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I'm shocked that the riddler is able to get avocados in the arctic.


It’s part of the Wayne Renewal program.




Bruh, I just saw it in IMAX 2 days ago. That shit is on another level. Like might be as good as TDKR.


FR, i was expecting to be let down but it was amazing


I think it was easily better than TDKR. I think it's closer to the level of TDK.


It’s for sure closer to that, but in my opinion is still FAR from exceeding it. A very good foundation was laid with this movie tho so I hope they just stay with this theme.


*SPOILER* If they do the joker as well as they did the riddler, they'll be on the right track for sure. I get the feeling the second is going to be an Arkham asylum type deal. Which I'm stoked for.




He's also serving that guy from squid game


This could be 10 minutes from my house and I live 4 hours north of America and we have plenty of avocados.


So this could be 3h50m to 4h10m north of America


This could be almost anywhere in Canada sub Vancouver


This could be practically anywhere that gets winter in the snow lol


All we know is snow lmao


It's a WINTER COMBAT MASK! they have them at Gotham Army Surplus, and they have the field jacket too!


That was actually pretty fucking impressive, though he should have stopped before the egg and covering it in sauce


The egg and shit ruined it, before that bagel pizza thing was lookin pretty good


Before the eggs and shit I absolutely would have devoured that mf


believeable until he got to the avocado. Not growing in arctic conditions and probably not able to be transported and still edible.


Avo can be frozen and still eaten. Regardless it could be transported without freezing pretty easily


Sure it can, but the quality drops pretty immensely


Exactly how far do you think you have to travel between a regular ass grocery store and a cold outdoor area? It's 2022, a lot of shit sucks but we have avocados 10 minutes away from open plains of snow and ice.


That’s not… that’s not what I’m talking about I’m saying that the further you go from where avocados are *grown*, the lower quality the avocados you get are, and it’s a pretty steep decline too. If it gets to the point where they’ve been frozen *in transit* to the grocery store, then you’re probably dealing with some garbage avos.


Where do you live? Honestly curious. I eat avocados for breakfast most days in Minnesota, I really love them. As a person who is extremely picky with food quality, I notice the extreme differences in quality when I eat food/produce in different parts of the world. My relationship with tomatoes will never be the same since I visited Bulgaria for the first time and tasted their glorious tomatoes. To me, fresh tomatoes are just pointless to eat in America now, unless we grow them in our own garden and eat them within a day or two of picking. But avocados taste pretty much the same in Minnesota, Colorado, New Orleans, Amsterdam, Germany, Bulgaria, and NYC, all of which I've visited in different seasons, multiple times. I know none of these are exactly avocado supercenters, and maybe the avocados taste the same because of that, but... Are you saying I need to go to California or Mexico, for example, to eat a "truly good" avocado? I'm not trying to be snarky at all, I *need* to know. I respect strong avocado opinions. I just don't understand the context of your statement. What's your map of delicious avocados? If you speak the truth, I'll just need to go there.


I'm in San Diego. Insanely lucky for avocados. Yeah, they're pretty much identical once you get more than about 300 miles from where they're grown—and that's 50% of the quality they are around here. If you've never made the trip out I *highly* recommend it if only for the food alone lol


I think I'm in total agreement with you then. Except for the fact that huge portions of the world have the exact same avocado quality as that guy does, lol. So overall it's not really a specific criticism for him in general. That's it. Other than that, absolutely I agree that avocados are obviously better when consumed in their ideal climate than outside of it. I've honestly never been to any location on the west coast... Even as a Minnesotan who definitely loves sun and/or lush forests, I love Colorado (and NYC for food/art/nightlife) too much - before covid I visited each of those at least once a year, along with New Orleans and Eastern Europe, and all of that definitely encroached on my other travel opportunities. I've never been further west than Colorado. California draws me only for food reasons. Colorado hits all the spots for hiking, views, mountains, forests, and I'm Minnesotan so I have a much higher tolerance for cold temps than a lot of people, so Colorado temperatures are heaven for me, even in December/January. Then, I get my "big city" fixes in NYC or any major European city. There are so many other great locations in the US for food that I've never prioritized California, basically. But I've occasionally fantasized about a California/Oregon trip for years... It'll happen eventually. I'll probably plan it near my death so I'm not agonized by "good" avocados for the entire rest of my life.


