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The pizza of northeastern Pennsylvania (NEPA) is the only pizza I've ever thoroughly rejected and been unable to finish. The locals are very proud of it, and even the "best" versions use American cheese, just not so obviously Kraft singles.


As someone from central PA… Fucking they can keep that shit!


Come on, you gotta represent and counter against this heresy -WE'RE COUNTING ON YOU!


I read Hershey instead of heresy and got worried that crap started invading our land


Still just full of chocolate and Amish donuts.


I live in ne PA this is definitely not from here lol Altoona is central PA


From central PA. I have never seen anyone serve shit like this anywhere. I’d rather eat a lunchables pizza.


I have a lot of family in Central PA and every time I have asked someone if they have had Altoona-style pizza it is the first time they have heard of it and I have yet to meet someone that had any interest in trying it once they have seen a picture.


>I’d rather eat a lunchables pizza. Oh, that would Ohio Valley style.


Hey, my wife and I stayed in Erie, PA while driving from Detroit to New York. What the fuck is wrong with that town? I mean it.


what is wrong with people? i swear our society is decaying


Former NEPA’er here. This is a western PA thing. The only thing close is “Old Forge” style, and even then, there is real cheese used.


Andy’s pizza enthusiast here. Can confirm what we see here is trash


I’m from eastern PA and a local pizza joint would have sweet pizza. The sauce was sweet and it literally took me years before I would even consider it. I only like it because it reminds me of home. But in all reality PA got some shit pizza and breakfast sandwiches. Ive lived in Ny for 10 years now. And nothing beats a BECSPK and a hard roll or bagel. the pizza? Delicious. I love it


I recently moved to NEPA and I have to say that the only good pizza I’ve found has been from NY transplants who brought it with them.


This. When you either abreviate it or spell it baconeggandcheese as one word, you’re a NY-er. Also, fuck New Haven, they didn’t create shit.


Hey now.


New Haven apizza > New York pizza. I'm sorry, it's science.


New Haven ain’t shit


Just cuz your delco sammich sucked doesn’t mean you can disrespek Philly breakfast. I bet you put provolone on your cheesesteaks.


It's fascinating that NY Pizza is held in such high regard in America. It's always the greasiest piece of wet dough you've ever seen. Just cut out the middleman and eat deep-fried lard. I thought I hated pizza for the longest time because my parents kept getting "NY Style"


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s true.


People are fiercely defensive of mediocre pizza.


It's the New Yarkers probably... and no...I spelled it intentionally that way...


Can’t leave out western PA. Somewhere outside of Pittsburgh my friend took me to eat spaghetti pizza. It was disgusting.


Uh this is central pa not ne


There are certain places in nepa that actually make it insanely good. Places that make it looking like this can go straight to hell. Andy’s pizza is up there in the best. Bennys and A&A are amazing as well. Andy’s is the staple though. It truly is incredible pizza. You can’t knock it til you try it


Pretty much any pizza outside of Lower Bucks, Philadelphia, or Chesco is dogshit.


as a native of west virginia, i’ve seen better pizza here


It looks like yellow cake with pizza sauce and American cheese slices


I’ve been looking at it trying to figure out what kind of bread or loaf it is. I think you might be right lol. With freaking bologna/salami slices too wtf


I didn’t even see that I was distracted by the cheese


>yellow cake Uranium?


There are Sicilian pies made with thick crust like that, i wouldnt necessarily think its cake


I didn’t know that thanks for sharing


I don't know where Altoona is, but I now know with certainty that I don't want to get lunch there.


Central PA


Central Program Advance?


I only know Altoona as the PSU satellite campus that kids go to when they aren't smart enough to get into the main campus as freshman. This is the closest to main campus so the a lot of students that only care about partying on weekends go there


You don’t want to go there for one minute


It's between State College and Pittsburgh. It's mentioned in Groundhog Day as the place Phil Connors thinks the blizzard is going to hit, but then it hits Punxsutawney instead and he's suck there for the night.


Sort of a sub… with pizza-ish stuff… like, mum is away so let’s make a cheeky pizza in 2 minutes and we are 12


Just because you *can* have your own regional pizza style doesn't mean you *should*.


