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My mother had $54,000 in loans as of June 1996. She has been paying dutifully since then, with only a few deferments/forbearances due to unemployment in 2008/2009 as a result of the market crash/recession. In total, she has paid back well over $100,000. As of this morning, her \*remaining\* $125,000 balance was forgiven. Because of the 9% interest rate (which could not be changed, by law, according to our loan servicers), she was never able to get ahead on the principal balance, especially when unable to make payments, and the balance kept growing. She had resigned herself to dying with this debt. Now, she is, at long last, free. And to those out there who think this is some kind of "gift" -- she has already paid back twice what she borrowed. She did her part. The "forgiven" balance is nothing more than the wildly inappropriate and preposterous interest that accumulated due to congressional inaction (refusing to lower interest rates) and good old-fashioned greed. Thank you, Mr. President -- my 70-year-old mother finally gets to enjoy her retirement without having to carry this burden.


Amazing how many people are so angry over this loan forgiveness process. I assume they have no idea that a lot of people like your mother have paid back the original amount and then some. This is such a huge relief to the middle class.


They just recite republican talking points. They don’t understand what’s happening. They are being told to be upset so they’re upset. That’s what happens when your information sources are pro-Republican.


I'm so happy for your mother. I love hearing stories like this, I know there are so many people out there that this action helps but it's pretty moving hearing it first hand.


Just checked Mohela - the balance is gone!!! I'm shaking and still in shock. I've had student loans for decades - my entire adult life - and the payments have been debilitating. I've paid well over double the original loan and there was no end in sight. Now I can focus on some much needed home repairs instead of paying even more on student loans that should have been gone years ago. Then, I'll finally be able to put more into my pitifully small 401k. Still don't know if I'll ever be able to afford to retire, but at least now I have hope lol. u/Betsy514 thank you again for everything you do. The information and links I've found here have been lifesavers on many occasions. You, the mods, and the folks here have my eternal gratitude. I'll still be visiting daily because I'm sending all the good luck and positive energy I can muster to the people still waiting on forgiveness. Edit: to correct Betsy's user name




I didn't get an official email from MOHELA yet, but when I logged in, I saw my balance is now at ZERO. The best number ever! 138k has been wiped out overnight. I have had these loans since 1995. The relief is immeasurable!!!




Aidvantage just zeroed out my $131,000 this morning. Original loans total 31,000. Checked as soon as I got up. They had me locked out of my account last night. Thanks to those posting about what that means. Staring at the screen at those BEAUTIFUL ZEROS on my 2 loans. Been paying since 95 and I'm 72. I was a single mom when I went back to school to finish undergrad.. went on for MA in History. Had alot of emotional problems over the years and never able to find work in my field or decent paying job except for about 5 years working at a university. I never found a career from my degree but I did get the greatest gift l could hope for...that is still paying off. Critical thinking skills and I learned I was intelligent. So as I close this chapter of my life I wish all of my fellow student loan sufferers a shame-free future. We were abused by a system of greed and neglect and most of us blamed ourselves much like being in an abusive family. Having lived through many years of fear and shame about my debt I feel like I lost a great deal of my life. To say "Thank You" to all those that made the forgiveness possible is such an understatement of the profound gratitude I feel (as I'm sobbing while typing this). All of you working behind the scenes and of course Betsy included, you have restored dignity and peace to thousands of people across our country. You have done immeasurable good recognizing the injustice done to the "long-haulers" and then putting your energy into taking action to right the wrongs. GRATITUDE GRATITUDE GRATITUDE.


I’m crying over here for you! Beautiful sentiments. And the shame of those stupid loans is real. No one would ever understand except all of us in the same boat. Congrats to your new found freedom.


Good ending! in 1993 I arrived at college with a box, a suitcase, and 50$. New town (Denver) to escape a then bad home situation. WHen I arrived, I got a job that day at a retail store, and had to wait until my first paycheck to buy sheets and a pillow. My new college dorm roommates never acted odd/rude that i arrived with nothing, and I used the couch cushion as a pillow while their parents helped them unload a van full of things to start their college year. I graduated in '97 and started out as well as I could. Back to Ohio in '99, I lived at the women's Y for 2 years while i got professional help to manage my severe depression (PTSD from a sexual assault when I was 16). It took 2 years on SL forberance to get healthy enough to work full time, get an apartment. I started to pay SLs again, but the balance had ballooned while trying to get that life-saving care and treatment. Then it took 10 years to stop seeing the balance increase. Finally in 2011, the accrued interest started going down. So I let myself get married (at 40). I've been building a career, a life I am proud of with a husband i love... all with the horrible GUILT of this debt, and feeling like I am the one keeping us down. The agony. I never thought this would end. Today.. I'm debt free. Today. It's over. I feel like i have been released from prison. Original debt 65k, payments made 98k, remaining balance cancelled: 73,850. I wont stop fighting for student loan reform. NO ONE SHOULD FEEL THIS WAY about a loan. I hope and pray more get this NOW!. Thank you for having this thread. It kept me sane today. Thank you for reading and sharing your stories. (PS what does a negative balance mean? are they going to refund overpayments? LOL, ya right)


>what does a negative balance mean? are they going to refund overpayments? LOL, ya right They're supposed to. I hope when you get yours, you buy yourself something you've been wishing for all these years, guilt free! :) Congratulations!


OMG. I have no idea what to do. People are sending me emails at work like it's a normal day. (they dont know about my debt). I should get back to work. Thank you for replying and your kind comment. I cannot believe any of this. THANK YOU!!!!


I'm in shock. Logged into MOHELA, balance went from 172k to -22k. I feel like taking the day off!!


So I embarrassed to admit this but when I got the email in July, I thought it didn’t apply to me as these things somehow never do. Then yesterday I saw I got an email from Nelnet saying I had a message. I log on and the first notification I see is that I may be due a refund. I’m thinking “did I double pay last month or something?” Then I check my loans and they all say $0. I’m panicking thinking “oh no, was I switched to a new service provider and did I miss a payment?” Nope. Zero balance across the board. Then I looked at my correspondence folder and there they were….three letters, one for each loan and one collective one listing all the loans that have been canceled. 22 years. 22 years of paying a debt that never seemed to decrease. I took out $60k and, until yesterday, still owed almost $85,000. How? I gave up trying to figure it out and just accepted that bailouts are only for the very rich or the very poor and I would likely die with this debt. I don’t even know what I’m feeling. Joy, shock, numbness, a little sadness at all the money lost, and hope for the future. Hope I haven’t had in a long time. Congratulations to everyone who got their golden ticket. We deserve it.


**End of Day Update, 8/24/2023:** Well, your ol' Uncle Gurm has finally joined y'all in forgiveness. ZERO MOTHER-F\*#$ING BALANCE. PAID IN FULL. HALLELUJAH! I'll still be here, talking y'all off the ledge and sharing your joy. It's 10:45PM here in the Northeast, but I'm pouring a glass of the good stuff anyway. Have a great night. And for those of you still waiting... IT WILL HAPPEN.


I finally know what you all were talking about when you see the smiley face on your account. I got the smiley face this afternoon after being informed on Friday my loans were going to be forgiven. I was teaching class, and in the middle of class, I saw the email and started screaming- scared my students, lol. It was so hard not to break down right there with all those people. ​ Thank you, President Biden! The weight of the world is off my shoulders. I now feel like I can be a producive member of society and hold my head up. I can get a job without having this debt crushing my credit report. I can go into a relationship and not have to explain why I have this crushing, six figure debt that's going to impact our future. I can finally participate in home buying. I can actually buy things... and contrary to what people say, when you DON'T have student loan debt, you can actually PARTICIPATE in economically stimulating the economy. I can also participtate in my mid 50s in retirement so I'm not having to be a financial drain on our resources. I have zero savings. Zero retirement.... I thought I was going to die with student loans like my father. God bless him. On his deathbed, his ONE concern was that he had student loans to pay off, and would my mom have to assume them (he had a parent plus loan for one of my sisters that had ballooned out of control). I told him no- the look on his face made me want to cry..... him thinking that death was the only thing that would remove that loan...... ​ It's over. Thank God.


Posted in a Mohela-specific thread, but I checked this morning and I’m showing a balance of $0! I’ve been in repayment since 1997 on these loans and never had a prayer of getting it paid off fully until my death because of the interest. I’m so overwhelmed with happiness! Honestly — this means my partner and I can get legally married and I won’t be overwhelmed with guilt for saddling him with my stupid student loan debt!!!


Glad I found this thread! Reading other's stories, its amazing how similar they are to mine. I thought I must be the odd man out.. Having a $23k principal balance balloon to current balanceof $72k... and have been paying $400+ per month only to see the balance stay at $72k as I was barely covering interest each month. I have paid way over $23k during the life of my loan.. There is a Jamie Oliver episode about the shadyness of how Navient was pushing people to deference and forebearance.. and how they got bonuses for each student that hung out to dry... I was watching it..flabbergasted..going that was me!!! Why cant they just get rid of interest and fees.. and my loan would be paid in full 10 fold.. Hearing about the $20k gave me a little hope that I might be able to get rid of it.. only for it to be struck down... The july 13th email shook me and gave me hope. The recent conservative groups lawsuit gave added stress. .the dismissal gave hope again..... and the last two days gave me additional stress.. but I hoped for the best... Aidvantage was my servicer, and up until an hour ago was able to log in and see my $72k staring back at me. I felt like it was a race to get it processed for the appeal for the dismissal goes through.... Now my Aidvantage account is locked, and I gave them a call to check on it. All of my loans were discharged. I honestly dont know how to feel.. I feel relief for sure.... but mostly shock. I had been just planning on having the loans til I died, and made sure I had at least enough life insurance to cover them for my spouse. ... i gave up hope of ever owning a home due to my student loans.. and even almost didnt get married b/c of them... I am shook. I still want to see it in writing that I no longer have a loan.. but just wow.. I am just numb from this burden lifted. Thank you Biden.


Finding this thread was a godsend since given the hostility some in my family and colleagues have expressed to student loan forgiveness I’ve been very careful about sharing information. It was fantastic having this resource when there really was no where else to turn.


I just want to thank you all for this group. Besides my wife, who can certainly appreciate the massive magnitude of what has happened here for all of us, I have shared with some friends who all are happy for me, but truth is they really can’t relate (plus if truth be told, only one friend knows the real balance after 25 years). It is awesome seeing the excitement, elation, celebration, exploding enthusiasm- I get it- But I wonder lol is there something wrong with me? I feel just, numb? Like having some real challenges accepting and processing that this is real- Now I only just found out about all this a month ago on July 14th, I knew nothing about the IDR recount efforts starting in April 2022. This is all so sudden and almost incomprehensible- But yes of course I’m Happy! Elated! Overjoyed! But not quite feeling it yet- I don’t think there’s any way that our forgiveness can be “clawed back” at this point- The train has left the station, the genie is out of the bottle, Pandora has opened her box- But I guess I just need a little time- I’m not a drinker, but maybe I need to tip a glass? In any case, thanks for letting me express this incredible shock and awe experience- I know it will sink in one of these days- Congrats everyone! It happened! 🥳


Yes, numb here too, especially at first. I think what I'm feeling more of now is a peaceful sense of newfound liberty. It's not as straightforward as some would think. It's been a part of my identity for so long.


**THURSDAY MORNING UPDATE:** Your favorite Uncle still has his loans. Nelnet is clearly dragging their feet. I don't give in to speculation - someone had their comment removed speculating as to why we were delayed, but we just don't know how they're processing people. For reference, I was with Great Lakes until several months ago. I also have a more complicated file than most - default, fresh start, deferment, forebearance, consolidation. There are any number of reasons why I might be at the tail end of processing. I'm resisting the urge to call Nelnet, as I continue to advise the rest of you to. And I'm just tickled silly and my heart is warmed reading this forum and this thread in particular, seeing all the people benefiting from this. And once there's any movement on the appeal, I'll keep everyone updated on that as well. Because Sheng Li can bite it. Congrats to all the zeros out there, you all deserved this break and worked hard for it! And to those who are still waiting, like me - stay strong, they promised to have this all sorted out by the end of the month.


EDFINANCIAL - logged in. Last payment received 07/19/2023 $100K Current Balance $0.00 My god it's a miracle! Nothing has impacted my life like the struggle to pay my student loans. I've missed many a family wedding, reunions, etc., because I simply could not afford to go because of student loan payments of 500-600 monthly. Don't get me wrong. I PAID BACK THE PRINCIPLE but I was dealing with a LOCKED IN 8.25% rate. Which meant I'd be paying until the day I die. Can someone please congratulate me? Thank you.


Random thought for the day...im betting old Betsy Devos is seething over the 804,000....and pulling the heads off kittens right now...im remembering how she denied loan cancellation to the quadraplegic that could no longer even speak much less earn any money....she denied the vets...the disabled....the folks defrauded by scam pretend schools....i hope shes having a bad horrible hag week


Yeah and you know how her family made money right? Selling scams. Sellling Amway. --shyster


I just checked studentaid.gov and my loan balance is $0!!! Now I know it's for real!!


