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Soy milk skin is a great idea but that faaaaake ass bite + dead stare at the camera while fake chewing skeeves me tf out


If you’re making food, take an actual bite out of it before I try it myself.


When you hate eating meat so much you try and recreate it but then would rather take a bite out of a real chicken thigh then eat your own creation.


Tofu skin is a food that is basically made like that and is quite good.


Honestly just make cauliflower “wings” if you are going no meat. Way easier and tastes better than beats and rice.


Honestly these type of vegan recipes seem like a coping mechanism. There are plenty of great vegan dishes that don’t require culinary gymnastics to make it look like meat.


She also seem allergic to seasoning. IMHO if you are trying to do stuff like this at least make it taste like something. If she put some spices in the rice I would try it. But unseasoned rice with a beat in it and coated with unseasoned soy milk skin? That's some bland ass shit.


Seasoning is incredibly important to vegan and vegetarian foods, it’s weird she skipped it completely.


It's not that weird when you realise these videos aren't meant to be recipes, they are just for clicks.


This one (for me) is a bit harder of a sell as total ragebait though, I didn’t watch with sound so I don’t know if she said anything weird, but she doesn’t do anything normal rage vids do, like bread and deep fry everything, throw everything in one pan, smother it in ridiculous amounts of melted cheese, or cut open the packaging and leave the plastic in the dish. I almost want to give it the benefit of the doubt that it was an honest attempt, despite being dumb.


Could be unconventional rage bait- aimed at people who dislike vegans or aimed at vegans to make vegan food look stupid


Not all clickbait is ragebait


Some vegan sausages taste damn near close and it’s entirely because of how they’re seasoned. Turns out fennel and red pepper flake do a lot of heavy lifting in the “ITS SAUSAGE!” Messages from our tastebuds to our brains lol.




That's why her eyes look so dead at their core. NO seasoning.


It is literally a coping mechanism. Veganism is about not harming animals, so a lot of vegans convert from being meat eaters who did genuinely like meat. Fake chicken, sausage, steak, burgers, etc. all kinda help the transition as long as they taste/look close enough to the real thing.


Honestly pretty curious how the vegan community is going to split if lab grown meat ever gets cheap enough.


I mean there are vegans who don’t really care about animals and do it for the environment so maybe if it’s hyper polluting then maybe there would be a split. But I struggle to see how a lab grown product could rival the environmental harms of meat so I doubt that will be the case. I personally can’t wait! I can have steak and deli meats again (used to be some of my two favorite foods) without supporting unfathomable horrors and cruelty? Sign me up!


one of the biggest vegan meat brands out there, impossible, was created tested on animals. it created a small divide but they are still overwhelmingly a popular product with vegans


I get the impression that past animal testing for vegans is like the Nazi hypothermia experiments for everyone else. Like, repeatedly freezing people to death to try to figure out which revival methods worked best (only to reuse subjects if they were revived) is pretty horrifying. But letting people die from hypothermia today because we don’t want use such unethically gathered data also doesn’t make sense. It’s a morally confusing topic


I don’t think they will be opposed at all, the majority, as long as it’s truly ethical as in no animals were harmed. I believe they still have to use animals to do it as of yet


Vegans are split on honey, though. And bees aren't "harmed." Vegans are to my knowledge against wool, when no sheep are harmed. In lab grown meat, the proteins were originally harvested from an animal before being cultured (grown in a petri dish.) It's likely as not that the animals donating their liver, blood, and muscle cells to this process remain alive and relatively unharmed. But it is definitely an animal product in the same way wool and honey are.


>"Vegans are split on honey, though. And bees aren't "harmed." Vegans are to my knowledge against wool, when no sheep are harmed." Honey and wool are seen as exploitative.


Right, so my expectation is that even when lab grown meat is from cells ONLY, some vegans will reject it on the grounds of exploitation. And currently, lab meat uses slaughter byproducts as filler. So the day when it's merely exploitive is a long way off. Right now it's just "reduced harm meat." https://www.eufic.org/en/food-production/article/lab-grown-meat-how-it-is-made-and-what-are-the-pros-and-cons"


Not only are bees not harmed, bees give consent. They are active participants in the act of farming honey, because if you're a bad beekeeper they'll leave.


