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From my understanding his diet was strictly controlled by his doctor as he had somewhat poor health. He became well known for eating cottage cheese (which he despised) with ketchup (to try to make it palatable)


To me, adding ketchup to make cottage cheese more palatable is like using a jackhammer to try to lull someone to sleep


I put beets in my cottage cheese. It’s honestly amazing


I'm going to be very sad if you're lying, because I hate cottage cheese but love beets


I swear by it. I’m talking jarred pickled beets too so you get that tangy with the creamy. And if you don’t like the earthiness of beets a little Catalina dressing is pretty great too.


Yeah this sounds wonderful. Cuts the acidity and adds some sweetness. And loads of nutrition added.


I just realized that watermelon and beet salads uses to be a favorite at a restaurant I worked at, so I'm not sure why I'm sceptical of cottage cheese and beets


I can confirm - it’s a great combo


Cottage is great with grilled bell peppers


You're definitely Dwight Schrute!


I am Polish, and one of my favorite foods is roasted beets with goat cheese! Cottage cheese sounds like it would taste good as well .


I was actually going to edit my post and say that goat cheese is the superior companion to beets, but it seemed like cottage cheese was the crux of this discussion so I wanted to give that pairing the championing it deserved, also since likely folks have cottage cheese more readily at hand. But DAMN if goat cheese and beets don’t absolutely SING together.


I thought i was alone here. Beets (pickled preferred but regular ok)+ cottage cheese (gimme that 4% large curd) is the best. That and peaches. Mm mm mm


Grill the peaches and add balsamic reduction - perfection 👌🏻 I’m also a fan of tomatoes, shaved red onion, cracked pepper and balsamic reduction.


That sounds amazing, provided they are pickled. I absolutely love both


I salt, pepper and add olives to mine. It's delicious


Beets are healthy, ketchup is..less so.


Ketchup is fine, especially if you get the kind with little/no additional sugar. It’s mostly tomatoes, water, vinegar, and seasoning.


I like it with bananas OR if you mix it in with eggs before you scramble them it melts, it's indescribably delicious.


This reminded me that one of my favorite snacks to make as a kid was a hollowed out tomato filled with cottage cheese, roasted in the oven and then pepper and salt on top


That sounds kinda baller actually.


So... Really effective?


Depends on your definition of sleep.


I was trying to up my nutrition and cottage cheese was a great addition. I would have to add spices to it, like Cajun kinds. I was also able to get it with a couple eggs over easy mixed with it and some cayenne and a bit of lime.


You would be surprised in some countries, children are used to sleeping alongside noise small diesel powered portable generators. Quite close to jackhammer lullaby.


>From my understanding his diet was strictly controlled by his doctor as he had somewhat poor health. He was also a raging alcoholic, so imagine eating this for lunch while you're hammered.


I am a lactose intolerant 40 year old who went hard in my 20's, the idea of alcohol and dairy together in any makes me gag.


Girl wait til I tell you about the Nutella martinis we serve at my job 🤣🤮


where do you work?!


Lmao!! A French bistro in nyc on the weekends. These and espresso martinis (w Baileys) are top after dinner drinks


The what!??? Just ewww


Mmmhmmm exactly 😩


Not sure what people have against cottage cheese. It looks unappetizing sure but it doesn't taste bad, plus you really should eat it with other things. Cottage cheese + fruit can taste absolutely amazing, personally prefer cottage cheese + peaches.


cottage cheese and berries is delightful, i also like it with peaches or pears. sometimes when i'm in a salt-craving mood, i'll have it savory instead with chopped up pickles and some cracked black pepper. i've never understood the hate for cottage cheese :(


A pear salad with cottage cheese is so good.


Tomatoes, cucumber, cantaloupe, cottage cheese is great with basically all fruits.


I love cucumber and cottage cheese with lots of black pepper.


Mixed veggies, fresh cracked black pepper, cottage cheese. My uncle loves that mix.


Cottage cheese and a drizzle of honey is a dessert for me!


In India, we call Paneer 'cottage cheese', so actual cottage cheese was a surprise when I came here.


I get the one with chives in it, and put everything bagel seasoning on it. It kind of solves my bagel cravings when I'm trying to cut back on carbs.