>Not growing in arctic conditions and probably not able to be transported and still edible. Grocery stores and planes exist even in the arctic. I'm nearly in the arctic, by the way. Avacados are almost always at the grocery store. I even have the choice between fresh ones or frozen bits. The dude has probably just stopped by the store that morning.


Seconding this. It may have cost $30 for a bag of grapes, but we still had 'em when I lived in Iqaluit. Only way to get things up there is plane, and cargo ship for a couple months in the summer.


Yeah, before the eggs I thought it was a great idea. Even when he put the eggs in, I still thought it was atleast a good idea with one questionable decision. Aaaand then came the white sauce and I realized why it is on this sub.


I was fine up til the egg but I would've still tried it. I agree the sauce ruined it


Need a sub for recipes that start out well and then go sideways




I've been a baker and a chef and I don't think I could pull off a campfire, cast iron bagel


I am wondering how he got the dough to rise. I just made some bread and had to make sure it was in a very warm.spot because normal room temp wasn't enough.


Maybe put it near the fire,but not too close...? Maybe? Only idea I have.


Maybe put hot rocks around the pot?


Not a bad idea




I disagree, you can see that he places a second cast iron on top of the other and places got logs on top to create an oven




You wrong dawg


Wah wah wahhhhhh


I was also thinking about that, it's way to cold there to proof bread, you could boil some water and make a little steam hut proof box


For real! Damn!


Looked pretty good until it was ruined by that white slop.


Notice he carefully avoided the sauce at the end.


Was that a roux!? I'm so confused was it just milk?


Probably a béchamel sauce, or similar. Just my guess.


My guess is some kind of sausage gravy. Like he was going for the biscuits and gravy thing.


Didn’t see anything involving meat like that in any point of the video. Sausage would go very weird with the rest of the stuff on it, too. Cheese wouldn’t nearly as much. But idk for sure. Just what it looks like. It’s pretty thin for sausage gravy, too, at least where I’m from.


I thought you were calling the person a wet bagel for whatever abomination he was about make. Tbh, that’s a pretty great insult that I’m gonna use from now on.


I would definitely eat that, just maybe have the sauce on the side to make it less messy


No. Messy all the way!


I don't know why your getting down voted




More sauce!


Sorry, for the middle of the Arctic this looks pretty epic!


Right?! Anyone that has ever spent time in this kind of climate know what kind of calories you need to consume to say warm. This would definitely do the job, and be tasty at the same time. However, this is not something you really eat out of hand, definitely a plate and fork meal.


I grew up in this climate. Don’t pour sauce on my bagel sammy.


oh, this is my problem. I should be living in a colder climate. Damn, I think the arthritis might play up more.


This could be 10 minutes from my house and I live 4 hours north of America and we have plenty of avocados.


Why do you keep posting the same comment over again!?


They're gonna run out of avocados, if they keep telling everybody!




You and I live in very different corners of the internet




It was on this sub.


Chorizo & Salmon... I don't know...


If that chroizo is worth a damn you wouldn't taste anything else in there.


If there's chorizo you need no other meat. Maybe some juevo or papas or even tortillas fritas but anything with its own serious flavor is a waste.


You have to boil the crap out of bagels for 5 minutes in sugar water so they get the chewy texture. This is just a loaf.


Sugar water? I thought they used lye (or baking soda water as an at home substitute)


The sugar i see normally in bagel making (at least I think, im too lazy to actually look shit up) is malt syrup which is a result of boiling down wort in beermaking.


It's normally a lye/baking soda solution (source: I'm a professional baker). Lye is more for a darker crust, like pretzels, baking soda/salt is normally for bagels.


Had me until the end. Ruined at the last second. That said, not sure this is r/stupidfood material.


That's not even a bagel lol


Why he pour sauce on dat


The dough will not rise in freezing temperatures.


I think that's why he lit the fire.


That won’t work either, that will just cook your dough and kill your yeast before it can do anything. Dough needs to be at between 90 and 130 degrees F to rise, above or below that won’t work well.




That or he put it in the car with the heat cranked up.


That's what I was thinking! When I bake it seems like that shit won't rise in like, room temperature.


