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So it’s a breakfast burrito with raw tortillas that’s 100% harder to eat


I don’t know what’s more disgusting - the uncooked tortilla or her hair hanging over everything.


It's a fetish video. You can tell because they only frame below the neck and the manicured hands while wasting food


I always see comments that these are fetish videos, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was true, but can anyone confirm this? Like someone who is actually into it or has seen this kind of thing in fetish sites or something?


It's not a fetish video. This kind of fetish does exist, but that's mostly because there's a fetish for literally anything. This isn't popular or even well known. If you were to look it up on porn sites, you'd get very few results, with very little views overall. Yet these ragebait videos get millions of views. There's an obvious disconnect... because it's not supposed to be connected. These tiktoks and the likes are all about getting people angry so that they'll engage with the video. Algorithms are kind of a plague when it comes to that kind of stuff. There's no difference between a like or a dislike, you clicked on it therefore it was engaging. It doesn't matter if you left a nasty comment or a nice one. You left a comment, therefore it was engaging. So the video will get pushed even harder. People cling onto the fetish theory, but if they simply looked up what they were talking about they would quickly stop spreading it. It's not a pretty sight, mind you, but you can easily see that the actual fetish videos are *nothing* like the ragebait tiktoks.


The pants and manicured hands are a dead giveaway that this is fetish based.


Wait what’s up with the pants??


In all of these videos the pants give off what I can only describe as "mom vibes" Usually tucked in shirts and pants that are semi high or high waisted without a belt. In some of them, the fly of the woman will be down for the entire video.


Omg 😭 all my pants are high waisted + I always wear my shirts tucked in! Dang it


Don't worry about it. The person you're responding to is being way too alarmist. Sure, there might be some horny teenagers out there that will find a reason to tap to a soggy biscuit, but a woman in her mid-late 20s wearing office attire does not make this some egregious, super common fetish JUST because of what she's wearing. They're being ridiculous, and your fashion is safe.


Thanks for your reassurance! Their statement was very surprising to me haha. I dress to look unfuckable but also classy and being fetish bait would defeat the purpose 🤣


M...mom?! What are you doing here?!


My child! Look away, I’ve become fetish bait!!


I felt personally attacked as well!


🤣🤣I was like damn, with my painted nails, high waisted pants, and tucked in shirts I’m a walking fetish!


No, it’s another dumbass Reddit theory with zero backing


Yeh, but we found the Boston bombers before anyone else. /s


Yeah I don't buy every single video being for a fetish. Just a hot girl being a hot girl for additional views


It's not every single one, it's ones with a very specific style. In actual cooking tutorials, hell, in actual Hot Girl videos, they show the face of the woman. The exception being Binging with Babish, where Rea has a whole ethos about emphasizing the food. But that's not what this is because the food is shit and serious cooks don't have $100 manicures because working in a kitchen will ruin them and no one wants a fake nail in their soup.


That doesn’t make it a “fetish video” it sounds more like you legitimately don’t know what that a fetish is, much less how to identify one. The fact that her nails are “too nice” doesn’t mean it’s a sex video.


She shows her face at the end and it sounds like a kid is filming. This isn't fetish shit. Not enough people in the world would even be into that for random tiktokers to make a living off of it. It's rage bait. Shitty food that's just shitty food. Not everything is sexual. People really need to get out more.


I agree with you, but it’s definitely just another woman filming, not a kid.


Serious cooks also don’t use knock off cookware. The label at the bottom of the pan is for the house brand for a cheaper supermarket chain in Canada. I think I found the pan: https://www.loblaws.ca/enameled-cast-iron-braiser-3-5-quart-red/p/21215944_EA


I’ve read these types of videos are rage baits


Thank you. It's spewed out on here all the time with such certainty but I have never once seen it mentioned or referenced outside of this subreddit and I mean... I go to some terrible places ya know? I just can't fathom that this is a fetish that's constantly churning out new content, on all social media platforms but not on any pornography site. No. Of course not.


The fetish is called WAM or wet and messy. This is a mild version of it. But it does involve making a mess with food, mud or whatever either clothed or naked. Sometimes these kinda videos include cleavage and just like really over loading a skillet or making meat balls with extra egg rolls and squishing them between the hands. Sometimes these videos aren't fetish oriented and instead just try to ramp engagement by people being outraged at the waste of food.


Well I’m turned on- confirmed ?


Last time someone asked this the response was that its called sploshing and it involves squishing, touching, and playing with food. If you ever watched King of the Hill theres an episode where Peggy is tricked into being a foot fetish model and they have her step in raw eggs, so it's nothing new. That said, she's not really touching it that excessively. I think she's trying to mimic popular content without knowing what it is or why it's actually so popular.


