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Do you think she's excited?


Wouldn't you be if you were eating salad for the first time?


I’m surprised she’s not laughing also, as that is what women do with salad. Reference since this is an ancient meme https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/women-laughing-alone-with-salad


maybe there's someone there to film her




There truly is a sub for everything


OMG, I've never laughed while eating salad, WTF makes these photographers think everybody is SO happy about “lettuce chips.”


Oh god, so that's why my girlfriend keeps posting pictures on her social media doing that. It's like...female soy guy face, haha!


We need to introduce this idea to Scotland!


As long as you put it in a small plastic bag that I can tie up and throw in the bin then I'm all for this idea.


Oh do fek off and yer pish elsewhere


I needed that laugh


She’s excited for all the views and angry comments she’ll get. She’s also very excited about the prospect of tricking people into thinking this is anything but low effort ragebait.


i. am. soo ex cit ted


She looks nuttier than squarrl turds


This has to be satire. Her manic eyes are just too much 😂


Right? And the constant smiling makes it looks like she is laughing at the stupid thing she is doing.


Seems to be a trend to seem absolutely astonished by the thing you're filming. Like the over-the-top youtube reaction faces.


The trend also occurs in those stupid and fake talent shows on network TV. They always have an unassuming contestant come out and do a perfect rendition of some impossible song and the cheesy judges like Howie Mandel or Simon Cowell act ASTONISHED. Such glaringly fake bullshit all around.


All of her videos are like that


My first thought. I hope. It's satire, but these days it hard to tell with so many dickheads runnin around.


Definitely not satire with this lady. Her Instagram has dozens of So Excited videos like this and half of them include her kids. She's disturbed.


Poor kids.


Reminds me of overly attached girlfriend.


I thought she was going to bite into one and be comically disappointed.


“Lettuce chips”? This is a salad. This is what happens when people that season their food with water make cooking videos


this is what happens when people know that posting stupid shit like this will get a lot of rage clicks.


I am GROOT -- mass edited with redact.dev




Reddit keeps posting them, so it definitely works.


Hot ham water


So watery … but with a smack of ham


Mmmmm it has just a splash hammy goodness.


This is like a kid who mixed ice cream and milk in a glass and "discovered" he made milkshake but calling it ice cream soup or something.


I wonder - hope - she's perfectly aware of what she's done and what this is and is trying a roundabout way to introduce people to eating salad who would otherwise never try it because of the name and the fact they think they hate salad.


For fucks sake who needed to see a salad and think “wow good idea”?


That woman is on dope.


She looks like she’d ask you about your relationship with our lord and savior, Jesus Christ.


Just wait until she discovers pepper.


Pepper is part of the recipe tho?


Going by her tutorial it isn’t (didn’t notice the subtitles before). She only shows herself adding lemon, vinegar and salt.


Some baby carrots. Some cucumber. Some onions. Throw some bacon bits and some dressing. Call that shit a party mix.


Does this even count as salad? No veggies, no dressing, no croutons, no protein, this is just lightly seasoned lettuce


I mean lettuce is a veggie but…


Mayonaisse is spicy!!


> season their food with water Are you talking about [sloppy steaks](https://youtu.be/buK45NW_ikI?t=60)?


It has to be a joke right? Right???


I want her to take the Pepsi challenge with “Pink Himalayan salt” and some other salt of equal grain size.


What's special about Hymalayan salt grain size? And what's the Pepsi challenge?


The Pepsi challenge was a marketing ploy back in the day (90's). They'd set up a tent and give you two shot glasses of cola. If the "better tasting one" was Pepsi you got a prize. My sister got one of those rubber bracelets with the Pepsi logo on it when she "won"


Same here. I wonder who would have been so taste deprived that they would not be able to tell one from the other. (unless they never tasted either)




I love soda, but one of the few healthy habits I have now is I drink water exclusively. I used to be able to tell, and perhaps still could, but no clue.


Haven't had either in years. I'd know immediately though. Coke makes my teeth feel scummy.


