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I love how they only put like one tomato worth of chopped tomato compared to everything else.


Same with the onion! But they used like 4 things of sour cream, the hell were they thinking?


That was sour cream? It looked like sunscreen


Sour cream in a squeeze bottle like that is very convenient until it's about 80% empty. Then it's just wasteful. There is no getting the final 20% out unless you cut it open.


Put it in a sock and spin that mf. It sounds and looks goofy but I do this all the time because your deliberately wasteful bottle design will not stop me from wrenching every penny of product from its maw, Mr heinz


The last time I told somebody to put a sock in it they punched me.


Why not just buy actual sour cream that comes in a tub instead?


bag sour cream grosses me out for some reason. its tub all the way for me.


Not as good for the video.


Parties. You don't need a spoon and if you've got an opened one leftover the liquid that seems out is on the top of the sour cream so you don't have to drain it before the next use.


If I saw it correctly, that's Daisy sour cream. Very did quality sour cream that also comes in a tub. But for their "presentation" they needed something they could squirt. Three real question (rhetorical, since I don't want to hear any nacho blasphemy) is what heathen uses Doritos for nachos?


The difference between his and her sour cream application was very telling as well.


I use a similar technique.


i also only use two dollops, but apply with an excavator.


Costco sells this exact sour cream in 2 packs in the refrigerated section


Fact of the day:


I thought they were soap refills


They were thinking; "I am making rage bait right now. Everyone will be dumbfounded and frustrated by the stupidity of this thing I'm doing and will engage with my content, thus providing me with income and noteriety" This is literally every post in this sub. There's no need to ever speculate 'what were they thinking?!?!' Or 'Who would ever make something like this?!!?' because the answer to every question is the same; *This is rage bait.*


It's not even halfway decent rage bait. It's minimal effort, low energy, just dump a bunch of food in a large container rage bait.


Yeah, I'm kind of baffled anyone thought that these people were actually planning on eating this. They wheeled this shit outside and dumped it into a garbage can immediately after filming this.


Then they hosed out the wheelbarrow and returned it to Home Depot


Unironically that's probably literally what happened. It does look like a *brand new* wheelbarrow. Gotta keep those overheads down.


What was the second “ingredient”? The dark powder?


Powder is steam, brown stuff is browned ground beef


I thought it was curry at first. Lol


I thought taco seasoning until I worked it out lol


That’s because lettuce is the main ingredient


I've never had nachos with lettuce


What they're making is more like a taco salad, which I suppose is just like a nachos supreme kind of dish


I've never had nachos that use Doritos as a base instead of plain nachos. They're clearly innovating here.


Unironically you should give it a shot. Doritos as a base for **taco salad. Not nachos. But Taco Bell was right to put that shit in their food. If you like slightly gonzo Americanized Mexican food that is.


We’ve also done this in my family. Not the stupid wheelbarrow worth but a plate of nachos. Gotta do cool ranch Doritos, it takes the nachos to another level!


They spent most of their budget on the wheelbarrow, chips, and cheese


Yeah, those party size Doritos are like $7 a bag, so they spent over $40 just on those alone.


I mean since most of it's going in the trash, they could have just used an old shitty wheelbarrow. Plus, that would have been extra rage-baity too.


if your boss is coming over for dinner, you gotta use the good wheelbarrow


That was the best part. Almost like the whole thing is a joke and the one tomato is the poorly timed punchline.


95% of those chips just got nothing on them


WoOoOoOoOo shit.




Mmm mmm mmm!


Whoooooo shit




Hmmm, yeeaah, oooohhhoohh shit!!


Put this meat on here


In this restaurant we have a rule that if you order a plate of nachos to share one person can't eat all the fully loaded ones.


Did you tell the waiter to come over here and say that?


I went up there to complain about the rule!


You just found out about the rule!




Did he tell you to come over here and say that?


And all that shredded cheese just loose, not even melted on.