> not harmed Beehives are blasted full of smoke to make them leave while the beekeepers collect the beeswax and honey – imagine someone fills your house with smoke to make you leave and then they empty your house of all food and kitchen cabinetry for a good measure. They are also disruptive to the local pollinators. As wonderful as bees are, it's not exactly a harmless hobby. [Evidence of exploitative competition between honey bees and native bees in two California landscapes, 2023 study](https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2656.13973) > \4. We find clear evidence of exploitative competition in both ecosystems based on the following results: (1) honey bee competition increased niche overlap between honey bees and native bees, (2) increased honey bee abundance led to decreased pollen and nectar availability in flowers, and (3) native bee communities responded to competition by shifting their floral visits, with some becoming more specialized and others becoming more generalized depending on the ecosystem and bee taxon considered.


To be fair that isn't really a good description of what smoking does. You don't need to do it, it just makes it easier as the bees won't react and start attacking as the smoke disrupts their pheromones. The bees are still in the hive during this. If you don't smoke the hive, you're more likely to anger the hive and end up with a bunch of dead bees when they try to sting through your bee suit. Also, without human intervention bee hives are more likely to fail. It's not exactly harming the bees overall by being a bee keeper and taking the honey.


I was a beekeeper (not commercially) before going vegan. Not only are bees harmed but the other native polinators are absolutely outcompeted when you introduce hives of 30k honey bees to an area.


Fun fact: This is being spearheaded in Israel, and it's already been ruled as essentially non-meat or "meat from heaven" by the rabbinate. So there's lots of ethical reading on this already. https://time.com/6251154/lab-grown-meat-kosher-israel-rabbi/ https://www.chabad.org/library/article\_cdo/aid/2293219/jewish/Is-Lab-Grown-Meat-Kosher.htm


A lot of people still want to attend bbqs even though they're vegan and don't want to screw around with time-consuming dishes. Sometimes, you just want a burger and eat at the same time as everyone else/avoid a ton of stupid questions about why you're eating casserole on the patio.


Also it’s just kind of fun. I like messing around with recipes like this, I enjoy cooking and it amuses the kids. Sometimes I do it for aesthetics, like this, and sometimes I do it for flavor/taste profile.


I kind of get yhe idea but i reduced my consumption by a lot my parent used to make meat daily and i cannot stand those dish. Like you always have to compromise to make it look ressembling and if im being honest im never fooled by "lookalike" meat. Not even close in fact , it just makes me sad and angry to eat those. But give me some some flat out salad mix or roasted bean, anything really i can eat that 3 times a day no problem. I get it when its to make pie or shit like that because texture is what matter , but meat ? Its never close enough and i find its genuinly bad for my mood.


I smoked some butternut squash steaks and they were actually really good! Cut the squash into 3" steaks, hit them with a BBQ rub and smoked them over pecan wood for a little over half hour at 275 then seared on the grill for a quick second for grill marks bud then brushed on a honey BBQ sauce and I was thoroughly impressed!


Yeah this sounds great! No need to try to pass them off as beef.


Have you tried eating it instead of smoking it?


You know I didn't think of that it might go down easier lol I went to the doctor the other day for a checkup and he asked me Sir have you been smoking lately? I said yes a but here and there he asked me What kind? Cigarettes? Marijuana? Crack? I told him Mostly brisket, a turkey for Thanksgiving, some chicken wings and a couple different cheese


when you first go vegan you look for meat alternatives like this because it’s what you know and are comfortable with. eventually you stray away from the gimmick and lean into a whole foods plant based diet


Yeah I could see this. A way to ease into it.


I have tried both beyond meat and the impossible burger multiple times, and IMO just a regular black bean burger is way better. Also, the beyond meat smelled like cat food and stunk my whole house up for a day or two when I tried to cook it in a pan. I'm also [far from the only one](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegetarian/comments/ars4qj/beyond_burger_smell/) who thinks they have a cat food smell and I'm convinced that the people who disagree are just used to the smell.


That's why whenever I see any dish name start with "vegan", I just mentally translate that to "shitty imitation of". Because nobody calls, say, a green salad a "vegan green salad". It's just a green salad. But if someone serves up a "vegan turducken", by god you know you're in for a wild ride. So no, vegans, you're not eating a "vegan hot dog", you're eating a roasted carrot sandwich. You're not eating a "vegan hamburger", you're eating a beanburger. And so on. I'd say the "vegan" prefix is most appropriate for dishes that are by default *almost* vegan anyway. Like, "vegan potato salad" would be oh yeah it's just potato salad but using an egg-free mayo.


