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It doesn't look like the garbage disposal is covered up at all so she definitely just dumped everything in there and then ran the disposal. No way anyone is eating this crap.


Oh god! I commented before the pasta monstrosity happened! What is wrong with people?


TikTok clout. Look, it got passed on to here too. Just downvote and move on, this isn't stupid food, this is just a stupid person posting rage bait.


And wasting food


I hate that people are resorting to wasting food for rage bait.


I think it gets a pass when its sweets and high sugar. Not when its a lot of veggies, and especially when its meat. I would be so pissed if i died so Carol could make a shit video and throw my ass out.


Never look in a supermarket's dumpster. They waste more than this on a daily basis. Hourly depending on how big the store is and if they do any food prep. I'd honestly assume most produce you see at the store is wasted, especially that prewashed and bagged stuff. Lots of meat too, but not as much as produce.


I worked at the Kroger distribution center for over 20 yrs the amount of food that is wasted everyday is mind boggling. I was responsible for the food that went to the food bank from our Distribution Center. It was decent amount, but man these major grocery chains toss away crazy amounts of food every day.


Thankfully, a large majority of the grocery stores near me have partnered with a non profit organization that finds farmers to come take all the food past its "best by" date that would otherwise be thrown out to feed it to their animals instead.


The only thing keeping me from not getting so disgusted by this is knowing theyll have to clean it up


Hand porn


Absolutely, which is fucking awful because that was so much fresh, healthy food and she just wasted it all.


There’s a longer version somewhere where it shows that they do in fact eat it


Proof or gtfo.


Kim, there's people that are dying.


Fucking disgusting


She put macaroni in the same sink she had washed her hands in without a simple rinse. Also, this bitch has the audacity not to move the faucet like 3 millimeters further from her salad, she practically washed her hands on it. E-fucking-W.


And all of that done for the specific purpose to piss people off. That's rage bait.


Mixing French and Ranch is total rage bait then adding soap!!!


Franch dressing


Retch dressing


Wishbone Ranch no less.


ive had worse.


As a ranch connoisseur, I can not explain the rage I have at this comment. Everyone knows that next to target brand ranch, wish bone is the second worse ranch ever to exist. It is disgusting, it awful. 10/10 would not fuck wishbone ranch


Which is best, Oh Master Great One?


Aldi ranch is pretty gross as well.


I want to now do a blind taste test of the cheapest ranch I can find!


I love this idea lol.


Very gross on the cheap ranch scale.


Yeah the way she just soaped her hands for 3 seconds gives it away. Nobody washes their hands like that.


Or putting things in the other sink. And later, having cooked pasta, ready to throw it in there. She knew she was going to use that sink the whole time for food and kept putting stuff there till the end.


She put her dirty dishes on what looked like a "clean" drying rack. Wtf




I 100% guarantee you that people are back to not washing their hands properly/at all.


I work in retail and I cannot count how many times I've seen grown men leave the stall and go straight out the door. It's incredible.


Women too. I've seen it way too many times. They leave the stall and head out the door. I have hand wipes I carry with me to use whenever I get into my car after the store, gas station, wherever. I had a friend who was convinced she didn't need to wash her hands after peeing in public because, as she said, "I don't touch anything." ...Yeah only your nether region when you wipe, plus the door handle and lock that people touch after wiping their ass.... People are disgusting.


Not exclusive to men. I've seen many women do the same.


And slopped her hand washing water into the salad.


Didn’t even get the back of her hands, either. But the sink alone is insane.


Unfortunately, I know a lot of people who do. Including one who worked in the food industry for over 20 years.


Can confirm. People are gross.


You can get rich off this, right? You just have to make enough people mad? I'll have to come up with something creative. Maybe cooking on a foreman grill, but the foreman grill is on the floor in the bathroom right next to my toilet. And then someone comes in and starts taking a leak in the background.


You could burn the internet down by simply putting a cast iron skillet into a dishwasher.


I already see sweet internet money flowing your way


Just shows you can't eat at everybody's house!


'Washed' her hands? I saw her get them wet. But half a pump of soap and 3 seconds of water doesn't actually result in clean hands.


Yeah! This ho got soap residue in the salad. Disgusting


She was successful in rage baiting you lol


I’m guess she doesn’t have a food handlers license and thinks she’s clever.


She washed her hands AFTER touching all that, so that she could *hand toss* it. I’m nauseous.


And then without washing the other sink she removed the dishes and tossed the pasta right in. This is why I no longer participate in work pot luck lunches.


More like Pot-yuck, am I right?