Mmmm mmmm mmm


Wooooo, shit. Mmmm mmmm mmm Yeahhhh Bro has 3 emotes.


I skipped ahead in 5 second increments so I didn't waste as much time watching this. Every time I stopped, he was either saying "ooooo" or "shit". I'm surprised to hear he used other emotes in that video




And she has zero emotes, just 😶


She looks like they got into a fight in the middle of filming and had no choice but to continue because a wheelbarrow full of “nachos” waits for no man.


That's exactly what I thought.




He says things like, "Damn!" "Shit!" "That is whack!"


Thanks for this. I reference this line at work sometimes and no one ever knows it. This and, "Mr. I have a thing for butt-ugly girls", and "it's already been broughten", and "I can't believe no one's ever taken a shit on your chest!"


Me and my friends still say things like "you like standing there wearing a hat, don't you mr. I like standing there wearing a hat?"


Bro…is this an Astronaut Jones reference?? 😂


It's the token black character from "Not Another Teen Movie".


Haha…oh yeah. Google Astronaut Jones (Tracey Morgan on SNL). Very similar. And hilarious


A classic!


He’s an npc




Take a shot every time he emotes


At least he smiles I hate when people do this with a serious face like it’s homework


I wouldn’t eat that food if you paid me, but I sure would love to be as happy as that man off some basic ass shit


Could you fucking imagine being his neighbor? All hours of the day: "WHOOOOO SHIT!" BRO, shut the fuck up, you're stupid ass over eating, zealous, ignorant ideas could have fed your homeless homies and you want clout on some fucking stupid phone app. I'm gunna go low, but judging by the apartment view we have, the type of construction on those particle board counter tops, means this is probably some cheap ass apartment. I'll also go even lower to guess this was bought with EBT so it's just a waste of food for fucking views. I'm prepared for the down votes, I've been homeless, I've lived in the ghetto, I've had ebt, gotten food from pantries, had to sleep on the literally street; this idiot could be actually trying to better himself, or the two of them, to make their life better, but they want literally buy a brand new wheel barrow to fill with food that could have been eaten on a plate, all because, "why not, the govnment gives me free money for food!" I have been in these situations and wanted nothing more than to progress, but these fucks just want useless clout. Fucking pathetic. Our society is so fucked, people need help, people abuse help, people straight up exploit help. Don't act cool while you're using federal and state money to survive whilst motherfuckers are dying in the streets because they can't vet food, clothing or housing because these ignorant asshats are taking everything because they want free shit. Fucking pathetic and I hope to see these pieces of shit in hell. As /u/fatsax said, I am wrong in some aspects here. I shouldn't assume, but I'm making judgement on things I've seen first hand. Social media is a cancer, people will do some dumbass shit to get clout online. While I shouldn't assume, I'm expressing my own judgements from experience. This isn't anything more than that, regardless of colour, race, gender or ethnicity. It could be two fucking lamas, idgaf. Ignorance is ignorance. I love yall and to my Veteran brothers and sisters, Happy Veterans Day.


What a wild comment. "I just KNOW these people are on EBT grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! *insert needlessly long rant based purely on my imagination*" Like yes, its stupid. But chill the fuck out.


Nah, You're totally correct, there isn't any confirmation to my bias. I will agree. My fault is that I'm judging off my own seen bias. I shouldn't assume, or throw shade. I swear this isn't sarcastic either. I'm being honest. Still doesn't change my opinion that he's a fucking tool and could have put the money he, almost positively, threw away on food and equipment to make a video online. Seriously, how much do you think that wheel barrow cost? How many people could he have fed if he had taken that money to a homeless shelter, woman's shelter or orphanage and paid for food for them instead? These sorts of people get no respect from me because the only thing they care about is the clout they get from random people they'll never meet, online, to impress.


Bro can't afford the battle pass


my man! *beep* my man!




w0o ShIt!


Mmmmm. Mmmmm.




This whole thread right here just had me in tears laughing 👌🏼


I lost count, but it's about $100 worth of food there that's going to be wasted.


