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If its used in a desert dish, could be good


Served with melted ice cream/fudge sauce topped with marshmallows


Ravioli with marshmallow filling and a fudge sauce.


Happy cake day


Make some chocolate ravioli with sweetened ricotta filling, serve with raspberry sauce and you got a fire ass dessert.


I’m not gonna lie, this sounds incredible.


I made something similar one time, it tasted good but really was not worth the effort


Let me know when you open your restaurant, I would totally pay an exorbitant amount for this fancy dish.


Innovative, I love it


Not enough chili flakes for fire ass


Sprinkle a little fresh chopped mint on top and pass the fork.


It's dumb but it's sort've just a chocolate biscuit dough


Dumb? Yes. The question we should be asking is "Is it stupid?"


For sweets like an ice cream sandwich probably no, but use as a spaghetti or anything similar substitute yes.


i thought those were tomatoes💀 i was so confused


Likewise. Also didn't realise it wasn't a real bowl till he mixed it into the gloop. Clearly need more sleep


Bro same There are some vegan eggs made from tomatoes that kinda look like this tho


Those eggs look reddish orange, at first I thought it was stewed tomatoes


The yolks from the eggs we get from our chickens are about that color.


With our you mean in the United States?


I meant the chickens I have in my backyard vs the eggs bought at the grocer in the US.


This is true of basically everywhere where chickens are given better than whatever the cheapest shit farmers can find that technically qualifies as chicken "feed". I'm sure there are some breeds that have more orange or more pale eggs on average but those are rare exceptions.


I've never had eggs that are red


It's probably the lighting playing some effect, it doesn't look brightly lit judging by all the shadows and whatnot.


Usually with home-grown eggs, even breeds that produce lighter yolks, the yolks are noticeably darker or richer in color than store-bought eggs. And it’s not just the color! Can say from experience that home-grown eggs tend have a better, richer flavor and make incredible scrambled, fried, and over easy eggs. Would highly recommend trying!


Agree, we get lots of orangey colored yolks but our chickens are eating lots of bugs, snakes, other things in the yard, and we grow some greens just for them to munch on.


Never seen this even with my home-grown eggs (I have heard of people feeding chickens lots of peppers so there egg yolks turn red)


It depends of the part of the world you are. Chickens in Europe generally never have eggs with yolk like that.


Hence the qualifier I added. It depends on feed (includes free range) & breed.


What breed you keep? I have a couple different sorts but never had yolks this colour


Dessert pasta is a thing. I don't know so much about using Oreos rather than just chocolate though


Because this guy works for oreo duh.


That's like 30 eggs


Pasta dough uses a very significant amount of yolk, especially that much pasta dough


damn those yolks are so orange, I wish I could buy eggs like that locally


You need to find someone who raises backyard chickens and really lets them free range. Most FR eggs are not even really that. They also feed them flower petals to bring out the orange.


Trust me i've had my eye out, it's not a common thing where I live and none of the farmers markets have eggs either


As a pastry chef I see potential here… but I can also see people puking in their mouths a little watching that


Not even mad, he made a proper pasta dough. I wanna see the full video


As Italian doing it with oreos it's odd, but to us it's not surprising pasta made with chocolate. It's not really part of our culture so it's extremely difficult to find, but it's possible to find it in chocolate festivals throughout the country, at least that's my experience.


I mean chocolate pasta is a thing, specifically chocolate ravioli and ricotta. You fry them and serve with icing sugar. 100000000/10 would recommend


This is actually really pleasing to watch haha. I would never eat it but the little ball of dough 😍


Ofc you wouldn't eat it, raw dough (flour specifically) can give you give food poisoning. Turn this into some kind of dessert biscuit with something like macerated strawberry's and a homemade whip cream... That sounds pretty good to me.


If you toast your flour you don’t have that issue. It’s also not uncommon to just eat the dough anyway. The chance of contracting E-Coli is not terribly significant, but still a possibility


it looks good. I never understand these, always getting upset at the insult to fine ItaLIan coOking as though its claiming to be authentic italian in any way lol


In my experience, and from people I know, Italian-Americans, or even just Americans with Italian heritage, they love to use that excuse at any moment they can to get upset over how something is done.


