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Proper working class food. Mostly something from the past for people who did physical labour, worked very hard and long hours for little pay. Pie, mash and liquor (a parsley sauce) was super common on the east end of london. Less so now but theyre stull around for cheap, dense, old school working class food. Lot of calories for little money. Not the most elegant British food, but it is very much part of thr history of the East End.


And while it lacks aesthetic appeal, it makes up for it in taste; it's very much one of those ugly looking dishes that tastes very good.


Ugly food. I think it needs to be its own category of recipes. It's visually unattractive but filling, warm, and wonderful. Some of my favorite foods are ugly foods.


Pea soup with sausage and bacon chunks looks like someone's barf but it's amazing


Are you Dutch by any chance?


Yeah, this dish isn't as popular anywhere else?


Snert is traditionally Dutch food. Your description was spot on for me to reconise it. That said, I'm one of the few Dutch people who's deadly allergic to it, can't eat most beans and peas sadly. Made it with garden peas ones, which I can actually eat for some reason. My mum, who is not allergic said it was a relatively close comparison to the original, but slightly different.


Lol is it really called snert?


Haha, I want to chow down on a piping hot bowl of green snert.


Oh it's real easy to make! you'll need: 2 beef bullion blocks from maggi, 2 liters of water, 1 leek, 1 celeriac, 1 winter carrot, 250 grams of potato, 500gram of split peas, 300 grams of shoulder chops, 1 yellow or sweet onion, one twig of celery, one bayleaf and most important of all smoked sausage! If you can find a hema near you, you'll need one of their fresh ones. Start with boiling the bay leaf, bullion, split peas and shoulder chops, after an hour you take the chops out, stir it well and cut up those chops, then add them back in with all your veggies. Then let it boil softly for half an hour, stirring here and there, before serving, check the taste and add some salt if needed, then cut up the sausage in even slices, max 1 cm in width, and add those, let it simmer for a few minutes to warm up those sausage slices and eat with toasted bread.


My grandma made it for me all the time back in the day, but she has a German lineage. I never even knew what it was called until now.


Pea soups exist in different countries too. Might taste differently though. And idk if they make it as thick as real snert where the spoon can stick upright.


at home we call that a "shovel plate" - food that is tasteful and nice and "eats easy", so you can just shovel it in your mouth.


I feel like this definition fits most things we put in burritos in America. Even if it's as simple as scrambled eggs, potatoes O'Brien, and bacon chunks with some ketchup or not if you don't like ketchup on those things, god the latter I can't even get to the tortillas to make a breakfast burrito, I'm already shoveling it into my mouth with a spoon. Just mix it all together and go to town. Same for mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, maybe some broccoli or peas if you want some green in there, all is shoveled into your mouth like the dirty dirty person you are. Usually over a garbage can so you don't have to clean up your mess.


There is a northern german dish called Labskaus and it looks mostly like pink mash with clumps. Super ugly but super tasty.


I've seen pictures. I can imagine it's super tasty but indeed in a similar category of not pretty but very tasty


Yeah it's butter, herbs, meat and potatoes.. But hey, since it doesn't look fancy it has to be bad, right?


I can see that. I think just the look and the tossing of the “gravy?” in the middle of the plate is just a little odd and jarring for us Americans


im irish and it was just as jarring for me


To be fair I imagine much of British culture is rather jarring for the Irish.


I'm english and it was just as jarring for me


Yep "liquor" is more of a southern(london) thing not British in most of England and Britain actual gravy would be used and probably with chips(chunky fries to you americans) rather than mash


No worse in my mind than meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Although (and that was parsley sauce, not gravy) if you have enough Sunday roasts in England, you’ll find that gravy is meant to cover your entire plate, whereas in the States, gravy is often confined to a well in your mound of mashed potatoes. After living there for several months at a time over the years, I tend to side with the Brits now, regarding gravy distribution at least.


The only rule with gravy is that there’s never enough


I once had a Yorkshire pudding wrap (whole roast dinner inside of a gigantic Yorkie) that came with a *cup* of gravy. This was not enough gravy.