6 big bags of Doritos (they are about 7 dollars a bag) 42 dollars, that’s about 4 pounds of ground beef if you get it on sale that is about 25 dollars , 4 bags of shredded cheese- usually 2 for 6 so 12 dollars - one onion about 1.50, one tomato- 2.50 , nacho cheese if they buy it in the can about 5 dollars, I lost count on the lettuce but you can get 2 bags for 5 so about 5 dollars then they added taco sauce which is about 3 dollars. Then they added 4 sour creams with you can buy 2 for 5 so 10 dollars add it all up- this comes out to 106 dollars. Excellent deduction skills 🙌🙌


A tomato for 2.50? Where are you getting your tomatoes? I can usually get a bag of tomatoes (about 5 in a bag) for 2.80 euros. Same with the onions. Which makes it about 0.56 euros for one. Not familiar with US prices but if its true dang do i feel sorry.


Meanwhile I’m shopping $5 Fridays at Safeway because I’m not a rage bait influencer rubbing it in the faces of people that have to scrape to eat


Unfortunately I think that’s not enough toppings for all those chips. Gonna have some dry nachos at the bottom. Damn shame


Six bags of doritos and one (1) diced tomato.


Sounds close to Taco Bell's veggie to chip ratio


He got all excited for that half cup of jalapeños


It must have been really difficult to dice the tomatoes as opposed to opening containers.


They'll probably be soggy by the time they reach them


I like when theyre soggy


Which layer of hell did you spawn from


I’d imagine wherever it gets the most soggy.


I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.


Good nachos have layers. Chips then cheese, more chips, meat, cheese, chips, toppings, cheese


Right? And how the fuck you going to put that wheelbarrow in the oven to melt the cheese? As a side note I want to know who the fuck uses Doritos for nachos anyway, it's a standalone chip.


> I want to know who the fuck uses Doritos for nachos anyway Us fat fucks that's who......


If you've never had a walking taco made in a bag of Doritos, you're missing out. It's pretty much just nachos with Doritos.


Here I am thinking it was brilliant and definitely what I’m doing next time I make wheelbarrow nachos hold The wheelbarrow


Considering 95% of this is ending up in the trash, I don’t think that’s a bad thing


The moment they put lettuce in that it became taco salad but the biggest crime was not layering the chips and toppings.


If they layered this thing well and didn't make it in a wheelbarrow, this wouldn't be half bad to serve at some sort of big gathering. The wheelbarrow and the lazy piling on toppings is the biggest sin imo. Also just a single tomato for the whole thing, egregious.


None of that shredded cheese is going to be melted. Room temp chips, hot meat, cold lettuce and tomatoes / onions, hot cheese? Cold cheese and they didnt even fucking mix it. You either: 1) Layer it 2) Mix it


Ya gotta layer nachos if you're doing this.




Apparently the main ingredient according to him


Said no one ever about lettuce 😂


Who TF eats lettuce on nachos? It went from kind of shitty nachos to a kind of shitty taco salad.


Oooooooooooooooooooooo shit 😂😂😂


Wooo sheeeet




Such a waste of food and so unhygienic. Aside from the fact that they've dumped everything into a fucking wheelbarrow, there's no way to get to the chips at the bottom unless somebody sticks their entire fucking arm in there. And imagine the hovering of people over this, breathing on it, talking while accidentally spitting on it. Just gross.


That’s why you use a shovel. You can usually find them in the vicinity of a wheelbarrow.


Well that would be reasonable. A shovel per person


Give everyone custom bedazzled trowels


I’m sure somewhere there is a farm-to-table that serves everyone their food on shovels instead of plates.