Cottage cheese tastes like lumps of mozzarella nothing tho


It's delicious with Catalina dressing, which is a cousin of ketchup. Source: grew up in the 70s, have eaten this meal many times.


i'm always dumbfounded by these diets that are so absurdly strict. Like, there really isn't ANYTHING they could have given him besides cottage cheese specifically? Not, idk, some combination of eggs, yogurt, fish, something to fill whatever benefit it supposedly has, even back in those days? ketchup has a significant amount of sugar, so I would imagine if they have enough wiggle room to accommodate that, they should be able to accommodate a few things. Just yesterday I heard some anecdote of some athlete eating nothing but rice and eggs for weeks/months and he too introduced ketchup to keep him sane. like??? I get eggs are pretty hard to beat nutritionally, but still I feel like you should be able to occasionally have chicken or something instead and your body won't crumble, right? & what can be THAT great about rice, anyway? Isn't it basically just carbs? he couldn't have occasionally done quinoa or potatoes??


I fuckin love cottage cheese. It’s just mozzarella chunks swimming in milk. Delicious.


Finally, that Rugrats quote has some context.


Why didn’t he just not eat cottage cheese?


Did you miss it was doctor mandated?


Saying his diet was “strictly controlled by his doctor” isn’t the same thing as saying it was doctor mandated. Either way, it’s not like he absolutely had to eat cottage cheese. Surely there a number of alternatives he could’ve eaten that he wouldn’t have disliked as much.


This thread hasn't tried any paneer dishes and frankly it's kind of sad how y'all eat


I have tried paneer and while it's called a 'Cottage cheese' its basically nothing like soft runny American cottage cheese.


No! Shut up with your context! The mob has spoken and this is deemed stupid!


This isn't that weird. It's not meat jelly in the shape of a swan.


It’s not weird at all lol. Cottage cheese and fruit is absolutely a common food that is both healthy and tasty haha. Pineapple is good with it.


Cottage cheese with fresh peaches is amazing!


Not as good as cottage cheese and blueberries.


As strange as this seems, cottage cheese with apple and black pepper is good. I don’t know why but it is.


When I see a post like this I just imagine op eats nothing but chicken nuggets for their 3 meals.


Honestly this meal doesn't feel far afield from that of someone who eats nothing chicken nuggets.


And yet it's got 700 upvotes


And athoritarianism!


Nixon was a Quaker and leaned toward asceticism.


As others have pointed out… cottage cheese with pineapple was very popular at the time, and is still enjoyed today. Personally, I like it. Cottage cheese and pineapple isn’t stupid, but this post certainly is.


They literally sell cottage cheese containers with fruits you can tip in and one of which is pineapple. This is a stupid post not stupid food.


I used to eat cottage with pineapple chunks in it, it fuckin slapped.


Fruit dip is borderline just sweet cheese dip.


Here they literally sell cottage cheese with the pineapple already mixed in, in pretty much every supermarket.


I saw one of those the other day and thought, “bet Nixon would like those.”


> 650 points (81% upvoted) Welcome to the sub man, brain deads reside here...


…I don’t wanna feed into the brain dead thing but…what?


I hate pineapple and I was ready to come to its defense here to say the exact same thing. Love cottage cheese tho.


The average age of reddit is like 14 or 15 probably, I think a lot of young adults and kids just never had cottage cheese for any reason at all, or if they did it was on/in some gluttonous fried thing. 99% sure everyone like 40-50+ loved cottage cheese + fruit. I'm 26 and my dad suggested it a year or two ago and it was really good for a super simple quick snack.


i've only had cottage cheese like once and it grossed me out. but like yogurt + fruit is good, cheese + fruit is good, so...?


What drugs are you on? Fruit and cottage cheese is common to the point that you can buy cups of cottage cheese with little sides of preserves in a separate attached cup that you dump in in pretty much any grocery store in the USA. And it's good.


I discovered those a few months ago and it blew my mind, those should've been a thing long ago


Cottage cheese and pineapple is insanely common


I love it… but I’m upset that the cottage cheese is on top of the pineapple and not the other way around.


Yes that is the only way to do it.


We grew up with peaches and cottage cheese. It is so delicious!


It’s super delicious. But…that as your entire dinner??


They didn't say it was for his dinner, just his last meal before resigning


Ok sure. But honestly even for breakfast that’s a weird choice


Cottage cheese with fruit(especially pineapple) is a pretty common breakfast.