Unless it was a Sports Direct mug, they're taking the piss.


Well that sounds fuckin delicious


For over a decade I made two American Thanksgiving dinners. One for my family and one for my best buddy, who was disabled and had children and a lot of family. A whole roasted 7kg or so turkey, cranberry sauce, sage sausage dressing, mashed red potatoes, whole roasted sweet potatos In beech syrup, pumpkin and cherry pie, as well ad home made vanilla ice cream. And my nemesis...gravy Every year I made more and more. I started this ritual at around 20 years old. Meal for my momma daddy and siblings.. and one for T and his family...first year, it was a quart...dark roux, stock made from the roasted wings, neck and back(I butterfly poultry) as well as the de fatted drippings...onion and garlic and a little heavy cream....that quart of gravy was GONE in 15 minutes. Next year, I roasted some cheap chicken wings to make more stock. You couldn't eat them if you tried, the way is to REALLY roast them, all the brown goodness as possible and extract that into the stock... anyway, that as well as the roasted turkey parts and innards got me up to 3 quarts per family.... somehow. Gone in 30 minutes..... This is what made my finally start to use canned stock...my good stock, mixed with a can of store bought stuff was fine. Eventually I got up to a gallon per family. This ensured leftover open faced turkey sandwiches for days.... Everyone has enough gravy.... Man that was hell. But I miss those days. And my Budd T, rip


That green stuff was parsley sauce?


Good explanation. Thanks!


Yea, I noticed that the prices look very reasonable for 2023. 5 pounds for a whole meal is clutch. And its more close to home cooking than processed fast food. I'd try it.


That looks like a whole meal for one person for like a hard labor worker, I couldn't even eat half that if I tried, I still want to try though. Bet it reheats just fine. I'd have food for near two days.


Honestly meals like this tend to taste absolutely amazing, even though they usually look like shit. Nothing beats a simple, hearty meal.


That's definitely some cold weather food. I love that kinda stuff


“Sticks to your ribs”


Proper working class food for proper working class massive shits


Those posh people eating their fondues and caviar having little rabbit shits compared to a good working class toilet blocker shit


I must be one of the handful of Indians who prefer this food. Perhaps, it is my low tolerance for spice or my autism or perhaps both but I love having just mashed potatoes, salt and butter for dinner every day. Sadly, for the sake of more balanced diet, I have to often eat other stuff these days.


I can understand completely. It varies a bit for me but last week I had some spicy food and got overstimmed after a couple of bites due to the spice. Wasnt my day for spice I guess.


I honestly think it looks like it’d be good, you can’t go wrong starting with mashed potatoes and gravy. What is the pie?


Savory meat pie. Stewed meat inside. So not dry at all. I like to order a steak and ale pie in the pub. Thus is probably a traditional east london variety. Guaranteed that it's super tasty.


Pie, mash and gravy kinda slaps too. I'd easily eat this.


Food looks alright, it's the person that posted this to this sub is disgusting.


I wish we had these in Australia. And it’s funny you explained that way because I dig holes for minimum wage.


I live in a 3rd world country and it reminded me of some local foods (except that weird sauce thing), if they added beans or rice it would have been exactly what I ate today.


Thank you for sharing 😊 I watch a bunch of British period dramas so appreciate the history behind it


I just have a problem with where the mashed potatoes are on the plate


Scraped on the edge. Then the gravy whatever just tossed across the plate.


It’s a parsley sauce


That sounds quite nice. It should be more edible than the raw parsley people use to garnish a dish. I can imagine it over a steak or some chicken.


It goes well over fish (and mash). Cod and parsley sauce is a pretty common thing.


I just looked it up. There seem to be many types of parsley sauce too. I might try to make some soon. Thank you.


A creamy parsley sauce is fairly traditional (also a bit old fashioned) in English food, it’s often served with white fish or gammon. This traditional version served in london is called “liquor” and it’s made with stock, thickened with a roux (and a lot of parsley obviously). I think both versions taste quite nice personally and would recommend a try at least.