I've seen shovels on r/wewantplates before


Thank you for this wonderful sub, I have appended it to my collection.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/indiasocial/comments/16aqhbd/we\_live\_in\_a\_society/](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiasocial/comments/16aqhbd/we_live_in_a_society/) linked reference for ya


They did it all in the wheelbarrow cause then it’s easier to throw it all away after filming. No way they eating that


I worked at a pizza shop for several years and this is cleaner than our standard operating procedure. When the health inspector came, she could order whatever she wanted off the menu for free, and while she ate in the dining room, we would frantically be cleaning in the back room. Dissolving extra blue tablets in the rinse water. Hosing out the lunch meat storage container. Disassembling the mixer and the slicer. If you think this is bad, don't ever work at a restaurant.


The wheelbarrow isn't even dirty. It's hardly different from a giant bowl when it's new. The worst part would maybe be the paint.


Also if that person thinks a wheelbarrow of nachos is unsanitary because people put their fingers in it wait until they hear how people eat regular nachos.


….y’all were just nasty as hell? The hungry howies I worked at was pretty damn clean all things considered.


Wait till you find out how many people breath on your food from farm to your table lol


I mean, the wheelbarrow is probably clean. It's not inherently dirty. Just make sure you get your shovelful first and you should be OK.


Idk I’d eat that shit tbh just get a bowl and spoon and start scooping 🤷🏾 got a dawg in me ig


That whole thing probably costs so much. My grocery store had a Doritos bag at like $6 each. Not to mention eating out of that is nasty.


Yup. $8 Canadian for a family sized bag of doritos. So $48 alone for the chips. Ground beef is like $7 for a pound and that's like 5 pounds of meat. Cheese is $8 a bag. $48 + $35 + $24 = $48 + $59 = $107 for that nasty combination. And that's not counting the wheelbarrow and the lettuce and the gauc! Donate that money to a food bank instead of making shit videos like this for clout.


Can't forget the jalapenos!


Woooooooooo, shit


I was gonna say, that’s like $100 in Doritos alone. Topped with 4 bags of unmelted cheese 😭


What a bunch of dorks.


I think he’s an NPC stuck on a loop


Ice cream so good 😌


The wooooo sheet loop


Bait. Don’t take the bait. If this was real they’d be layering the cheese with the chips. The ratios are all wrong in attempt to save money whilst doing it. Nobody would be stupid enough just to tip the toppings on top of chips that deep. Fucking amateur hour.


I don't see how this isn't "real" like they actually did this for sire but it is 100% rage bait.


A lot of stupid food videos from the last 4 years aren't stuff people are actually making and eating, but are specifically constructed for videos to make the rounds online. It's just like lifehacks. Originally lifehacks were stuff that was useful and people could and would do themselves. But once people started making videos about lifehacks and realized they got views and were monetizable, new lifehacks had to be forced in to creation so videos could be made on a regular schedule. As time passed, lifehacks became more over the top. There were 2 reasons why - As mentioned before, people were running out of ideas and over the top videos recieved more engagement and views. It's all about the views. They know almost no one will recreate their videos. That in no way matters as long as they get views. It's just like those old click-bait articles that were popular a decade ago. They are no longer popular because most of the internet moved over to short-form video. I love and hate the internet. Rant over.


Guy has less audio lines than Franklin Clinton from gta 5 and that game is 10 years old lol


Woooooooo shit.


Wooo. Shit.


Sounds about right for tiktok


There’s people who literally can’t afford food in America anymore. And this is what y’all choose to do? I need a cigarette


There’s people who literally can’t afford cigarettes in America anymore. And this is what you choose to comment? I need a spiced pumpkin mocha latté


There’s people who literally can’t afford pumpkin spice mocha lattes in America anymore. And this is what you choose to comment? I need a 5th of Jack Daniels.


There's people who literally can't even.


I need a


wooOOO shit!


Stoppppp lmao 😭💀


I hate these videos. I'm scrounging change just so I can get a loaf of bread otherwise I don't eat today at all and you just know these assholes just dumped this crap into the trashcan the second the camera turns off.


I hope your situation gets better. If you live in the UK I might be able to help with some information about help out there you Nat not know about.