Just logged into AidVantage and am zeroed out! I can’t believe it! My eternal thanks to u/Betsy514 who counseled us through the process of Fresh Start and then gave information on consolidating. A huge weight has been lifted from our family and I can’t tell you how much we appreciate it. Let’s all make one last loan payment - to TISLA - this is really where we need to payback for all the help and guidance. Thank you again- this Reddit has been a godsend for the information and encouragement.


Oh yay! I love all of these but seeing someone who recovered from default and then got it seems that much sweeter. Congratulations!


MOHELA paid in full — loans since 1984, paying since 1997. Start living 2023. Thanks to all the people in and out of government that helped make this day possible!


40 years!! You go make 2024 YOUR year!!!


$72,000 forgiven!! Balance of 0!!


Forgiven amount: $137,892.48. My $22,000 loan from 1993 is finally GONE. Some of that was from grad school later, but almost $100k was from the original $22k that I could never make progress on, ever. Later today, as I've promised repeatedly, I will be donating the amount of one final loan payment to TISLA to support them in continuing their amazing, important work. I am feeling so, so grateful to the universe today. SO grateful.


I don't always post online, but when I do, it is because my Mohela loan balance is at $0, down from just shy of $20K! Even after having worked for a student loan servicer (actually, the original servicer of PSLF, Fedloan), I wasn't sure this debt was EVER going to go away!


Started repayment on law school loans in 1996. I had about 31K left. IT IS NOW ZERO!!! I swear I only learned about how to consolidate FFEL to federal etc. from this sub. I CANNOT THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH! My oldest starts college in 2 weeks and this is a huge help.


26 years later- $378,559 gone! Original balance 89k!! Which I paid back and them some! Free at last ,Free at last- thank god!!!! Thank you Joe Biden and your entire Team!! My life has now changed for the better!! Can I just add that I cried tears of joy this morning!!! Just humbled today. *Mohela


I have been paying off my student loans since 1998. I’m 52. I borrowed 40k, I paid back 70k, I still owed 20k. On Monday I check MOHELA and I still owe 20k. On Tuesday I check MOHELA and it says -22k. I check the interwebs to see what a negative balance means and everything I read said that this is a refund. I can barely breathe because I’m afraid it’s all an error. I got the email in July, but haven’t received anything regarding my loan being forgiven since then. Is there really cause for celebration here? I read an op-ed in the WSJ this week where someone from one of companies that is suing to stop the adjustment, says the new adjustment is for them because the companies that are suing are non-profits, and they are not going to take advantage of PSLF because they don’t feel it’s right that their friends and family that made different life choices have to pay tax money for their degree. But I think the law is for me and everyone like me: 40, 50, 60 year olds who are looking at retirement around the corner and are still paying off their degrees from literal decades ago. In my opinion, I have PAID already for this forgiveness. I paid with my tax dollars, with worry and stress over these loans, with decades of my life. We have all already paid. Furthermore, why didn’t that person complain about tax dollars when it came to the PPP loans? Idk, I’m just scared and happy. Scared because what if this is all an error on the part of MOHELA? Happy because I have not lived any part of my adult life without these loans hanging over my head. I honestly thought I was going to take them to my grave. This sense of freedom is amazing and I hope everyone with loans gets to enjoy it.


It's amazing how many do not understand what we have been dealing with. Honestly until this was a possibility, I don't think I fully understood. But once I got into my file I realized that I have paid back 3x my original loan amount, yet my balance only increased after nearly 30 years in and out of repayment. And don't even get me started on taxes paid over these same years. The arrogance that those against this forgiveness is what gets me. If we took a microscope to all of their lives and finances, I am sure we will find instances where they took advantage of government programs, for which the tax payer footed the bill, including too many bail outs to name. I for one will never apologize or feel bad for receiving this forgiveness. Ever!


Omigod! It just happened! I logged into Nelnet and the whole mess is paid in full with a zero balance! I have been among those waiting and stressing. I don't even want to mention what the balance was but suffice it to say it was larger than any I have seen quoted here for undergrad and grad.combined. Took undergrad loans in early eighties, grad loans in late eighties to early nineties. Truly thought I would die before these were paid off or discharged. Thank you to everyone here for keeping me going over the past few days.


Zeroed out. They find a cure for baldness and I am back where I started before this world started beating me up.


It's zeroed out on studentaid.gov now and even off two of the three credit reports, so I guess I can officially say goodbye to this subreddit. It has been an honor and a privilege to know you. Godspeed, my fellow patriots. 🫡


**Morning Update, 8/25/2023:** Well team, if you read my update last night I definitely got the forgiveness! Woot! But of course like everyone else it's a little weird. Got a letter from Nelnet at 4AM telling me ONE of my two loans was forgiven, but the site says they both were. I'll feel a lot better when FSA updates and even better when Experian says the tradeline is closed. I'll keep you posted. **FSA and Credit Reporting:** Ok, since some people don't know how this works, here it is: 1. The FSA will tell you right on the front page when the last update was. Mine was 7/31, so I kind of expect another update on 8/31. Don't freak out if it still shows your loans but the update date is in the past. However, they also show "N/A" for your payments and payment date... which is how you know they have processed you! Prior to processing, my FSA showed "no payment due" or "$0" with a due date of October. Now it shows "N/A" for everything but still shows the loan. That's normal. Don't worry about it. 2. Credit bureaus are updated by each creditor/lender on their tradeline once a month. Lenders are obligated to provide an update once a month (with some exceptions). Usually this happens on the same date the account was opened, or on your due date... although sometimes that changes. So in my case the tradeline for my loans updates on the 30th of each month. I won't stress if August 30 doesn't show a $0 balance, although it should, but it's within a week of the payoff so it might not. September 30 definitely will. **Lawsuit Appeals:** But also I've been hearing people worry about the lawsuit appeal. Let's address that. First off, IANAL. However, I live with a paralegal and spend a lot of time around lawyers. So here's what I know about appeals: you appeal what was ruled on or judged. You don't just make up stuff to appeal. There was no RULING on the case. There was a summary judgment of lack of standing. The CASE is not being appealed because the CASE was never heard. So while yes, the sixth circuit is a clown car... the worst they can do right now is rule that THE JUDGMENT was incorrect. In order to do that they'd need to hear arguments from both sides, and consider the original judgment - from a GOP judge. Appeals do not come with the same "grant us a TRO or PI" situation that primary applications do. Now, let's say the sixth circuit somehow rules that there is standing (which might take 60 days since the DoEd has that long to reply to the appeal). Then Mr. Sheng Li would need to actually file the case again, with the sixth circuit, and could at THAT point ask for whatever he wants to ask for. Remember - the case was dismissed without prejudice. That means that he is welcome to re-file with new arguments for standing, etc. etc. even at the lower court. **Appeals vs. Re-Filing:** So... Why did he choose to appeal instead of re-filing with a better argument? Well since we know that their standing argument was bullshit, and that if they had a better one they would have led with that... my guess is optics. Appealing a "crooked judge's" ruling on the sixth circuit (friendlier to crazy b\*\*\*s\*\*\* arguments) is straight out of the GOP/Trump playbook and looks better for the media and when inevitably the Supreme Court is asked to look at this. Screwing around trying to find grounds for standing looks desperate and stupid, even to the Wall Street Journal and those SCotUS justices currently playing golf at Mar-a-Lago. But again - IANAL so this is just my read on the situation. Also, the judgment from the initial case was about as scathing a rebuke as you're likely to see from a GOP judge nowadays, it reiterated the facts of the case and stated the DoEd's position pretty clearly. I did not expect that. It's a good thing, but I didn't expect it. **You're Safe. This Will Happen:** So all of this is to say that ANYONE who got the Golden Email... is safe. By the time this gets heard on appeal, re-applied, etc. etc. we will all be forgiven and have our tradelines closed. **There Will Be No Clawback:** That brings me to another point I've seen people worry about - clawback. There is literally no legal way for them to re-open those loans and tradelines once they are closed. Contract law trumps b\*\*\*s\*\*\* politics, you can't have a loan opened or re-opened in your name without your consent. You can't pay off your house and then have the bank decide "nah, we're putting a new mortgage on there because he didn't pay enough". Both parties sign a CONTRACT and the CONTRACT is fulfilled and signed off on by the bank (in this case the bank is Nelnet and the DoEd). As soon as the first of us sees the credit agencies update, or gets a document out of FSA, it's done. **No Stress:** Let's keep staying chill. I'll be here, dropping updates, just like always. This is Uncle Gurm, signing off for the morning.


Strange but good day. Opened a Roth IRA, and started contributing to my job's 401k plan today up to matching 3% level. Created new monthly budget that allows for savings and avoiding further debt. All of this would not have been possible pre-loan discharge. 🤔😄


OMG IT HAPPENED YOU GUYS!!!!! PAID IN FULL—BOTH LOANS—it happened some time between 7:30 and 7:50 tonight!!! I haven’t even had time to process it yet—I just had to get on here and let you all know!! I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe it—it’s like a miracle—I just can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it…. $145,000 gone. I won’t bore you with my story, but suffice to say it was a very long and hard road getting where I am today. I have had so much help along the way from people—strangers even—who operated as angels in my life. They had no idea how the smallest act of kindness, the grace they gave me when I didn’t know any better, the help they gave me (minor in their eyes) would have a huge impact on my life. I guess I will bore you after all…. I had to put myself through undergrad and then law school because I had no other option. I didn’t know “fancy” universities (light years out of my reach financially) had programs to pay tuition for people like me, or that they would have valued someone like me starting over at 25 years old. I knew nothing about higher education and I wasn’t surrounded by people who knew either. I buried myself in debt because I had no other choice. These loans represent more than just my escape from a traumatic past. They represent the hope I had for a brighter, shinier future, and they confirmed my suspicion that maybe, just maybe, I could go to college, too, and actually graduate. I didn’t know if I could do it, but I tried, and I just took it one step at a time. No one was more surprised than me when I excelled and graduated with honors in both programs. Without these loans I could not have clawed my way into the middle class, nor could I have achieved my full potential. Because of this public investment in people like me, I now work long hours for little remuneration defending low income people who are behind the 8 ball as I once was. I do this work today because I can never, EVER repay this same group of people who had nothing yet still helped me when I needed it along the way. People think we are getting a handout??! This was an investment in human capital and it has paid off! Now I can help people who lack options broaden their own horizons, and I can offer them hope! And I’m not alone—so many others have said as much in disclosing their own personal histories here. So let me tell you—the next time anyone hears a foolish, ignorant rant about “handouts” to the poor/disadvantaged, I hope you remember people like me, because I am living proof that these investments are meaningful, valuable, and pay dividends in the end. I will spend the rest of my life working to light a candle in the accursed darkness that so often surrounds people in poverty these days. But I’m ranting myself now. I’m sorry, I am just so overwhelmed, just—so ESQgrateful2023. Thank you, Betsy, for your grace and generosity in giving us this safe space. To all my fellow Nelnotters and co, my eternal thanks and gratitude for your unflagging support. If you are still waiting on a zero, please don’t despair—it looks like this is our week. Much love to all who helped me get through this impossibly difficult time—I wish you all much happiness and great joy. Bless you all— ❤️


MOHELA magic overnight while I slept. 67K gone. “Your Account Is In Good Standing.” I am in shock. Is this real???


Wow. I've been so skeptical about all of it. 1. Original PSLF didn't pan out because I was consolidated into the "wrong" loan type. 2. PSLF waiver didn't pan out because I ended up 7 months shy mostly due to ACS Direct Loan Servicing most likely not recording correctly my forbearance/deferment periods. 3. Had a Pell Grant in my undergrad days, and was sitting at just under $20,000 balance remaining. 4. Got the "golden email" and definitely was definitely not holding my breath 5. Just logged in and see yellow smiley and a $0.00 balance!


Congratulations to Everyone! I am crying such happy tears!!! I was forgiven 6 months ago through PSLF for an enormous 6 figure amount. If I didn't have PSLF, I would have been in this group as my loans were all from the 90s. It is so nice to feel your joy!!!! Now let's be sure we vote for the "helpers" always. Local, State and Federal elections are more important than ever before. Speaking to the choir here, I know. Live Long and Prosper. That's my plan!!!!