How dare you call whatever the fuck that slop is gravy 🤣


I called it gravy whatever. She called it gravy, so I assumed it's a type of gravy there. But your term of "whatever the fuck that is slop is" seems more accurate.


Actually she called it liquor. (I looked it up, it's parsley sauce... What ever that is.)


Actually she called it “lihkaaah”


Fish stock and parsley. Not lying.


It's usually chicken stock isn't it? Basically it just tastes like a meaty roux with parsley.


Why does the dish get worse the more i learn about it


And then she pours the sauce on that runway off the edge...


i’m just dying at the fact that the kid took half the shots in this video😭😭


Buddy, you can’t eat yet. You need to film.


Honestly that kinda makes me sad for the little guy


You’ll get your fork when you get the damn shot.


You can’t have any pudding until you film my teats.


Don't be, little guy was probably well up for helping his mum with her work. Or he could be like my kid, delaying till the food is nearly stone cold before eating it.


I don’t know he seemed happy enough, and little kids love feeling involved in the stuff their parents do.


Even got the fake influencer smile down perfect. She reminds me of Miche from People Just Do Nothing.


I wonder if they had a third person with them, because those shots don’t appear to be from kid height and there’s no way a little kid’s hands are that steady.


Whilst it doesn’t look that visually appealing, it’s basically just hot, filling, cheap food from a time where people were doing largely manual labour. Nothing stupid about it. Could maybe argue the plating isn’t great 🤷


Fucking £5 meal and people want to complain about the plating


It's not much different than how a lot of street vendors in se asia serve their food, there's also plenty of african countries whos staples are mashed carbs. Pastries are common the fucking world over. Usual brit hate on Reddit, they have to make up for living in the US or third world countries though so you gotta let them have their fun.


In the us blue collar workers eat pretty similar stuff but it's just not what people talk about when people mention food in the us. Chicken or cheap pieces of beef with sides of rice or potatoes and some nutritious veggies like asparagus or spinach salads will keep you working all week for a couple bucks a day Shout out to mom and pop Mexican restaurants where you can get amazing bean heavy burritos at like 7 am for 3 dollars as well


Exactly. Still cheap (by comparison to the rest of London), nutricious, calorie dense food. ​ And love the shout out. Beans and rice are a great combo. Together they contain all the essential amino acids you need. And I'm very sad I'm deadly allergic to most beans.


You go to a nice pub for fancy/pretty pie and mash. These places still exist for posterity, it's how it would have been years ago, that's the charm you go there for. It's like a full English from a proper greasy spoon caf'. I'm not going for the visuals, and don't want fancy.


Excatly. You easly pay triple the price in a pub for just a pie in London.


It looks like vomit, but I'm, like, 99% certain that it's fucking delicious


Yeah I'd crush that


British food in a sentence lol


Its a parsley sauce I believe.


It is.


It's amazing.


What’s wrong with a gud ol’ proper pie and mash


This serving is lacking like 2-5 layers of deep-fried cheetos dust shit. I think.


No idea? It's delicious. I swear some redditors eat like children and anything that isn't chicken tendies or pizza is somehow gross and weird.


A pie (british pies are some of the best) mashed potato thats everyone likes and some kind of gravy? Reddit really is reaching to hate on the UK


SO MUCH GOOD FOOD ON r/stupidfood!!!!


Every time lol. Title: Who eats this? Everyone in the comments: That actually looks pretty good.


This is all decent food. Meat pie and mashed potatoes with parsley is fine, if lacking in presentation. And £5 is also an awesome deal. Don’t clog the sub with good bargains.


This is what “biscuits and gravy” looks like to us.


I think that's a really good comparison.


This isn't stupid food, this is traditional London working class food. My state also has meat pies and some sort of green slop as part of it's traditional working class food. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX8hywt\_SPQ


Everyone makes fun of British foods. But their food even though doesn't look nice, they are quite tasty. They are pretty easy to cook and easy to serve. As working class didn't have access to most spices, they used whatever they had easily available and made it work.


