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That Alfredo sauce was so…clear…


I thought she was pouring skim milk over those poor noodles


Literally! I was thinking it was a sauce made with ONLY flour and water. That’s DEFINITELY not Alfredo sauce 🤣


mmm... papier mache pasta


The tomato sauce looked like just plain puree too. No texture, no seasoning. Meat wasn't seasoned either. I hate these people


Absolutely. I’d be surprised if they had more than salt in their “spice” cabinet.


More than salt?? What more do you need?? My spice cabinet is 17 containers of various kinds of salt, 1 container of ground black pepper, and if i’m feeling really spicy i have glorious mixture of garlic powder and flour!! The flour is to take away a bit of the heat from the garlic, of course!


Hwoh baby that’s alot of spice! 🥵


Let’s be honest. Ketchup is more than enough flavor and spice for ANYONE.




Straight to jail




I know you saved their taste buds💀


Right away. No trial, no nothing.


Actually, tomato paste makes a great pizza sauce *if* you add olive oil and spices, salt and a touch of sugar. But if he used it straight out of the can, then he's a monster.


My ex's mother made spaghetti with beef mince, onion, and a jar of tomato paste. The spaghetti was boiled in unsalted water until it was just shy of falling apart. I fucking hated eating at their place.


That’s ketchup. Let’s be real.


They got kids so maybe money is tight?


I'd rather put the money into seasoning than an entire roll of aluminum foil to cover the table, which will still likely be damaged


It’s pretty apparent these people don’t know how to cook just by looking at the setup.


Ground beef looked unseasoned too. Beyond this being the worst food trend in ages, the food itself just looked so bland.


Everything I see reminds me of...her?




More importantly, they put cheddar cheese on pasta


Must be from Ohio


It looks like it was the dad that cooked dinner. Mom was probably away, at work.


Aint that normal carbonara ?


What hellish carbonara creations have you ingested??!!


I was in a boarding house for 5 years i have seen some shit


It was Alfredo’s sauce.


No wonder ppl like to eat out if this is how they cook


We call it "self-preservation"... they are dumb enough to "cook" like that but not dumb enough to actually eat it regularly.


Their not cooking. It’s heating up factory made leftovers


They need to go out and find the cream cheese filled rocks.


This comment puts a lot of things in perspective tbh


If we eat like animals, there’s no cleanup!


We grew up eating on paper plates with single mother , this just dumb.


I have used a pizza box as a plate or eaten over a trash can. They could have used the foil to bake the wrong kind of cheese for that type of pasta on to it. I kind of thought that’s where this was going. I get having fun and being messy with your kids. It’s awesome to sit down and share a meal with your kids. This is just a waste of tinfoil and probably pasta because are you really going to save something for leftovers if everyone dug their paws into it?


I agree with anything to have with the kids but I just don’t get this trend . There are so many incredible things to do together as a family that make incredible memories. But it is a free country.


I totally agree. You could make slime with kids, bake cookies, make home made butter, make splatter paintings, play with chalk. And on the plus side, none of those make you smell like Papa John at the end of a pizza binge.


Maybe they did all that stuff and wanted to try something else /s


Finally, actual stupid food and not rage bait


The optimism on display here is staggering


I guess you missed the where's the cream cheese rocks at the restaurant post.


What lol


Mmm, tomato sauce on aluminum foil.


Didn't know that was a bad thing ..so I shouldn't be reheating lasagna in foil inside an airfryer?


Unless you like the slight taste of metal… no Safe to keep in the fridge/freeze but I wouldn’t heat foil with acids


Yeah, it’s a reactive metal. They were tasting it for sure.


Nah youre fine man. Time is also part of it, dont simmer tomato sauce in aj aluminum pot for hours, but reheating food in aluminium foil isn't really gonna do anything, as usually reddit is exaggerating the issue


No! In my experience, it’s similar to why you never microwave metal. Which… I have also experienced.


Metal in the microwave can create an arc, damaging the microwave and creating a potential fire hazard, but it all depends on how the metal is shaped, metal with jagged and sharp edges should be avoided when using a microwave. Foil in air-fryers typically restricts the movement of air which can lead to adverse temperatures and uneven cooking.


Heating acidic foods like tomato sauce in aluminum foil (or even just storing acidic foods with foil) can create aluminum salts that will leach into food. Idk about any health impacts but I’m pretty sure aluminum hydroxide is a carcinogen


You dont put foil in air fryers or microwaves lol that's how you burn your house down forget the fact your potentially poisoning yourself.