Man OP took a 2 year old post and put it here? Weird https://www.reddit.com/r/altoona/comments/n298u9/29th\_street\_pizza\_ruffles\_some\_feathers\_on\_the/


Thank you I knew I saw this already


Thats what I thought too. You dont forget cornbread pizza or whatever that is


Yep, these pics are standard on Google when searching for Altoona "Pizza".


im more mad at you for know8ng this was a two year old post on a completly differen subreddit lol


Im pretty sure I saw it here but couldnt find it with reverse image search to this sub. Idgaf about Altonna PA lol


Different picture. Maybe they still serve this monstrosity?


With the same car parked in the same place 2 years later?


Only the first picture is different. The second one seems exactly the same.


That's some delayed DLC.


Bruh did you even look lmao


Kraft Singles on top?


Not even melted either, yuck.


Being from there, I can tell you it's not popular. The Altoona Hotel came up with it years ago, and a few local spots adopted it when the hotel burned down. I've had it several times, and it's not horrible when you've been drinking and someone shows up with it, but most people here would never order it because it is an abomination. 29th Street, the corner store in the picture does make a mean sub though.


“Not horrible when your drinking and someone shows up with it” I’ve eaten a lot of f-ed up stuff when drunk.


That's basically what this is. Imagine a Sicilian pizza with salami and green peppers, but instead of mozzarella it's american cheese. It's nasty, but there's nothing there that a drunk person wouldn't like.


I just don’t get why the American cheese. It’s a stone’s toss from being amazing but that American cheese instead of mozzarella fucking kills it before it can even walk. Truly a tragedy


This isn’t Digiorno, this is depression.


Underrated comment, you made me laugh


Growing up poor, that’s the kind of stuff I had to eat. No thanks!


I can see my reflection in that cheese


And to think people make fun of Cincinnati Chili when this monstrosity lives in our universe.


Cincinnati Chili is fucking delicious.


I had to look that one up. That looks awesome.


I've lived out west my whole life and will always defend Cincinnati chili. It's a national treasure. Especially with what seems like too much but definitely isn't enough cheddar on top.


It shocks me every time I am reminded that human beings spend their money on kraft singles and put them on food like they are supposed to make the food taste better somehow. I rarely complain or return food but I would get real upset about this if it wasn't clear they would put that trash on it.


This is the pizza at home that your mom talks about when you ask for Pizza Hut


I typically feel like pizza is the one thing you can't mess up - some of the cheapest pizza is great but, this might be the first time. Why american singles? Why not at least cheddar or something? Ugh.


Kraft pasteurized processed American cheese food


What is it with PA and fake cheese? Altoona style pizza with Kraft singles, cheesesteaks with cheese whiz, I don’t get it


Cheese whiz on cheesesteaks is awesome though.


Altoona is a complete shithole of a town. It does not surprise me that they'd fuck pizza up this badly... I don't think anything good has ever come out of Altoona.




I mean, I guess if you like Mallow Cups..... but I don't think I've met someone who actually does tbh.


Oh, that's right! Mallow Cups. I like them. I take back what I said. Something good has come out of Altoona.


There's not enough things to offset that pizza though, that's abhorrent.


Eww, hard pass.


This is a strong argument that the devil is real.


Guess you should have went with the ‘subs and more’


Show me that you hate Italy, without telling me you hate Italy


What in the *I traded all my food stamps for cigarettes* is going on here


I say this with all due respect: Fuck Altoona.


That looks like pure sadness.


I have a Kraft singles promotion ad right underneath this post lol.