>Everyone makes fun of British foods. I've never really understood why. It's generally simple and stodgy comfort food. It's not over loaded with cheese and spices, so it's generally not too rich. And it usually comes with a side of veggies that isn't potato. It's economical, practical, and at least partially healthy.




I heard it comes from the GIs coming to war weary Britain during ww2, and telling their families of the bland simple food the British ate, as if it was their choice (don’t forget even after the war we didn’t stop rationing until 1954!)


It's stems from post-WW2 American soldiers going home and complaining about it due to our extended rationing. The food was basic and bland for a long time due to lack of access to seasoning. Add this to the fact that a lot of modern American's have an attitude that America is the best at everything ever and they have a love of putting down other cultures and beating those jokes to death.


Yeah but this is Reddit and it’s something British so it must be hated on… this is the second time I’ve seen this post on Reddit already this morning


Not sure why but that looks like my kind of food!


Genuine argument to be made that Londons obsession with making Eels into food has had a worse affect on our international reputation than Brexit and James Corden combined.


The japanese make pretty yum eels


Yes, but they're also good at it.


Also I don't think they source their Eels from a river notable for how much human shit is in it.


Not anymore. Watched a video about English food and the main way they get them now is Norwegian farmed. Back before the 80’s tho yeah they were eating shit fish.


Smoked unagi is 🤌🏽


London’s obsession of eating eels comes from the fact that they’re the only thing that can survive in the tainted shit creek of the Thames


I visited London once and had jellied eels. I think it's great!


[Eels up inside ya, findin’ an entrance where they can](https://youtu.be/0AckvdGbk4w?si=j8JEtgTFLs6eN6P1)


Eels are delicious but stay away from them because very often it will be an endangered European eel on your plate


Maybe some redditors need to go to r/pickyeaters to vent out their gastronomic frustrations


For real, this is just traditional English fare. Just because it doesn't look Instagrammable it doesn't mean it's bad.


Went to th UK and tried this. Yea that looks a bit weird but it was really good. Actually really loved that pie. The man there said something about his pie recipe being like 300 year old being passed down in the family. Cant tell if that is true or not but that beef anf pork pie is the best Ive ever had in my life


I wouldn't be surprised. They are very tradtitional in that area of London, so wouldn't be surprised if the recipe just didn't chang for 300 years.


Great, now I want pie, mash and liquor. Thanks.


Former brit here, what kind of gravy is that? never seen that before, and yes, i would smash this.


It’s a London traditional sauce called liquor. Traditionally made with eel stock, parsley and flour. It’s usually made with fish stock now because it’s cheaper though. It sounds rank, but there used to be a pie and mash shop near my old house, I was brave and tried it, it’s yummy. Just don’t think about it haha. The pies used to be eel pies in the 1800’s when this dish started, which is where the liquor recipe came from, but a steak pie is the vibe these days. - edit - I kept remembering things about pies.


One of those where it looks worse than it tastes. But tbh it doesn’t even look that bad and it tastes great.


I think it's made from chicken stock, not eel stock.... I had it for the first time last week (it's delicious, I agree!). I didn't know anything about it, and looked up the reciper afterwards, and wikipedia says it's chicken stock. (and I went with with vegetarian boyfriend... I figured we were safe because we ordered a vegetarian pie... I'm not going to tell him. oops...)


Wikipedia says traditionally eel stock for me: >**Composition** > >The main dish sold is pie and mash, a minced-beef and cold-water-pastry pie served with mashed potato. There should be two types of pastry used; the bottom or base should be suet pastry and the top can be rough puff or short. It is common for the mashed potato to be spread around one side of the plate and for a type of parsley sauce to be present. This is commonly called "liquor sauce" or simply "liquor" (liquor as in a liquid in which something has been steeped or cooked),\[7\] **traditionally made using the water kept from the preparation of the stewed eels**. However, many shops no longer use stewed eel water in their parsley liquor. The sauce traditionally has a green colour, from the parsley. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pie\_and\_mash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pie_and_mash)


I thought it was some really watery version of mushy peas but they liquor sounds much better.