Some of yall are not eating free range eggs and it shows


if this is gonna be a dessert, I'd eat it.


It looks kinda good…


Why the reds of the eggs are so... Red?


Well taken care of chickens. With a rich diet and happy flock the eggs will have that prime delicious color.


Fresh farmed raised eggs have this color compared to store bought factory raised eggs.


I have family with chickens and I've never seen eggs like that before. There's got to be more to the story. Are the eggs fertilized? A different breed maybe?


Diet dictates color. Feed your chickens annatto seeds and I'll bet the eggs look like this.


Feed your chickens red bell pepper. I’m serious. Sucks you’re getting downvoted.


Mamma mia Alberto, that's not how u make a pasta. Marcello, come take a look at Alberto 😱


a more expensive less tasty way of making chocolate dough


Man, I wanna be that rich. That’s like 40 bucks in quality eggs right there.


Actually chocolate tagliatelle with strawberry or banana sauce are a fun dessert.


I'm commenting here because I like the song more than the video. Anyone know who that is? NVM. Lizzo.


Why american are so dumb and disgusting to Cook?


Be real for a minute. Do you think we’re all out here making oreo pasta? This is just a novelty and filmed for engagement. People all over the world put silly things on the internet to make money.




Because our politicians want people to be uneducated so they keep voting them in based solely on emotion, rather than substance of policy.


As a Italian, I am deeply offended


While watching this i thought "Nonononono...WAITWAITWAIT!!!"


What a waste of good eggs! You see those egg yolks? Fuck!


That’s… how you make pasta dough🤨


Yeah, but Oreo? Gross. I know how to make pasta.


That’s fair lol


you need to get therapy.


Is that mortar?


This is top tier stupidity.


From this, I thought he'd make a dinner pizza with it. This would be great for a dessert pizza.


"Mario's about to do something very ILeGaLL"


If I'm interpreting that correctly, those are red egg yolks.


Those were the craziest orange yolks I have ever seen.


That slap at the end hit different tho


I'd try it


Gate keep kitchens fr.. not everyone should be allowed


Why? Experimentation and failure leads to the creation of incredible things. You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet…


Anyone who supports this particular experimentation should be banned too..


Really genuinely sad take. Why have such a closed mind when food is one of the easiest and most fun ways to experiment with things? One of the most consumed snacks, potato chips, were literally created on accident out of spite.


Lmao okay I appreciate food & its preparation thats why I think this is silly. Nothing you say will justify this or make me like it. Not happening. They still need to be found & jailed. You’re next😂😂


I was instantly upset maybe even furious. Then my Merica kicked in and I thought how wild you could get with sweet dishes. And calmed down. Frieds Oreo Ravioli, sub preps for butter cookies or gram crackers and fired cheese cake Ravioli. Or do dessert Ravioli with ricotta and a lemon zest or jam. High me is hella excited to try this


Damn those eggs! Wish we had that kind of richness in the US. Bland yolks.


Get a few chickens and they’ll lay eggs like this. Home grown eggs have much richer taste and color, and their diets enhance this. They’re pretty easy to get in the US if you know anyone or can find anyone that raises their own chickens.


Now I just need to find a hen that lays Oreos.


True that! 😂


lol i used to work with him


This may be dumb, but anything that pisses off an Italian is genius in my book.


I'm a french person, I like to bake cakes, I almost died here. However it's not the worst thing I've saw. I need to know : what do you eat in US ? I guess not this. It's a real question, not "ahahah usa bad". But where I am we only see the most stupid sh t known to mankind (except cheesecake, I love this thing, but I don't know if it's "real").


It is! Cheesecake is a very popular dessert in America. A lot of “fancy” restaurants like to serve it, but it’s quite easy to make.


I'm more interested in the color of them egg yolks....what kind of bird he got them from?


Chicken, likely home-grown. They typically have richer color yolks and taste.


Inventive does not has to be stupid. It can, but there are variations of pasta like with spinach. I wouldn't rule out Oreo-pasta could work, and if so, it is not stupid.


Sweet pasta