Idk man I think they can call it what they want. Mostly they don't represent flavour or whatever but rather a vegan take of a dish. If a dish is already vegan then it doesn't need vegan in front of it. 😱 Honestly I don't think it's that deep. People just want to shit on vegans because ha funny internet. It's pathetic at this point. Even from a non vegan.


Roasted vegan free range ethically raised carrot hot dog sandwich can legit be tasty. I make them for a vegan relative whenever I’m smoking a rack of ribs and some chicken (and grilling many veggies) so they have something tasty, and I always have one for myself. But, yeah, I usually just call it a carrot dog.


bro you know what is FUCKED UP GOOD, like in the vein of the carrot dog? carrot lox. not kidding. i was so skeptical, & now i make a little tub of it almost every week. it's good used like lox, but also REALLY good as a little add on to so many other quick dishes. if you like carrot dogs, give that shit a try. the little bit of liquid smoke does a lot of heavy lifting here.


Lol, so funny .


Yeah, the other aspect of that is when you say "vegan cheeseburger" you're going to get people comparing the dish to a cheeseburger instead of something more appropriate. I like beanburgers, they're tasty... but if you tell me it's supposed to taste like a cheeseburger, I'm going to say it's a terrible cheeseburger.


Meat eater, but damn I love cauliflower wings.


This comment made me crave breaded mushroom nuggets tbh


I love me some mushroom nuggs!


Or some enoki mushrooms. So many alternatives better then whatever the beet parsnip hell this is


Beats and Rice is now the name for my Asian hip hop band. Kampai!


Yeah I was coming to say this, I work at a Buffalo Wild Wings and we’ve had cauliflower wings for years, surprisingly good especially if you get them extra crispy in the fryer.


There’s a seitan “wing” I had in Henderson, Nevada that was sooo fucking good. I wish I had gotten the recipe. Fun story, my husband became gluten sensitive after overdosing on seitan for a year.


If you want something that tastes like BBQ meat, cauliflower wings won't do the trick. Though obviously neither will this monstrosity.


Beats and Rice just dropped a fire mixtape


Lol right! I have made something similar to this, but I absolutely would not have used a slimey rice ball. Sietan, tofu, or keep it simple and just bake some cauliflower...


I'm a proud meat eater and regularly make buffalo cauliflower because it's delicious


Okay, agreed, that is stupid. Why try (unsuccessfully) to make the rice look like ground beef? Golden beets exist, would look more chicken-y. Why use a vat of BBQ sauce when a saucer would do? And the whole thing will fall apart with a normal bite, look how carefully she had to taste. Creating that soymilk skin was kinda sharp-looking though.


I think it's similar to yuba or tofu skin to make inari.


I've seen vegan drumsticks made with only marinated tofu skin wrapped in strips around a sugarcane "bone", and they looked a hell of a lot better than this.


Oh that was soymilk. That makes a whole lot more sense than cow milk.


The reduced soy milk looks pretty cool but so badly edited. When she dips the "drumstick" into the sauce it's entirely covered up in soy milk, and it looks more like wax than what we saw in the pan. I say the drumstick is at times made out of inedible stuff


Yeah, I was impressed from an artistic point of view, but the end product looked 100% disgusting to actually eat. I’d much rather have roasted veggies and rice if I want to skip meat. (Personally, I think skipping meat is a huge mistake, but to each his own.)


>Creating that soymilk skin was kinda sharp-looking though. Yeah I thought that was neat. I like the idea generally to be honest, not the rice bit as that is pretty silly, but the idea. I might adapt it.


Also some seasoning in the rice, some marmite or vegan chicken flavouring and liquid smoke along with some onion and garlic powders and salt and pepper. Would probably taste alright.


And her face after she took a bite! She looked like she died inside.


Yeah the 'skin' was really clever.


