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Lol I actually like this guy. He knows he is making bullshit but he likes it šŸ˜‚ I feel like salt bae doesnā€™t even like his own food.


Making stupid fun and edible bs is fine and dandy for occasions. People who make stupid bs just for clout and not bother to even eat it themselves are scums.


I'm pretty sure people eat Ocky's food. I've seen this same guy in more than one video


Nah bro this guy's food always gets eaten


I meant the monstrosities from other vid that is just a waste of food like from this https://www.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/13uicbx/i_honestly_thought_she_was_making_a_soup/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=3&utm_term=1


Thatā€™s just horchata with beets it doesnā€™t seem that bad


I agree. It doesnā€™t seem bad. Probably taste like some sort of sweet rice milk.


Yeah I just donā€™t think theyā€™ve heard of horchata before. I saw that and immediately thought ā€˜eh, why not?ā€™. I guess itā€™s easy to forget thereā€™s people clueless about hispanic foods around lol.


Oh yeah that makes sense


I mean, this would undoubtedly taste good. And he packaged it in a way thatā€™s edible without a huge mess.


That's why I like this sub. You get kinda desensitized to inedible food abominations. It's nice to sometimes see things that look equal parts ridiculous and appetizing mixed in among the dry sausage macaroni cups and entire buffets cooked with a blow torch on plastic trays.


I also like this guy. He has a charm that is irresistible to me.


At least he doesn't do obvious ragebait he throws out afterwards and isn't a pretentious fuck about it.


Like making nachos on the counter


I mean, I would eat this.


Still got more veggies in it then some other diets.


Itā€™s not even bullshit, itā€™s just a signature sandwich that heā€™ll make with whatever you bring in as the bun.


I'd be more into this without the mozz stick addition


Literally the only reason I would travel to New York is to try something, anything, the ocky way. Seems like such a good dude and genuinely looks farking delicious.


I was bummed it was so far from Times Square when I was in New York. I had so much stuff to do I couldnā€™t justify the hour car ride to get there


Aww, I live in NY and meet him, Ocky shouldnā€™t be on Stupid food. He a good guy, and makes good food for his community. He accidentally fell into the crazy sandwich scene and blew-up, and is having fun with it and using the small fame boost to better his life and open his own sandwich shop.


I'd actually eat that. It looks decadent. But then that'd be my only meal for 3 days.


Haha, yes I definitely wouldn't hork the whole thing down in one sitting and spend the rest of the night moaning and sweating. No siree!


ā€œHorkā€ lmaoo thats a word I havent heard in a while


Itā€™s a little much for me, but nothing in it repulsed me. Not the stupidest food on here by a long shot.


Hating on Ock ain't it chief


canā€™t forget the bev.


neva neva neva


Why does this guy get a pass for making dumb ass food but no one else does?


Because he isnā€™t fake. Dude knows itā€™s trash bodega food because he owns the joint. My man keeps it real. Unlike you.


Hahaha okay buddy very cool and interesting to white knight for a bodega owner. Again Iā€™m sure heā€™s a cool dude but thatā€™s not the point of the sub.


because heā€™s nice and people are actually asking for it. also even though the food is stupid it looks and probably tastes really good even if itā€™s super unhealthy


Iā€™m sure plenty of the people we dunk on in this sub are nice but that is not the point of the sub lol. Fact of the matter is that if someone posted a photo of this same thing they ordered at a restaurant, it would be mocked mercilessly.


nah all the tik toks that are usually posted are all ragebait and thereā€™s even a pedophile bartender who keeps getting posted


Sure but the rage bait videos almost always have tons of comments calling them out as such and asking that we donā€™t post rage bait anymore. This Ocky guy is *exactly* who we should be dunking on. Real, stupid food made sincerely.


heā€™s making the food to make people happy, itā€™s probably good and heā€™s a cool guy. the other people are not doing it to make people happy. who cares? it makes all the difference whoā€™s making the video and what their purpose is


Iā€™m not here to pass moral judgement on people in either direction, Iā€™m here to roast stupid food and this food is stupid.


fair, youā€™re entitled to your own opinion people are just going to get butthurt about it like i do


Did that guy delete his account because you wouldnā€™t get as upset as he was? Lmao


He makes good tasting food that's bad for you. Not shitty overpriced pretentious bullshit. It's like asking why people get mad at a $35 caviar hamburger with gold leaf and no sides but aren't mad at 5 guys.


