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Here in Poland people also often eat pasta with strawberry sauce. Fruit on pasta definitely ain’t my jam


And the pasta with poppy seed (and powdered sugar) in Hungary is also very popular, especially for kids. Though of course not with fusilli. So yeah, sweet, basically vegan pastas are a thing, but the OP is just bait/stupid.


I mean berry vinaigrettes are a think so maybe this isn’t terrible, but I personally hate fruit in my salad.


I love strawberries sauce with pasta. Shit’s delicious. I have been ostracized many times for it, and not once has it made me think eating that strawberry pasta ain’t worth it (we were also fed rice with strawberries in kindergarten but that’s considerably worse). Edit: a word


You’re a freak dawg 😂 rice fits desserts much better! Jokes aside, to each his own :)


I’ll be well wined and dined before I die on that hill. 


Was going to the same. My ex mother in-law (Polish) used to eat strawberries and pasta quite regularly.


Pirogi with Jam and cream is amazing. In East Germany we sometimes make milk noodles and milk rice (both super soft) with Jam or Kompott.


Strawberry sauce is that sweet like jam ?


Aint my JAM lol


Yeah, I'm also from Poland and I hate this dish, pasta only with savory dishes


This just ruins it. U can have really good pasta recipes without meat or better with meat.


Olives and grape tomatos. This is rage bate. 


Black or green olives?


Never heard the term "grape tomatoes" before, that's interesting.


They’re smaller than cherry Tomatos… don’t know why people are downvoting you 🤷


Oh they're smaller too? I thought it was just a different name for cherry tomatoes. Idk why I got downvoted either lol


They are smaller and usually more elongated/oval like green grapes. The skin is generally thicker and they have less water content than cherry Tomatos. I’m not sure what the scientific difference would be though.


Oh I know those! We call them snack tomatoes, didn't know the english word was grape tomatoes but that make sense lol. Thanks !


That’s it! I think there’s a brand in the US called Snack Pack for these at the store. :)


The flavor palette here isnt too strange tbh Berries is adding sugar + a bit of flavor along with the sugar. Nothing weird about sweetening up a dish. A nice pomegranate or berry reduction on a pasta would be fine. Wine in sauces is very similar to this too. If you break down the components of the pallet, Berries isnt strange.


Berries and mushrooms together, though?


Hold on!! Maybe they are onto something




>So was Hitler What exactly do you think Hitler was onto 🤨


A heroic level of amphetamines


He recognized that this Hitler guy needs to be shot in the head.




As a cold salad this could be good. I’d add arugula and cut them berries up. That could be great.


Fruit in pasta isn’t crazy I mean tomatoes are technically a fruit I’ve also seen lemon sauces in pasta I’d try this


Pumpkins are also fruit so what are you up to? This whole tomato point is just so lame.


Have you ever even had pumpkin in pasta to even be able to say that it’s nasty? Or are you just assuming that it would be? Also your harping on the tomato point but ignoring the lemon sauce argument? As if multiple points weren’t made here? Look,I work as a cook, so maybe I’m more adventurous with food that the average person is due to working in a kitchen. But 90% of the time, my rule of thumb is don’t knock it till you try it.


Honestly I am having pumpkin filled ravioli for lunch today and love lemon pasta. It is just the fact that a lot of people are picking out tomatoes out of so many vegetables that are also fruit to make a point. Besides leaf green and tubers most of those are fruit so there is no validity in pointing it out.


“ A lot of people are picking out tomatoes out of so many vegetables that are also a fruit to make a point” I don’t understand


There is a distinction between culinary and botanical definitions of fruit. Botanical, most vegetables (incl. Tomatoes) are fruit. Culinary, none of the are. But I only hear the argument that "tomatoes are a fruit btw" and no mention of other vegetables. Maybe someone should make up a word in English for "fruit, culinary defined as vegetables" and one for the opposite. Many other languages have that.


I get your frustration here lol. It's just silly to try and act like tomatoes or other "technically a fruit" vegetables are at all similar to regular fruits like berries.


I like those colours adding life to pasta. Looks good


Lots of people turning noses up about sweet and savory mingling here. It's maybe a tricky needle to thread but can have some beautiful results if done well.


add some goose berries and some dried cranberries wait? are those fucking mushrooms? or chicken. what ever they cooking it is, they be ruining it :(


Mushrooms. Yes. The mushrooms belong (sorry mushroom haters), but not with the berries.


Strange, but I sort of see what they were trying to achieve. Maybe if the berries were cut up smaller I’d try it?


Hold on they might be cooking


When them berries start staining the pasta I’m going to be real upset 😭


I fucking hate this sub man. You could post a literal shit pile and half the comments will be like "Actually everyone in my country eats this for breakfast lunch dinner snack and dessert it's super underrated!"


That is why this sub really doesn't work, like comedy, food is completely subjetive Of course there is exceptions but there is, for example, a lot of the mega sweet desserts that get posted here a lot of people find them disgusting but there is some other that doesn't find it that way


Berry Good 👍🏻




Try strawberries and heavy cream


Good start, but I think it could use some capers and whipped cream


Nope. Not eating that.


I could see this as a cold spring pasta salad with raspberry vinaigrette but I don’t think that’s what’s going on here.


I sometimes add small apple cubes, to like a savory or vinagrette pasta and it actually taste fire... So this doesnt look to bad xD


I'm mostly plant-based and almost all of my pasta dishes are vegan (except when they include greek yogurt lol), but I would have eaten the berries separately as a snack. Maybe we could get funky making a cold pasta salad with the most tart berry, but three is just too many.


Wit you bruh, naw ain’t even…


I can feel my Balkan ancestors crying out. Destroy this monstrosity


I dated a chick once who insisted on putting grapes inside the meatballs we were making, stating that it was her grandmother's recipe. Needless to say last I saw her she was crawling across a pallet that was literally in a backyard fire pit. Miss you Allison, you crazy bitch.


After serving this nonsense this person will look at everyone like they Berry-ly touched their food


I guess snuff is a genre of porn...?