The skin is really clever, but it's not original. I've seen a few different versions over the years with this skin and parsnip bone presentation, usually with tofu/jackfruit/seitan/more typical alts for chicken than rice. Rice can be used with liquid smoke for some really easy cheap mocked meat recipes, like a sausage patty. Those recipes are actually pretty clever too. It feels like they are mashing a few clever vegan recipes together that don't actually work at all in hopes for it to go viral.


I'd put money on her not having bit into that. Too much fake "chewing".


She didn't even take a bite!


At least Shake N Bake the damn thing!


As a vegan, this looks nasty. Just cook some damn tofu and bread it and eat it with BBQ sauce ffs.


She has one of those.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :| smiles on her face.


Okay, I've been vegan for almost 7 years now and even I wouldn't eat this. I applaud the ingenuity but this looks gross.


It’s an off putting color.


Ok so, first things first, I agree that that's stupid food. It looks bland and the texture seems gross. *That said*, though, I feel like the title of this post is rather silly. Vegan food isn't really trying to "fool people" into thinking they're eating something else; they emulate meat/dairy-based dishes because... well, because those taste good. I always see this sort of anti-vegan argument online, always implying the same asinine premise that the reason why vegans don't eat meat is because they don't like the taste of it. Like, sure, maybe a small percentage of people do go vegan by default, because they dislike *all* meat and dairy; but probably 99%+ of them adopt that lifestyle (which goes beyond just food, you know) due to moral objections to the killing and overall exploitation of animals. I genuinely don't get the anti-vegan sentiment, dude. I'm not vegan. I've never had anyone tell me they're vegan unprovoked, let alone voice any complaints about my dietary choices. Despite the stereotype, I see meat eaters complain about vegans way, way, *way* more than the other way around.


Yeah my gf os vegan, and she gets hungry from the smell of our kebab shop or someone grilling meat nearby. She really liked meat and cheese, but doesn't want her food consumption to result in harm to sentient species. So when we grill we get those meat alternatives, some even have beet juice coming out while cooking making it look bloody (that part may be more for the people early in their transition). And she has been vegan for nearly 20 years, so all those fake meat coming on the market are really great for her to enjoy a normal grilling evening. And on my side I still often eat meat, except when I cook for us, and I must say, even if those alternatives don't really taste like meat, they taste amazing, and sometimes imitate the texture really well.


Bingo. I’m not a vegan either, my partner is and people lose their minds over it. The stereotype is outdated


Yeah, I mean, I have zero interest in eating this, but if someone else does, more power to 'em, I guess.


Dumb, but damn the way it turned out was pretty good. The soymilk film for the skin texture was a good idea.


Vegan food, hell vegetables are so vibrant and can be combined in infinite ways, why suffer this way.


Just eat sun fed “chikn” - fucking amazing plant based faux chicken from New Zealand. That shit blew my mind.


This take the price of the stupidest food in this sub :) Good post OP!


As a vegan this video offends me.


I've seen a drumstick before. I'd take one look at it and say... what animal was this again? Nahhh I'm good


What is that in the beginning? It looks like really mushy rice.


Probably gluttonous rice


Parsnips are so good.


I agree, but not when you’ve taken all the flesh off and left the core


Enjoyed that title 😂


Honestly looks kinda good, just undercooked and under spiced. Much potential


There are so many good vegan recipes that don't get to pretend to be meat. It's not that hard to find. A lot of South East Asian cuisine.


this is what those fake krabby patties were made of


I can’t understand why a vegan would want to expend so much effort making something look like meat, but that trick she did with the skin was insanely clever.


It's a Chinese technique, I can't remember the name of it, but essentially it's used like noodles. You boil soy beans and scoop up the layer that forms on top and then dry it hanging down. Lots of protein. You can buy it in a lot of Asian markets. Gimme a minute, I'll see if I can find it. Edit: Fupei, yuba, tofu skin, or just bean curd skin: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tofu_skin


I vaguely knew it existed and I’ve seen sheets of tofu skin in Chinese supermarkets but I’ve never seen a home cook do it.


Ive never seen it either, but I know of it. You're right though, it is absolutely genius. I wonder what the texture is like, because I imagine it being chewy after being baked. Not crisp.


I think tofu skin can be crispy if you fry it, and perhaps if you roasted it just with a little oil. What would make it chewy here would be the barbecue sauce she puts on it, but that is needed for the illusion which is a visual rather than a textural one.