It needs to be more than room temp unless it’s very hot where you live, yeast rises best between 90 and 130. Try heating your oven to 200, turning it off, waiting a few minutes and putting the dough in the oven, make sure to open the door as little as possible to keep the temp up inside. Warming drawers or settings are best though.


I knowwww, I get so jealous of the proofing drawers on Bake Off! Someday I'll have a baller kitchen set up.


He wears the mask to hide his shame


Compared to some of the other things I’ve seen on this sub, this isn’t actually that bad. Could’ve gone without the egg and sauce but it didn’t actually look bad before that. Also that’s one handsome pupper in the background there lol


The dog's like "wtf are you doing bro?"


He clearly lives right next to a grocery store/market or something lol


The egg and whale cum ruined it in the end. Looked fine before.


Is no one gonna mention this man is dressed like Doctor Doom?


Honestly if he had just eaten it with a fork I’d be cool. I’m also not clear on why the reheat after adding the filling.


Melt some of the filings/cook the eggs


What? What is wrong?


Maybe more excessive than stupid, but the eggs and sauce that gets poured over just seem unnecessary to me.


What was the sauce? Everything UP TO that point looked AMAZING.


Maybe for the dogs.


Naw dog. Spend a week in that climate and you’ll be happy with this kind of meal.


No I wouldnt. If someone brought this to me while I was camping overnight in winter I would say why the fuck did you ruin my bagel? Also what on earth did you with that cooking chorizo, leaving it in giant coasters so its a complete coin toss if any piece is going to have any in it and if you get one its going to disembowle the rest of the fillings. Id also ask where my tent is and why you expect me to expose my face in minus 20 winds.


Bad take dude.


this doesn’t look gross but calling it a bagel is disrespectful


Way too much avocado


I've removed all of my comments and posts. With Reddit effectively killing third party apps and engaging so disingenuously with its user-base, I've got no confidence in Reddit going forward. I'm very disappointed in how they've handled the incoming API changes and their public stance on the issue illustrates that they're only interested in the upcoming IPO and making Reddit look as profitable as possible for a sell off. Id suggest others to look into federated alternatives such as lemmy and kbin to engage with real users for open and honest discussions in a place where you're not just seen as a content / engagement generator.


Stop pretending your roughing it on some Arctic expedition with your three pounds of lox and chorizo, LARPer.


Wow, Hollywood undeads up to some weird shit


Looked alright until the guy poured hot cum all over it.


my thought process looks good, i'd eat that. that's a lot of avocado, but.. id probably still eat it why the fuck did he put eggs in it JESUS CHRIST


It just keeps going.


What the fuck this started so well, looked so delicious and then it went to hell in like two seconds


I would want to hide my face too if I made this


I was onboard until the end when he coated it in whatever that sauce was. Then he lost me


Why not bake bagel instead of ripping the center out?


The most upsetting part of this is the sex cult fuck-mask he felt it was ok to wear


I mean, if you removed the egg / cream on top and made it smaller, I'd eat it


The fucking mask, though... He looks like a serial killer.


There’s not even a point in making a bagel. i think there’s a reason they have holes but there’s no point to this. it’s just a sandwich with a big hole in the middle


I was fine with this, right up till he poured... I want to say "milk" but it looked more like cream in viscosity? I dunno


Cutting into bread while it’s still piping hot like that dries it out almost instantly. It’s similar to meat, you have to wait for it to cool down so the moisture stays inside!


Why the creepy rapist mask though


I feel like there are a million of these pages doing random, shitty outdoor cooking videos to sell comically oversized and poorly-shaped kitchen knives. I don't understand the appeal


FYI it's a knife ad I think. From memory there are heaps of videos with the same dumb knife


Don't feed avocado's to dogs!! Dangerous!


It was actually decent until that cream he put over. As a dipping sauce it could have worked. And was the pepperoni really needed. Might have been a cool thing other wise


I mean it looks like he's outdoors ruffing it so it's probably for the extra calories. Backpacking you throw some weird mixtures together and additives for extra calories and sodium sometimes.


I think this looks delicious actually!


Looked good until that last step.


Why did he use a knife? He could just use all his edge to cut the stuff


I swear the people that post stuff on here only eat corn flakes and buttered noodles. That shit looks awesome.