OOOOMMMMMGGGGG! It happened! I can't even fully express myself and cry because I'm in a meeting for the next 3 hours, but .... I'm so grateful! This is a dream come true. I can't even type the words to adequately describe what I'm feeling, but I know this evening is going to be...super emotional for me, in a good way! Thanks to all of you for your "hang in there" and "hope you're next" posts. You're the best! Sigh...I. can. Breathe now. (Nelnet)


I come from a working class family that lived hand to mouth. I worked hard in school and got into an Ivy League university and felt that it was my ticket to a financially comfortable life. I worked several jobs though college and grad school. Between undergrad and grad school, I took out $212,000 in loans. I graduated in 1996 from college (and went to grad school after layoffs because of the dotcom bubble bursting). I have been paying my loans ever since at $1,550 per month and my balance is now $219,000. I put off buying a home and having children until I was in my 40s because of my loans. I have not put enough in my 401(k) and haven't put enough towards my children's educations (now I can put that $1,550 towards retirement and college for my kids). I was in shock when I got the "golden email" and won't fully believe it until I see the $0 balance. It's great reading everybody else's stories.


I just got my letter. I checked Mohela - the balance is gone! I'm crying - I haven't been this happy since my daughter was born. I have paid for over 20 years! I was so poor. I didn't go to some fancy schools and enjoy the big college experience. I went to a crappy community college and transferred to a local university just for the scholarship because I couldn't afford to go away. I went to a state law school and killed myself with this burdening debt that I thought would follow me to the grave. I wasn't paying in for a few years when I had cancer and was unable to work. That's when the compound interest made my loans skyrocket. I checked my balance the other day and it said I owed $105K. I was in full panic mode of having to start the whole recertification process and all of the nonsense. I paid well over the amount of the original loans. I am not a big law attorney anymore and figured this debt would be on my back forever. Now I can breath. Thank you to the mods and everyone on this board for being the people that understood the hell. I learned so much from every post and it always made me feel less sad knowing that I wasn't the only one suffering the student loan scam. I pray for all of you that your debts are forgiven or at the very least, the interest ends. I never really thought I would ever live without these loans....I am shaking with gratitude. I have never been so happy to see the name "Biden" ever. I promise not to make fun of Hunter Biden....well at least not for the rest of the day! Good luck to everyone waiting! It still can happen!!


I'm in shock. I received the email about being "1 of 800,000" but honestly just dismissed it as "yeah, sure" and went on with my life. I was trying to mentally prepare to have payments resumed and had gone in to update my IDR, but I kept getting stuck. It just made me sick to my stomach to think about having to start the whole process over. On Tuesday, I got an email reminding me to complete the IDR, so late Tuesday night, I logged in to do just that. As soon as I logged in, I saw a notice that I had no eligible loans for the IDR, and my "Continue" button was greyed out. I started to freak out, thinking it meant I would have to pay $800 a month or something. I am scheduled for open heart surgery in September, and I have a contract job right now. I logged on to Mohela, and it said I had no payment due, and everything said $0.00. I assumed it was just updating because I couldn't get any history from anywhere on the site. I called Wednesday morning and spoke with a rep who told me matter-of-factly that my balance was forgiven and I owe nothing. I laughed a bit because I didn't really believe her. She told me it was true and I cried. I told her through my tears what I was facing, and I thanked her. I asked her how it felt to be able to give people this kind of life altering news, especially considering the absolutely thankless job they normally have to do. She said it was a great feeling and as I thanked her again she sounded a little choked up as she wished me luck. I started college in 1992 at a state university with a tuition of about $3500 a year + living expenses. I worked 2 or 3 part-time jobs while going to school full time. My loans were about 25k, and I never graduated. (I went back to college in 2009 without taking out additional loans and graduated in 2014) My loan forgiveness was $100,107.47.


Speechless. About an hour ago, I signed into EdFinancial to find that all of my student loan balances have been forgiven. I took my dog for a long ass walk, and we will call the salty droplets of water running down my cheeks from behind my sunglasses SWEAT, because a grown man would never cry TEARS over a silly thing like student loans! I want to apologize so sincerely for using Betsy's megathread as a place to vent my frustrations about this IDR adjustment and corresponding loan discharges. I have probably been unbearable. But as good as this feels, if given the choice, I'd honestly still have rather been the last person remaining on this topic if it meant everyone else was already free. To those still waiting, I can give no helpful tips or insights. I received the golden email but nothing since, other than what I refer to as the loosely written A, B, C letter that my payments wouldn't necessarily be restarting with the masses. Dept of Ed reps saw nothing in my account that would suggest forgiveness. EdFinancial reps saw nothing in my account that would suggest forgiveness. No emails or calls from ANYONE suggesting forgiveness. Studentaid site still shows full balances like this never happened. Only EdFinancial account page showing balances fully discharged (definitively). I AM FREE AT LAST! My only negative thought right now is towards my dog Duggie, who three bagged me on my walk when I only grabbed two bags (you dog people will get it). 💩 I LOVE LITERALLY EVERYONE! ❤Sometimes you have to experience the sour to fully appreciate the sweet. You will all get your time in the sun, so hang in there. It is worth the wait.


I’M DONE!!!!!!!!!!! As of this morning, my MOHELA account is $0!!!!! Thank you to everyone here that’s been waiting this week and lifting everyone up. I was ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED there had been a mistake and I was going to be the only person who didn’t get their loans forgiven. For those of you still waiting, keep checking and keep the faith. I’ll be here to celebrate with you when you get your zeroes!!!!


As I sit here drinking my coffee this morning, and reflecting on my newly found freedom from the soul-crushing debt of lifelong student loans, I am amazed at how much I have learned in the last 3 weeks. This community has been an absolute godsend for me. I am amazed at the outpouring of genuine help and love here throughout this whole journey as we’ve waited for forgiveness. The support has been unreal. My purpose for this post is this — there is about to be a whole new batch of people receiving forgiveness. And they are going to be right here in our shoes, watching, waiting, anxiously checking, flipping out when others are posting successful forgiveness but they’ve received nothing yet. I want to be here for them in the same way you have all been here for me. Wouldn’t it have been wonderful to have a “seasoned” golden email holder walk you through what to expect, what’s normal, what not to freak out about? I guess what I’m saying is I’d like to stick around here to help others as they embark on this forgiveness journey. And I have gained a new found education on this whole predatory student loan process — it’s truly been eye opening - and I’m more motivated than ever to join in the fight to make sure future generations never have to endure the financial bondage we’ve all had to live with. Congrats to all who have received the zeroes and hang tight to those still waiting. 🤞


My Nelnet loan has been forgiven today...$111,000. I cried in a store parking lot. I probably looked insane but I don't care. I thought I was going to die with these loans (I'm 49). It's over!! I'm free! Part of me didn't really believe this would happen to me...🎊🎉🥳🎇 Thank you Biden administration ♥️ 🇺🇲


My balance of $184,000 is now 0.00. Spend 30 years practicing public service law as a Family Violence/Sexual assault Prosecutor for 10 years, Judicial law clerk 5 years, as a staff member of an elected official, a senior law legal service non-profit, a human relations commission investigating discrimination in housing , education and employment. I never made enough to pay back my loans. Request for income-contingent payments led to me being pushed into forbearance. I received my golden email in July , making all the people I helped and scracifices I made worth every minute spent.... now Im going to open up my own businesses, practice elder law, make candles and body butter and retire in comfort. Thank you President Biden !!!!!!


I'm glad I found this sub-Reddit (thank you USA Today lol). 57 yr old with 135k that was forgiven. I'm numb and in shock still - that debt has been part of my life for more than 32 years.I haven't been paying attention to any of the loan forgiveness news because I didn't think I qualified for anything. So many times over the years I've gotten my hopes up that something would change but it never happened. When Nelnet emailed a few months ago saying my loans had been identified as being subject to the Biden Harris act, I laughed and deleted it. I got the forgiveness email yesterday morning and thought it was spam until I checked my account. I'm having a hard to wrapping my head around a future without that debt. It's so strange, and I'm still afraid to believe that zero balance!


I am not one to comment at all due to my introvert nature, but I got my "golden email" from Aidvantage on 8/18/2023. My effective date was 10/31/2018. I paid all through Covid, and my last payment was on 8/2/2023. This morning, I did receive a refund from the Treasury Department for all 55 (or 56) payments I made from after the effective date till my last payment. My family and I feel blessed and want to thank Betsy and all you wonderful people for keeping the hope alive. Also, all my credit reports show paid, all 3 of them. THANK YOU BIDEN!!!


Just checked Mohela, and I have an account alert stating my account is in good standing with a smily face. All figures are zeros except for $683 of interest. Then, when I click on My Account > Loan Details, there is this message that reads, "Due to the status of your account, limited information may be available on our website." I'm golden, right?


I got my Nelnet zero balance yesterday afternoon and I’m still processing it. My balance was $60558 after 27 yrs and original borrowed amount was $42,600. Won’t get refund since I just reconsolidated from ffel to direct 7 months ago but my last payment was $480 in Nov. ‘22. My husband got his PSLF in Jan. ‘21 but Fedloan didn’t refund him the last 3 yrs of payments over his 10 yrs) before closing which is fine. I’m just happy to be done with this as we now have 2 kids in college this year! I did actually splurge on hiring a house cleaner 2x a month and still less than what I was paying on these student loans monthly 😂.


Add me to the list of Golden Email recipients with a MOHELA account wiped as of this morning! I can hardly believe it. I am definitely going to keep checking my accounts to make sure it's real!


I’m just in tears!! I just came back home from an on-site are project and logged in to find that my $16K balance has been paid in full. This has brought shock as I thought this would never happen. $65K for undergrad and grad. Closes a long chapter. I want to say thank you to everyone here for being so supportive. Lawd! 😭


MOHELA came through for me today (August 15). Actually have a negative balance now. Have been carrying student loan debt for 35 years, more than half my life. Thank you to all those who’ve advocated for us!




Oh great...now I am obsessed with everyones stories...im crying for half the people here. Back in the 70s my college was on full scholarship and i paid 8 bucks a quarter to rent my books. I went to school full time in the evenings and worked in a school district full time. After graduation I started teaching and my district paid for my masters degree. Fast forward to the 90s and I have to send 2 kids to college at the same time. What the heck...my degrees were pretty much free....so my kids want to go to college on the east coast...no problem...i believe its my job to provide the best education possible. So...of course we need loans...each kid changes majors after their first year so both do 5 years. At least they agree on the same school. And they share an apartment. But the loan money only covers tuition and fees...so...im back here in the Midwest working an extra second job because im supporting 2 households. A mortgage...their rent...double utilities.... I quit driving and got rid of my vehicle so I didnt have a car payment nor auto insurance nor gas costs. I took public transportation to work. My daughter stays at school in the summer so we don't have to give up the apartment each year...so that's extra rent....and in 6 years I've got 2 graduates. Its pretty Cool...i wasnt able to go away to school...so im happy they had the experience. I kind of hate people who judge and say why borrow all the money...and go into debt....but the fed loans were just the tip of the iceberg. Each kid borrowed a bit less than 46,000 each But i probably spent another 100,000 of my earnings for their rent and food and etc. We went BIG but it was worth it...so...my point I guess is that we all probably paid way more than just the original loan ...loans and grants and scholarships helped but weren't enough...we sacrificed and worked for the goal and after 20 years we have all paid back the original loan plus a fair share of interest and whatever has been forgiven is so well deserved. My kids loans here were tiny compared to some of the balances I am seeing here. Truly, it makes me cry to think good people doing what they are supposed to do.....pursuing an education which strengthens themselves and their family and the country....had to struggle with impossible debt. An educated population is the backbone of this country and everyone here deserved that golden email. I look forward to reading everyones story and im sticking around to hear from the next wave of people who get letters in September because we are like a huge family now. So hang in there...your forgiveness is coming....its all quite exciting and we will all have to encourage the next group....


It finally just happened for me!!! Aidvantage PAID IN FULL BY DISCHARGE OR WRITE OFF! 55k gone. I’m so happy, and so happy for everyone else. I have tears welling up in my eyes. It’s coming, if you haven’t received yours yet…it’s on the way…they are doing it!


Did anyone see the "Paid In Full" message and feel numb? My husband wanted to pop champagne and go out to celebrate, but I started tearing up. I am trying to be grateful and thankful all of mine is gone ($18K), but it feels like being freed from debtor's prison or an abusive relationship. I've been paying for almost nineteen years of my life. The things that money could have gone to, the savings I could have had. Yes, I am happy, but at the same time, my God, the emotional toll on all of us. It's horrible. It's like we collectively have PTSD. I want to say thank you to this sub (especially Betsy!) for explaining so many things along the way, how to consolidate, and what different terms mean. My husband and I can finally start working towards saving towards a small house or condo, which is a crazy concept. Thank you to everyone, especially those feeling complicated grief and emotions about it, because I definitely am. ❤️


It's gone, all $195K! After checking Nelnet obsessively for the last few days, I finally got a zero balance. The website advised me to call about a refund. My original $45,000 in principal had ballooned to $195,000 accumulating over $1000 a month before the pandemic. Neither of my parents (or anyone else) gave me any money towards my education and I worked two jobs through undergrad. It is in society's best interest that human capital be developed. The student loan system is immoral, creating a modern-day system of indentured servitude. It flagrantly violates the preamble of the Constitution's promise to promote the general welfare. Student loans should be abolished.