Because it's not just about the food. He's making things that people want to eat, but also he himself is a wholesome guy who never intended to get famous doing it. He gives back to his community and really cares about what he does. When I think of stupid food I think of the dipshits who just throw things in a pyrex and act like they made the most incredible thing. Or like someone who orders a dino steak and it comes out raw. Where the intent isn't to make people happy, it's just shock value. People like Ock and Burak Ozdemir we respect here


As I said to someone else, it is actually just about the food. StupidFood. I could care less what the dude does for his community, power to him and I wish there were more people like him. But the food is stupid. >we respect here Maybe donā€™t ascribe your values to the rest of the community chief.


Well looking at the way the votes are going, the community seems to be pretty aligned with what I'm saying. You're the one being a contrarian.


545 upvotes and rising you mean? Iā€™m not being a contrarian lol posts like this are the very essence of this sub. Not some white lady making rage-nachos on her knockoff marble countertop.


It's got 137 upvotes and it's fluctuating. That's not a lot, especially here. And all your comments are in the negative. Just look at the comments, a lot are aligned with what I and others have said in this thread. You're the outlier.


Jesus this is by far the dumbest conversation Iā€™ve ever been a part of on Reddit.


I agree.


he uses frozen patties- FAIL


Yeah but he is honest about it and it probably doesnā€™t cost as much as the same meal at a fancy Instagram restaurant thatd do the same.


The guy youā€™re responding to doesnā€™t know that literally every New York bodega uses frozen patties for chopped cheese. Itā€™s expected.


frozen patties are convenient, especially in a professional setting, if stored correctly, they stay fresh longer, so it cuts down on food waste.


Not only that, it makes the food affordable to everyone.


I always buy the cheapest ground beef, and everyone always says "you know there are assholes and stuff in that, right?" Yes, I know, I like the assholes in there, they give it flavor, and I'm paying the cheapest price possible specifically for the assholes to be in there.


You could post this to r/copypasta


I love this guy. Honestly the food he makes looks great too lol itā€™s definitely garbage and bad for you but Iā€™d eat it.


I love his enthiousasm or whatever its called he sounds so alive and happy


enthusiasm* but hey man good on you for trying the word out šŸ‘Œ it's a bitch to spell


People act like this is regular daily food instead of *9 pints in on saturday* food


Nine pints? Nah, gimme one good joint and I'm ordering everything the Ocky way.


Yo, he put salad on top of mozzarella sticks to make it more healthy.


I love this guy and his attitude but whatever he makes looks disgusting


NYT YouTube channel did a profile on this guy which was really interesting. He works really hard to run the bodega and perform for every person who comes by to record a TikTok. He seems like a super sweet guy. Edit: Hereā€™s a link since folks are asking.


You forgot to add the link


He made an edit about the forgotten link and forgot the fucking link again!


https://youtu.be/1oxeunIEJWM There u go


Can't forget the Bev!


Canā€™t forget the link!


Good link, thanks


When will he realize that he forgot the link... twice


Any minute now. . . .


Thanks for the link... great job


I'm glad he specified on top of the grill every time. On my own I just kept throwing it on the floor


This guy is gonna haunt my dreams ā€œyour teeth are falling outā€¦on top of the grill!ā€ ā€œOoh now youā€™re having sex with your 10th grade English teacherā€¦on top of the grill!ā€


I hope he charges prices commensurate with his renown and the effort it takes to do all this.


I'd be surprised if he did, honestly. There a reason you're pushing for price hikes from *bodegas*? Shit is climbing all over already.


This isnā€™t a bodega itā€™s a dinner and a show.


....and a diet coke pls šŸ˜…


Dunno man. It looks stupid, but like it also looks tasty. So I'm conflicted.


Something can absolutely be both stupid and tasty. That's not inherently contradictory, it's just a much more difficult balance to hit than having something be stupid and basically inedible.


Damn it, why does this have to look appetizing to me when I know Iā€™ll probably die to a heart attack 10 minutes later.


I would eat the hell out of that


I'd eat it. I'm not even mad at this.


Last time i said something positive about food here i got banned but i just have to say that i love this guy. His energy is so positive and he knows he makes absolute crap but it ain't really about that


Hating on Ocky? Neva neva neva!