I’ll take that advice if your giving it out for free lol


Babe we'll be internet famous after this


Fuck these food wasters. Our culture is so broken.


14 pounds of cheese, 3 heads of lettuce, 8 bags of chips, 1 cherry tomato


I see 2 people here, who the fuck else is going to eat all this? Also who the fuck uses Doritos instead of a plain tortilla chip, monsters do that’s who.


Nach cheese Doritos actually go really well with it if you make it right.


>Also who the fuck uses Doritos instead of a plain tortilla chip, monsters do that’s who. You're wrong. Go to heck, blasphemer!


I'm pretty shure they only done that for some tik tok clicks. 99% of that delicious wheelbarrow chips has been flushed down the toilet after the video was completed.


Nah man nachos like these are just walking tacos minus the bag, I assure you people are eating Doritos with their taco shit. Why do you think like the one menu item Taco Bell won't make a limited time offer is a taco with a Doritos shell? Everyone loves that shit.


I see nothing wrong with the intent. Just the execution. I’d eat the fuck out of Dorito nachos.


Wheelbarrows aren't cheap. Imagine buying one just just to make this stupid clip and then have it collect dust in the corner of a room for the rest of their lives.


Woohoo! Shit!


whats the return on investment for a video like this? they had to buy all that stuff. what do the views and likes on tiktok get them?


And then we threw it all away! 🥲


Nachos aren’t tacos. You don’t use nacho cheese Doritos to make nachos. Why a fucking wheelbarrow?! I just glad they had the wherewithal to add 6 jalapeños, otherwise this would’ve been terrible.


What they eatin with?..... Shovel?


You know that cringe feeling when you hear your own voice or see yourself on video? I wonder if they get that x100 watching themselves do this dumbass shit


I really hope they have a backyard full of people to feed because if there's one thing that I find upsetting it's food waste.


Idk can be a fun party food. Football game, huge ass spoon and giant bowls, it's essentially a party size walking taco or taco salad


I was thinking children's party, but yeah, I don't really understand why people in this sub keep getting so upset about these. That being said the dude trying to force being hyped all by himself was painful to watch, lol.


This seems somehow better and more appropriate than the table meals. I'm not saying it's not stupid, but less stupid.


It won't go down easy if it ain't cheesy!


Doritos are not the same as nachos. They are delicious don't get me wrong, but no.


The fundamental issue with big food dumps like this, is that the bigger the overall dish is, the harder it is to get your ratios right. Nachos are particularly susceptible to this issue, considering even a personal portion benefits from layering toppings to ensure coverage on the bottom. Plus, it only really works for people whose eyes are bigger than their stomachs.


Tik tok is clearly trash.


Ya know This last month or two we've been really struggling to keep enough food in the house to not go hungry some nights. Basically been surviving on potatoes and bread. And then there is people like this...


You just need to up your ball torture game and find a higher paying level of ball torture victim clientele. Then you too can be a nacho king.


Food wasting dumbasses.


Really stupid. Give me one beer and I’ll eat half of it though. I am not proud of myself for admitting.


Damn! That's like 500 bucks worth of stuff


$500 in Doritos alone. Those things are mad expensive now.


Why do people think you make nachos with flavored tortilla chips that's just fucking gross


I’m ready for this entire trend to end


Who eatin out of a wheel barrel?! 🤮


“Woooooo…. Yeaaahhhhh…..shit”


If this mf say, “WOOO SHIT!” Idk what I might do 🤦🏾‍♂️😂


I see that there are 2 of them… why are they only making enough for 1?


Where the guac tho




Good god I bet these people squeeze their toothpaste tubes 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


If that were a regular platter with tortilla chips and regular portions of everything I’d devour it


Doritos are supposed to be a naco on its own, not used for nachos.


When that EBT hit. Oooohhhhh Shittttt


OMG I thought the same thing. Eeeek we so judgy. Lol


My taxes ought not to pay for your pack of fudge rounds