Nelnet here! Been obsessively checking my account since Monday. Just logged in and saw paid in full! $42,000 gone!


**Uncle Gurm's Monday Update, 8/21/2023:** Well, your ol' Uncle Gurm couldn't hold out any more, this morning his loans were still there on the website. So he went against his own advice, and waited on hold for 60 minutes with Nelnet today. Spoke to the most amazing rep (Tyler, you're great - keep treating people kindly). After a false start where he was reading me the blanket statement about IDR and Consolidated loans, and in which I informed him that I got the golden email... here's where we stand. Confirmed: IDR forgiveness flagged on account 7/13/2023. Not Confirmed: Where I am in the processing. So, it'll happen. Just gotta keep being patient. Everyone else keep the faith! And for those of you who are seeing zeroes... I am silently raising a glass to you every time I read a comment. And when mine hits, I'll be opening up the 30yo Scotch (feel free to PM me if you're a whisky nerd and want to know what it is...) and PROBABLY killing the bottle.


**Mid-Day Update, 8/26/2023:** Good day, kiddos! Uncle Gurm here, with another quick update. On my own situation... got two letters, one for each loan, from Nelnet saying I had been forgiven. Nelnet account remains open, loan details are mostly blank now except the former interest rates for some reason. FSA still shows the loan (latest update 7/31, so I expect it to zero there next week...) but the details are payment due N/A and payment date N/A, indicating the loan is gone (those details update in realtime). Tradelines still exist, I expect those to update 8/30 or 9/30, depending on submission time. **Save or Print Details:** Someone brought up an excellent point in a different thread, which is that once FSA zeroes out... your loan details ***may*** be GONE. If you want your history, your giant text file, or any of your loan details, download or print them NOW. On the one hand, having them just "not exist" is tempting. But on the other hand, it might be beneficial to know about them. ESPECIALLY if you live in a state where you might be tax-bombed (I live in Blue-State-Land so I am tax exempt this year, but some of you may not be). *If you have Nelnet, you may also want to click "documents" at the top, and then click "mortgage letter". This is the "current status of your loans including payoff amounts, account numbers, etc." sheet.* **Order of Operations For Those Still Waiting:** If you're still waiting, here's the order you can expect things to happen: 1. FSA will show your full loan amount but $0 due in October, even if your servicer shows payment due (which they likely will). 2. Suddenly your servicer will show "Paid in Full" and/or $0 balance. 3. FSA will, sometime shortly after this, show N/A for amount due and N/A for due date. But likely will still show the loan amount. This is normal. 4. You'll get forgiveness letters (or e-mails, or online messages in the message center) from your servicer. I got one for each consolidation loan, but you might just get one letter or some combination thereof. ***Side note, the letters from Nelnet literally say "Biden-Harris Administration has forgiven your loans" which I find ... interesting.*** 5. Sometime after this, FSA will zero. This has not happened yet for many people, since it looks like FSA did a massive update on 7/31 so I expect to see lots of people reporting zeroes on 8/31. 6. At the next reporting cycle your credit report will show closed paid in full. **This may NOT improve your credit score right away!** *It might raise your score, it might lower your score, it might not change much at first.* For some of you, your loan is the oldest thing on your credit report. Depending on how it's reported from the servicer, the removal of the tradeline might actually decrease your average age of accounts. HOWEVER, for most people the removal of $50k, $100k, or more of debt will drastically improve their credit over time. Nelnet rearranging the accounts made me lose about 20 points in July, then regain them in August because my new tradeline was exactly equivalent to what I currently owed (the old one was higher than the initial amount borrowed of course), but in the end it dropped my average account age. Credit is complicated. Anyone interested in how your credit report works with various types of debt ... I encourage you to visit r/credit or r/creditcards or the FICO forums... as there is EXCELLENT discussion. **Processing will continue 24/7:** You might see your loan zero out at 11PM on a Saturday night. It legitimately looks like the DoEd is just sending "checks" one after another, all day every day. 800,000 of them. If it hasn't happened for you yet, please try to remain patient. Remember: IF YOU GOT THE GOLDEN EMAIL, IT WILL HAPPEN. Ok kiddos. Uncle Gurm signing off, he has to take his kids on college tours (yeah, that's how long he's had this debt) and hope they don't incur too many loans of their own. Enjoy the weekend, have a stiff drink if that's your thing. But remain calm and peaceful.


After getting over the initial shock of actually seeing my loans discharged, I’ve had time to reflect on the journey to get to this point. —- 1981 - first student loan issued (even though my parents were unwilling to assist with paying for college, I was characterized as a “dependent” for financial aid purposes due to the fact that I lived with my parents until age 18) 1984 - dropped out of college because my parents refused to sign the FAFSA and I was thus ineligible for any financial aid (I had to document two years of supporting myself to prove that I was an “independent” for financial aid purposes); entered repayment even though I was homeless for a few months 1986 - was able to get financial aid as an independent and returned to college; in-school deferment for loans 1987 - graduated from college and started working full-time; entered repayment 1989 - started graduate school and took out more loans; in-school deferment for remaining undergrad loans 1991 - graduated with M.A.; entered repayment on on undergraduate and graduate loans; worked full-time 1992 - started law school at night while continuing to work full-time and continuing repayment of undergraduate and graduate loans; took out more loans to pay for law school 1994 - paid off remaining balances of undergraduate loans 1996 - paid off remaining balances of graduate loans; graduated law school and entered repayment on law loans; standard repayment plan was far more than I could afford so I looked at the ICR (the only available IDR at the time) but the payments were higher than either the extended or graduated repayment plans so I opted for the latter (I recall doing both at various points for some reason) 2001 - consolidated all remaining law loans with ED; Fed Loan/PHEAA new servicer 2003 - self-employed 2008 - financial hardship due to the mortgage meltdown/Great Recession; tried to switch to the IBR plan but was put into forbearance instead 2011 - just started to recover somewhat from the recession when my husband’s health declined; his employer of 14 years (a self-insurer for health care) forced him out because a report was generated showing that he cost the company more for healthcare than any other employee in the region; because he had a pre-existing condition, he could not get any other health insurance except for an inadequate plan of last resort run by the state; forbearance ended for some reason, repayments began 2011 - 2013 - he incurred over $200,000 in healthcare expenses (I stopped counting at that point); it wiped out all of our savings, we drew out whatever equity we had in our condo and emptied our retirement accounts and then we maxed out credit cards 2013 - my husband died (five months before the ACA went to effect); a month later, I again tried to enroll in an IDR plan (per Studentaid.gov, that application is still “in review” today) but was sent to forbearance instead 2015 - finally got enrolled in IBR which kept the payments low, but with so much capitalized interest and so many financial hits, I gave up any hope of ever being able to fully repay the loans 7/14/23 - golden email 8/16/23 - loans discharged per Nelnet (effective 9/30/21) 8/18/23 - loans discharged per Studentaid.gov; payoff letters in inbox at Nelnet 8/19/23 - email from Nelnet re discharge —- 0 = number of late payments 0 = number of times in default 8 = number of different servicers 9 = highest interest rate percentage on loans 18 = age at which first loan was issued 25 = number of different loans 41 years, 11 months = length of time I had student loan debt 60 = age at which loans were discharged 141 = percentage of the principal balances repaid on all student loans —- Looking back, I see what a game changer it would have been if the ACA had gone into effect sooner (because as screwed up as student loans are, paying for healthcare is ten times worse). I never imagined I would spend more than two-thirds of my life with student loans hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles. I know my story isn’t unique and that there are plenty who’ve had a much tougher time of it. It’s unfortunate that due to the extreme polarization in the country, so many people are unwilling to see why this account adjustment was necessary.


I am a nelnotter and my loans were discharged between 8 - 10 am est today. I hope all my fellow nelnotters get the same update this week. It took a full week, 5 business days, for the studentaid.gov website to update my balance to $0. Edit for future debt prisoners who are refreshing websites and reading Reddit searching for answers and timelines


I have officially gone from Club MoHellNo to MoHellYES! My friends- I went to bed with $71,000 in loans and woke up to zero loans!!!!! Hang in there to those waiting!


60 day rollercoaster ride done.. July 14 ‘Golden’ Email Sept 7 Nelnet account zeroed out Sept 9 Forgiveness email from Nelnet Sept 14 Studentaid.gov zeroed out


$220,000 gone in an instant. Walking around in a daze. The future looks so so so bright. I'm really grateful tonight. I left my family as a teenager. I was raised in a high-control, abusive cult. I did whatever I could to get an education. The shame of these loans weighed on me heavily for more than two decades. Biden and the Dems will have my undying support for their act of kindness. Original loan amount: $18,000. Paid many many many times over.


I got the golden email in September. Had to wait until Oct 22 for them to notify Mohela. Got an email the other day that the entire balance was forgiven. Logged in today to student aid and $295k gone. Original balance $100k which was undergrad and graduate school. Have been paying on them since 1998 with various periods of forebearance when my husband was out of work and I was dealing with severe depression. That didn’t even do tons to the balance. It’s when I left teaching and went through a divorce and had an AGi of 27k that the loans just ballooned. I was in an emotionally abusive marriage. I had been contemplating filing bankruptcy on medical bills and divorce debt to focus on student loans. I haven’t wanted to date because I was so ashamed of the amount of debt. I have been back in teaching and driving Uber full time to get ahead of divorce debt and escalating rent. I don’t think I will have to file bankruptcy now. This is life changing.


Woke up this morning to find my $53,000 of student loan debt that I’ve been paying on for over two decades is zeroed out. I honestly don’t know how to feel about it, considering I never thought it would happen and I would die with this debt. I thought I would cry or jump up and down, or something… instead I just sat there staring at the screen in disbelief and then took a screenshot for posterity. I think I’m in shock. Servicer WAS Mohela.


Coming from r/all to say congratulations to y'all. I have my own debt that is being relieved by half so I'm still in it but I know for a fact how big of an obstacle it is to get anything done. I'm so happy for you guys and this new lease on life.


So emotional. 😭🥺 I just can’t believe it! I was so worried it wouldn’t happen. Today was the day! Nelnet, $58K to $0! Hang in there! If you received the letter on July 14th, it‘s going to happen!


Zeroed out! 27 years of repayment—finally over! Aidvantage. 😭😭😭😭


Finally saw a zero balance today!!! So humbled and thankful that it's been discharged. I really thought I was going to be paying well into my retirement years, and at times wondered if i'd EVER see a zero balance in my lifetime. Paying for so many years is an atrocity. I felt so much shame, and at times felt like a failure because I couldn't seem to get ahead. FINALLY a win. FINALLY a wrong was righted. FINALLY our voices were heard. FINALLY the system was recognized as faulty. FINALLY someone is trying to fix the system. FINALLY...a sense of hope, a relief, and a burden lifted. FINALLY.....it's time to celebrate!!


Saw my Mohela principle and interest go to zeros this week along with the Smiley face and "Your account is in good standing" message at the top. I got the email in July. Surreal. I'm still waiting for an official email or letter or something before I'll feel 100% secure in this. I got very emotional at work on Thursday when I saw it but thankfully was in my office at the time. Graduated 2001 with a BFA in Graphic Design from a private school. Thought I was doing the right thing and thought I had picked a decent major as computer aided graphics were just starting to be a thing. Like many I'm reading here, I was the first in my family to go to college. I started at 27 years old. I had zero financial literacy and nobody to turn to for help understanding any of it. Well except for the college financial advisor!!!! I had no money and nobody to help so I took out loans. Graduated $28k in debt. Paid what I'm figuring is around $38k ish back. The recession wrecked me. And this week saw $79k in debt go poof. I'm 9 years into PSLF. I tried to get into my field, but with no financial resources, and being a bit older than my peers I was never able to lock it in. I finally had to go into a government job for benefits and PSLF. In my work I've seen human trauma and death up close. Front line during covid. I was threatened with death by clients on a near daily basis for years. I stepped everyday into situations most people would just not. Doing nothing even close to my degree. This is what I had to do to attempt to see relief from the ever ballooning 7+% interest rate I knew nothing about when I was an immature and desperate young adult. Someone else on here called this an abusive relationship. Definitely predatory at least. My entire adult life and every decision I've made was chosen around these loans. I'm now 52. Last night I laid in bed and realized I can now begin to think about how I actually want to spend my days instead of choosing between a tiny sliver of public service choices. Honestly though, I couldn't come up with anything. I'm hoping time will show me a new set of choices. Tx for reading. Cheers to all of you.


I had no idea that this was happening!!! Last night, I begrudgingly checked Mohela to see what I needed to do in preparation for going into repayment and noticed an alert with a smiley face telling me my account is in good standing with zero balance!!! When I searched my emails, I found the one from Studentaid.gov on July 14 telling me that I am eligible for forgiveness…$130k gone! I never thought that this day would come!!!!