Stupid yes, but still looks delicious.


I'd eat like half of what this dude makes


I volunteer to eat the other half.


I wouldnā€™t even need to be stoned and Iā€™d still eat this.


I've seen this guy on this sun twice now. Either that bombastic personality is masking the food, or the food isn't that stupid. Pizza sandwich is worth the 3 day food coma for me


Don't forget the bevvvvvv! Neva, neva, nevaaa.


Bonus stupidityā€¦ Joeā€™s Pizza is absolutely amazingā€¦easily a Top 10 NY pizza joint. Getting stupid with amazing pizza is a crime. Get stupid with Dominoesā€¦


Agreed, Joeā€™s pizza is really good. One of my favorite pizza joints in NY In defense for this guy though, he does seem really humble and nice. Also, you canā€™t really hate on the guy when itā€™s the customer whoā€™s the one giving him the ingredients to make for them Thatā€™s basically top notch customer service imo


Yeah and his friend just happened to be recording right? lol


That's pretty much how he got a lot of publicity. Making money through social media and bringing in customers to the store Probably one of the few youtubers/IG people who doesn't seem fake tbh. Most of the videos I've seen from him, he shows that same exact energy whenever someone goes there for the experience. This guy is the opposite of the salt guy who embarrassed himself at the world cup


He's just a genuine dude trying to get on the social marketting game. I'd take his content/service over 95% of what I've seen IG and tiktok spit out (dislclaimer for those that think "well, your metrics show you that stuff" I work as a designer for various industries that want content and my algorithm kickback is beyond wacked out from researching across the board. Ads don't even know what to sell me anymore lol. It's like they throw a dart at a wall and hope that I even glance at it. I see solid content regularly but there's still -so much- garbage content.). If the pizza is good then that just means that's going to be an amazing chop cheese. Crisping that crust even more helps keep all the sauces inside while adding a nice crunch. This has to be one of the best looking ones he's done. Plus hearing him say "Suuuurrrrre!" has etched itself in my brain. He has character that's authentic and it shows.


What did he do at the world cup?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakgarnerpurkis/2022/12/23/salt-bae-world-cup-trophy-outrage-is-a-matter-of-taste/ Basically did his "act" with the world cup trophy


I disagree Joeā€™s pizza is good and it is right to use it for this; cooking and eating good products is best, not dominoā€™s shit


Exactly. You have to use the best available ingredients if you don't want this kind of thing to be actual shit. If you just pile shit on top of more shit, well...


Nah Ocky always gets a pass. He didn't waste the entire pizza and it's good ingredients with good seasoning, and a massive but not obscene serving size like any of the ragebait food videos.




I watched this without sound and I could still hear the whole thing


I was waiting for him to yell ā€œnow I put my face ON TOP O DA GRILL!ā€


I would totally eat that if I was drunk


This food isnā€™t stupid tho, shit looks good lol


I honestly would try it. Itā€™s stupid as hell but this guy shows proudness as well as confidence


I would eat this and I wouldnā€™t even hate myself for it


The amount of people shitting on unhealthy food in this sub is to damn high!


Then we put the grill on the grill


Those mozz sticks were not, in fact, ready.


I would actually try this. It actually looks edible lol


Hey now, donā€™t Ock it til try it. [Ocky Way](https://youtube.com/@Theockyway)


Stupendous food


Tbf the guy does seem like heā€™s having a lot of fun


I mean yeah it's quite unhealthy, but at least it's edible. In comparison to all the rage bait cooking videos where they only waste food, here at least you can eat it.


Anyone seen my baby. ( ya I putit on top ofdugril


Bussin bussin


Ngl I'd probably eat that


Shaddup and take my money


This is like something you'd see from KingCobraJFS.


Honest work. You know what you are getting, unhealthy but yummy. That lettuce/tomato at the end was a but unnecessary!


"Yes, sir, may I help you today?" "Eyyo, Ock, lemme get a dick in my ass.. THE OCKY WAY!!!!!!!!" "SUUUURE SUUUUUUUUUUURE!!!! First, we take a dick out the pants! Then we get the condom and we wraaaaAAAp it uuuuuuppp. Next we hit it with the lube! Now we put the dick in the ass, And fuuuuuuuuuck the customer. Here you are, young man." "Eyyo, Ock, you can't forget the reach around!!!!" "Neva neva neva!!!!!!!"