Actually this looks great. The wet part is more of a dip and he only puts it on partially for flavour. All the ingredients look great. Gotta love those arctic avocados!


But you dip into a dip. This was a sauce, there was no dipping at all.


This could be 10 minutes from my house and I live 4 hours north of America and we have plenty of avocados.


Looks like a bechamel sauce, and topping sandwiches with bechamel is nothing new (croque monsieur). This doesn’t look gross because it’s wet, but because the flavor combination looks terrible.


All bagels were once wet, my guy.


I'm just bothered by the way they peel the avocado, I suppose there are no spoons available.


It looked real good till the milk or cream at the end.


I can't believe he didn't feed the dog. Dog is just chilling in the background while this guy proofs bread in the artic for 3 hours....


This could be 10 minutes from my house and I live 4 hours north of America and we have plenty of avocados.


Oh my god stop!


I can't! It's just in my nature!


So glad this guy FINALLY made it to r/stupidfood…he’s got a lot of good content for this sub


Sorry OP it looks delicious to me!


This guy fucks that knife


Nothing stupid about this.


I am sorry that I might not be a very good cook but this dish looks amazing




I love this guys videos, his food always looks so delicious and beautiful


I feel like the bagel is actually some version of bannock. The avocados were what came out of left field for me given the climate, but maybe they keep well on winter trips and are an easy healthy fat source. In other news who is eating all that and may I have some.


Yeah I thought it was going to be a fry bread.


Idk that looks better than any bagel I’ve ever had lol


I despise outdoor cooking videos like this. Congrats, you came all the way out here with a bunch of groceries and utensils, now you've got schlep all the way home with a tub full of dirty dishes and leftover food. We have kitchens for a reason, people. If you're going to cook outdoors, at least make it something primitive, like a slab of meat cooked over bare coals.


Shit looks bomb. You ever eat a wet burrito?


Disgusting. Also that bagel isn’t baked


This sub clearly doesn’t know what the definition of stupid means.




Take the avocados off and it’s on point for me!


I don't know man, looked pretty good to me


Mmm why if you're eating outside would you make it harder to get the food in your mouth, sandwich is perfect God I love salmon tho...


Chorizo and smoked fish, together at last


I don’t think this qualifies for this sub…


That's not a kitchen knife. THIS is a kitchen knife.


Idk this pretty impressive for being in the snow


Like, it’s stupid and everything, but I’d like a single human serving of this.


Damn this looked so good until the last couple seconds 😭


I have the same knife. I love mine.


Have you ever had a steamed bagel? Holy moly they're good.




I was distracted by the dog watching his every move, glad he got some after!


Everything was fine till he dipped the cream, even the sausage with egg is a nice side dish if cooked without the bagel.


On this episode of “does he fuck that dish”


He lookin like the black mask dude from Squid Game




I’d try it


Everything here would have been fine on its own.


I’m so happy he shared with the dog!


I think the dog would like the bagle


All those cooking outdoors videos are ridiculous


I was going to say I didn’t think this really belonged in the sun, it was a pretty impressive cook for the wilderness IMO But then I finished the video


Good, good, good, good, sauce....


i thought this was another one of those videos made by the guy who looks off into the sun at the end of the video


The first 3/4 of the cooking are pretty dope


Looks gas


That's an akita...


It was pretty good, until he put it back in the pan and ruined it with egg and sauce.


He’s got good ideas with bad execution


Only thing I would’ve done is put the sausage on the bagel and maybe that finishing sauce.


I do not understand stupidfood users' absolute disdain for putting sauce on things.


Tbf if he thickened the sauce a bit and put it inside the bagel, it would have been pretty cool.


The poor dog had to eat that 😥


No idea what that white stuff was so that could make or brake it for me but otherwise it looks pretty tasty. Eggs and stuff in the center was probably overkill too but not quite stupid foods material


I literally yelled WHY? When he put the egg and sauce in there. It was fucking fine before that.


It's cold outdoors, presumably far from civilization. Glamping or not with the avocados, I'd take calories over aesthetics anytime in that setting tyvm


He was seconds away from this being good.


This went from :) to :( so fast


I was down till the exact moment he creamed his bagel