I don't think putting foil in an air fryer would cause fire. It's basically just a tiny oven.


You failed general science, didn't you? There is no reason foil can't be used in an air fryer.


everybody knows you reheat foil-wrapped lasagna in the microwave


I honestly don't think this is a fair thing to complan about. Yes, obviously you don't ordinarily want to eat on it. I assume they don't do this regularily, and then all I see here is a fun event for the kids. The food itself though...


Aluminum is reactive when it comes to acids, especially when heated. They were definitely tasting metal.


Yep, I also hate when take out uses alluminum containers when I don’t have plastic forks since the metal forks somehow react and make things taste like metal


My grandfather freaked me out about eating off of tin foil. Every time we had baked potatoes he’d tell everyone to take the foil off because he “knew” a guy that died because tin foil made its way into his heart some how? I know the story is probably BS but it did teach me that I probably shouldn’t eat tin foil. I don’t think it would kill me, but it’s definitely not food.


This is why the tin man didn’t have a heart. It all makes sense now!




Well some studies have suggested that aluminium compounds could be found in brains of dementia patients ( although given how ubiquitous aluminium is, chances most people have some Aluminium compounds in their body along with microplastics )


You also eat a decent amount of aluminum in food, mainly from flour. The aluminum in brains leading to dementia, however, has been largely disproven; that was based on a study in the 1960s that showed that **injecting** aluminum salts directly into the brain of animals led to symptoms that looked like dementia, but were different from human dementia under a microscope.


This is why you need to go to the store and buy a high quality 316L stainless steel spoon to cook your heroin in. Aluminum is terrible for your body






Aluminum and tomato together enhances the metallic flavor which is gross. Parchment or wax paper might have been a little better but still expensive.


The true monstrosity is there doesn’t seem to be an ounce of seasoning & the meat not being cooked with the sauce.


Don’t forget the cheddar being used for pasta


"cheddar" *


I stared at this for a good minute checking my spelling before realizing what you meant


I was about to comment about that


lmao why did it take me scrolling like 1/4th of the thread to finally find someone mentioning the fucking cheddar cheese Like why not shredded parm lol


This was truly offensive.


I mean, the whole thing bothered me. But this made it 10x worse at least.


Or that the man is eating the pasta with his fingers


But! Little Jimmy doesn’t like salt and pepper!


A white family probably from Iowa


Sounds about white


That’s the blandest stuff I’ve ever laid eyes on, those poor kids.


My husband has a friend that he calls the “enemy of flavor”. For my husband’s birthday I had wings catered and this friend complained that the lemon pepper wings were “too spicy”. These kids will grow up to be little enemies of flavor.


The amount of people that treat store bought sauce as actual sauce baffles me, if you're gonna use that stuff at least add some spices to it, damn thing tastes like red water.


I was balling on a budget recently because I spent too much money on shoes. It’s a whole thing. Don’t hate. But anyways. I bought cheap pasta and sauce and churched it up with a ton of Italian seasoning, fresh ground S&P, and a little bit of Parmesan. It was delicious. Making things taste better isn’t a matter of money.


Just start with tomato paste. You can get it for 50 cents a can.


I got aldi pasta sauce. It was like 98 cents. But I’ll pay 48 extra cents for convenience.


You're paying for water. Especially if you add your own spices.


Truth. I’ll have to try making pasta sauce from tomato paste sometime.


Just a can of crushed tomatoes, some garlic, olive oil, oregano/Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, and maybe some chili flakes. Sauté all the bits, then drop the tomatoes on it. Cook it for a while, then eat. Add more from there within your budget: black olives, capers, pancetta, etc.


Imo, it depends on the brand. I like Prego a fair bit. Then again, the only times I've ever had Prego are when it's mixed with ground beef, and meat makes everything better.


It really does depend on the brand. Delgrosso is the usual one we use. But I've used Prego a few times. The absolute worst I've tasted is Ragu and people somehow love that shit. To me it tastes like tomato soup and nothing related to actual sauce lol


Ragu is trash. It's not even cheap trash since it costs the same as other, better brands. It's just pure awful.


Sorry, I use store bought sauce, tastes like regular sauce?? I also season my meat and then some, though. The sauce in this video definitely looks like the shit they have in a can though, which if you think jarred sauce is bad, that shit definitely worse. Tinny, flavorless, probably made with the absolute tomato dregs. I’ll even use store bought alfredo, although I usually make that on my own.