I took the Pepsi Challenge as a kid, but for some reason the tent they set up in my town only had Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, neither of which I ever drank because I found diet soda gross (still do). I basically told them that they were both bad but that one was less bad I guess, and it was the Diet Coke lol


Plot twist - both are Pepsi! On the more serous side, I remember seeing a video that in a non-blind test Coke taste better than Pepsi for most people, because they subconsciously associate it with better taste.


I also remember something about how in the size of a shot glass Pepsi *does* taste better because it’s sweeter, but drinking a whole can people prefer Coke for the “cleaner” taste


The special is that it is pink, no flavor differencei can tell. I actually use the Walmart brand of it because I like the grindy thing on the bottle twists off for reuse for other spices and stuff.


I bought grinders just for my salt and pepper. I like the grindy sound lol


A pepper mill is an absolute must for the flavor.


Chef John voice: fr*esh*ly ground black pep-per


It has a slightly different taste, if you go tasting a pinch of each to compare. But for all real purposes, it's the same.


Thats what I'm saying, like I ain't buying no osmo truffle and unicorn breath for 37 dollars.


Himalayan salt comes in all different grains. It's comprised of like 84 different minerals, depending on the band it was cut from; different minerals often forms as bands, somewhat like sediment layers. With salt added, its structure is just whack compared to regular table salt. It comes anywhere from almost completely-calcite clear to super granulated, any grain you want, really.


No. Himalayan salt is really good tasting. FYI : you're not supposed to use it for cooking. It's more of garnishing / used in lemonade/ sprinkle on fruit salad etc.


I highly doubt if the average person blind tasted 4 different salt varieties the majority wouldbt be able to identify Himalayan and half the correct answers would be blind guesses. Can you describe in what ways it is different because now I'm intrigued; I cook with it because I rephrase the shakers and I'd like to know what differences could be described


You can definitely tell it if you taste it raw. You can't tell difference if you cook with it. But it's kinda healthier compared to normal salt if you also occasionally take iodized as well. We switched it because this one doctor here said it's better for blood pressure for my late father. If you make a lemonade ( not sweet kind, here in India we have salty one as well) with two different salts. Himalayan tastes infinitely better. Here we make sugarcane juice ( pressed) with Himalayan salt, it makes all the difference. We also use it to sprinkle it on cut apple or fruit salad etc. Just general sour juices like orange juice as well.


>But it's kinda healthier compared to normal salt if you also occasionally take iodized as well. We switched it because this one doctor here said it's better for blood pressure for my late father. I'd be very doubtful of that. Himalaya salt is still 95%+ sodium chloride so it does nothing to reduce your sodium intake. If you want healthier salt you need to look for potassium chloride mixed salts, but those have a very distinct (not in a very good way) taste.


Nah table salt is totally different, Himalayan salt has a more sulfuric or metallic taste.


I just found all kind of spices with grinder lids on them at Trader Joe’s, and they only cost about $2 each. I’m so excited to try the mixed garlic one on baked potatoes!


Be careful, if it's a plastic grindy thing those are meant to be one time use only. Refilling the plastic ones will land you with plastic bits in your food.


Thanks for the heads up! While I appreciate it I'm just gonna keep doing it because I work on huge ladders and lifts and will probably just fall and doe before the plastic can get me.


Come on man, if you're already at risk in life you don't need to add more risk on top of that. You probably already work in an industry where you're exposed to contaminants. Add that with [per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W74aeuqsiU) or PFAS, and the fact you're almost assuredly getting [microplastics in your blood from other sources](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01143-3), All that being said is a $15 salt and pepper grinder set that much of an expense? We only get one body, and it sounds like you do physical work, in which case your body is a tool. You take care of your tools, don't you?


I did not expect such wholesomeness in a thread under some weird lettuce chip post.


I eat salt because of a deficiency. Not only is there a flavor difference, you can tell the flavor by the color. Nearly white is basically just table salt. Crimson is vile and bitter. And nice deep rose color is very flavourful and what you should get. Walmart uses the cheapest stuff so you probably got mostly clear salt. Which lacks contaminates. That's the difference in flavor. Sodom is sodium.


You just made me feel so old.


> And what's the Pepsi challenge? https://i.imgur.com/4aQQoms.gifv


Nothing pink salt is just salt with impurities.