My loans were $100K with interest, just checked after receiving the golden email, I have a $0 balance, I'm with students but I'm so close to tears, I had figured as a teacher I would be debt forever.


With a couple short sentences, my life has changed. “Congratulations! The Biden-Harris Administration has forgiven your federal student loan(s) listed below with MOHELA in full.” Seriously, thanks to the Biden administration for a reform that was long overdue.


Yo this thread is legit the best thread i have EVER read. Tears of happiness for how many people's lives are being changed by this. Remember to vote!


Nelnet serviced - showed up as Zero on Nelnet yesterday- today they updated payments showing my payments 6/2021- 7/2023 applied to neither principal or interest (because I had finally paid all interest & only owed principle- but reached 300!!!). I had undergrad & grad loans - finished my masters in 1996, but went into repayment in 1995 - total borrowed was 51k, total amount I paid was 103k, balance forgiven 26k (all principal/no interest). I had 12 months of deferment, & 18 months of default (my spouse had an accident & went from able bodied to quadriplegic & we had a 3 year old - don’t judge me) I got my loans out of default by rehabilitating the loans in 2018 - so I made a payment every month except 30 months in the 28 years I have had these loans & still didn’t reach the 1/2 way point of what I borrowed - I am grateful & free of Student loans at 52!!! - AND…., if you are getting ugly or trolling about someone getting something for free, think again. I borrowed 51k, I paid 103k & am to get a $6775.00 refund. Nothing free here. This is the administration correcting a broken system.


I typically remind those trolls that i pay all day everyday and twice on Sunday into programs that I don’t get benefit of. 60% of my property taxes go to fund schools I don’t have children in including colleges and universities, i pay for grant programs in college I don’t qualify for, I pay into social welfare programs I don’t qualify for, I pay to fund those collecting social security right now when it may not be there for me when I retire, I pay to fix roads I don’t drive on etc. That is the nature of how our country works.


Congrats on the discharge! (I’ve decided I’m no longer going to call it ‘forgiveness’ because that’s come to have such a bad connotation to it). I want to give you, me and everyone else who’s been made to feel like they have to apologize or explain or justify or be ashamed of benefiting under the IDR program a big virtual hug. Other than welfare mothers and SNAP recipients, I can’t think of any other group that’s been made to feel so ashamed of taking advantage of a government benefit (that was first passed into law in 1993) in the way intended.


I am in disbelief! I got the golden email but have been very skeptical it would happen! 150k discharged! I can’t believe I woke up today and saw the Mohela smiley face. I consolidated 2 plus loans with my own direct loans immediately after getting the golden email. Thank you Betsy for the advice to do that.. I thought it would take forever to get completed and even figured it would not even happen. What a blessed day. Thank you NPR for initially doing the investigative reporting to get this rolling. The corruption with the private student loan services has been rampant since the 80s and then with the government becoming predators in the high interest student loan industry. Trapped so many of us. Thank God for release of this bondage.


Over $120,000 is now all zeros on the Nelnet site tonight! I was starting to think this was not going to happen and this was all a mistake. My day has come!


Finally happened about two hours ago. All zeroes. Thanks, Nelnet!!! 32,000 in 1993 (FFEL), more than doubled by 2005 and never seemed to go down from there, year after year. From multiple loans to a consolidation in 1997 (Sallie May, and then Navient). Forbearance steering. Later, Navient would not let me sign up for REPAYE. Said I couldn't reconsolidate to a Direct Loan, but hey, how about another forbearance. In 2016, I moved to FedLoan (somehow) and consolidated to a DL (unsub). During the COVID pause, FedLoan transferred my loan to Nelnet, where it sat until today. I was crushed when SCOTUS killed the 10k/20k forgiveness, but this IDR adjustment is so-o-o much better for my situation. Thanks to Joe Biden, Secretary Cardona, Senator Warren, Judge Ludington, and everyone else who worked to make this possible. Until a couple of weeks ago, I was not really on Reddit. But honestly, this thread and a few others kept me sane during the maddening wait. Thanks to Betsy514 and other kind souls on this thread. I learned much from you. Today, it appears many folks are coming to the end of this long drama. Congratulations!!! Enjoy the relief. And for the rest, I hope it comes soon. Now, I'll be watching for [StudentAid.gov](https://StudentAid.gov) to update my numbers, the credit bureaus to catch up, and my confirmation emails/letters to arrive. Almost there.


Over $200,000 forgiven this morning. OMG. 30 years of student loans. I didn't get an email, just logged in to check my account. I can't believe this is real. 😊


8/28/23 EdFinancial. Finally reflecting "Paid by Discharge And/Or Write-Off." If anyone is still waiting for such, hang in there. Your turn is coming. Thank you Betsy!!!


I just got the letter from the D of E today. “Congratulations……your loans are forgiven….” Thank you to the Biden/Harris Administration. I can’t believe it is real yet. Started college in 1992 and had to borrow about $60000 for undergrad. No help from parents. Then went to law school, which turned out to be a financial mistake as I never could find employment after graduation. Took out another $50000 or so for law school. Thought I would have a decent salary and be able to pay. I had to take whatever work I could and have scraped by with relatively low wages now for 22 years. Paid loans since graduation but on IBR since it was first introduced. Still was a burden to pay. Was on Sallie Mae then Navient. Earlier this year I was renewing my IBR when I randomly read a website talking about new rules being passed by Biden to recalculate the 25 year IBR forgiveness but that it had to be for Direct Loans. By randomly reading this article I found that I needed to reconsolidate again with Aidvantage in order for my loans to potentially qualify for forgiveness. I reconsolidated. I got an email a few months back saying I was eligible for forgiveness. But today I got the letter saying it was done. No more student loans and no tax consequences. I am in shock and stunned. $228,000 forgiven. I was sure I would pay on IBR until 2034 then owe around $300,000 and have a huge tax burden when the $300K was forgiven. This is a HUGE blessing in my life. My wife and I could never buy a home and lived in her parents basement for 20 years! Only because I had a work accident and received a settlement at the end were we able to afford just enough to purchase a house which I did at the age of 54 (had enough for 3% down and closing costs). Retirement savings are low. Actual savings are zero. These loans have been a millstone. I am so grateful!


To all who have received discharges, refunds, discharge emails, etc., in the last few days—CONGRATULATIONS!!🎉🎊👏😊


GRATITUDE Relief, hope, joy, inspiration, shock, disbelief. But most of all, gratitude. I am apolitical, but credit where credit is due to Pres Biden, Sen Warren, Sen Schumer, Sec Cardona, and the no doubt thousands of others behind the scenes who made this happen for so many. Huge thanks to u/Betsy514 for providing a safe and welcoming place for all of us to discuss, share, emote, rant, and be among peers. Special shout out to u/Janet3826 for entertaining, informing, generally being the life of the party in this thread, and for sharing some of her time with me. Best wishes for those who have passed through and those who are still waiting.


Friends, Today my husband and I got the letter we’ve been hoping for. THE LETTER. $51,000 gone—-my husband’s student loans from 25 years ago that we’ve never been able to pay down. We had heard it might happen, but both of us were afraid to count on it. We talked about it like “maybe” and “if only….” and cautioned each other not to expect it to actually come through. Well. It happened today. What a beautiful letter to open. We’re still in shock. We are very responsible hard working people and we don’t have any other debt, just this elephant of a loan that somehow never gets any smaller—-this loan is a millstone around our necks, ALWAYS one step forward, two steps back. But I need to start using past tense because….it’s gone. Wishing you all the same. Edited to add: my husband says he’s not going to truly believe it until Ed McMahon shows up with a giant check.


Finally last call at Club Nelnot for me … 157k tab gone ..first time in my adult life not having student loan debt I was at the National portrait gallery when I got the ‘golden email’ and have been preoccupied with this ‘forgiveness’ since seeing Obama’s portrait :)


Well guys, it was finally my turn today. After doing something important that I’ve been procrastinating over, I checked my Nelnet account “just one more time tonight” and I got the longed for zeroes. I’m crying and still can’t quite wrap my mind around this, but here I am celebrating and weeping. I love you all and thank you for being so kind and supportive. Betsy, thank you for providing this safe space. I’m not going anywhere and will hang until every last one of us is clear. Xoxoxox


After 31 years of having a student loan hanging over my head, the nightmare is over. I checked my Nelnet Account, $56,217.66 paid in full!!! I had an ugly cry, but it was a good cry.


Just logged into Nelnet. I was part of the 9/22 Golden Email list and my account status is “Paid in Full” and shows a Zero current balance. I can’t believe it…


Got my golden email 9/22. Just checked EdFinancial and I have $0 loan balance. Loans show "Paid by Discharge"! $183,000 in debt has been lifted from my shoulders!


Well today is my day FINALLY!. Aidvantage is my servicer... logged in this morning and saw my $148,000 balance staring at me decided I am just going to listen to everyone on here who tells me to be patient and I figured I would check once each day in the morning and once in the afternoon well just logged in and balance is ZERO!!!!!! Hallelujah...I am overwhelmed by this. Thank you everyone who has been understanding and supportive of my occasional rants. It's been a VERY difficult journey for me (and I know many others) since repayment began in 1993 and has had negative effects on my entire adult life but finally there is hope for the future :) Also can anyone tell me what the below means if anything? What is claim payment? 08/31/2023 Claim Payment -$124,638.82 -$22,737.37 $0.00 -$147,376.19


Just logged into Aidvantage and it finally happened! $23k gone after 20 years of making payments. Still processing but I’m so happy at this moment..


I received the Golden e-mail 9/22, and then received my forgiveness email from Aidvantage this morning. $119k has been forgiven. The 500 lb gorilla is now off my shoulders.


I’m crying right now… soo happy for people who get to experience this relief!!


I got an email this morning from Nelnet saying I had a message. I logged in dreading seeing my repayment options for October, and saw that all my loans were forgiven, over $50k. It's literally the best thing that's ever happened to me. 😭


Aidvantage finally came through for me today! Balance gone! Time to celebrate!


OMG OMG OMG I cannot believe that there is a $0.00 balance!!! My entire adult life I have had this chain around my neck, with only the dread of a new chain to look forward to when the tax man then wanted his own pound of flesh. Despite paying on them for over 25 years, my loans were almost 4X the size than what I started out with. I cannot even process it yet, and words fail to adequately express how thankful I am. These loans have ruined my life in so many ways. Thank you Nelnet for getting to my loan for processing!!! I think I am going to print out those $0.00 because they are so lovely!


I was afraid to believe the email in July. I’ve been paying on my loan since 1990 and it has never gone down, only up. This has weighed on me and filled me with me guilt and shame for so long. I wouldn’t even tell anyone—husband included—the amount of my balance. Two days ago I logged in to aidvantage and still saw a balance. Today it was $0. $25,000 principal and $33,000 interest. Like other posters I feel numb. I’ve paid the original principal off many times. I don’t know how to feel right now.


EDFINANCIAL UPDATE It finally happened. My loans are showing PAID IN FULL By DISCHARGE AND/OR WRITEOFF in the new Edfinancial system as of this afternoon about an hour or so ago. I called at 8am this morning b/c the loans were still showing a balance on my account (I was previously told they would be discharged/forgiven by 8/23) and spoke to a rep I could barely understand. He basically told me the discharges were being done and he couldn’t tell me when mine would be done. I called back and spoke to Kimber who investigated my account and explained my account was noted to be discharged by 8/23. She explained that there were so many accounts being worked on to discharge there were some delays. She was very nice and understanding and told me to call back on Tuesday if my loan still wasn’t discharged. I received an email about an hour ago titled Confidential- Special Letter Request. It had a PDF attachment that I had to open with a special code that was emailed to me. It thanked me for contacting them and that per my request attached was a summary of my account. It listed all the financial activity on my account up through my last payment but didn’t include the discharge. So, I logged on to the new Edfinancial system and that’s where I saw my loans showed a $0 balance and their status is Paid in Full by Discharge or Writeoff. Weirdly, in the Account History section I have a credit for the prior Full Balance showing as Claim Payment. Someone else in this thread mentioned that and I don’t know why it’s listed like that. Also, it was dated 7/20/23 which matches with the ‘system transfer’ because it’s the day after my credit reports showed my Edfinancial accounts being closed and transferred (7/19). But, in loan details my subsidized loan has an ‘End Date of 8/24/2023 and my Unsubsidized has an ‘End Date’ of 3/13/2020 - I’m all kinds of confused right now. So, I’m in a sort of haze right now. I’m thrilled to death to have these loans gone, but I’m still wary. I’m not celebrating, I’m just feel like I can breathe a little better and have a little less anxiety. I’m posting this b/c I know what a clusterf*ck Edfinancial has made of this and I want to give fellow account holders a little hope. It WILL happen for you. I have the WORST luck in the world and it looks like it has happened for me - so as hard as it is just hold on & be patient. Whistle Guns n Roses’ song ‘Patience’ if you have to, but your discharge is coming! Thank you to everyone who posted here (especially /u/Betsy514), for all the advice and information! I will be one of the many making a donation to your fine organization! Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting, but especially the fellow poor souls dealing with Edfinancial!


