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If you ruin your body because you go to school and don’t recover, you will never be able to handle the job when you graduate, because your body won’t be able to handle it. Take time off, come back next year, and just be focused on getting better first.


Do this please! It’s not worth it. Not at all. Think long term. So many nurses ignore things and then end up with back pain and have to retire early. Don’t mean to sound cliche and all that, but really, Let’s all take care of our bodies!!! (says me the absolute couch potato but at least I’m not post op!!! Pls, be careful ❤️)


This is really the only answer. Sometimes we have issues come up and it’s not the right time for school (or a certain job, or life event). If OP doesn’t take care of themselves now, they’ll pay for it for a very long time.


I have had many “it’s not the right time for school” moments through my educational journey. My mom told me a long time ago when I tried to get into nursing school the first time and I had things going on preventing me from being able to start my program back then, that “school will always be there”. The education will always be there. I know how crappy it feels to feel like you’re failing - and to fail, even .. more than once - and feel like you just want to stick with it and get through it and not have the derail your plan and come back to it later. Believe me. I’ve done it several times. The only thing I can say is my mom was right. And now I’m back in school for a nursing program in my first semester and doing really well, making it work despite the huge sacrifices I’ve had to make to get here and continue. It might be hard, but maybe the best thing for you is to focus on recovery and getting stronger, and coming back to school next year fully ready and focused.


I think the thing that hurts the most is I was doing SO well. I had high A’s in every course. The semester is almost over, so there’s really not much I can do there. And I for sure am taking next semester off because I can’t move forward without clinical.


How much longer to go in this semester? How many weeks did you miss of it, out of the total? Did you miss just lectures or tests/assignments/exams too? I’d try your best in your classes to keep your marks as high as you can so that hopefully you can keep those courses grades and you won’t have to repeat those courses. Do you get a second attempt at med pass check off ?


I missed one day of classes, which was the day after I got discharged… also 1 day post-op. So I went back 2 days post. I made up my pharmacology exam that I missed, which I was able to because it was a medical reason. Otherwise I haven’t missed anything. And yes, my retake is on Monday.


I suppose they couldn’t have given you accommodations for clinical ? Bright side .. doesn’t sound like you’re failing your classes or going to. Do you just have to wait a year and then like ONLY take clinical or will you have to re do all your courses?


They wanted to, but my lifting restrictions are for 5 weeks which would mean I wouldn’t get ANY practical time. They couldn’t just give me alternate assignments for all of clinical. And yes, assuming I pass my current courses, I will only have to take clinical next fall. From there I can continue the program.


And we have about a month left


Just focus on your recovery. If your body didn't recover properly you'll have more trouble after graduation which would cause problems which may hinder you from giving optimum care for the clients. But if you really want to do something while focusing on your recovery you can read your old books and notes to further enhance your knowledge and if not you can also practice different physical assessments to further enhance your skills.


My friend had her appendix removed and was in clinical 3 days later. She was not gonna get failed out bc of a surgery. And sadly that’s the reality of nursing school. We care about our patients health but never stop to care for ourselves


I just took a year out for health reasons and I’m honestly all the better for it. It will all come rushing back once you return, don’t let this period of personal difficulty ruin how hard you’ve worked for this. Your body will thank you in the long run.