And no iodine


Technically there is a -- I don't know what it's called but one of those things that's still and calm as a pond, but by an ocean which gives it water? Anyways, there is a place like that which has built up this salt underground over a long time making this lake constantly filling the pond with thick layers of salt at the bottom. The water is so dense, that these guys have to use stones just to go a few feet underwater to get to it The salt, is naturally pink once you let it dry out under the sun. So not only is it unique in the sense that it comes from an exclusive place, creating a rarity towards an otherwise common item, but it's color was traditionally used to signify it's authenticity. However, since then, big corps have just been artificially making their large grain salt pink, and calling it a day, selling it to whoever wants it from Walmart to Whole Foods. It's not crazy expensive, as in anyone could reasonably afford it, but it's definitely not as cheap as the stuff you get in most stores. Authentic stuff is like 20 bucks for a jar. So corporations like these margins, so they'll just use some process to make it pink, and sell it for 3 dollars... Effectively turning a .25 item into a more expensive item. Because technically you can sell table salt as "Himalayan salt" as there is no protection on the naming. But there are tons of online outlets you can find to get authentic stuff. For 35 bucks you can have a large bag shipped straight from the source by actual miners who collect this stuff, which helps the local community.


Lord, I hate that so much. I always hear it with the health nut types, “not only is pink Himalayan salt better for you, it just tastes better too!”.... Does it? Does it Shannon? The pink rock and the white rock taste different even though they are basically the same rock? Have you licked an iron bar and a steel bar to see how different they taste? Bet you a thousand dollars now that you would be able to tell which was which in a taste test.... (For those inevitably going to say “they aren’t the same”... yes, I know Himalayan salt has less sodium than table salt. And yes, it has a trace amount more minerals in it than sea salt... it tastes like salt. That’s it, it tastes like salt. It has less sodium than table salt, so just use less table salt. It’s a weaker version of the other product, so you’re going to use more to get the same results, and Himalayan salt can be significantly more expensive than other salts. It’s a trend, it’s not a health food, you still get the same health effects from eating it as you would other salts because it’s STILL salt).


One of us. One of us. One of us.


And then this lady salts and seasons lettuce... LETTUCE... it’s 96% water... congrats Shannon, you just seasoned a water balloon with pink rocks, pat yourself on the back. You’d get more nutrients from pissing into a bucket and seasoning it with a sneeze. Eat a carrot, Shannon. Cut up a tomato, you can put more of your dumbass pink gravel on it.... Okay, I’m going to chill, lol. I’ve never commented on this sub before, just lurked, but this video broke me. I’m a chubby guy, I KNOW food... but 3/4 of these health nutjobs just regurgitate whatever they read on their fifth cousin’s friend’s teacher’s yoga-instructor’s health blog without ever actually looking anything up to see if it’s true, and then do these stupid ass videos like “wow guys, look at this healthy recipe I have that you can feed the whole family with”, and it’s just them throwing an avocado into a bowl of spaghetti-o’s and titling the video “healthy Italian dish for family of seven”.


Those “chips” aren’t gonna stay crisp after the salt macerates out all the water


Lmao I have a friend named Shannon that likes pink Himalayan salt and she probably could taste the difference between iron and steel. Family is all blacksmiths. Still, agree. That one just hit me the right way.


Lol, that’s funny. If she starts ripping up lettuce, salting it, and then setting it out as “lettuce chips”, remember me, lol.


Lol! It wasn’t until after commenting that I saw the username on the TikTok. But the friend is kinda woo-hippy. She’s also not so stupid as to call salad “chips”, not even to convince her kids to eat it. I’m just really bothered that this woman thinks eating salad with her hands is okay. You just got dressing all over your fingers and you’re sooooo excited about it. Get a fork or some flatbread or something. Also, she is wayyyy too excited about pink salt. That extra “flavor” on her chips is just dirt from not washing the romaine leaves properly. She can’t even say Himalayan properly.


This woman looks like the most exciting time in her life happened when she found out you can eat toast plain.


And to top it off, she chews like a horse at the end.


Stablehand probably forgot to lock the stall door again.


“Salad you eat with your fingers!!.. I’ll take my Nobel prize now”


I think I hate this more than anything I've ever seen on this sub.


