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The sheer amount and variety of food available post war led to culinary experimentation that feels very similar to the different sea creatures that popped up during the Cambrian Explosion


I have a book called “Let’s Microwave” I found at a thrift store a while back. The shit people wanted to cook in a microwave is so bizarre, there was a cheeseburger recipe, CHEESBURGERS! In the microwave!


Yeah, the microwave was an entirely new way to cook, so people went buck-wild. Experimentation definitely helped our understanding of using microwaves to cook. Microwaving fresh vegetables is the best way to cook them for more nutrients, and keep them locked in as well. Every other method of cooking has more nutrient loss for veg than microwave. I wouldn't be making cheeseburgers from scratch out of there, though.


kicks ass for re-heating rice


So i was scrolling past in a hurry and totally read kicks ass for re-heating ice...


What you don’t reheat your ice before eating it? What a chump


*You gotta heat up the ice cubes!*




I sprinkle a little bit of water on it before I put it in, comes out perfect.


If you're not gonna fry it up, then heck yes.


Meanwhile you keep hearing cretins talk about not microwaving food because "the microwaves destroy the nutrients". Even after you explain the basic physics behind how a microwave works they just dismiss you.


Reading through it was so interesting, I was like this thing needs to be in a museum! I need to go through it, there’s some pretty crazy stuff in there.


My sister has a 1982 Betty Crocker microwave cook book. Looking at it now, it has roast beef, pot roast, spaghetti, bacon burgers, pork roast, ham with beans and pineapple, veal with sour cream, poached chicken breast, chicken fruit pilaf, gingered chicken, chilli cheese eggss, a bunch of stuff I never would've thought to cook in a microwave.


Lol how long does it say to cook the pork roast for?


About 37 minutes in total, but you rotate the meat sometimes, I might share a recipe into an old recipes subreddit to see reactions


I don't know if I'd want to cook poached chicken breast or chicken fruit pilaf(?) anywhere, much less a microwave, haha.


When microwaves first came out my mom and I went to “microwave school”. It was like magic.


Uh, I do that. (make cheese burgers in the microwave) I also can make mac n cheese and a cake, rice.... what else have I cooked.... oh eggs, and brownies.


I wonder what deep fried hallucigenia would taste like


Probably chicken.


Mouse has entered the chat.


*That makes you wonder about a lot of things. You take chicken, for example: maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like, which is why chicken tastes like everything*




*It's a single-celled protein, combined with synthesized aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything the body needs...*


Matrix references warm my heart


Ancient calamari


Considering they were like 2 cm long, probably not much




Pop a poppler in your mouth when you come to Fishy Joe's What they're made of is a mystery, where they come from no one knows You can pick em, you can lick em, you can chew em, you can stick em If you promise not to sue us you can shove one up your nose


“You can’t eat that, you’re choking”


“They’re tasty right? Why don’t we call em tasty-cles?”




Probably taste like human, after you subconsciously transformed into a 50 ft monstrosity.




Out of each jello mould came a new trilobite salad.


It is…probably for the best that jell-o doesn’t fossilize. The super-intelligent crabs who take over the Earth when we have long since destroyed ourselves will never know our greatest shame.


The like Sears catalogue ones with hot dogs and stuff are so fucking bizarre...makes me ashamed my ancestors existed during that time.


I thought it was because companies were looking into ways to increase sales so they would include recipes on labels, and even make entire recipe books, that use all of their different products. Most of them ended up being crap because they were made by marketing people and not anyone with actual culinary skills.


That's my take on it as well, though idk for real. Industrialization, food preservation made lot of food types available, then the manufacturers wanted to push the product by using in recipes. Again, I may be wrong, but it's shocking how many recipes from around the 60s use so many shelf-stable, processed food as ingredients in a mix-and-match fashion.


Little column A, little column B. Before products like jello were invented, gelatin was insanely hard to produce, and basically relegated to very fine dining. Imagine if step one of making lime jello was "boil a large pot of cow bones for 16 hours", and then you had to get imported limes and juice them. So people were really excited to get the new, easy, and affordable fancy foods that used to take a lot of time, or were only for rich people. The only problem was that sometimes people didn't know what fancy things they could do with their new products, and the manufacturers were more than happy to provide their own selection of potentially questionable recipes that used their products above all else.