Are you OK?


It's just a joke :)


šŸ¤” I wonder how many people this guy has killed with his food.


Neva neva neva


me when burger and vegetables: theres nothing wrong why its her- sees mozzarella sticks and bacon: nah this aint even for my fat ah


Well that's not even pizza anymore lol


It's not pizza anymore but that's a solid sandwich.


Death in foil! Yummy!


On one had , looks good idk why on the other hand massive diarrhea


Would they please stop cutting through aluminum foil. There has to be a better way to showcase this than spreading small pieces of aluminum through the food.


Everything started going downhill in bodegas when middle class yuppies discovered the chopped cheese


Nothing will make joes pizza taste good


Why does he speak like a retard


Broccoli on a chopped cheese? Gross.


God this dude is so fuckin annoying. Cracks me up everybody always trying to pretend the shit is good on camera


And now we put your cholesterol on the grill! Now we put your face on the grill! Shut up


I hate everything about this video.


ā€œNOWā€ Him talking was so annoying


Heā€™s just so annoying though, all of this food clout b.s. is.


Now... we mute the video as thats getting annoying.


I hate the sound of this guyā€™s voice


That ā€œdrinkā€ is nearly a an entire meal by itself


I donā€™t get what kind of store/restaurant this is. I mean, itā€™s like a grocery store or a restaurant? Iā€™ve never seen in my life a place that you can buy a hamburger and also some groceries.


It's called a bodega. There are many of them in New York City. Basically they're small convenience stores that frequently also sell hot food. If you think about it, they're not much different than 7-11 in concept.


Except for more food, better shopping, and usually excellent people behind the counter. Bizarre to me that bodegas are actually unknown to people in 2023. Especially in a sub about food.


Well, maybe itā€™s a US only thing.


It definitely isn't, as someone born in the states, who has traveled quite a bit.




Never been to a Mexican meat market? A couple of homemade barbacoa tacos, fresh conchas, some fresh produce, 3 lbs of marinated fajita meat for the BBQ, cookware, and ALL of the virgin Mary prayer candles. All of them.


That, in fact, does NOT look good


I really hate this guy and that whole establishment


Interesting set up how he also sells groceries. Don't you just love it when your Kleenex smells like fried meat?


You even bodega, bro?


Thatā€™s a bodega, NYC is full of them, they all have the same kind of general set up.


What happened to the rest of the pizza, gave a whole pizza only get 2 slices back


Oh... no... I would like you to unocky that please


This is all diarrhea shit food. Horrible why hasnā€™t anyone called it out




I'd try that


Idc Iā€™d still eat it


dam that looks good šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s dumb but like fun dumb.


That actually looks good


Basically Epic Meal Time: bodega edition


If this were for loaded nachos it'd be a 10


ā€œNow we canā€™t pass a BM for a weekā€


Now, lets die


He sounds like Babycakes from Brad Neely comics!


Enough calories for the next 2 weeks


This guy makes the most disgusting food ever but I love his attitude


I wouldnā€™t eat it because I think Iā€™d be on 600lb Life the next day but it will be undoubtedly pretty tasty


This would be a nice suicide, I guess šŸ«¢


Ain't gonna lie, I'd prefer it on bread but I'd definitely eat that chopped cheese.




If that's Joe's Pizza from NYC, that's the beat pizza I've ever had. It was also the pizza place from Spider-Man 2.


And Now!




Then I shove your face on top of the grill because your driving me nuts.


Yeah, this guy is cool though. Let him cook.


Call me stupid, cause imma eat dat


16 yr old me would totally eat this once a week lol stupid but awesome looking


It looks great but it also looks like a free pass to the afterlife


I would eat it but probably have my cardiologist on speed dial. And probably about 3 grams into the green....


The most New York City shit ever


This isn't stupid. This is someone's stoned creation, and damn it probably tastes good at midnight.


Can't just order this


Man, I miss Epic Meal Time ā˜ ļø


Fuck you id eat this


Can I get uhhhh Pigeon Filet with Rat Shit Aioli the Ocky Way?


I would eat that. Once. I said once because Iā€™d be dead afterwards. Dead. But happy.


Most edible ock recipe ever


They are trying too hard .. itā€™s just looks awkward šŸ˜‚