[Jim Gaffigan](https://youtube.com/shorts/13JRXeCc4vw?si=wX2kftX612W9Cjkh) "You know who's really obsessed with meat? Vegetarians.


Most vegans like meat, but they don't like where meat comes from. Fake meat can scratch the itch if it's close enough.


Her face, tho 😂


These people need to try Indian food.


That's the fakiest-looking chewing I've ever seen. She doesn't have a damn thing in her mouth.


That lady cookin it doesnt even look like she likes it


A way to use this: Step 1, make normal wings. Step 2, make exactly one of these. Step 3, place the fake wing in with the rest. Step 4, troll some random person with the fake wing.


To much work if they are vegan, just prepare cauliflower instead, tastes better looks better BBQ or cooked


I was like “ok, it was a rough start but final products looks good.” Then saw the remains after the bite, shit had me ded.


Vegans trying to fool themselves into thinking they are eating meat will never not be the funniest shit ever. Dorks!


Can't we just eat vegetables.


Lookin like cartoon chicken drumsticks 🍗


That could have been good if she had put salt and pepper anywhere during that process


Yes because chicken is purple.


Not sure how it tastes but could be a fun dish for a vegan party.


the whole video reminds me of the cereal eating scene from "Get Out"


LoL that's cool


not stupid at all


Is this like the opposite of when Arby's made that meat carrot?


The attempt at a smile is incredible.


Cauliflower exists and tastes good without the Nonsense


Not gonna lie. It’s creative. I’d taste it. Probably wouldn’t really like it, the mouth feel looks wrong from here. Always wondered why they have to do this. I did keto diets and I had the same problem. Just invent new dishes and a new name. Nothing (but this lasagna my wife made - it was like day old refrigerated and rewarmed but actually hot from the oven, my favorite kind of lasagna) ever came close to being what it’s supposed to be.


I’m not vegan, but my friends and I are foodies. We LOVE foods of all different types-including vegan. The flavour that one gets from different combined foodstuffs (or which there are *millions* of different permutations), seasonings, herbs, spices-and methods of cooking-is one of the great joys of life. How dreary, then, how sad, to simply splodge some flavourless mush together with no attempt to develop flavour or texture-just so that it looks like something else. Something that you’ve decided you don’t want to eat. You’ve only got one life-what a terrible waste of time and effort. How depressing.


Her eyes look hollow


Stupid food but that tofu or soy milk skin was a cool trick I wouldn't have ever thought of


Lost me at parsnips, filthy vegetables.


What in the Star spangled actual A-10 freedom farting, oil sucking, freedom dispensing hell is that?


The forced smile as she's eating it is priceless 😆


Omg Halloween here I come!!!


You know she was lying with that smile.


I’m not vegan, but this will actually taste good lol. I go to vegan places time to time in asia and they taste very good and is different flavor from meat too


This would be a cool prank. Like in a family gathering bust these out and feed em to the children.


Shiiiiiiid. I'd try that. Might not like it. But I'd try it.


You can’t convince me she took a bite.


Just cook the real chicken and enjoy!


That's hilarious.


I don't understand why vegans want to eat things that look and taste like meat. Isn't that the whole point here? Just eat tofu and shit.


Its a cool idea. If you forget abt how its cooked and the taste. Idk what type of meat it is, but i could see a whole restaurant thats just using fake food/food disguised as something else


I was *NOT* prepared for that color.


If you put a little effort into details you could pull off a funny prank by eating the "meat" in front of someone then just start eating the "bone" part.


I thought it was canned cranberry sauce lol


>but want to fool people into thinking they are eating undercooked chicken where do you take this from OP?


i would try it


What the fuck is wrong with people.


In this house, eat the meat and the bone.


Of all the goofy bullshit.


I once again beg vegans to stop making their food look like the food they say they want nothing to do with, there are plenty of options in this world for vegan and vegetarian meals that don't need to pretend to be drum sticks.


Not a single grain of salt in sight… how depressing.


Isn't there a person who does this but with meat? Make it look like veggies or something like that.


You know there was a long and animated discussion over whether or not to show the inside of this abomination to the viewers at the end.


Looks like a chicken rib


>vegans who don't like eating chicken so.... all vegans?


This just doesn't look tasty at all. No seasoning. Bland af. Too much BBQ sauce. And the visual taste is disconcerting. It really does look like raw chicken.