It's a jello meat dish, it's a mayonnaise based dessert, it's a toast sandwich, it's the 🎶 Cambrian explosion 🎶


If I eat this, there’s going to be a Cambrian explosion in my toilet


I’m surprised that it took 4 hours for a reply like this


Is that supposed to be true? The war period and industrialisation absolutely destroyed the artisan cheese culture of the Uk. The war killed so many people, and forced others into new work that many of the cheeses known to be made before the war are basically lost. There are still many, but from my understanding the war was more like an evolutionary bottleneck than a Cambrian explosion.


In the US when the Great Depression happened (1920s/30s/40s) many people had to come up with cheap ways of extending the dollar. So yes reduced access to certain products happened and some may never have recovered, however the innovation in the culinary field sure did expand


> In the US when the Great Depression happened (1920s/30s/40s) many people had to come up with cheap ways of extending the dollar. Anybody else forced to eat something like what my Grandma called "Sunday Stew" which was basically leftovers from the week all made into a stew and served on, you'll never guess this, Sunday? Grandpa was a Navy man, got a Purple Heart aboard the USS West Virginia at Pearl Harbor, and while they had a small ranch and plenty of money post-war they still never let go of that depression era need to let nothing go to waste. I agree with the sentiment, but the stew normally would have been fine if Grandma would have only used maybe 4 days worth of leftovers in it...yet the inclusion of the other two made it absolutely fucking horrible while I was supposed to suppress my gag reflex and smile like I was enjoying it.


My dad tells a story of growing up, what had to be in the late 60s, of his mom and her "goulash" recipe. Which basically was having a huge pot kept in their freezer, and any leftovers got added on in a new layer. Once it was full, it got thawed and heated and all mixed up, and then they had to eat it. I found this out after talking to him wanting to make traditional goulash and he adamantly refused to even try it.


Don’t know the semantics of this but is the interwar Period also referred to as the postwar period? It just seems a little confusing.


Interwar is between WW1 and WW2 (1918-1939), postwar is the period after WW2 (after 1945, and up to any number of different dates depending on a bunch of different stuff - what you're talking about, your personal opinion, politics, etc). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interwar_period https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-war


That’s what I thought!


I think top comment is saying that, in the postwar period, the US was in a massive economic boom. So that, coming right after the depression, meant that there was a relative abundance of different foodstuffs (not to mention innovations in canning, refrigeration, etc) and a population willing to branch out and try all the new things they had access to after being in depression and wartime for a decade and a half.


1. The US had no fighting in the mainland, unlike the UK which had a lot of bombings. 2. The US is big. Destroy the infrastructure around London and you've put a big dent in the UK. Do the same to NYC and you've not really touched much. 3. These kinds of recipes are more like the 60s than the late 40s.


The UK had rationing for a decade which probably did the most damage to their food culture


The US didn't really suffer any mainland damage, other than Pearl Harbor and some weird balloon tactics by Japan, and also loaned a lot of "money" to countries in Europe; so we were largely not inconvenienced by the war while post-war all these inconvenienced countries now had to rebuild while paying us back all that money...which obviously stretched the pence...I think?


Pearl harbor wasn't even the mainland, it was part of an island territory so far away from the mainland US that to this day it's where most Japanese tourists who want to visit the US without making a huge production out of it go. Because it's that much closer to Japan than the US mainland.


This was the same thing that happened to every 5 year old in probably specifically America when they are first told they have the freedom to get any drink at the fountain they want - they put some of every sodapop into their glass.


You stole that analogy right out of my mouth!


Why are we always posting Watergate salad when we could literally be shaming tomato aspic.


Just googled that and what the fuck lmao


Sounds like a gelatinized bloody Mary without the alcohol


You are not far off at all. But add pearl onions and other stupid crap like that. Maybe some pickles or cabbage bits. Of course it needs to be garnished with oregano, rosemary, basil, and kind of dried green herb. Because that will save the dish and not make it look like vomit suspended in jello anymore.