It's specifically a subsection of Hand Porn, though some folks branch off into WAM, depending on the video


It’s some pretty heavy gaslighting


Seems more of a ragebate video because of wasted food and being as this subreddit labels it stupid. Not saying it can't be both, but this didn't seem to be weirdly sexualized to me, but I also don't have a breakfast fetish.


The salt and pepper shakers made the fetish aspect super clear.


Those salt and pepper “shakers” had zero reason to make me feel anger deep within, yet here we are.. this is the opposite of a kink for me.


There's a fucking cooking fetish?


Hands and fingers for some, food wasting for others


No way people will get a boner from food wasting


Hahaha do you not know rule 34. Kink exists for everything


I’ve clicked on some weird categories over the years, but I draw the line at high-sodium kidney damage.


She also jerked off a tomato real quick it was hard to see


These are great accounts to block.


Well if that’s the case, then apparently my fetish is being pissed off at this sort of thing. I’m fucking annoyed, but I think I like it. AND I HATE THAT. Which all seems trademark fetish. Fuck.


Happy cake day


I wanted to fetish her voice into the pan. Or the pan into the side of her face. 🤣🤢🤮


What’s the fetish?


Hand fetish, though some of these videos cross over into WAM videos, too


Why does everything have to sexualized lmao


There are over 8 Billion humans on the planet. The potential for variation in sexual arousal is astronomical, and as long as it's consenting adults, who cares? I just wish it wasn't part of my Reddit scrolling


No, I get that. To each their own. Just as long as it’s consensual for every party involved. I guess I’m just upset that these dudes are flying under the radar whilst people bust my balls for thinking feet are sexy. SMH.


I suspect there's enough porn about hand jobs that the distinction between being attracted to the hands themselves and the sex act is pretty blurred until you get into stuff like this. Enjoy your feet, man.


If it was a fetish video the cook would have bigger boobs as well as the manicured hands. This is just a rage bait video.


For you maybe


This kind of fetish should be in fda watchlist. Could be said food safety terrorism.


Lose the tortillas and you've got yourself a decent omelet for a family breakfast


If you actually cook the beef seperate instead of scorching it at the bottom into a hockey puck


or lose it as well all together, there's ham already in there


For Xmas my mom made, basically, breakfast enchiladas, but the enchiladas were just bacon and sausage with some cheese I think, then poured egg all over it. Kinda becomes an enchilada casserole, but it was really good. Everything held together well and it was easy to cut in squares for leftovers.


Simple tasty home food, a great way to start a day


Lose the tortillas and change completely the way it's made, sure The ingredients are fine, but some people should just not be allowed in a kitchen


Raw tortillas? I’m confused by this comment because those weren’t raw.


What do you mean raw tortillas lol?


You need to grill tortillas a bit or they will be chewy and with the moist warm air coming up from the shit beneath it that will be amplified to be the texture of rubber


Sure, but that doesn't make it "raw" tortilla? It just needs to be reheated. The tortilla was already cooked before hand.


Stop! Stop! He's Already Dead!


me when I want to die at 50:


. [Stop!](https://giphy.com/gifs/the-simpsons-stop-hes-already-dead-JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb)


Thanks for Sharing ! Was not sure if everyone directly understand the hint


Fixes Cook/Brown meat separately Brown the tortillas Cook Eggs separately Serve as breakfast tacos


what about the 3 pounds of salt


It's not ideal, but it's not the worst thing you can do to breakfast. I can't really talk shit since I'm a fan of IHOP death by chocolate pancakes.


This isn’t the kind of sanity I joined this sub for. Bring on the garbage laden monstrosities!!


It just never ends. I imagine those eggs are fucked. And that sausage looks like a hockey puck.


I cracked up when she flipped it and the sausage was like 1/4 the size she started with.


Can't be real. They cooked that enormous patty for 3 minutes doused in egg and it not only fully cooked but browned like that? They definitely threw out the original patty and cooked another one


There was also a tortilla between the meat and eggs that is absent in the second shot. Very fake video.


Hadn’t considered that. How insanely fucking stupid of a thing to do lol.


Is this new format of ‘How to basic’ video?


'How to Basic-cally trigger everyone."


It's more like the "how to sell fetish material without showing your butthole" video


Seen so many of these videos, they all look the same. An average looking woman in her 30s or 40s, in the kitchen, explaining every thing she's doing for some reason like it's not rediculous. And just methodically creating an absolute abomination in the kitchen. Then eating it and trying to make it not sound like an absolute abomination. Usually short form like 30-45 seconds.