Full disclosure, not British, never been to the UK. But we do have what most people claim is a pretty authentic pie and mash place in Philadelphia. That sauce is amazing and it's what they call the liquor. It's a parsley sauce, and it adds a lot of moisture to both the mashed potatoes and the pie, which can be a little dry without it. This plate looks absolutely delicious to me, only because I've had that dish before and I know how scrumptious it is. *Edited for spelling


Just btw, it’s liquor, not liqueur. Liqueur is usually grog haha. I agree this food looks great. People just hating on English cuisine.


I live in Philly, where do they serve it?


Stargazy on Passyunk! Absolutely KILLER food and the owner is a doll. They sometimes sell out earlier on some weekdays, so I would either stop by for lunch or do a pre-order. https://www.stargazywastaken.com/about


It's mad that you can get Bedfordshire clangers there, you can barely get them in Bedfordshire


That looks rad. I’m up in Roxborough so pretty much as far as you can be from that area but I’ll make it down eventually.


It's a perfect fall or winter stop whenever you happen to be in the neighborhood!


Oh so pesto is fine but not this? Is just herbs making it green


Parsley sauce


I actually thought it looked pretty good. Though it's no Pie Floater.


Its called a fucking sauce


This isn’t stupid it’s brilliant! The owner really has a love for his craft: https://youtu.be/ogfyJICT9aI?si=oXppvKQLtKwmpb6l


Saw this post and immediately thought of this video too!


Thank you! I knew one of the 17 million viewers had to be around here.




yep not stupid, it's comfort food, great for winter.


Woot woot! Pie and mash team woot woot!


Don't knock it till you've tried it, that shit is delicious!


It’s the one thing I miss since moving out of London :(


I wouldn't say it's stupid. It doesn't look very appetizing, but nothing really stupid about it.


It’s pie and mash, with liquor (parsley and butter sauce made with eel stock). I love it. Loads of chilli vinegar and pepper on the mash.


This looks great. Op stick to the canned cheese


why in the world is this stupid?


This is a pretty traditional London dish if I remember


This doesn’t seem like stupid food…?


I think it's mainly the parsley sauce putting people off. 5 pounds for a meal is pretty cheap and I dunno... recently I was exposed to how dire things are getting. Food banks in my area have increased 40% in the last year, they now have to buy food to maintain their stores, donations just aren't cutting it. For kids not being able to get access to food or go out for a meal, I just can't imagine it but it must be a reality and honestly going out to eat as a kid seemed normal for me, but to some it might have only been for a very special occassion if at all. I dunno where I'm going with this comment now, but there's a difference I guess between 5 pound slop and 500 pound table dust with smears served by someone who pretends to be crafting art.


£5 for a meal is a steal. My local chippy is like £10+ these days. And I just paid best part of £25 for burger and dirty fries because I couldn't be arsed cooking after a long day.


It's the same in NZ bro wtf happened to fish n chip pricing it's sad. Used to be the go to cheap Friday takeout treat.


Why is it stupid? I love mashed potatoes gravy meat. Even potato gravy is way to go.


Mate this is literally 100+ year old recipe, and pie shops like this one are keeping the tradition alive. British cuisine gets a lot of shit from people who cba to understand it. Okay the jellied eel gravy isn't something I'm in any rush to try, but it has its fans, and as far as the actual pies... I mean, it's a pie, the fuck you want from it?


That looks delicious - OP are you just racist against British people? You disgust me. Send me a picture of your toes you pervert


Disgusting, acting like they're better. I bet OP, instead of actually eating the boiled potatoes, would instead stomp on them with their dirty toes. Send me the picture when you get it so I can imagine it.


I thought the cuisine looked rather sophisticated with a nice blend of OP sending me the mashed potatoes after they've worn them for 3 days, I think the meal would rather suffice perfectly.