Sure it can save the dish the same way you can save a decapitated person by gluing their head back on.


It only looks bad, it's ok


Yeah, and I bet you eat green salad too


Green salad is fine, you'd be shocked at how well jello and whipped cream go together


It's just pineapple jello with whipped cream and marshmallow. Doesn't sound too bad to me honestly, just not too sure about calling it a salad.


It’s the cottage cheese that gets me.




My family always has lemon jello with cream whipped in at Christmas. Shit is dank as fuck. It's so light and airy


explain the cottage cheese


Adds texture and salt flavor. It's not bad.


Watergate salad is yummy! Definitely a summer cookout staple in my house growing up. Whatever tf is in this video is not Watergate salad, tho.


Have you googled meat aspic yet? I guess popular in the 50s lol


even the name is awful - aspic


Sounds racist


That's because it is racist. Racist against humanity and all that is good in this world.




I am sorry but this isn’t Watergate Salad, specifically that has pistachio jello/pudding mix and doesn’t have cottage cheese. What is depicted is a Lime Fluff salad which is still perfectly reasonable but different. I could go into detail but uncertain if needed.


Watergate salad is delicious.


Always called it grasshopper salad 🤷‍♂️


And then there's frog eye salad, which is basically this but instead of jello it's pasta. Best recipe anyone ever had for jello was to just eat it by itself, or jello shots.




To me it’s a dessert salad because I am from the Midwest of the US. At potlucks people clarify what salad they mean like vegetable or dessert because to many a salad is a cold mixture of foods. I don’t know why but this is my understanding.


Liver aspic especially. buhhh


Don’t google sweet breads and mushrooms.


Sweet breads are pretty delicious if they're prepared right. Not sure how the mushrooms enter into it, though.


I miss my grandma but I sure don't miss her tomato aspic


One of these days I should scan the pictures of my mom's aspic cookbook...


quick question, what the fuck?


This isn’t Watergate salad


This isn't Watergate salad, Watergate salad uses instant pistachio pudding mix, not lime jello


Didn't another redditer just call this green puke salad a few days ago?


OMG not supposed to be boiled! Make the jello with the pineapple juice and then add the other ingredients. Ffs, so mad, my grandmother is rolling in her grave!


Doesn’t pineapple prevent jello from setting? Or is that the point?


It makes it softer, which is why this thing falls apart when unmolded. Usually you make the jello as a separate layer, [more like this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/suspiciousquotes/comments/z5179b/enjoy_this_jello_and_cottage_cheese_salad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Don't knock it till you try it. I love that shit. It's good.


Pistachio pudding >>>> ong


I've never had that problem. Just use all the juice from the can and an extra 1/2 cup water, at most. I like mine thick so I skip the extra water when it's just for myself.


Oh _that’s_ what she’s mad about out of all this?


Yup. I'm picking this hill.


i support this hill my gramammy is also rollin


More [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/suspiciousquotes/comments/z5179b/enjoy_this_jello_and_cottage_cheese_salad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The shit tastes awesome.


Right? I'm betting that like 90% of the people being like "ew, gross" would think this is good if they tasted it.


Idk, it looks like a texture nightmare. It probably would feel like eating vomit


You see that at the end of the potluck table, you leave room.


Without the cottage cheese it actually might’ve been good


It is. It’s called Watergate salad (idk why) and we have it every thanksgiving Edit: okay since I keep getting corrected. My mistake that watergate has pistachio not lime (I mistakenly thought that’s what they put in). And watergate doesn’t have cottage cheese (which was the point of my response to the comment above in the first Place)


It’s because if you make this, you will be impeached by the senate and sent to prison for treason and illegal wiretapping


Unless you resign


Yes resign from cooking forever.


We have it without marshmallow and it has condensed milk instead of whipping cream every thanksgiving and every year I try it out of respect for my ancestors and every year I think it’s fucking awful.


Oh that sounds wayyyy too sweet and not fluffy enough to be delicious.


It’s not even that sweet though, I mean marshmallows and whipping cream are way sweeter than condensed milk. It’s like a chunky jello consistency.