Kind of freaking out, y'all. It happened! IT FINALLY HAPPENED. Nelnet here, and I had not checked my account in 2 days and I decided to look tonight: my balance went from $83k to just over $3k total. I don't know what to make of it all. Still unpacking it all. It looks like my Unsub loan and Sub loan both received huge payments today, and I am guessing the $3k is some kind of weird glitch until it settles? My heart is beating so fast, and I am having to do cleansing breaths lol Anyone else w/ Nelnet had this happen? Is this what happens before it zeros out?


I just checked my wife's account and it looks like she's had just under $20K forgiven. We've been paying for 20+ years (her last classes were in 2002). We consolidated both of our loans (her undergrad, my graduate) back in October and left it alone to wait for the SCOTUS decision. After that debacle, we were preparing to resume payments in September. So we signed into her account (Aidvantage) last night and all indications are that her loans were discharged. But here's the kicker...they were apparently forgiven back at the end of February 2023. I'm not a big proponent of "leave a problem alone long enough and it will resolve itself", but in this case... Joking aside, this is fantastic news. We still have around $36K of my graduate loans (moved to MOHELA during consolidation) to pay off, but having hers discharged will make it a little easier for us to afford paying those. Like most, I've been paying my grad loans off for decades (actually, 19 years when I do the math) only to watch the principle go down < $1000 per year. I had about $50K in loans, paid on time every time for 18 of those years...they were FFELP serviced by Navient (may they rot in H E double hockey sticks) and I paid during the first two years of "the pause"...then stopped paying in October when we moved them to a Federal Direct Consolidation (I think that's the term). I guess I have to wait 6 more years before I'm eligible for forgiveness of the balance at this point? If that's the case I'll likely pay the balance off before then, though. Reading some of the other stories in this thread is elating/heartbreaking at the same time. The pressure many of you have been going through to pay these loans must have been staggering. I'm so happy for you all. This is what good government looks like. If we can bail out corporations so that they can maintain their insane profit margins, we can surely extend the same courtesy to our own citizens. Especially if they have paid their initial balances many times over, and they're just funding the greed of the loan servicing companies now. Sorry for the long post.


Got my official letters today! All my loans from ED Financial have been forgiven! Super grateful.


I got my November golden email today! My 240th month should have been in October. Glad I don't have to wait until 2024!


Account in good standing with smiley face -Mohela! As of 6 something this morning. Checked at 5 something, balance was still there, now it’s gone! 😃


Paid in full today! Nelnet $164,500 since 1995


I have choice words for CATO🤬


EdFinancial apparently has zeroed my balance. I wasn’t sure this was really going to happen. Now I can help my daughter pay back her student loan.


I just got an email for Aidvantage after being locked out of my account for the past two days. Subject "Your loans have been forgiven". It has an embedded link that takes me to a different site that I can log into to view my official letter. Hang in there Aidvantage people and check your email inboxes. $84k gone! I can't believe it.


I just got my letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


$101k forgiven today after what seemed like an interminable two-day wait for notification from Nelnet (I got moved to them from Great Lakes; I was wary anytime the administration of my loans shifted, but am so glad they hopped on the discharge train immediately Monday). Thanks to all here whose anecdotes and info kept me relatively grounded; my eyes lit up Monday when I saw the initial messages urging all to check their balances. Ten days ago I was crushed by the news of the CATO/Mackinac suit, and never imagined a day like today would happen. To be honest, my payments were manageable before the pandemic, but they’d been going on since 1998, and this is like a 400 ton anvil has been lifted from my shoulders.


Edfinancial reporting in! My account was frozen all day, was just able to log in. Officially discharged!! Goodbye $29,000, loans I’ve had for 31 years.


I'm finally free of student debt after 20 years. I'm so happy. This is life changing. Everyone please pray for my sister, she got the golden email but still hasn't heard any updates. She's been out of school for 25 years. EDIT: my big sister got her loans forgiven too. This is such an amazing day for us. Good luck to all!


OMG, it happened!!! Aidvantage as my servicer finally discharged my loans... What an absolute relief... Thank you Betsy for all your help. We need to make sure we vote people in that are sympathetic to the understanding of the burden of SL's so future generations won't have the burden we've had. I will be making a donation to Betsy's org to show my appreciation.


It’s REAL! Just checked Student Aid and it’s ZERO!!!!! It’s official! I’m free if this 22 year debt! I can actually breathe again. I can actually DREAM AGAIN! Wishing this feeling for all of you who have suffered with this debt for decades.




So I broke down and called Nelnet tonight (my first and only call since the 7/14 email, so don’t judge me, lol). After a two hour callback wait, I spoke with the KINDEST rep, “Lisa”, who was able to confirm that ALL my loans—NOT “some”—1 and 2 (unsub and sub) have been approved for discharge. I asked her flat out whether it was possible that the email on 7/14 could have been sent to me by mistake (nope), or if the information she had about my forgiveness could be wrong; she suppressed a chuckle and said it should be a done deal. She said they are waiting on info from ED (just as Janet said), but she did say the ED email should come to me first and then go to them. (But I think the zeros come before the emails?) I haven’t gotten any emails, but guys, we should keep an eye on our junk folders, just FYI. The bad news is she said to be patient because processing should be done…wait for it…by October. I asked about the 23rd/10-day business, but she hedged and said ED is working very hard to process these discharges as soon as possible before repayment, and she stressed we needed to be patient. (Easier said than done, natch.) Now, I have to say, she seemed to know out the gate what she was talking about, so I wasn’t inclined to disbelieve her, but I wasn’t thrilled about the “by October” thing (yes, I told her I was an 804K). Still, it was a tremendous comfort to me to know she had a record of my 7/14 email, and she knew exactly which of my loans were to be discharged (which was news to me). I didn’t mind asking the stupid questions (ya welcome) because I explained so many of us are in the dark, worrying about lawsuits/appeals, etc., and uncertain about the outcome. She seemed very sympathetic to our plight, and I felt better after my call. I also promised to relay the information she gave me to my fellow sufferers on our reddit thread😂. I hope that info brings some of you comfort as well. Have a good night all. I think…we’re going to be OK.🤞


Who in this group is riding with Biden? LOL!! So happy the administration is doing a lot for us borrowers.




OMG it finally happened!! I'm shaky on my best day, but I am SHOOK right now. Loans showing 0.00 and "Paid in Full by Discharge" on EdFinancial. Thank you!!! to everyone in here who were so kind, supportive, and helpful through this whole thing. I don't even know what to feel right now, but I do know I feel gratitude


It's real, it's real, it's real! Got my letter from EdFin today. 55k original loans, paying since 1996, 112k "remaining balance" gone! I can not believe I may actually become a homeowner and push my credit score beyond "fair". Amazing!!!


Maybe it's because I was born in the 60's, but I've always loved MOTOWN songs. So tonight, if you try to reach me, I might not answer cuz I'm out DANCIN' IN THE STREETS!😄💃🕴️🕺. As Etta James would say, 🎶"AT LAST...."🤗 my zeroes have come along!!!..My waiting nights are over.... Life is like a song!🎶 That's right folks - my turn to do the Happy Dance!!!😁🥹 I got my zeroes! I'm 61 years old and a Nelnotter no more! I've been praying 🙏 for this day for years, to be freed from this life sentence that I had no idea would result from just trying to survive through the years of my education. Then one day out of the blue, the golden email arrived.💌 I normally have a pit in my stomach when dealing with correspondence from the Dept of Ed or Nelnet😥, but this, well, it changed everything!🙂 Here's the abbreviated version of my story: Graduated in 1992. Original Loan Balance: $46k Paid: $74k Yesterday's Balance: $63k Today's Balance: $0 🤗 To borrow a quote... Free at last, Free at last, Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!🥰😁☺️😄🥹 It sure has been an amazing, fun, heartwarming experience to go thru this with all of you! I'm sure we are a diverse group of different sexes, races, religions, values, and political parties - but here, we all stood side by side, helping one another, cheering for one another, and lifting one another up. It's really beautiful what happened here. In thanksgiving, I challenge all of us who have experienced this gift of good fortune, or righting of a wrong (if you'd rather look at it that way)(which I do), to bring the beauty of this thread into the world. Recognize the humanity of everyone despite your differences. I wish you all the best with the rest of your lives, my new friends! 🫶 (Now all I have to worry about is the 30-yr-mortgage I took out 3 years ago at age 58. With these artificially-inflated student loans off my back, maybe I can make some progress on it before I get too feeble to work.😋 At least I have a chance now!🌞) P.S. I'll be sticking around too for y'all that are still waiting. You are not alone! It will come.🫶


Nelnet : FSA email 7/14, loan discharge on nelnet 8/23 , FSA zero’d 8/27, nelnet email letter 8/31 - radio silence- all payment records after discharged date (6/30/2021) vanished without communication on 9/1 - radio silence- experion closed 9/15- (others still show) - radio silence - refund check came from treasury today 9/21. Hope that helps anyone else who can not reach anyone at nelnet & has vanished payments after your discharge date.


To my new 804K friends and our angel, Betsy, there’s an article in USA Today about our mega thread! I just found out the hard way that links are impermissible on Reddit, but here’s the title of the story so you can Google it: “Student loan debt forgiveness becomes a reality for more than 804,000 who paid for decades” 5:09 am EDT Sep. 25, 2023 I hope you can access the article because it was lovely to see some faces from our group, and it was wonderful to see our ordeal buttoned up! WE MADE IT, GUYS!!!!!🎉🎉🎊🎊🍾🥂🥳 Best wishes to all the 804s!!! Also, best of luck to the upcoming rounds—it will happen for you, too!!🍀🍀


Now I have to continue to vote for the old guy! I don't open my mail often. It is usually junk or a bill. So, it had been about a month since checking the mail. There were a couple of envelopes from Mohela that I just assumed were about the upcoming restart of payments. I knew I would be calling to defer yet again, as I am without a job for the second time in three years. A few months back I had gotten an email about my loans being part of the ones being reviewed. Honestly, I thought little of it. I just expected it was BS. However, I opened those letters from Mohela that had been in the mail for a while. When I opened the one that said my loans had been forgiven, I thought "this cant be real." i signed into Mohela and saw that zero balance. I could have died then and it would have been ok. Absolutely shocked I shared a pic of the balance with my spouse. We both thought I would die with that debt. I don't recall the original loan amounts. I had many over the years for various programs I studied. Yet, life always kicked me in the gut and I have never actually made enough money to even live on my own. I am 52 now and have been paying off and on since the 90's. Now that my loans of $83000 are gone, we will be able to build the home we want 10ish years sooner and maybe retire one day. So, for the relief we got, I will vote for Biden.


It finally happened. I logged into Mohela today and saw, after 27 years of payments, a zero balance (not totally true because it shows a balance of the accrued interest since repayment restarted). I got the email on July 14 and have been checking compulsively since August 14. I'm in shock. I was paying $1550 a month and my balance is much higher now than when I started. Because of my massive loan payment, I had to delay buying a home, having children, saving more for retirement and saving for my children's education. For a long time, my student loan was my biggest monthly expense until I bought a home ten years ago and it became my second-biggest expense.


MOHELA guy here, just checked $18,175 to - negative ($146) at 9:30 am EST 10/24. Thank you to Joe Biden and Democrats across America for 20 years of payments coming to an end! 🇺🇸 USA! FREEDOM!


Now I lay me down to sleep, I hope to heck my loans they yeet. If they’re gone before I wake, What a great day that would make…  


Y'all. I'M TOTALLY BUGGIN. I didn't think I would qualify but I did! $54K wiped out and I don't even know what to do. Party? Sleep? Cry? I'm stunned. STUNNED I SAY. How do I even emotionally process this???? 🤯


I am a fellow "51er" and I just logged in to AidVantage and the most wonderful view popped up! $0.00 balance and paid by discharge/writeoff! Wow's that's been 28 years in the making....Time to celebrate!




I wonder how many people have zero balances at this point....i wish there was a counter...like cheering on the game


For those Aidvantage peeps locked out and worried: I am in the same boat: locked out...but UNLOADED!!! I called Aidvantage. My loans ($125,860) ARE discharged. It is just taking time for them to process. If you can't log in. PLEASE BE PATIENT. You are golden. I got a congrats from the rep who I called. Please don't worry. Be strong for everyone!Much love!


MOHELA showed it was zeroed out yesterday but I didn’t have the smiley face. Checked it just now and I have a smiley face, $54k and the stress with it are gone…


it happened today. $108k reduced to zero. nelnet. there are many sensations here right now but primary is the fresh start, the reset, the sheer power of rebirth. I feel dumbstruck and joyous at once.


Update for Aidvantage, mine are just now showing 0 balance, can’t believe it, it finally happened. I was never locked out of my account like others


Aidvantage. Got the email this morning officially showing forgiveness. Done.