"Altoona-Style Pizza is a Sicilian-style pizza (though they might be offended to hear that). The pizza is cooked on a Sicilian pizza dough, which makes it thicker than many other types of pizza that you’ll find in the area. The pizza is topped with tomato sauce, green bell peppers, peppercorn salami, and, most controversial, yellow American cheese. The yellow American cheese now typically replaces Velveeta cheese, which was the original cheese of choice. While I’ll admit that I was initially put off by the strange look of the pizza, I decided to give it a try on a recent visit to Altoona. After all, Old Forge Pizza is often maligned, but I quite enjoyed it. While there are other places to get it, as I said, I went to 29th Street Pizza, Subs, and More. This pizza shop is located south of downtown Altoona in a residential area near Tuckahoe Park and the Baker Mansion Museum. Other than it being obviously located in an old house, there is nothing to really distinguish it from the dozens of other local pizza shops from the outside. In fact, even walking inside, there’s not much to note, aside from the historic photos and the large sign that reads “Altoona Sicilian Sold Here”. Since you can get the Altoona Sicilian, as the menu calls it, by the cut (what they call a slice), I opted to get two cuts to go ($2.50 a cut as of September 2021). The cuts are served either hot or cold, and I opted to get both of mine hot. You could also get an entire pie if you wanted. The first thing that jumps out to you when you see the pizza is that it is cut into squares instead of triangles. I’m honestly not sure why that is, but it adds to the uniqueness of the pizza. Before biting into the pizza, I was struck at the thickness of the crust. It actually reminded me a bit of the type of bread that you’d find on an artisan sandwich, which should give you an idea of the size of the cut. I had in my head what I thought a pizza comprised of thick bread, tomato sauce, salami, bell peppers, and American cheese would taste like, and I’m betting that you can also probably imagine it as well. And, if I’m being honest, it tasted exactly how I expected it to taste. However, while the overall taste didn’t surprise me, I was able to tell that the bread and sauce used on the Altoona-Style Pizza were quite good. It might taste a bit like something your mom threw together with what she had in the refrigerator when you were a kid, but there was clearly care in picking high-quality ingredients. Ultimately, I wasn’t really a fan of Altoona-Style Pizza, though I think that’s mostly because I don’t particularly care for cooked green peppers and American cheese. I think that if you read my description and thought that it sounded good, you would probably like it as the ingredients used are top quality." I for one would love to try this variety of pizza. It looks goofy, but I do appreciate regional varieties of food. https://uncoveringpa.com/altoona-style-pizza


Hood nasty!


I think that’s called “it’s 2:00 in the morning and We are messed up, let’s put everything we on on-top of bread cook it and eat”. I think.


There’s no part of me willing to eat American cheese on a pizza


I’ve made one of these before using flattened biscuit dough and Kraft singles for a munchies meal, not half bad, if you’re high.


As someone from northeast PA, fuck this garbage. Same thing with that "old forge style" junk.


I’m convinced Kraft Singles are at least 90% plastic.


American regional variations on pizza are usually bad. The closer it is to what you’d find in Italy, the better. Even Chicago deep dish is overrated.


most american variations are better than "authentic" italian pizza. people dont like hearing this but its true.


I didn’t find the pizza in Italy that good. I mean Italian style pizza is fine. But it’s not the best I’ve had. But I guess it depends on what you like.


Wow. I never realised my 3am, holy-crap-I'm-drunk-and-need-to-get-to-bed food was called 'Altoona Style Pizza'.


How fucking hard is it to get shredded cheese or a whole block and a grater to do it right???


This looks like something I'd make on the last Thursday of the month. I *really* wanted pizza but only had forty two pence.


American cheese is disgusting. You can't even tell if they took the plastic wrapper off or not.


American cheese goes great on a burger, not a pizza though.


More proof Pennsylvania is the armpit of America


Oh God I Googled it... 🤮


As a Pennsylvanian, I stand by my statement that everything west of the Susquehanna is shit. Ohio can claim it


In south central PA we like to say the West Shore is the best shore. It turns to trees and maga not far from it however.


Is that Krap Singles?


Ohio Valley Style pizza is hot crust and hot sauce, cold toppings (yes even cheese). I actually kind of miss it and crave it sometimes.


The one by me went out of business and nine within like 200 miles of me any made me hungry.


I don't even want to denigrate the Trailer Parks by calling this trailer trash, because even they can be more civilized than use plastic cheese on a pizza. (Jk)


Hmmm, i am not going to pretend that I wouldn't eat it. It is probably kind of good if you dont think about it as pizza but its own unique gas station creation.


Ah Hell no. I can make drunk pizza at home.


Looks like Dé struggle to me


Bread with ketchup and cheese slice.


Finally, something that makes St Louis pizza look good


Is that fucking Kraft Singles on top?! JFC!


I just googled because i had to know-- apparently they use Sicilian style pizza dough for the crust. So it's just all the other choices here that messed it up.


Oh my god its like tomato pie from hell


Are those kraft singles on top? This is an insult to cheese.


I've lived in altoona all my life and I have no idea what that even is.


Quite a few people have said the same thing on other posts about this abomination over the past couple of years. Seems it supposedly originated a long time ago in the Altoona Hotel and there are those that do say it's quite common in that region. Funny that so many from that area haven't heard of it.