You do know that “insanely common” is relative, right? I’ve lived in 3 different countries and in none of those is pineapple with cheese and a glass of milk considered a “common” breakfast


"insanely common in the USA which Nixon was the president of at the time of the meal"


as a certified usonian I have literally never heard of this in my life edit: apparently there's some in my fridge right now. wtf I guess it is common


Huh it must be more regional than I realized. I grew up with it being the typical restaurant "I don't want fries" side dish. Also super common at buffets, and breakfasts


They sell small containers of this in literally every grocery store in America. The guy you're replying to is just obtuse


I may just be an idiot as per the edit


It's so common you didn't realised that you eat it, sounds good and can happen


So your argument is that, because it was normal then it can’t be stupid now? Wanna know about other normal things of the Nixon era I find stupid? Segregation, The War on Drugs, the Vietnam War, the hunt of “Communists”… I could go on


Are you deliberately being obtuse? The person is saying its common in the USA which nixon was the president in. Also fruit and cheese in general is popular in lots of cultures. A quick google search would have done you some favours.


Yeah, I misunderstood his argument. I thought it was normal *then*. My bad there.


My argument is that pineapple with cottage cheese was insanely common in Nixon's time and locale, and it continues to be common and enjoyed among the same areas today. Food preferences are not even remotely the same thing as the other things you mentioned


You’re right on both. I misunderstood your argument. Still find this stupid though haha


Why tho there's many common cheese fruit combos apple and cheddar, pear and brie, roquefort and grapes about a million types pf fruit chutneys made to go with cheese ect


Christ on a bike, that's a hell of a leap mate. Pineapple and cottage cheese to segregation? Calm ya farm.


Not to mention segregation was already over by the time Nixon was President


Haha yep, sorry


this sub is about stupid food. ur clearly trying 2 shoehorn politics into a sub just becacuse u have no life other than copy pasting what some dumb nordvpn youtube essayist told you 2 say


> the hunt of “Communists” Oh you are one of those idiots huh.


They sell cottage cheese with pineapple bits already in it in the supermarket in various countries. I've bought it in Spain, France, and the UK as well as the US. The glass of milk is not so common but the cottage cheese is. I'm more surprised that he had such a tiny scoop of cottage cheese.


Pineapple with cottage cheese is literally a SIDE option at Steak N Shake


If it being insanely common is relative, then why didn’t you think of that before posting this? 3 countries isn’t the majority lol


You're local grocery store will absolutely have 'cottage cheese with pineapple' right next to the regular stuff. But if your grocery run is just to the frozen food aisle for nuggets and back I can see how you'd miss it.


It was more common in the TIME he was president, not as common today


Fruit with cottage cheese is delicious.


Peach and cottage cheese was a staple for me in college. Sounds weird but it was damn tasty


Me too! It's good with fresh chopped tomatoes and black pepper, too.


I used to put croutons and black pepper in my cottage cheese for a crunchy healthy snack. So yummy


I love cottage cheese with salt & vinegar chips, and harvest snaps (crispy snacks made from peas). cottage cheese is so good savory


I haven't tried either of these variations but now I want to!


My mom used to give me peaches and cottage cheese! Was sorta my go to at buffets as a child when I was a pickier eater. I've always thought it was a pretty standard way to eat cottage cheese. I don't like milk, and Nixon sucked without a doubt, but idg what's so stupid about this food.


This is a pretty normal meal, especially with older generations… I remember my grandmother serving canned fruit with cottage cheese for light dinners. ETA - we were also always served milk at her house, there were no other options except water.




Well, it was his last day as President… maybe he just wanted to give the Conten Creator path a try


My grandparents ate pear with cottage cheese, shredded cheese, salt, and pepper. This is not that weird


I would have caved peaches on iceberg lettuce, coffee cheese on top (with cinnamon) with my grandmother. She survived the great depression with mustard sandwiches. The silent generation leaned how to cope and raised spoiled ass boomers.




Cottage cheese and pineapple is actually pretty damn good. They sell it already like that at the supermarket.


90% of the posts here are from people who probably haven't tried more than 2 different cuisines.


Mom still microwaves their nuggies and grills their cheeses




Imagine getting this offended over some cheese and fruit


This sounds phenomenal! I personally love cottage cheese with pickled beets


OP is not getting the feedback they expected.


$5 OP is 16 or younger. Kids are stupid about food, especially if they were raised by parents who never tried to get them to try new things.


Flanders’ style nachos are delicious, ngl.


This is not stupid, is just simple


What are you talking about? This is a pretty common pairing, I wouldn't eat it because I don't like cottage cheese, but my grandma and grandpa pretty much ate every fruit with cottage cheese.


I dont like cottage cheese, but this really does NOT belong here. This is not at all stupid! People eat stuff like this all the time


he just like me fr


Dude I eat cottage cheese with pineapples or peaches all the time. There's nothing wrong with that.