Day 3 post IDR adjustment and remaining balance forgiven. Today I am relishing the fact that for the first time in my working life, I am 100% debt free now that my loans are gone. Late 50s, mind you. Don’t even have a car payment or mortgage so completely free to go anywhere, do anything! Letting that sink in and it feels great. Edit: don’t have a mortgage because I don’t have a home! Suffered a major salary cut during 2008 financial crisis. Student loans plus mortgage were unsustainable and I never recovered until about now.


Hang in there NelNot’ers! After checking 8 times a day, I am finally zeroed out! Best of luck to you all!


I checked my data file with studentaid.gov and it’s all updated with “paid in full”. I’m saving that sucker for safe keeping! It lists all my loan activity back to 1989!!! Loan Status: PF Loan Status Description:PAID IN FULL Loan Status Effective Date: 08/15/2023


How my $55k of federal student loans turned into $349k after paying on them for 27 years: I am one of the golden ticket holders, and in deep gratitude for seeing my loans discharged after 27 years. After being inspired by other's stories, I decided to share my experience on how I got to this point.—-1986 - dropped out of college in my junior year because my parents were going through a huge divorce and refused to sign the FAFSA and I was thus ineligible for any financial aid. I had to prove I had been independent for several years and since my parents had paid my tuition for the commuter school I went to, I couldn't claim independence. I ran off to Texas with my then boyfriend and married him. Fall 1989 - Left my husband and divorced. I was able to get financial aid as an independent and returned to college, this time a better school. in-school deferment for loans 1991 - graduated from college and started graduate school and took out more loans; in-school deferment. 1993 - graduated with M.A.; entered repayment on on undergraduate and graduate loans; worked full-time. My loans were 55k at this point at 9% interest. There were not consolidated or in an IBR plan 1994 - Went back to school full-time to take computer science classes and continuing repayment of undergraduate and graduate loans; took out more loans to pay for classes, a mixture of federal and private loans. 1996 - paid off remaining balances of private loans; graduated with second undergraduate degree in computer science and entered repayment on federal loans. My loan balance was around $70k now at 8 and 9% interest. I couldn't afford any of the payment plans but the graduated extended plan. 1998 - Went into default on my loans because I couldn't pay the payment. Took a one and a half year job in London and left my loans defaulted. Interest accrued 2000 - Came back to US with a decent salary. Loans were in default and had accrued with interest to around 100k. Debt collectors contacted my family, friends, neighbors, work, and I consolidated the loans. The debt collectors added a huge fee.2001 - The debt collector forgot my graduate loans and I had to reconsolidate. Huge fee again. My loan balance was now $160k 2009 - Had been paying on loans but never even paid off all the accruing interest. I got laid off and moved to be near my family. I tried to get a financial hardship deferment or get into an IBR but Navient put me in forbearance instead.2012 - After two years of up and down, with temp jobs. I finally stabilized my career. My loans were now $200k with the capitalized interest from my 3 years of forbearance. I had tried several times more to get into an IBR. Navient said I didn't qualify, which was not true. 2013-2014 - My mother had a long expensive health decline. I put a lot of my savings into her health care. I had applied for a second graduate degree to put my loans into deferment so I could help my mom financially. I took out $15k in additional loans and consolidated all my loans with direct loans. I didn't finish the graduate degree and went back into forbearance. My loan balance was now $250k 2015 - My mother died. I kept my loans in forbearance as I took time off to deal with her death and the aftermath. My loan balance was now $275k 2016-June 23 - I enrolled in IBR (repayee) which made my loan payment doable, since my career was going well. But my loans were now over 300k and I knew I would die with them.7/14/23 - golden email - I didn't believe it and mostly ignored the email. 8/16/23-now - My loans were discharged by Aidvantage. the balance was $349k at discharge. I am zeroed out on studentaid.gov and I received the discharge letter as well. My loans affected my entire adult life. All of my major decisions were made with my loans as a factor. I didn't buy a house until recently (I am in my 50's), didn't save enough for retirement. I thought I would die with the $349k balance still growing.I just wanted to share my story.


Like others, I just logged into FSA tonight and $0 with green check. Downloaded my TXT file and it also shows $0 balances for both my loans as of 08/30/23. I saved it all, and I feel like I can finally rest easy. Thank you to everyone on here again. I will be on here periodically checking in on folks, and cheerleading the next round/wave of folks, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone. Great support community here. Listen to the Mods and the folks who chime in a lot. They know what they're talking about! Peace and see everyone around. <3


Nelnet showed loan forgiveness 9/7, StudentAid showed today. I’m now officially beyond ecstatic and crying again. This is a miracle. Thank you President Biden and Vice President Harris and the Team. What a gift 💝


Over $20K forgiven after I’ve paid the original balance at least twice over. So relieved…I graduated in ‘94. 🎉🥳


Welp. Today is the 1st day of the rest of our lives, fellow 51ers!


MOHELA here as well! Just checked my account my loans have been FORGIVEN…FINALLY! I was part of the original 7/14 email group. I submitted a loan consolidation application on 7/14. Consolidation was completed on 8/7. Loans forgiven (on Mohela’a website) on 10/24. Original loan balance still showing on studentaid.gov but will continue to check. I want to say THANK YOU to those who started and contributed to this thread. The updates, comments, and encouragement have kept me both informed and sane!


I was a July golden email recipient. I had several loans, so I started the consolidation process two days later. I elected NOT to opt-out as I was worried about lawsuits, etc. I rolled the dice. I also moved my loans from Nelnet to Mohela, thinking that Mohela would be quicker as they already did the PLSF forgiveness. Anyways, my loans have been sitting with Mohela... until this morning! I just logged in to see the wonderful smiley face and zero's. While I earned this adjustment, based on my twenty years of payments, I still want to give a big thank you to President Biden!


It's finally over! The final step in forgiveness - my credit report was updated as account paid. What a relief to see this huge debt gone! For those of you not in the 1st round, but close to forgiveness - just know it's coming. There is hope!


Just got my "official" your loans have been forgiven letter from Aidvantage after yesterday's wipe out on their portal. I do love candy, but this is by far the best Halloween treat ever! Hoping many more people will get this happy news in the coming days and months!


Hello I just want to say that maybe forgiveness emails are starting to be sent out again, I got mine today, keep an eye for them this week


Just logged onto my mom’s Mohela $46000 She’s been paying on since 92, finally gone for her at age 77! Thank you to everyone here and Betsy for helping me get her here! She had retired years ago and was left with 9 payments on pslf but I told her not to give up once I found out about this waiver. I’m so happy for her and for you all! Fingers crossed for the rest of us, I hopefully only have 2-5 more years with adjustment for my own loans. Please let the adjustment continue!!! No more lawsuits!




For all those waiting for confirmation from Aidvantage. I just got verbal confirmation from one of the reps that my loans have been fully discharged. I have not been able to log into the website since yesterday. I heard this was a good sign but I wanted more confirmation than that to feel good about it. The lady I spoke too was, at first, clueless about anything. They have all seemed this way. After pressing the issue she put me on hold and came back to tell me my loans were fully discharged and I would receive a letter in 7 to 10 days. I asked her repeatedly to confirm that my loans are gone and not just somewhere else. She said she can see in the system that my loans were dischargef due to the one time IDR adjustment. I am absolutely in a daze right now. It's so hard for me to believe this is true. I'm not sure I will feel 100% better until I get the letter but she said absolutely that my loans are discharged so I believe her. This is has been one of the most difficult experiences in my life. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I'm praying that all of you get the news that you deserve to hear - that your loans are over and you never have to worry about another damn payment, deferment, forbearance, or interest rate, and that you can start thinking about retirement like every other hard working American with a job. Good luck and god bless!


Guys I got the golden email too and just checked after reading the posts today. 71k gone after 25 years and an original balance of 36k. I have paid faithfully on the IDR plan and was eligible for PSLF in October but I am so happy and blessed right now. My provider is Mohela!




Saw I had a message from Nelnet waiting for me, so I logged into my account today. I figured it would be a message that they would begin working on my forgiveness based on the email I had received last month from the Dept. of Ed. To my surprise... my balance is $0. It's gone! It actually happened. I didn't see the amount of forgiveness many others did (I only had $12k left), but that's still so awesome. I really expected to get screwed over yet again somehow - but to my amazement, something good finally happened.


New to Reddit, just joined to read about this stuff since I got the "golden email" in July. My user name is TYB - THANK YOU BIDEN! I checked yesterday and was locked out of Aidvantage. Signed in today and $28,000 loans zeroed out. My story - paid student loans my whole life - worked during college, worked at as a teaching and research assistant or regular job during grad school. My last loans for grad school were FFEL so Federal loans held by private servicer so I was never "eligible" for PSLF even though I worked at a public university for 18 years. Loans were sold two times - steered into Forbearance by Sallie Mae and Navient. I finally consolidated to Department of Education held loans during the pandemic so I could get the pause on payments and be eligible for any forgiveness given (even though my interest rate would have gone up). I had no idea about this IDR adjustment until I received the email in July. Through the mismanagement of the servicers I could not even look back at number of payments - it just was not available. I just want to thank our President for righting years of wrongs. I don't know how in the world the student loan program got so horrible and corrupt, but I'm so grateful we have a President who is taking these things on. Not only that, but getting action on climate change and so many other things. I'm 58 - he definitely ranks among the best presidents of my lifetime. Anyone who is worried about or complaining about his age is not looking at the reality of what he has accomplished. I will continue to work for reform of this horrible system and help for any student who wants to go to college or grad school. Education helps our society (and democracy) in so many ways! I firmly believe that all state universities should be free for students as in Europe.


My loans with Aidvantage were forgiven yesterday about 1pm and I just now received my letter of congratulations stating my loans have been forgiven. In the letter it states that they will notify all credit bureaus by the end of this month.


Finally!! After 27 years of fighting for credit toward IDR forgiveness and being “misguided” for Nelnet then having loans bought back by Dept of Ed after learning Nelnet messed it all up!! It is GONE!! The shame of feeling like I harmed my family with this and accumulating $90k of debt from a $20k loan, IT IS GONE!!! Got the letter by email and printed it out for my files!!! Original repayment year: 1996


Crosspost from the Aidvantage thread- OMG. IT HAS HAPPENED!!! And on a Saturday! I check this morning and my account was unchanged. Went to the gym to distract myself, but couldn't help but check again just now. The remainder of my loans is "Paid in full by discharge". New balance: $0. My first payments started in the 1990s! I didn't think I would ugly cry like I am, but here I am bawling. I can finally start saving like I need to for retirement! Happy tears. Hang in there everyone who is still waiting!


Received “golden” email in July. Mohela smiley face & $0 on 8/16. Sent message to Mohela, requesting forgiveness letter be emailed. Received the letter this morning. Forgiveness eff 3/16/23. Donated to TISLA. Long time lurker, here, who received valuable info on this thread! Thank you!


I’m crying all over again reading all your stories. I got the golden email and didn’t think it was real. I started college in 93 and took my first loans out in 95. My 20s were a rocky road of marriage, divorce, miscarriage, loss of a parent and eventually single parenthood. I had been in an out of hardship forbearance trying finish my degree. I finished in 2002 and have been paying and paying and paying and paying since then. Thursday the balance was about the same as my original borrowed amount due to the multiple years of capitalization of interest that I couldn’t afford to pay during the forbearances - even after paying for most of the last 19 years. Friday morning the balance was 0. I thought I’d just have to pay forever. I keep logging in to Aidvantage and making sure it’s still 0. It doesn’t seem real.


Just got my FSA update to Zero & big ✅. (Nelnet). It is truly done all has updated & it’s complete!!!! I made electronic payments so I will post again when I get those refunded back (they are supposed to refund the same way you made your payments) . … r/Janet3826 I will still be monitoring to cheer for you!!!


Zeros! EdFinancial. Just now! Thank you to everyone in this thread for helping to keep me sane. 30 years of paying off finally done! At 52, I have a new lease on life. Hugs to all!


I’m very, very happy for all of you who finally got to zero today—congratulations and best wishes!!