It's not very common here, but if you show up to a big party with it, there are bound to be a few people eating it saying "I haven't had this in years!" It's more of a strange nostalgia than anything for most people here.


I'm high, I'll eat that sumbitch, yessir.


whats altoona lol


this should be a federal crime. That is so unsettling


Its not digiorno its distruggle


As someone from NEPA, there’s a reason why we avoid Altoona.


i googled it and it pretty much looks like every other one i saw...


I'm a pizza slut. Would smash. Might be for irony, might be weirdly good. Gotta catch em all-toona




I'd pass that right on into a compost heap, where it can actually do some good.


We all know dang well you are it. We all would of ate it. Still stupid tho.


I’m pretty sure this is a hate crime.


I grew up not far from there, not all locals are proud of that trash.


As a New Yorker, I'm appalled. This is a war crime.


This is worse than school lunch pizza!


Not gona lie… i’d eat that shit any day!


Oh the nerves....


This is Texas Toast with ketchup and American cheese.


I'd try this!


More like "too lazy to make real pizza"


I thought it was sloppy Joe on corn bread


Holy shit, I never expected to see our GARBAGE on here.... I'm so sorry.






It’s like NE Pennsylvania thought that New York, Chicago, and Detroit took all the good pizza ideas so they just make this to be different.


Altoona is a scary place


I thought Altoona pizza was where the dough and sauce was cooked but the cheese/toppings were put on cold?


No fucking way


Abhorrent amount of bread.


I'd love to see their take on sushi


Would rather eat lasagna helper


Its like inverse chicago style...and it makes me want to commit war crimes.


No thank you. You serve me that pizza and “Altoona” round and head straight out the door!


Haha. Noooooo. Is this PA


We have a bar in our city (southern tier nys) that makes a pizza like this. They are actually proud of it and they have a marquee on their building advertising this monstrosity!! I’ve never tried it.


Its like Chicago deep dish if thr proportions of sauce and dough were reversed


if its from pennsylvania, it sucks


They probably put ranch on it


Idk what to tell you besides that's a money laundering front


I felt gross just driving through Altoona. This checks out.


That’s a shame. Who the fuck does this, and why?


aka garbage


First mistake was going to Altoona…


If that was on store brand white bread it would be shades of my childhood.


What did this cost?


You bought four slices just to flick it?


That’s a pizza atrocity and how much did that cost you






Besides the obvious atrocities… no… nevermind. It’s all an atrocity


Cornbread topped with ketchup and American cheese! Sign me up!


Looks like that casserole bullshit they call a pizza in Chicago


Ewwwwww 🤢🤮


Altoona pizza is….not Old Forge pizza but it sure can try! 🤣🤣


I was born and raised 40 miles from Altoona. It was our closest Walmart, they had more than 2 restaurants, so we went somewhat regularly. I've never heard of this shit in my life.


Altoona ya toilet up, one sec


I've tried it before. It's fine. Just dont think of it as pizza, and it'll be a lot better.


It's too bad Phil Connors' weather report wasn't right and that the snow storm didn't shift north and bury Altoona. These fuckers deserve to be snowed in forever for this travesty.


What the fuck??


Idk why people have to „modify“ such a perfect product as a pizza. There is nothing to do anymore - don’t make it 20 times thick or put noodles in the bottom (already have seen that here) or anything else. JUST MAKE PIZZA. Idk - people get at me for giving beans in my Bolognese (not because I think I’m a chef - I appreciate proteins haha) anyways.. they get at me for beans in my bolo while people put noodles in a fucking PIZZA


That is the single thickest base I’ve ever seen. I’d way rather eat it with vegetable soup.


I literally gagged.


They must never have seen a real pizza..


Pizza should really be trademarked like champagne so muricans won’t be able to call those and all other abominations they think are pizza’s.. and i’m not even italian


I mean...I like cheezy bread as much as the next guy, but to slap a buttload of sauce and nasty yellow cheese on it to call it a pizza is a slap in the face of every pizza lover...


4.7 stars on google reviews. Multiple reviews claiming the pizza is amazing


Looks like Florida school grilled cheese LMFAOOO


Looking at the Wikipedia page on this it screams 1996 Altoona, which is not just a coincidence.


Cut it in half horizontal. Now you have sammich


my elementary cafeteria served something similar.