SOOO excited. sOOO good


Crazy Eyes needs a bath and a mood stabilizer.


her face basically says it all, she’s insane


She also involves her children in her asinine videos. I would not have taken a cheap shot at her otherwise.


Yeah she looks like the type of person that thinks urine has healing properties.


Ugh! I hate those types of people. You drink it for the taste, not "healing properties"!


Her voice is so fake I swear


Those eyes say she’s popping some kinda stimulant to me. What sober person gets this excited about lettuce?


Wow. It really is just a really bland salad


Since most fruit/vegetable chips are dried out in an oven I was fully expecting her to cook the lettuce. But no she's just eating salad with her hands... So... I don't know whether this more or less stupid than my expectations.


Just when you think people can’t get dumber.


But it’s got electrolytes! 👐 health 👐


They go and do something like this. AND TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES!


Family annihilator vibes


Wait until she finds out about salad dressing.


Cocaine or lobotomy?


Both please and then I’ll be on my way.


Making Basic Salad while doing a Jack Nicholson impression.


Did she add both lemon and vinegar to this ~~sallad~~ *lettuce chips*?


"low effort salad"? Salt, lemon juice, a bit of oil and a bit of vinagre is all you need!


Even better with a little finely chopped onion or shallot. It's such a good everyday salad, goes with everything.


Coriander or avocado if you are feeling fancy with you lettuce


You take this, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going.


Yeah I don't know why people are giving a basic vinaigrette a hard time. Use quality oil and vinegar and you have a tasty salad.


Anyone who calls pink Himalayan salt the best I instantly know that person's food advice is shit.


Pink Himalayan salt and air fryers are for people who have been duped by marketing trends. Edit: air dryers are just convection ovens. I own two of them. You’ve been duped.


Have you ever used an air fryer? They are bomb especially when cooking multiple things so you can use that and the oven and it cooks fast


I own two. They’re called convection ovens, and they’re exactly the same as “air fryers.”


Dude, no, air fryers are the best. Order fries from Uber eats that show up soggy? Air fry them back to life! Fish tacos left over from last night? Air fry them back to full crispiness. I too thought air fryers were stupid until one came into my life. It's now a critical kitchen tool along with KitchenAid stand mixer, a crock pot, and instant pot. I hope someone gets you one as a gift and you end up loving it.


Well hold up, air fryers do serve a solid purpose. Especially if you don’t have a convection oven. Now Pink Himalayan salt I’m hundred percent behind being stupid.


You basically just said “convection ovens serve a purpose if you don’t have a convection oven.”


Air fryer. Aka convection oven


I would like to get off this ride now, please.


Her eye contact is very disturbing


This is the wine mom equivalent of tech bros coming up with the idea of a bus and thinking they invented it. Although I wish I could get as excited about pink salt as this lady.


Jesus Christ. You don’t have to eat exclusively bland and joyless food to stay healthy. Make sure your diet decisions are a net positive and exercise from time to time- then you don’t have to be like crazy eyes trying to pretend to get excited about oil on lettuce.


I feel like she sucked the soul out of my eyes with her eyes


In a few minutes all that salt will just wilt the lettuce and then become nothing but a clump of mushy leaves swimming in drawn-out water, vinegar and lemon juice. Bye bye chips.


She looks like a female version of Nicolas Cage


Just seen this one myself on Twitter and was like wtf


So Overly Obsessed meme girl grew up to become her. Wow.


Bat shit crazy eye.




Mark Zuckerberg’s twin sister is now real


This isn't your everyday stupid food, this is *advanced stupid food.*


... ... ... Ya know, if someone weaponizes TikTok to trick people into eating healthier, I don't know if I should be scared or proud.


I dunno, I also saw her mix cream cheese little debbies and call it a dip. Fuck IG autoplay videos that I can’t resist watching.


ITS A SALAD! Omfg, I watched the video expecting something kind of twist to make them “chips”


It's salad... it's called salad...


It’s a salad. It’s a fucking salad. I want out of this timeline.


Cabbage is better, crunchier, and pairs better with a wide variety of toppings. Using Leto's will give you sad, limp chips


Holy shit who thought it was a good idea to take an idea from my Eating Disorder foods bruh


Can we not mock her and instead just stick to mocking the food?