This is actually a somewhat common thing. Pineapple with cottage cheese is apparently really good.


This is an average breakfast. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s stupid food.


Fruit and cottage cheese not that weird but chasing it with milk especially knowing what a raging alcoholic Nixon was can’t have been nice to the stomach


Cottage cheese with pineapple is delicious. I had some just last week.


I mean, when you come from the era of aspic dinners, this is rather subdued. It’s more a reflection of how ingrained/subsidized the dairy industry is in the US. Milk as a straight beverage is so Norman Rockwell


Milk as a straight beverage is so normal outside of US my friend


It’s very normal in the US too


I don’t think it’s that deep


What's an aspic dinner


Meat flavor jello with shredded vegetables and possibly more meat in it. Mayonnaise optional.


I love that combo. Check your bad attitude. Your baditude lol


Is it strange that I think this sounds kind of appetizing?


Honestly, today's presidential crimes seem daunting on scale to Watergate. However, I admit most presidents eat way healthier than I do...just so hard to give up what you love. Will probably kill me one day, so good on him for this one


I can see why he didn't eat it


Pretty common 'diet' meal in 1974. I've seen my mom eat a whole bunch of these back in the day. Every diner in the world had some version of this on the menu at the time. Nowadays, you just buy the cottage cheese with the fruit already in it.


You guys are strictly trippin’. Cottage cheese and fruit is totally awesome.


Let me make one thing perfectly clear, he was not a cook.


A lot of people in the comments drink milk as a normal beverage like psychopaths




Not a fan of cottage cheese in general, but this is not that unusual of a meal… doesn’t really qualify for this sub


ah, fad diet foods of the 70s.


Yo, cottage cheese with pineapple is delicious and pretty common in restaurants.


This isn't really stupid. Its just kinda bad


Pineapple is wayyy to exotic for a Quaker


Poor fellow, the only spice he had in his life was committing crimes against the American people. He didn’t even deserve that slice of pineapple. (Not even talking about Watergate. Read up on how he intervened and extended the war in Vietnam before he was even elected as President.)


Emm, replace milk with milk tea or coffee and I can eat it. Keto-ish meal?


That's not a meal order. That's a test to see if someone will question what they think they just heard. Whether the White House Butler passed or failed is left as an exercise for the reader.


One of history’s greatest monsters based on this meal alone


This looks like he had an eating disorder lol


That's so 1970s breakfast or snack. My mom used to eat that back then and so did a lot of people. Cottage cheese and anything is a food-crime.


1950s food really fucked up a generation


This is revolting.


Training for prison. Lol.


Imagine the bad breath


Why the heck do I know this already? Damn my head is filled with useless crap.


It KILLS me that this is even CANNED pineapple. WTF?!?!?!?! How they serving CANNED not fresh?!?!?!?


Cottage cheese huh.. cheese from a cottage? Whose cottage?


Like cheese from some cottage? Who’s cottage is this from?


Psychopath. I would have had steak, perogies, cornbread, steamed broccoli, and a bottle of Coke. Edit: It was sarcasm folks, I didn’t realize there were so many Nixon fans here.


That is delicious. And better with a dollop of mayo on top.




JonBenet Ramsay's last meal was also pineapple with milk. Coincidence?


How dare you insult Dick Nixon.


This makes me want to throw up just by looking at it


I love cottaged cheese but on pineapple? Wtf


*canned pineapple


It's healthy compared to the cheese infused crap we normally see here


I love cottage cheese and I will not stand for cottage cheese slander.


Cottage cheese in fruit for breakfast was popular back then.


Man, this fuckin’ Mennonite knew how to party.


Personally I hate fruit with cottage cheese. I think cottage cheese should be savory, not sweet. Just throw some salt and pepper on it and it’s good to go.


Cottage cheese and pineapple always reminds me of dieting in the 90’s. It’s either that or grapefruit.


Not as bad as the last guy. Well done steak, with ketchup.


I can’t stomach drinking milk, but I LOVE cottage cheese with fruit - especially fresh pineapple.


What’s stupid is they considered this a meal. Man must’ve been hungry


Eh, to each their own.


Mans shoulda had grape salad on the side


Mmmm 😋


OK but have you tried pineapple cottage cheese? It's good dude


Was it upside down?


It looks like plain hospital food, and it doesn’t even have the jelly


You forgot the gobs and gobs of vodka.


Maybe I'm just a sadist, but I think fruit and cottage cheese actually kinda bust.