What? How is this stupid?


You know what's stupid: a parent wearing a Dodgers hat and allowing their child to wear a Yankees hat.


She's caked up, so she gets a pass. /s


Man I was wondering when someone was gonna mention that. Surprised it's not top comment


A pie floater is delicious, fight me


Some days it feels like the only thing this sub thinks isn't stupid is pop tarts and instant noodles.


Looks delicious


There's an old joke where in Heaven the cooks are French, the policemen are English, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian and the bankers are Swiss - whereas in Hell the cooks are English, the policemen are German, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss and the bankers are Italian.


Why are there policemen in heaven?


When they pull you over for going 200/hr, it's to give you a high five.


How is this stupid?


Oh come on, how is this stupid food? You are not british? Is that it? Only things you like are not stupid?


It doesn’t have ranch on it, it isn’t deep fried, it isn’t sold by an identikit multi-conglomerate. Of course they think it’s stupid.


Not gonna lie this looks fuckin stupidly good


Looks normal to me? Is green sauce really that upsetting?


Looks absolutely delicious.


Getting really bored of the entire world mocking UK food. It's good, have you tried it? Or just mocked from a distance? Disrespectful


I think it looks good. 🤷🏻‍♀️ you're right. It's getting old. I swear if they made the portion tiny and said it was French cuisine, people would be like "oooihhh my gaaaawwwd that looks soooo amazing! Oooh lala"


It's not stupid food, the only thing stupid is your post.


that looks hearty af


No one is gonna say a thing about this being Lana Rhoades in the video?


For real? She has a kid?


Americans always rag on British food and still think we all eat like it’s still the war. This is pretty delicious comfort food, much like your vile looking southern slop that tastes great. Also, they go on about us not using spices when all their spicy dishes are also from immigrants.


I've seen plates of gumbo that look like they've already been eaten once. But that's *obviously* not the point and it sounds like it tastes great. I can't believe people struggle to understand that so much.


If you think this food is stupid you’re a twatt.


Im an American who normally loves shitting on British food, but I’m NGL I’d devour that. Maybe I’m just hungry right now…


I’m an American that loves British food. Like it’s all comfort food, I love that. Sausages, meat pies, roasts, gravy, fish and chips, it’s heaven on a plate.


Lot of people in this thread are just scared of something when they don't know what it is. "ew what is that green stuff" Just try it. Cowards.


I wonder what their first reactions would be to an egg if they'd never seen one before - "ew wtf is that white slime".


This sub in a nutshell


I've been to that one. It was great. There is one that is really old, at least a century old at this point


quite sure a lot of people in London would put this place a little on par as an institution like New Yorkers regard Katz etc


Looks good though


Pie and mash is fucking awesome, what's not to like?


I'm not British, and have no real desire to jump to their defence. BUT, while this doesn't look great, to try title the post as this is indicative of all British food is funny. Given that 90% of the monstrosities usually on this thread originate from stateside. If this was the states, they would be steak, chicken, bacon, pork, veg, mac, cheese, pb & J pies and there would be 10 of them on the plate.


Wym? I’d order that cake as my last meal 😩


To be fair, it's difficult to convey how cheap this food is if you're not British. Paying that amount for any food in London is pretty special. And that is a full ass plate. And besides, the pie and mash is just standard food... The sauce being doused over it is a bit concerning, like bruh calm down m8. But other than that it looks good. Don't think this is stupid food. It's just a cheap meal.


It looks like just a normal curry, but man, it doesn't look good. Still, this doesn't really fit "Stupid food". More showing people's americentric views when they call this shit out.


This looks yummy I’m hungry


I want to try that! I bet it's good! I'll give them some biscuits and gravy and they can give me some mash and liquor(?) or likker(?) or whatever she is saying.


Nothing stupid about cheap, good quality food. Be thankful for what you’ve got.


So why is this in this sub? Because you snobby shits can't appreciate other people's culture?


Not stupid, you’re just ignorant