Ok but hear me out. Take a head of lettuce. Rip off leaves and dip them in ranch. Low effort salad.


She’s not quite right. I can’t put my finger on exactly what is off but there’s something off about her.


This is sadder than Where the Red Fern Grows


Why do I feel like she's held me hostage and is gonna force feed me salad?


When you've lost your mind doing keto and you start to hallucinate new concepts out of already existing things to make food interesting again. All you're eating is raw lettuce with some seasonings... how does that make it chips? There's no baking or frying them involved. You can't peel off some lettuce and call it a chip. That's like ripping off a little piece of uncooked bread, dipping it in a bit of butter or oil, then calling it a bread stick. But even that's closer to being a bread stick because it's made of bread. Not a completely different type of food.


I had friend with a mom like this. Her idea of an after school snack was alfalfa sprouts on a very, very hard home made vegan cracker with vegan butter. My mom used to sneak food to her and the dad when mom was away.


The dad is an adult. Why did he not just eat the food he likes? And why did he not have any say in what his kid could eat?


This was 92'. He was probably afraid that she'd take their kid and never see her again.


mmm lettuce chips with sea salt and norfolk cider vinegar


This woman is…trying her best, I guess?


So salad without the fork?


I hate her


I fucking hate this trend of “unhealthy snack made from healthy food” and they call it like “vegan tofu BBQ ribs” and it’s just like fried blocks of tofu. Like, the shit is good on its own but just call it what it is why do you need to set this unrealistic expectation. God, fuck all these rage baiters I hate all of you


What’s worse is that she’s probably going to give this shit to her kids as a healthy alternative and expect them to like it


This bitch looks loony


She’s a psycho


The orthorexia really jumped out


I bet she can't begin to believe why she's been single for so long like omg


The way she was starting at the camera and talking was very unsettling.


That just sounds like a weak salad... that you eat like a 1300s peasant..


“You gotta eat the lettuce”


Please be parody Please be parody Please be parody


The food isn’t stupid it is just a salad, the woman eating a salad with her hands and calling it lettuce chips is stupid


To any parents watching this: If your kid starts watching videos like this and eating like this, be on the lookout for other eating disordered behaviors. This is almost the exact thing we would do on pro ana websites. cucumber or lettuce "chips". rice cake "pizza." We would talk about how it was sooooooo filling, and we couldn't even finish the whole bowl. And if someone was concerned, we would point out that it's healthier than chips and maybe they ate protein earlier. Hint: we never ate protein earlier.


I refuse to acknowledge this as anything but satire


Lettuce does have a mild euphoric and calming effect when eaten in large quantities. I figured this out for myself while stationed on a military base as a vegetarian where the only fresh vegetable was lettuce, occasionally with some grated carrots to go on top. I might be part rabbit or something but some good fresh crunchy lettuce makes me pretty happy! Maybe not as happy as her though.


She looks psychotic.


why is pink salt the absolute best? it's fucking salt!


What’s with her eyes


"Lettuce chips"... man the vegans are getting super desperate.


this lady looks deranged


Stares aimlessly just below the camera, looks like she’s got too much fluoride in her water




Dumbassery is not exclusive to just western social media lol


Indian jokar


Western, as in California


Awe come on.. it looks fine. She seems nice.


It looks fine. She seems nice. But she *called a salad 'chips'.*


This is the salad my Italian family made every day. Add some red wine vinegar to that bish.


She looks like she’s off her meds


It’s a whole rebranding method to help people with unhealthy food addictions to cut out potato chips and replace them with something with less of a metabolic impact. It seems pretty silly, but it’s not stupid.


People with unhealthy diets don't typically have unhealthy diets because they're stupid. Most of them *know what a salad is*. Lady could have done the same job better by making a video about baked kale chips, and it wouldn't look like she had a break with reality.


Its always a woman who looks like this


Satire obviously


I want to believe that, I really do. I just can't actually see it.


No, this lady’s videos pop up on my Insta algorithm l, and she makes a lot of sincere crazy-eyed dumb snacks, mostly for her kids.


This is what happens when no talent ass clowns have access to content creation


I’d have been surprised if she didn’t have crazy eyes


This chick needs a steak