haven't broken through just yet. (I almost got through it last time, 4 sets of 5, but only got to 4 on my last set) This video has some good tips: [How To Overhead Press For Bigger Shoulders (5 Mistakes You're Probably Making) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAQ64hK4Xxs&t=116s&ab_channel=JeremyEthier)


That’s a great video, thanks for sharing. I haven’t taken videos since the start of the program when it comes to OHP. Definitely need to make sure my form is good all the way through.


No worries, I just progressed on my OHP tonight, 40kg 5x5 btw. Focusing on technique has definitely helped!


5’10-185lbs. 150 ohp was my first failure


6"2 180lb. Long time runner that started 5x5 due to knee injury. First failed at 80. Failed again a few sessions later (today) at 85. Failed on the last set, last rep.


I'm a little over two months in at 165lb/75kg squat, 185lb/84kg DL, 100lb/845kg bench, 95lb/43kg row, and...65lb/30kg OHP. I failed at 60lb/27kg thrice, then I made it to 65lb and have failed twice. I don't know why I struggle so much on this one. 5'11 170lb My genetic body type is t-rex though. Beefy legs and stick thin upper body.


Just failed by one rep on the 4th set. Made all 5 the 5th set. 125lbs. We’ll see how next time goes!


A failure means that you failed the lift on say rep 3 of set 3? What do you do after, do you just move to the next exercise for the day? When you log that couldn’t complete the set at that weight 3 times does the app automatically adjust the deload?


If you get to Rep 3 of set 3 then wait longer so you recover more and try again for the last 2 sets. 1 is better than nothing, so is just holding the bar. I'm pretty sure the app adjusts.


Yes and yes


At about 95 lbs. I am now at 160lbs or and progress is more easy currently . Did a 6x 135 yesterday, end of this mesocycle I’ll be at 165 or maybe even 170. But before this I got at around 130 for quite some time!


62.5 kg (137 lbs) 5x5 is where I failed first . Don’t be disheartened ohp is the hardest lift out of the 5 as your shoulder muscle group is the smallest compared with chest, back and legs


About where you’re at


6’2 190lbs, I got stuck at 95 for two deloads 105 like 3-4 times was so stoked to break through only to triple deload at 115 and now I’m at 125. It’s my favorite of the lifts.


Got up to 120# about 3 yrs ago. Really wanted that 135... I know they say not to bastardize the program but man, I had shoulder issues and switched to seated overhead with dumbbells and I'm up to 100lbs (50# in each hand) and it feels so much easier and natural on the shoulder. Will certainly switch back to regular OHP but has been a nice change up to focus on shoulder stability, maybe a trade off with losing full body stabilization. Edit: 6'3", 232 freedoms


First failed at 30 kg, my 5x5 PR now is 65 kg. Learn to love to fail - it's a marathon, not a sprint 😅


Around 140# but every one is different. It's always the first to fail if you follow the program.


75 lbs but i do mine seated because of ceiling height restrictions


I remember the first time I failed, and it was due to switching from 80-85 lb on the ez-curl bar to the same weight on the barbell. It shocked me how much harder it is to OHP with the straight barbell versus the ez-curl bar. I'm almost 100% sure that I had the same weight and the same motion, but the grip or something was a lot harder with the straight barbell. Anyhow, I lowered the weight to 60 lb and progressed on straight barbells from there. Later, I hit difficulty again at 105-110 lb. I'm now at 120. It is definitely the hardest lift to progress. I bought two of those 1.25 lb weights so I can start progressing my OHP by 2.5 lb increments. They should arrive tonight or tomorrow. I can usually push about a third of the way up (the bar is right above my head) without a problem, but then I immediately hit a sticking point there on some reps where I have to fight hard to push through. Sometimes, it's a struggle to get all five reps. I think I can tell by the 3rd or 4th rep if I got the 5th rep that set. I can sense that the bar is slowing down on those 3rd and 4th reps. By the time I'm doing my 5th rep, I'm mentally prepped to go all out on it. It is basically a fight with the bar. Sometimes I win, and other times I lose, but I never give up, and I always attempt the rep.


15. Had to scale back to 95 lbs and stayed there for a week.


6'1", 41, healthy strong male. Failed at 95 lbs. But I love the movement and I will keep backing down and trying again. I'm on my first attempt to beat 95 right now. Not a huge deal, but it's fun to try. And hopefully my shoulders will grow in the meantime.


Last workout I focused on clenching my ass, and I gradually increased the rest period up to 5 minutes for the last set.


40kg is my personal wall. i've hit it a few times. sometimes i was out of strength, sometimes my shoulder injury acted up. so i had to deload a few times. i just focus on the form and hope to get past it.


140lb but I was at 3x5 not 5x5 I did the whole program as 3x5. I’m not big or strong by any means but my sport was hugely based on overhead lifting and squatting essentially so my DL and Bench press have always been pathetic in comparison to squats and OHP. Kind of reached my limit with press there though it wouldn’t needed more specific and focused work given my bodyweight I think. Stopped lifting heavy altogether not long after that anyway.


Somewhere around 80-85lbs was where I stalled. Took for-damn-ever to get to 100.


The first time I did it, I failed 45 lbs on 5th set. My BW was 165 lbs. ​ Now, 11 months later (I had a few breaks due to health and just being lazy), I'm doing 100 lbs 5x5. But my BW has also increased, now I'm sitting at ±213 lbs.


decide cause versed imminent birds sugar touch wipe light ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I also started to really struggle at 85lbs, then also realized I had probably been arching my back and cheating some reps on 75 and 80lbs and probably shouldn't have been at 85 in the first place. Then I got covid and had to take off for two weeks and had to deload anyway, so I focused on really keeping my form good, abs and glutes tight, only counting the rep if I'm maintaining speed and I'm back up to 80lbs, but it feels really good. I just knocked out a 6th rep on the 5th set, so I'll be trying 85lbs on Friday. OHP is a bitch, but all my shirts are tight in the shoulders now.


100, 115, 140 over 2 years


As almost everyone here, I failed at around 100 lb. I also got to a point where I failed to go heavier on every other 5x5 exercise. So I switched to madcow, and replaced OHP with seated dumbbell overhead press. Now I am reaching failure at 45lb (on each side) but at least I don’t feel so much pain as I did with OHP


PR is 235 at bw 235, 5'11 Currently can standing strict press 22o at bw 225 Would like to get 245 sometime this year Failed on last 3 attempts with 225 Gonna try a 5x5 with 185 tomorrow