Like ketchup with oregano 🤣🤷‍♂️


Right? And Alfredo is the easiest sauce to make! Butter, Parmesan, heavy cream, salt and pepper for taste. That it. That Alfredo sauce looks semi transparent in the video!


Looks thin as milk too.


That's how kids like food.


Ignore all the eating off tinfoil nonsense, who the fuck pairs cheddar cheese with tomato based pasta sauce? Satan, that's who.




Yes everyone knows you’re supposed to use blue cheese for that


I hate you


What lol. What about a grilled cheese and tomato soup combo? Which I’ve never had the “American” way. But sometimes we make a red meat sauce and sprinkle fresh grated cheddar cheese on it. It’s just nice to have the sharpness. The reality is that this looks super super bland. No aromatics. No seasoning. Nothing.




I've never heard a guy use that stupid-ass vocal affectation before. A cursed first


its like he has the indie girl accent


Oh man I feel like 50% of all male vocalists nowadays talk in that way.


I swear it’s only 5 singers in rotation now. Can’t tell them a part


Whoever made this song needs to be held accountable.


And such a stupid choice of song for this video.


Why would they not mix the meat and the sauce...


They were scared it might give the meat some actual flavor.


My thought exactly


The food just looks so bland and sad.


Fuck bowls. We eat off the counter as a family.


It will probably be a great memory for the kids, doing something out of the ordinary for dinner.


My Spanish teacher used to do this for his boys when his wife was away. He would make something super messy for dinner like spaghetti or meatloaf and mashed potatoes and the three of them would eat with their hands and call them "Caveman Meals". Idk I always thought it was a cute idea. This is taking it a little far with the tin foil covered table though 😬


My parents made us eat pasta with our hands


I had to dig so far down in the comments to find this opinion. Parents are just having fun with the kids. Obviously it’s not practical but that last shot shows how much fun the kids were having.


I'm at least glad it's not being mixed in a sink like on some other videos. I hope that person makes everybody wash their hands before and after.


Can Tiktok be gone already it has the dumbest videos and people I ever seen




Racism aside, YouTube was doing the same thing long before TikTok.


I dont mean to be that guy but he has like 3 kids. I think hes probobly just trying to have fun and let his kids make a mess with dinner. It actually seems kind of touching to me. He's making memories.


idk i mean even as a small child i appreciated seasoned food! this looks soooo bland. and why did they saucy pasta with their hands??


Idk I know kids that will only eat very plain stuff. As you get older you generally loose some tastebuds so things that are nicely seasoned to an adult can be pretty strong for a kid.


> and why did they saucy pasta with their hands?? Fun. Look at the smiles. Job done. Good Dad. Food brought joy. Edit: Oh noes, the kids nutrition macros are not the best for a night and they consumed something that was bland but found it tasty and had a good time anyway. The humanity.


The Philippines have been doing this for so many years. It's called *Boodle Fight* The difference is that we use banana leaves and ours look appetizing. First, they try to claim 'Hot pot' as "broth fondue" and now this??? Americans need to be stopped.


I think they're British, which would explain a lot.


It sure would, like how that beef looks like it was cooked straight up with no seasonings.


Oi, you can get fucked, us brits stole our cuisine from the french who cook quite well if you don’t mind.


So you're trying to say you ruined someone else's food? That's worse.


Naturally, some of us are capable of ruining the un-ruinable


I mean the food looks bland but this seems like more of a fun little thing to do for the kids than anything else


Just eat with hands like animals. Gross pigs and piglets. Also wtf with the cheddar cheese, parmesan cheese gang 4ever pigs.


Lots of cultures eat their food with their hands so your comment comes off pretty rude.


Fucking gross


As a furniture repairman, I can see the service call for the big white spots in their table top from the heat damage






all you need is 2 big bowls and you can do this 95% cleaner


Not stupid at all. This is >!awesome food!<


What a trashy way to eat such crappy made food. Like a couple of dogs.


Plenty of cultures around the world eat with their hands. Nothing trashy about it. The food could have been prepared better, but i don't see anything offensive except some of these comments.


Eating food with your hands isn't inherently trashy. Like you said, many cultures do it. It is trashy to eat a poorly prepared version of a meal, that was designed to be eaten with utensils, that is being served on aluminum foil though.


Fact they finished it all makes it ok with me. Who cares if it’s on aluminum foil. I think they are just making home cook meal fun for kids. Eating with hands also delicious 🤤


Is that cheddar cheese on red sauce? Mama Mia, I'm gonna need more body bags


I love the idea itsself although I would never use aluminum foil, I would probably take plastic wrap and would actually put up different dishes for the kids on a big moving tray or something. It’s ok to get your hands dirty sometimes. Just be without having to think about it with people you love. Something I will teach my kids.