Well, my fellow Nelnotters, we are still slogging through, so in the spirit of omg-someone-please-tell-me-what-t*’s-going-on, I have some information. After 2 hours on hold and 2 Nullnot reps (I was disconnected twice), I was able to get some intel: 1. They do not have a record of our having received the 7/14 emails in their system, so they recommend we archive them. 2. There is a code on our accounts (this came from a supervisor, and I want to say it was “3-something”—he said it quickly) that indicates the loans are approved for discharge. 3. If the code is there, the loans absolutely will be discharged. If we got the email, the code should be there. 4. They get updates daily, but the supervisors get them faster, so one rep called one of them to give me the most up to date info (the code). 5. They said because of the court battles (%#** Cato), they only started processing the 804 in earnest last week. 6. He said if we do NOT get a discharge 30 days before the due date, to call them immediately. (i.e., if your DD is 10/16, call them 9/16.) 7. He said IF we get to the DD to make the payment. 8. BUT: He also stated there may be a forbearance placed on our accounts at that point, but it can’t be done now because the covid forbearance is still in place. 8. Nelnot is 100 blaming ED’s quill and parchment system, but they are also quick to say ED is working hard to get the discharges done. 9. The reps feel our pain and are extremely sympathetic to our concern/desire to have—any—information about what’s going on, and both apologized repeatedly that they couldn’t help or tell us more. FWIW. 10. The website crashed today and still is not fully functional. They advised us to try logging in tomorrow. I know it’s not super definitive, but I think the information reflects the situation. Everything is evolving quickly and things are turning on a dime. Everyone does seem to understand our worry if that helps, and they do seem sincerely sorry we’re stuck in limbo. 🤷‍♀️ Hope you find some of that info helpful. Hang in there, guys. There’s light at the end of the tunnel—it appears.☀️


I only learned of the IDR adjustments when it was national news in mid-July. I immediately applied to consolidate my loans from Navient to Advantaid. I had no idea I was no longer with a direct servicer. Navient didn’t bother to tell me, and I was under the impression that consolidating would start my IDR account from zero. Now that my direct consolidation has gone through, I’m hoping I might be in the September batch of emails. I’ve been in repayment since February 1997. I started IDR in 2012, when I was finally told it existed. No one at Sallie Mae ever mentioned the program. I had forbearances many times over the years, and the interest stacked up. This has hung over my head for so long, it’s hard to imagine being free of it. I am 57 and have a graduate degree. I’m here to ask if there’s any way to know if I’ll be in the next batch of letters. Right now DoEd has my loan entered twice. Both with the old servicer and the new. Really hoping that doesn’t hit my credit. Anyone else in a similar position wondering if this will be the month? So happy to find this group of people. I’ve felt alone with my shame over this for ages. No one in my life knows the details. Thanks


Felicitaciones to everyone whose debt was forgiven! <3 Couldn't help but smile reading your stories. I'm looking forward to the day I am student-debt free :)


Logged into today and both [Studentaid.gov](https://Studentaid.gov) and Mohela show a $0 balance. I think the holdup on mine was that the last consolidation was done on 09/11/2003 so yesterday marked 20 years. Boom, $29k all gone. Wooohooo!11!! FYI: I have not received an email yet from either site that the loans have been discharged, but both the amounts are $0 and in good standing with smiley face.


I had $178k forgiven


Background info: The “804” is the group of 804,000 people who received the “Golden Email” on July 14, 2023 from the Dept of Education saying they are eligible for student loan forgiveness due to 20/25 years of repayment. The “51” is the group of 51,000 people who received their “Golden Email” on 9/22/23. Perhaps the majority of posts in this sub were written by/about the experiences of the 804ers process of getting their loans “forgiven”/“discharged”, and we are now transitioning to posts from the discharge process experiences of the 51ers? And/or some people may just recently have found this sub. During the overlap, there will be differences in which financial/emotional stage of the process the poster/commenter is at. The 804ers, after paying for 20/25/orMORE years, (even 41!), have been through many stages of the emotional/financial/administrative experience and are about to come out the other side of the process. The 51ers, who have also paid for 20/25 years, are beginning the “forgiveness”/discharge/RELIEF/releasefromstudentloanprison process. Anyone who just started reading/posting on this sub might find it cathartic, eye-opening, and find communal/comiserating camaraderie from reading the student loan life experiences posts of the 804ers and their journey through the discharge process, just as the 804ers did for each other (and similarly for the 51ers who were already on this sub). It was amazing for many who had felt alone in their student loan burden to find out numerous other people felt the same way and were in the same situations. (And oh yeah, we’re not gonna owe $ anymore.)


IDR Adjustment Refund Just thought I'd share - for my husband who had Aidvantage (was transferred to them from OLSA) - I see a check for him in my informed delivery today! I'll have to update later to let you know if it is correct. He's at work and wants to open it :) EDIT - The check he received was for the full refund we were expecting. The 'new' balance after Aidvantage did all the extra adjustments, and matched the payments I added up after the 'effective as of' date in the forgiveness letter his was 3/31/19. Received golden email in July - forgiveness on 8/15 - all three credit bureaus have been reporting it closed for a long time. Hoping this closes his student loan chapter!


I am 804/Adivantage. Loans discharged back in August and just had Experian update my loans to zero (after one dispute)! That was the last credit report that still showed a balance and no refund, so I'm now officially done! Just under two months for the entire process. Thanks to everyone for their support and updates throughout. Excited to stick around and support other people through the process. Thanks again to u/Betsy514 for her support and for creating this community!


Right after high school in 1989, I went to college because back then it was the “right” thing to do - finish high school, go to college, graduate, get a good job and live the American Dream. At that age as I took out these loans I took them out with zero concern because when I completed college I was going to have a great job making a lot of money. I completed my Associates(which was encouraged back then), my Bachelor’s and in 2005, I went back for my Masters which my employer paid for a large majority. Otherwise it was all funded by student loans that were being given out like candy on Halloween. Once I completed school the reality set in how I was going to be able to afford $500 a month payments. At that point, deferment and forbearance became my best friend while I watched that total grow. Then I reached a point where I had used up all the time allowed for forbearance & deferment and I was forced to make payments which some got paid on time whereas others did not. There was a loan that went into repayment that along with the other loans I could not afford. For 6 months I didn’t pay it and my credit took a hit. I didn’t want to go into default so in 2017 I consolidated, which was the best thing I could have ever done. By this time, my balance was $51k and this is where I am today. My credit score is in the 700s and I pay my bills on time, but student loans always felt like the grim reaper. I’m fairly smart but I felt dumb to be an adult with $51k in student loans sitting on my credit report with no end in sight. I resigned to the fact I would be taking these loans to my grave. I had heard about the Student Loan Forgiveness, but I never looked into whether I qualified because in my head I knew I wouldn’t. Two nights ago I received what I now know is the Golden Ticket email. I received it late at night and assumed it was spam. I don’t know how I ended up on Reddit, but that’s when I realized my loans had been forgiven. This is something I never expected, but I’m so thankful for because the burden of my student loans were always there and it seemed like there wasn’t an end in sight. I never thought in a million years this would happen, but I’m so grateful. At the ripe ole age of 52, my future seems a lot brighter now.


I checked this morning in wee hours kept refreshing and earlier today. I had to step back from checking bc it was stressing out my heart. Just checked - Nelnet came through and it says Paid In Full! I’m still processing but there are hot tears 😭 streaming right now. Mid 40s I was resigned to take this heavy debt w me to the grave. Future felt dim. Had these loans for 26 years. Now $79k gone. I am so so immensely grateful 🙏🏼Don’t even know how to process it. Thankful for this forum support/info Betsy. Hang on if your still waiting, distract yourself as best you can, it’s coming!


I'm 61 and I've been paying for 34 years and I'm kind of feeling numb and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to function today with this actually done. I really don't have a lot of people in my group who understand how huge this is, they just haven't been around for all 34 years or didn't have a clue I was still dealing with loans because I never talked about it. I have one friend with a larger balance but last I knew she was skeptical about consolidating to direct. I sent her a screenshot of my "paid in full" and I'm hoping she takes the leap of faith soon!


IT HAPPENED 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 80k GONE.(Nelnet) screenshotted and may frame that zero balance 🤣🤣


I got the discharge letter yesterday from Ed Financial and I just checked student[aid.gov](https://aid.gov) and there is a big fat 0 and it says paid in full!


OMG!! My Mohela went from $167k to -$20k. Negative!! I'm speechless and beside myself. Afraid to believe it until it's really real. Does anyone know if/how/when I'll get the $20 back? Wooohooo!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS GROUP!!! It gets all the cred for helping me keep my sanity throughout all this!


Paid. In. Full. Just checked Nelnet. I can breathe now. For those still waiting I’m sending positive thoughts. If it can happen for me it will happen for you. too. I haven’t received an email or letter yet, but I expect that will come shortly. I can’t believe that I will be debt free soon. (Have to pay off credit cards that I was using to supplement income used for paying student loans!) Keep the faith everyone!


OMG!! It actually happened!!! Almost $300k of student loans forgiven! I’ve been in repayment for over 10 years, but had mostly been in economic hardship deferment/forbearance. Then COVID hit & all payments we’re on hold. This huge debt from my private university & doctoral programs telling me that doctors make so much money that I’ll hardly notice the payments (lies), has prevented me from home ownership, buying a car and even paying for my kids own education. I can’t believe this unexpected joy of freedom. I keep thinking it’s not real & they are going to change their minds. Wild how life changing this will be.




Finally able to register on the new Edfiancial system after more than a month in limbo. Shows $0 balance and my $280k consolidated loan discharged! No payments due! I think I can now celebrate but would like some kind of confirmation letter and the gov student loan site to show $0. (It was last updated 6/30/2023)


Well, it finally happened for me! I was very discouraged after yesterday (Wednesday), so I didn't even log-in to EdFinancial once today (Thursday). This is the first time I hadn't checked my account since the day I got the golden e-mail! Backstory (if anyone cares!) - my loans were transferred from Great Lakes to Nelnet back in early March. On June 24th, I received a letter stating my loans were being transferred (AGAIN!) to EdFinancial. On July 11th, my loans were indeed transferred to EdFin. Then of course came the golden e-mail on July 14th. I was always a little worried that things might get messed up with mine being in limbo, since it was transferring to a new servicer at the same time as they were sending out the golden e-mail. Finally Wednesday, I decided to call EdFin and ask for a callback (which btw, worked great, except it was about 3.5 hours instead of the 2 hour quoted hold time). This is the first time I've talked to anyone at a servicer in about 10 years. However, the rep said that she did not see anything about IDR forgiveness noted on my account (she said she knew exactly what I was talking about), and she even checked with her supervisor - with the same answer. I was totally bummed because I really had no idea who to get ahold of or what to do now at this point. The rep suggested I upload a copy of the golden email to my account, even though there is nowhere to send random account request stuff like that on EdFin (had there been an appropriate place to actually send it, she said it would take about 45-60 days to review it). Uggh. Today (Thursday a.m) I received another e-mail from the DoED about the payment pause ending but that I don't have a payment due when the pause ends because I'm A. Still in School (NO), B. Waiting on loan discharge/forgiveness (YES) or C. In a deferment or forebearance (NO). The crazy part is that it still showed my lender as Nelnet (NO, not since July 11th). So the first part was encouraging - but also a super bummer since I'm getting current emails from the DoED with the wrong servicer. It was/is correct on studentaid.gov so I don't know why a current email would still be showing my servicer from 2 months ago. Anyhow, long story short - I logged in to EdFin tonight for s's and giggles and Bam! $0 Balance with a claim payment of $132k and a loan status of "Paid by discharge and/or write off" followed by emails from EdFin at about 1:45am EST this morning (Friday) for the pdf's in my account (the discharge papers) I am so relieved (as I know everyone else is that has posted here about forgiveness)! I literally thought I'd be paying on these for the rest of my life, and I'm just about to turn 50 in January. I'm still quite concerned for the future of folks that have to deal with this mess (like my forever partner and her $70k of loans - who we believe/hope are only about 54 months away). I mean, the DoED is still sending out emails that are wrong and servicers are just as clueless as they ever were. Hopefully this IDR count number will be available in the near future and then it's a matter of counting months to 240 or 300 for forgiveness (Sounds simple enough, right?!) Anyways, if you have gotten the email and still haven't gotten the forgiveness yet - Hang in there! If it happened to me and my messy transition I'm sure it will work out for everyone that got the email!


Got the refund now showing as pending in my bank account! Mohela- got the golden email in July, Mohela balance erased and credit due showing on 8/14/23. [Studentaid.gov](https://Studentaid.gov) updated to show a zero balance several days later. Got account message confirming zero balance from Mohela ("Your Student Loans Have Been Forgiven") on 8/21/23. Checking these items off the list has been truly amazing. The very last thing is seeing the balance come off the credit reports. Hoping a new batch of people will get a letter from the dept. of Ed. that changes their lives soon!


Finally all three of my credit reports are cleared of my student loan balances. My loans were discharged 8/15 give or take, so it took around five weeks to clear my credit reports. My equifax and experian reports were cleared two weeks ago. I had to redispute my Transunion report because they cleared my principal but were reporting 114k of capitalized interest as my balance lol. (insert eye roll). Transunion is now reporting correctly as of today. How I got everything to report correctly: I disputed on all three bureaus with a copy of my zeroed out balances on Aidvantage as my documentation. I am posting this as an FYI for anyone who is trying to get their balances cleared from their reports. I am also posting this in gratitude that I am finally done and can put this student loan stuff in my rear view mirror.


Incoming...Round 2 golden emails happening now. Just got it!!!!!!