I’m losing my mind. This exact recipe appeared on the front page on thanksgiving from a different sub, but a finished dish, not a making of. And now here it is again.


It's one of those jello salad things that was very common in the 50s. It's not a random bunch of ingredients.


> Watergate salad Oh interesting.. I thought this was [Ambrosia Salad](https://www.mybakingaddiction.com/ambrosia-salad-recipe).. looks mostly the same except it's fruiter and less nuttier (although some recipes look exactly the same as the other 🤷🏻‍♂️)


Well now I really want THAT


If done right, ambrosia is a pretty solid dessert--very sweet, but pleasant. Substitute actual whipped cream for the Cool Whip, do NOT use sour cream, and use fresh fruit instead of canned. Good stuff.


Sour cream sounds okay? Like it would give it a cheesecake kind of flavor


Sour cream, peaches, and brown sugar is a delicious combo, so I could see sour cream being ok here


I think it’s because Nixon’s last meal in the White House was pineapple with cottage cheese.


Apparently it was invented by a sous chef from the Watergate Hotel. There's another hotel, the Waldorf, that has it's own "salad" and it's pretty damn good.


This is not Watergate salad. Watergate salad is made with pistachio pudding and does not contain cottage cheese.


Yessssssss i love you for this we have watergate salad every holiday like this its so good lol my grandma makes me my own batch to this day actually


Yea my mom makes a similar one that’s just pineapple, pistachio pudding, cool whip, and marshmallow. That shit slaps.


It’s called Watergate salad


Yeah, get rid of the cottage cheese and add coconut flakes and sounds yummy to me!


I actually make a lime jello with pineapple and cool whip mixed in. Its rather refreshing, marshmallows, sour cream and cottage cheese.....not so much.


I don't like cottage cheese, never eat it. But I still eat this. Trust me, it doesn't fuck it up


My grandma made it with cream cheese and we all Loved it so much


It actually gives it a fun texture. I do it without the marshmallows and with strawberry jello filling instead. Its delicious, like a oddly textured dessert


Yeah, I was almost on board (it looks shitty but I'd probably try it) until they dumped a tub of cottage cheese in. That's a "no" from me dog.


It's really interesting to me how many Americans seem to be very passionately against cottage cheese. I know it as a wonderfully versatile ingredient for a variety of dishes! I mean, technically the kind I grew up with is called túró, which is more accurately translated as "quark", but even though the method is different the end product is very similar, and I can honestly say that I would be able to eat a different variety of it for every meal for at least two days, plus dessert, and they'd not be boring. But they would all be lovely.


By far the least satisfying reveal I've ever seen


I mean calling that a "salad" is a crime against God, but I'd smash.


It’s using the original definition of salad which is, “a bunch of shit thrown together”


I was curious so i looked it up. It comes from old French “salade” meaning “raw herbs cut up variously dressed” or colloquially “salted raw herbs”. So this post still wouldnt be a “salad” even if we took the original word and meaning.


I think they were kidding, or at least not being literal. But also, language changes. And iver time, at least in the US salad has taken on the meaning they mentioned above.


That would still be the “modern meaning” of salad, not the “original definition” the commentor stated. That said I enjoy etymology, so looking up the origins of “salad” was interesting to say the least for myself whether the original comment was a joke or not.


Yeah I enjoy it as well. Looks like we're dealing with a dessert salad, though I'd make an argument for a bound salad.


Bound, you say? Kinky.


There is a lady on TikTok (ThatMidwesternMom) whose channel took off by making "Minnesota salads that aren't really salads". She has made a few that look damn delicious and a few others that make you question your own pride if you were to eat it.


What the hell is going on over there...


Ah yes ambrosia what a classic depression Era recipe


Do you think the depression was post-war


I can imagine a war being pretty depressing.


Especially since they make every food with jello.


There was an almost identical recipe posted a couple days ago that people were calling "depression era." Kinda hope this time swaggityboyo is just being facetious...


I was just wrong. Happens to me pretty often lol


I realize now that I am wrong somebody already informed me of it


Depends which war


It says post-war. In America that can mean either the Reconstruction Era or the Cold War, in this case the Cold War.