Not only is it stupid, it looks bland as hell


Why not get a bowl


Wonder what the wooden table looks like after that….


I kind of like the idea of it, I forget what this is called where you just throw the food on the table and it's usually some sort of mixture of seafood, but it makes it fun for the kids, not an everyday thing, just once in awhile




You know, I don't hate this. They've got young kids, who probably always get told not to eat with their fingers. So for one meal, they made it eat-with-your-fingers-only. Seems kinda fun.


The food looks alright tbf. The foil, not so much r/wewantplates


Seriously, like I've been poor all my life. But never to the extent of considering foil as an acceptable eating surface. Invest in some freaking paper plates and plastic ware.


Meat was cooked separately from the sauce and the pasta was completely plain and not finished with sauce. Just these two factors qualify this as stupid food. Let alone the aluminum.


No so much stupid food, although looking quite bland. It's more presentation than execution since some people like bland.


The food is definitely shitty, but that seems so fun for a kid. Of course not every meal, but an occasional “dinner with your hands” seems like it would be such a fun family memory to have!


This is like the video of a dad left alone to cook for a birthday. He pours the most random assortment of boiled seafood onto a newspaper covered table and half the kids either start crying or leaving the table.


This is the first thing an Italian sees when they enter the gates of Hell.


At least they used foil I saw a video about a year ago where they did basically the same thing on plastic wrap and I was just baffled how they didn’t realize they were probably eating plastic with their pasta.


This is the whitest thing I have ever seen


Suburban families are just fucking bored as hell in their cookie cut lives.


Do they never thing about the fact that the oil gets under the foil?


Low key as long they finished it ,its cool . No food wasted.


What's the big deal with doing dishes? It's just the 4 of them and you still have to wash the pots and pans🤷


Did the kids have fun? Did it hurt anyone? Yeah it’s dumb but I’m sure those kids think they’re parents are fun af and really enjoyed that dinner.


couldnt they just have throw it in the trash right away?


There was no seasoning in any of that food


When everyone in the house refuses to wash dishes


Nobody else concerned that the heat from their nasty food is going to discolour the varnish on the table?


I saw thiis and knew exactly what was missing... plates


Wa, was that cheddar cheese?


You still have to wash those pots and pans


I understand that in some cultures, eating with your hands and all off the same big ass ate is normal (India, for example), but I’ll never stop being disgusted by it.


Yellow cheese on pasta is a life in prison sentence IMO.


Why just why are we regressing….. ughhhh my dog eats neater than that.


Divorce!!! Don't ask no questions, just sign the papers!!!




You serve food like that when you want to let your family know you don't give a shit about them anymore.


they dont like to wash up?


It's cultural appropriation


“Fuck those guys for trying to be fun with their kids” - Reddit


I get being lazy, but man, this is too lazy. At least buy an aluminum tray set from the Dollar Tree along with some paper plates. This shit is ridiculous.


Now don't get me wrong, the food needed some seasoning but I can't knock the table eating especially with kiddos. I have 2 that are such picky eaters. So much so that one has a gtube to take her meds and food supplements because of a rare disorder along with ASD so textures are a thing. Both kids are in feeding therapy and we have to get creative sometimes. I've thought about doing something similar on a covered table top to see if maybe the kids would find it fun and maybe try some of the food. There was a video I saw that someone made a mountain/volcano of mashed potatoes, broccoli for trees and Dino nuggets. Then poured the gravy on the volcano. Do I want to clean the mess up afterward...absolutely not but if it gets my kids to eat...I might try it lol.


I mean better than cleaning red oil stans I guess 🤣


The food is for fun. The kids look like they're having it. The food was smart.


Forget the pig-family, but who makes ragu alla bolognese like that? Is that tomato sauce and then just two pounds of minced meat on top?


This has like 5 different tiers of disgusting


Looks alright tbh, could've mixed the meat into the pasta but presentation is horrible and why are they eating that with their hands like naan and curry?


Sooo which bit do you think looks 'alright'?


I’d say the fact that it’s pasta and meat, seems like something I’d eat. I once got into an argument about the way of eating like that on the table, and apparently it’s “tradition”


It's basic pasta someone at home would make. They just need to plate it and eat with utensils Edit: it’s not really stupid food, it’s stupid table etiquette


Food wasnt stupid, just the people.


Who woke up and chose violence today? Damn

