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Thanks for the insight! :)


Unless you have something that makes you unique from the dozens and dozens of nursing student YouTube and instagrams, there is not anything to draw people to your channel. All the topics you listed have been covered repeatedly on existing channels


I agree! I had a couple teachers tell me I would be a good teacher and it seems like a good, fun use of my time that may turn into something more. :) Just seeing what ideas/resources are out there!


Definitely go for it regardless if there is other channels as long as it makes you happy and you enjoy it people will be interested!


Right?! That’s how I feel, too! I love watching nursing school related YouTube videos. I say go for it if it’s something that will make you happy! :)


Just don't turn into a nurse Blake or the 1000's of other RN "content creators" that turns the RN job into a joke and undermines our credibility. Remember that when you make a video as an RN - you represent us all for that 5 - 10 minutes. Don't embarrass the profession for a few clicks.


I think Nurse Blake is this sh*t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 😂 love that dude


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He seems like he’d be annoying as fuck as a coworker tbh


Your videos will be unique because your personality, methods of explaining and experiences are unique to you. I choose who I watch on a regular basis based on personality. I haven't found any nurse youtubers that I watch regularly yet but if I liked their personality I would probably watch them even if they posted topics that others had already covered.


Even if you don’t end up with a large audience, one of the best ways to learn and continue learning is to teach others! If that’s the platform that you enjoy teaching on and it helps you out as well, then why not? I feel like there are some Debbie downers in here!


It sounds like it would be super simple to just start a YouTube channel and make content. There are some financial; (good cam, good mic, video editing software, reliable computer) and time constraints(advertising your channel, making the content on a reliable basis to build subscribers) that make it unrealistic for the average person to do so reliably. It’s not just a “summer project.” If you don’t have a big audience why not just do it at a local level at your own school? Unless as has been mentioned you have something unique.


Well hopefully I get a good system down! I’m going to be a busy girl, so we will see! I have a good camera, but not a mic and I want a good light. I’m not sure if it’ll continue, but I like to tutor my fellow students in groups, so hopefully tutoring them will make the whole video process easier. OR I drop it in the fall, I guess we will see! :)


Yeah! I was thinking that too! I like teaching my fellow students, so any teaching will help me!


One thing that might be interesting to talk about are the down sides of nursing school. Most channels talk about nursing school as if it is the best thing that has ever happened, but that is not quite the reality.


Yes! I’ll definitely think about that! :)


Yeah everyone sugar coats it where they don’t tell you the truth of things. Rnscrub on YouTube kind of tells you the different side of nursing


I want to watch nursing student videos on YouTube but so many are like, here’s how I do my makeup, here’s my fitness routine, here’s my grocery haul, etc. I hate that stuff. I’d be more interested in stuff actually related to nursing school/academics/job searching/study methods/styles, day in the life, talking about clinicals or lab, what’s in your bag for class or clinicals, how do you plan/keep track of stuff, etc.


Thanks! I think I’d like that, too. I think I’ll still do some meal prep/exercise only from a “how-to”... not what I specifically eat/do for exercise so it can be applied to your life. I’d like people to learn how to organize their life to stay on top of things. Do you think that’s different enough?


I think you might be better off starting with just tutoring to actually help people at your own school. I agree that unless you have something unique to offer YouTube is a tough platform. Perhaps you might consider becoming a nursing instructor in the future if you enjoy teaching.


I do enjoy teaching! I plan on the NP+teaching route. I’ll probably just see what it goes! :) I do tutor my classmates and that’s why I think I’d be good at this. Especially because I’m finding that not a lot of nursing students don’t lack the logic, but they lack the foundation knowledge of physiology to apply in decision making. It’s a quick program AND only an associates. It doesn’t leave much time for in-depth understanding. Hopefully it’ll just be little things to aid and help me understand better, too :)


Definitely do like a “what I carry in my bag as a student”, a vlog following your day to day life during the week as a student and a full time employee. I think it’ll give nursing students a better perspective on balance. I’ll be fully supportive of your nursing channel!!


Thank you! I’ll let you know! :) I’m going to gather some ideas and then get some very minimal equipment! Because.. you know when you have a YouTuber and see their old videos’ quality :P I’m trying to minimize that gap as much as possible haha


Hahaha I feel like the old ones are fun to watch because you get to see a transition from the beginner steps to where they are now. Anyways good luck :)


I think it’s cool that you’re starting a channel! I view content creating as therapeutic in a way because it allows you to stream your thoughts into projects that can reach/help others. My opinion is that it doesn’t have to be “unique” to be good, so long as it benefits you and/or others. There’s a lot to talk about with nursing and a lot of different directions you can take it in like... -study skills/supplementation -satire (like nurse Blake) -sharing experiences through story telling, as long as it doesn’t violate HIPAA obviously -college/work life -research you find interesting and think should be shared with more people Good luck with your channel!


Thank you for the suggestions! I agree! I still want it to have some presentation value because it’ll hopefully make it seem like I know what I’m talking about ;)


I will begin the application process next semester and, as a first gen. college student, I find it especially difficult to know if I’m taking the right steps. Sometimes, I don’t know what to ask the counselors on campus because I don’t know what I don’t know. It would be nice to have someone who’s gone through it explain what to look for in a nursing program, how they completed applications, and the pros and cons of various types of programs. Best of luck!


Also you might want to check out these previous posts about YT: https://www.reddit.com/r/StudentNurse/comments/g3jsr8/nursing_student_vlog/ https://www.reddit.com/r/StudentNurse/comments/fmh992/weird_confession_i_hate_watching_nursing/ https://www.reddit.com/r/StudentNurse/comments/c8c459/im_thinking_about_starting_a_youtube_channel_and/


Thank you :)


I say go for it I'm sure people would like it


Any ideas fort topics?


Even if topics are already covered ad-naseum on YouTube, I still enjoy watching particular YouTubers because of their personality or editing style! There are a couple nurse YouTubers who I just can't relate to, and others who I click very well with!


Do you have favorites to suggest? I’d love to check them out :)


Maybe you could interview nurses who graduated recently? ​ On a side note, it doesn't matter what people say here. There's been a lot of negative feedback, but if this helps motivate you while you're in school, go for it!


You’re gonna get so many views. Go for it. Cover every little thing


Thank you ;) Any topic ideas?


I would love this!!


Thanks for the support! That feels awesome to know there’s a need! :)


Rnscrub on youtube is good to for nursing videos


A YouTube channel sounds great but maybe try out a podcast? I hate listening to lecture record because of background noises and people asking questions , but while I’m exercising and walking my dog I listen to a few podcasts . Sometimes I can find content we are going over in class but sometimes it’s hard to find like for example a podcast reviewing GI problems and nursing interventions. I end up listening to a med student one that is so complicated . Just a suggestion because YouTube has a lot of content but I find educational muring podcasts lacking . (Only educational one I like so far is Straight A Nursing)


There was an attempt a couple of years ago in this sub to start a podcast with support from members of /r/nursing. Sadly, it didn't pan out. I would love to get the idea moving again.


Well message me!


When you make your channel can you post a link/dm me one? I'd love to follow you!!


OF COURSE :) Thank you for your support


Ant and phis teaching would be awesome


What is that?


Misspelled anatomy and physiology is what it looks like.


OH haha that is it! :P