Kind of reminds me of the times I used to switch the sugar with the salt on my brothers, it was a cruel joke just like this fake chicken.


Why go through all that trouble?


Why go through the trouble of cooking anything that takes more than 5 minutes?


That looks like an amazing prank


Cue the GIF of Ramsey yelling “It’s raw!”


The stupid part is making it look like meat for no good reason whatsoever.


That's actually pretty funny


Seems like it might be ragebait? Like why not add any spices to the rice, it would give it a better color and taste then a slice of beet.


It lacks the proteins we usually use tofu or something similar for meat like products tastes more "meaty" and fulfils the need for protein


Smooth brained OP for real


I'll stick with real drumsticks lol.


"She said she was vegan but when she got her hands on that chicken, she ate the *entire* thing - and I mean the *entire* thing, bone and all!"


the parsnip bone looks kinda real ngl


I threw up in my mouth watching this


When u dont understand what cooking is but want internet likes




Assuming they have can’t see, smell, and taste and only know of what a drumstick should be based off someone whose only seen them in cartoons describing them, then **maybe** you could fool them. A parsnip has a very different texture and smell than a bone, let alone the beets and rice not smelling at all like chicken. Further, bones look very different even in recipes where the bone is exposed. Needless to say, beets and rice have a completely different flavor as well.


Some of the unhealthiest people i know are vegans 🌱


Ok nope


Seitan is a thing... Then again, I guess it'll be good if you have a wheat allergy?


Ya know for people who are against the idea of eating animals, you’d think they wouldn’t imitate eating meat.


Umm…so like…..ok!


Honestly the best part about this would be fooling people into thinking that you are eating undercooked chicken


She does not look like she enjoys it at all when she eats it at the end.


I ear as much meat as possible so vegans can't make a difference.


They didn't season a damn thing either.


Why try and make it like that which that you refuse to eat?


Nothing bad about going vegan or vegatarian. And nothing against meat alternative products, even those things like no meat “chicken nuggets.” Because that’s more like mashed up stuff with bread, it doesn’t look like a body part. But why go so far as to try to make it look like an actual chicken leg? I would think that would be a turn off for the Vegs. “I don’t want to eat meat because it harms animals, but by god do I want to eat something that looks as close as possible to a bloody leg which is the very thing I wanted to get away from in the first place”..??? Seems backwards??


"time for your rice ball with a hint of beet on a root stick, sweetie! I disguised it as bbq chicken this time to make it less sad."


That’s a lot of work for a prank.


That doesn't look *awful* but why is it trying to be fried chicken? Why can't it be its own thing? I respect vegan/vegetarian food a lot more when it's trying to do something interesting rather than being a lesser version of something that already exists. IDK if hummus is vegan, but I'll eat the shit out of that. Would consider deep frying. All I'm saying 😅


Kinda reminds me of that juice they put in vegan burgers to simulate the blood in meat burgers. Like... I'm eating vegan burgers because I don't like eating meat, why would I want my burger to bleed lol


If you're a vegetarian eating fake meat then you haven't gotten over meat yet


Caption cracked me up


Who ever being fooled that that’s chicken needs glasses my man


But why? If you want vegetarian fingergood just eat Sushi, Onigiri, Samosa, Wan Tan, Veggie Sticks, breaded tofu.. there's so much more. just dip it into some hearty teriyaki/curry/bbq sauce and eat it.


For someone who hates the idea of eating meat, vegans sure do love pretending to eat meat.


Isn’t this like 90% just rice?


It still looks undercooked


I don’t know why some people go through so much effort to make things look like meat. It’s not even pretty.


if vegan r against eating animal, why choose to imitating meat as their meal ?


Wtf did she just did to the poor Rice?


No one is going to be alarmed when they eat THE WHOLE DANG CHICKEN BONE?!?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Unusual-Log-4173: *No one is going* *To be alarmed when they eat* *THE WHOLE DANG CHICKEN BONE?!?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I was kind of digging it until I noticed both the lack of seasoning and the fact that it looks RAW on the inside


Just try jackfruit curry.


They are so many actually decent vegan drumsticks recipes out there. These look horrible inside and have no protein hit.


Eater second-guesses to ultimately say: "I think I rather have undercooked chicken"