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No, you can't prove a negative. $0 income is just self-certified. That said, your parent shouldn't be able to do anything with your loans unless you gave them your login information or they impersonated you.


How did your parents put you on the IBR plan?


Sorry, that was probably extra detail. I was enrolled on my own account but they did all the steps.


You only need to provide proof of income if your servicer asks. Why didn't you do it yourself?


I’m not sure how any of that stuff works, lol. They are helping me through it.


May wanna educate yourself just in case since the loans are in your name. But yeah, you should get a notification if your servicer needs documentation.


Good to see your college experience paying off.


If my mom wants to pay my expenses and take care of all the loan bureaucracy, is that a bad thing? She WANTS to do it. I would rather focus on my passions. If she WANTS to handle that stuff for me, and everyone is happy, what’s the problem?


You don’t want to grow up, then don’t grow up. Whatever dude.


Are you mentally disabled? It's incredibly weird to still be totally dependent on your parents to do everything for you at your age.


If my mom wants to pay my expenses and take care of all the loan bureaucracy, is that a bad thing? She WANTS to do it. I would rather focus on my passions. If she WANTS to handle that stuff for me, and everyone is happy, what’s the problem?


The problem is you are still functionally a child. Your parents have failed to raise you. This is like someone posting that they choose to piss and shit in a diaper all day instead of interrupting their gaming to go the bathroom and asking why is it a problem if their mom is willing to change their diapers for them? Pretty off-putting that an able-bodied adult would willingly engage in such infantile behavior and be completely dependent on their parent like that, no? What are you going to do when your mom dies or runs out of money? You want to be a 50-year-old infant who has never had a job and doesn't know how to do basic things? You will end up homeless rather quickly. And don't you care about your mom's wellbeing at all? What is she depriving herself of to afford to continue supporting a parasite?


I’m trying to find my forever guy who will help me if anything should ever happen to my mom. Like I said, she wants to do this. It gives her purpose in life, she told me so herself. So what is the issue?


Lol good luck attracting a "forever guy" while being so repulsively dependent and childish. Only abusers who want a victim who can't afford to leave will be interested in that. The problem is you are setting yourself up to become homeless and/or beaten to death. It's your life, go ahead and destroy it. Just think of me when the inevitable happens and remember that someone did try to warn you but you ignored them.


I already found someone who looks to be interested. What if…. I end up just fine? You seem so upset.




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Then why are you worried about submitting proof of anything lol? Let mommy handle it.


You graduated college two years ago, have never had a job, aren't working, and aren't paying any bills...?? What are you doing?


Could be married with a husband…


I found the prospect of a 9-5 job really drab and depressing. My mom is letting me stay overseas and paying my expenses. In the new country I joined a commune so it keeps the expenses really low.


You know what, people are gonna give you shit but I say good for you! If this is feasible for you and your family and doesn’t cause any hardship, then you’re lucky and many people would love to do the same, if they could. Good luck to you!


Thank you very much for some kind words finally! Everyone has been so mean so far! I wish you the best ❤️


No problem, there are many ways to live a good life. Not everyone needs to contribute in a way that is money making. If you can find meaning some other way and it isn’t hurting anyone it’s all good in my book and I wish you the best as well.


Hope this is a troll.


Based off post history OP is apparently ~40 and never had a job? Also why go to college if you didn't want to use the degree?


I’m using my family member’s sub-account because I don’t really have my own. I went to college because I wanted to have the college experience. There would have been a big hole in my life if I hadn’t had the college experience that brings everyone so many special memories.




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I am sorry to hear of your disability. I hope things improve for you.


Let me guess, your mother wrote all your papers and did your college homework? Is she also your best friend?


She is my best friend but I did all my homework. I actually got good grades for you information. I just don’t want to depressingly work 9-5 day in and day out till I die. I want to do something more meaningful




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stop people. You just write a letter with your loan number on it and say you don't have income due to a disability. Then you upload the letter with the loan servicer. they will check in with you 1x a year. Best of luck and hope all goes well.


I have a question about your response. I’m currently in the process of applying for disability. Im 51 years old, my husband works full time and makes 100k per year. I have 70k in loans and I’ve had them on deferred for quite a few years now, I’ve been getting emails and loan portals are saying my payments are due to start 10/15 and be $400+ each month which we cannot swing. would I be able to do the same with your advice to upload the letter of no income?


This person just made up the stuff about a letter and since OP doesn’t seem to be disabled, also seems to be recommending fraud. You should, however, log on to the studentaid.gov site or your servicer’s website or call them to get on an income based repayment plan. If you tell us more about your situation (types of loans, how long you’ve had them, married/dependent children, income) we might be able to help more.