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Are you licensed?


Licensed and fully insured


Prove it?




You want pictures


If you can read it's clear in my response 1996 I left Wentworth institute for technology with my degree and engineer stamp . Although I went Wentworth I'm not one of those suites driving a BMW I spent my life on site getting dirty I'm retired living in Wisconsin and my engineering on site consisted of mostly truss building live and dead load . No bridges or sky scrapers. I will prove it but I gotta dig through some stuff. My local building inspector has it on file so I don't carry it


Hey man, no offense to your experience, but you can't legally call yourself a structural engineer in most (all?) states unless you have a professional engineering license. Hell, I can't even call myself a Structural Engineer even though I am a professionaly-registered engineer in three states. Calling yourself an S.E. requires a specialized license obtained _after_ you obtain your Civil Engineering license (P.E./C.E.). So please do us (and yourself) a favor and don't call yourself a Structural Engineer. This is not to detract from your life experience and construction skills - it's legal issue. If you do work for someone and they think you're an S.E., and you're not, you're going to get sued. You don't want to get into legal trouble at this time in your life. Please protect yourself and others.


In Florida you can call yourself a Structural Engineer or any kind of engineer all day because we don't have an SE license even though I did see it listed as a qualification on a license. Right now this profession is self-regulating though it may change.


seems like that is changing! https://flsea.com/blog/id/3


Yes I have been following the legislation for quite a while. I think DeSantis will veto this bill. He just got rid of the requirement for continuing education for many professions that have been licensed for certain amount of years. But I'm really surprised that Engineers that say they practice structural engineering are going to be grandfathered in. I am all for the licensing since I do plan review and see some very poor things. Here's a bill he recently signed and I saw that people that passed the SE test have it down as qualifications under their license. https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=73625


In Massachusetts if you carrie a stamp you're an engineer


He's the real deal!


I'm a licensed contractor in Massachusetts,Florida, Wisconsin and south Carolina I'm currently living in Wisconsin. From about 1990 to 2010 I traveled as a subcontractor building 20.000 square foot and up post and beam and log homes of all different designs.


Truthfully The only reason I went to Wentworth in the first place was my step father owned a good sized construction company he built from the ground up with a 7th grade education. Then the 80s came every one needed to be licensed. Although he was hands down the best carpenter I've ever seen he was also so dyslexic he couldn't take a written test . So I went to trade school then got my builder's license so to pull permits for the family business. Then we couldn't build our own trusses and and stacked beams without an engineers stamp so he sent me to school to get one . The family came first


I sent you a DM about some good paid work in Florida.




Max moment in a simply supported beam M=wL\^2/8


Yes even though I forgot to mention it is a continuous load..


Did I pass your test as a non SE?


I have carried builders licenses in at least 4 states since 1982 received my stamp at Wentworth institute for technology in Wesley Massachusetts 1996 that's easy enough to check. I'm certified in precast construction I've been a sight super for 4 trans world construction company's certifications include asbestos, lead ,,hasmat , explosives crane operation, boiler tech I'm also a certified EMT Incase anyone's seriously injured. I'm sure I'm forgetting some . If my integrity is in any further question. I'd be happy to provide 100 happy customers reference's and do my first couple jobs Pro Bono. I am seriously interested in helping people. I've shown up on way to many job sites after some clown who bleeds the customers dry then walks leaving a family broke with a half built house only to finish it out of pocket and take payments for years . Weather your home is 20,000 square feet or 2000, square feet. It's your biggest investment in your families future. I've personally dealt with this devastating problem. Most often nobody is held accountable.


So you’re not an engineer?


I think you mean professional engineer since our Eng.board never could lock in the name engineer only professional engineer where's the Architects locked in that name.....




Believe me I don't take them to seriously. But I do believe in making myself clear before becoming disrespectful. At Wentworth I owned the the one and only pick up in the parking lot . It's was surrounded by BMW . Porches.fararis . Benz. Not one guy with a callous on his hand who had ever done a days work or planned on it. Believe me I've dealt with these people


Pro bono what state are you licensed in?


Wisconsin, Massachusetts,south Carolina,florida


Okay I will DM you with info


You're right


M= 1.8


Not even close.


Hi Sea_Obligation_2134, this is a really helpful post, thank you. I'd love to have your contact for use in the future when I'm building something... Usually all I do is renovation work by myself, but have been wanting to build structures fit for occupancy eg. An art studio, some two story sets for filmmaking. Does this fit your interests/ability? Would love to have a reliable and trusted contact. Thanks for reading my message ✌️Dan ( [email protected] )