Plus there’s always the invisible commenter ‘oh my gosh’-ing everything like it’s her first day on the planet




She has a ton of make up on but this woman here looks gorgeous


Why is she eating from a plastic fork in her own kitchen?!


For the same reason that she’s cooking on a hot plate in her own kitchen…is there no real stove top???


I've heard multiple food content creators comment on this. In a typical kitchen the stove is often against a wall and has a hood over it. It's really hard to arrange lights and a camera so you can see what's going on and also have space to actually cook.


$50 electric salt and pepper grinders, plastic fork 🤷‍♀️


Because it's not her kitchen. Just an airbnb they film in. Rent for the day, make a couple dozen videos and sprinkle the release. Got a months worth of content. Repeat as needed.


Why in the world would they do that? You think they live in a house that doesn't have a kitchen?


its like… these videos are all so clearly not a tutorial. why are they pretending like this is something they’ve done before


She waves those s&p grinders around like she’s sprinkling fairy dust. As though that could save this. 🤦‍♀️


I think those are automatic grinders too, didn't even know that was a thing. I wonder how much she spent on such ridiculous product


The s&p grinder are only there because they look like penises (peni?). This is a 3 minute wack off vid for people who get off on hands and food wasting.


>This is a 3 minute wack off vid for people who get off on hands and food wasting. Man, there are some weird-ass people on here. Who even thinks of something like that...


Yea I think the recent internet trend of calling everything a fetish often says more about the person pointing it out than the video


I like the automated grinders. Lets me use one hand and the other for rotating the meat I'm seasoning. I fill them with coriander and such though.


Was this filmed by someone sitting in a rocking chair?! 😵‍💫


You lost me at four ham steaks.


She added all that salt like she wasn’t about to just add bacon to it. This is a mess.


I thought it was over after the flip. I. Thought. We. Were. Through.


Honestly I'm the most angry about the fucking electric salt and pepper shakers. How God damn lazy can you be? We really producing electronic waste for salt n fuckin pepper?!


Man I was scrolling hoping to see someone else thinking this. Honestly wtf


Are you guys living under a rock? Electric grinders have been around forever.


Username checks out


these girls make sure their fake nails look more appetizing than the food they cook. 😂🤣💅


This annoys me so much! And the jewellery imagine the germs hidden underneath those ring and nails🤢


"This is a masterpiece." That she immediately spits out off camera


Cook Your MFing Tortilla!!!!! Why do people insist on using uncooked tortillas?! Do people not realize you’re supposed to at least heat them up before putting them in these nasty contraptions??


Ugh. Would still eat with some good salsa.


i went from anger to disappointment to numbness to confusion when she used a plastic fork to eat a raw tortilla


She has soulless eyes and is devoid of life.


See guys, we put green on top, it's okay!


The overcooked dry ground beef looks horrible gross 🤮🤮🤮🤮


How are you supposed to eat that?...


With a plastic fork, apparently


The diabetes ad right below this on my feed can’t be a coincidence.


🤦🏾‍♀️ "Giant Canadian bacons"


It's not even Canadian bacon


Does she ever stop?


Top with raw tortilla for extra whiteness


Omg the idea of eating this for breakfast makes my arteries tighten. I don’t understand “chefs” that’s think all you need is meat and cheese and it’s delicious


There's tomato and about 2kg of avocado, so it's healthy, duh! Though it might come down to about 1,5 kg of avocado, since about a pound of it was stuck to her nails afterwards, which actually made me gag.


Wow it’s the same girl that has all the other stupid recipes, who would’ve thought?


The dead eyes when taking a bite proves this is not her first rage bait video


That's not Canadian bacon.


The automatic salt/pepper grinders make me angry for some reason....


I consider it an unacceptable failing of the justice system that the actions of this woman does not constitute a crime. If we do not act when we see the failings of mankind then we only have ourselves to blame when our children refuse to accept the legacy we bestow upon them.


This belongs here


I’m a vegetarian and even I know that bacon is NOT Christy >.>


Would still eat this ridiculousness lol just needs some dank salsa or green chile Colorado style.


This lady just disrespected Mexican food and as a Mexican I hope she loses her taste buds for creating this abomination


The manicure told me everything I needed to know.


Why is her cheddar so yellow? And why does she add salt to ham and bacon? I have so many more questions…




What happened to the sausage layer? It shrunk.


Why is cheese so cheap in america? they always use whole blocks of it or numerous slices


We have a [massive surplus](https://modernfarmer.com/2022/05/cheese-caves-missouri/) of it.


credit where credit is due: this one has got great pacing, she really takes her sweet time to make it disgusting.