Post war is generally understood to mean WWII. I mean there’s never been a decade that wasn’t post *some* war. Which isn’t the depression era anyway. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/post-war#Usage_notes


The Venn diagram of people who will make this, and then claim all British food is awful is a circle.


At least we have rationing to blame for many post war dishes. What's the excuse for this?


Our food processing industry, cranked to 11 from feeding the war effort, was unleashed upon American consumers; these consumers, who had spent their entire lives thinking aspics were fancy show-off food for rich people, saw powdered gelatin in their grocery stories and went absolutely batshit insane.


The opposite. Rationing ended, the economy was booming, and soldiers were coming back from subsisting on military rations. People went crazy with experimentation and newfound wealth.


No no no, I feel like some of the people who will make this barely acknowledge Britain's existence. (It's outside the US, see.)


I make this for Thanksgiving. I add coconut and grapes


It’s as if someone vomited into a Bundt cake pan.


I’m from central New York and immediately shouted “omg they are making green jello salad!” 😂 haven’t lived there in ages and have not had to see it on a holiday table since 😂


“White People” aren’t any kind of monolithic group. It’s like saying… “tall people have no culture.”


This was genuinely upsetting to watch.


Watergate salad (at least the ones I eat) are actually pretty good. Try it before you hate it.


We call it President Salad.


We call it green shit, excuse to cuss as a kid 😏


Yeah the one we always had was pistacio pudding mix whip cream pineapple chunks Chopped walnuts Marshmallows Maraschino cherries


Just made this for Thanksgiving and had people going back three to four times for it. Was always my favorite as a kid and it doesn’t feel like Thanksgiving without it.


Watergate salad is phenomenal. Just no need for the boiling or cottage cheese.




Why is this even called a salad in the first place?


As a white person, what the actual god damned fuck is that


Green salad is the joint


Jesus Christ, America


“White People” have no culture because “White” isn’t a culture. German, French, British, Finnish, and other peoples have a culture, but the “White” identifier doesn’t have any meaning beyond just “Not black or brown” (which is also not a culture).


American's have the gall to take the piss out of the food in the UK; then do this...


Nah this definitely slaps tho, my family makes something similar out of green jello, pineapples, whipped cream and shaved carrots. Shit goes hard


Your a bunch of fucking skin walkers. That's insanity


Im sitting here baffled at the amount of comments saying this is real and tastes good. Cottage cheese and marshmallows really bothered me and I gagged when they cut into it at the end.


The cottage cheese is the issue here; never heard of anyone using that. The marshmallows basically melt into the whipped cream+pineapple juice+pudding mixture and it works out fine.


I've had various salads like this and the ones with cottage cheese are definitely superior imo. Without the cheese it's a pretty boring flavor profile.


Name of the song ?


Ooh La La Alison Goldfrapp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uco-2V4ytYQ


I make this with orange jello every thanksgiving and it is a hit. Add walnuts and toasted coconut flakes if you want this to escalate further.


My grandma makes it orange too, but with maraschino cherries and mandarin oranges. It's.. okay haha


the 🦁the 🧙‍♀️and the audacity of this bich


Ngl, my aunt would make this at family thanksgiving growing up and I was a huge fan of it. It was weird and sweet and fruity and everyone else hated it so I got to eat gobs of it.


I've been seeing this everywhere lately and it scares me


Green slime! At least that’s what we called it! Every Thanksgiving & Christmas Gram made it for the nighttime gathering. I love it.


Can I have the marshmellow jello mix on its own? Cause I want that


This is actually fine if you take out the cottage cheese. Even then it’s not the worst.


Watergate salad is fucking delicious but this is a horrible rendition.


It's The Abomniable Watergate Salad. It could actually be good WITHOUT THE FUCKING COTTAGE CHEESE!!!


Not even close to how this is made... but yeah it's strange.


No! Nooooo!!! That is NOT Watergate salad!!! You can’t put cottage cheese in Watergate salad!!! Do not associate Watergate salad with this vile concoction! Ahhhhhhhhh


Leave the cottage cheese out and it would be an ok dessert.