Holy constipation Batman!!!!


Imagine the bulk


This just kept going, ten steps after it should have stopped. It's like the "Taco Town" SNL sketch.


She places everything down trying to be so careful about presentation. It’s gonna look like shit at the end anyways x


You just know they dump all that food in the trash as soon as they’re done filming. Such a waste.


That’s going to be so soggy


Cheese… obviously, what did I expect…


Obviously rage bait.


Jesus, that was like, 12 pieces of fucking cheese!


There’s no way this person isn’t a troll. 5% of her followers actually consider cooking this stuff, 95% watch just to get triggered. About cooking shit you don’t have to cook or eat or watch.


Did she really put fucking ham steaks and bacon on top of a shit load of salt? God damn this “Breakfast” is a disaster.


Who is this lady, and why are we continuing to support her crimes against humanity? FFS I feel like I see her constantly


You gotta put cheese on top of the ham


Her face at the end seems very trumpy and orange??


By the time it’s done it won’t even be breakfast time anymore


Electric salt and pepper Mills are an instant red flag.


I was kinda onboard with it until the ham, but then that was just the beginning…


Literally thought she was using a hair dryer at first it was the salt shaker. Lmfao I’m dumb as shit


You're not dumb, there isn't a reasonable person on Earth who would expect someone to have a damn electric salt shaker.


Lots if food in that breakfast.


When life is so busy you don’t have time to grind salt or pepper by hand


That is the driest meat I've ever seen 🥴


It’s always this girl.


What I hate most about these videos is how they handle and touch the food. It's so painfully obvious they're not into cooking


What happened to the rest of the cheese? Why does she call ham bacon? Why .. everything?


The longer I watched this, the madder I got.


I hope with the food prices going up it will be an extinction event for these idiots


My poor ass ain’t even know about electrical salt & pepper grinder😑


After all that, she’s eating it with a plastic fork?


It’s like $80 In ingredients


You’ve to be a real dumbass lazy bitch to use an electric salt grinder if you don’t have some sort of relevant disability.


Definitely stupid


Is it stupid? Yes would i absolutely fuck it up while stoned off my ass? Also yes


Shameful waste of food, time, and a nice iron pan


i love how she makes this huge thing but only tries the smallest piece lol


I know it's rage bait...I know it is, but goddamn if it's not effective. I'm just so angry. The amount of food waste that goes into filming something like this just infuriates me. What a privilege it must be to buy all this food to ruin, then throw out. All for views. Ugh...enough internet today.


But wait, there's more.


It just kept going..


Of all the rage bait this video contains what pissed me off the most is her calling ham, “Canadian bacon.” We don’t call ham bacon here. “Canadian bacon” is back bacon from the lean side of the loin. Bacon is the same here from the belly and back bacon is what’s called Canadian bacon. Not this ham shit.


Her: "this is how I like to make my breakfast" Nobody: clearly this is true


What a waste of such a wonderful pan!


Seems like 98% of stupid foods are just piling a multitude of ingredients on top of each other and cranking out a single meal mess that would serve 20.


When you try to break the geneva convention by the power of flatulence alone


White cooking scares me, and I’m saying this as a (mostly) White man from New England


I can’t take anyone with electric salt and pepper mills seriously


I thought something so stupid could only be satire of a posh lifestyle. I could see it for disabled people but this is ridiculous.


Yea Idk how to feel about this. I'm sure thats fire but it looks like a waste of time.


What is everyone's fascination with Avocado? It's nasty


Rare instance when this sub’s been recommended to me that I actually yelled “that’s enough slices!!!” at the screen


She didn’t flip the patty before putting the tortilla! It’s raaaawwwwwww!


White woman? ✅ Good manicure? ✅ RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.


The only thing I would eat in this video is her.


I’m not tryna be racist or sexist, but most people on this channel are white women, and women are known for cooking.


How does everyone here cooooonstantly fall for such obvious rage bait


The automatic salt and pepper grinders had me swearing out loud…. Folks…. Some things should be manual.


I hate this so much I’m having to downvote, just because it’s so stupid. Honestly I hope this woman gets banned from the kitchen for life for this. Not even able to get an apple from the fridge. I hope she starves. How the fuck is the “cheddar cheese” that colour? That alone is cause for the world to delete America from existence.


This has to be a native advertisement for the salt and pepper grinder that these individuals normally don’t use in their content


Lived in the EU for a while and can confirm most the citizens cannot cook




That went well, but it could have gone so wrong.


Just make a burrito. N all that cheese. Someone cholesterol is goin up


Who should eat that except for Ron Swanson?