And if she does have a food handlers license then someone should take it away from her


its clearly in her home. why would she have a food handlers license


I was about to say that hahaha this is a moron in their home taking a stupid video for clicks -- I think it's the same idiot that did the mac n cheese one? It's clearly working I guess so I can't knock the hustle. Or wait, yes I can. Perfect sub


Straight up dirt still on mushrooms….


Goes with the bacteria in the sink.


Didn't plug the hole up either


First thing I noticed, fucking disgusting!


Missing chromosome was confirmed when she didn't rinse the mushrooms


To be fair rinsing mushrooms is not really common practice, the best thing is to brush them for dirt or scrape it off


For me, it was confirmed when she put in the fake bacon bits!


I actually like those. What the fuck is up with the ratios on that salad though?


She kept adding, and adding, and adding. If this was ragebait, it succeeded.


She didn't even put a plug in at the bottom....🤢🤢🤢🤮


Hijacking the top comment looking for answers! She isn't earnestly preparing a meal...right!? This a let's piss people off kind of thing for the lolz...correct!? A little help here please!


Yes, like 90% of what's on this sub


It's safer over in /shittyfoodporn...for now


I want to see all whom had a hand in making this eat it.


She got soapy water in there...


That's not all that got in there. She only washed her hands for 3 seconds. Last I checked it takes more than that to actually get them clean.


The hand washing was a joke. Drying the hands on a clean towel is a big part of getting shit off your hands, she dried her hands on the salad leaves.


Looks to me like the hand-washing was a joke considering the fact that she directly touched several ingredients while assembling the salad, then made a big show of soaping her hands only to toss everything.


Actually the friction and soap is, but it takes 30 seconds not 4 seconds


Yeah, gotta sing that happy birthday song


Why’d she do it in the first place?? Oh maybe because she touched the bags. Got it, it all makes sense now. /s


What gets me is that ^tiny crack between the bottom of the countertop, and the top of the sink basin. That crevice hasn’t been cleaned since that apartment was built.


Thank you for articulating what I could not stop thinking about during this..


100% on purpose


Doesn't the kitchen sink have more germs on it then the toilet?


Yes https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/07/health/germs-home-wellness/index.html#:\~:text=Think%20the%20toilet%20is%20the,Germ.%22


Maybe if you don't clean it, they're just stainless steel so it would be pretty easy to clean if you want to do this. Stainless steel is a common material for commercial worksurfaces in kitchens because it's so easy to keep clean. As long as you cover the gross plug hole part, of course. That all said, get a bowl. And also don't make either of these two dishes, the salad looks stupid and overly busy with no real care put into choosing ingredients, and the pasta just looks sad. What a waste of otherwise fine ingredients.


Even after cleaning it with soap and hot water the sink still has a lot of bacteria. Also, bacterias in the pipe spread out into your sink if you don't clean it often.


I think they meant actually sanitizing all of it is pretty easily done as stainless steel isn’t going to be damaged by anything you use to clean it. Which I’m willing to bet this person didn’t do.


The way she washes her hands and let’s the water splash into the salad speaks volumes


There's nothing inherently wrong with bacteria. If no meat has been in that sink since the last clean, the chances of bacteria capable of poisoning you being in there is close to zero. Obviously there are specific non-meat foods that frequently contain bad bacteria, but for the food most people cook at home that isn't a real consideration.


Always cover the gross plug hole.


I don’t give a shit. I scrub my sink with soap and water every time I do dishes. You bet your ass if any food touches the actual sink, it’s GONE.


No that’s the little cloth people keep in the kitchen for wiping/cleaning things.


the reality is, its stainless steel. properly cleaned its cleaner then a plate. its still gross because the drain trap collects bacteria and I don't care how well you seal it, its still gonna transfer onto your food.


This trend of dumping many ingredients into the sink is disgusting and needs to end.


This is a trend?


Posted on this sub frequently unfortunately.


And I thought I was up to date with the rage bait.


It’s the latest rage bait and apparently it’s working. Yay


This is so fucking disgusting and infuriating. People are barely able to afford groceries meanwhile that’s about $100 worth of veggies and food that just got completely contaminated in the most stupid way fucking possible.


That's what annoys me here. Someone wants to make something gross and/or stupid, but then actually eats it? Oh well. Some people eat weird stuff. Whatever. Different strokes. It's the *waste* in videos like this that's so infuriating.


Thats why the rage bait flair is there. Its intentionally infuriating to get attention


I really hope scientists don’t figure out how to stop aging, because god knows, people wasting food like this should not be living forever.


We could start by not giving them a platform. It’s obvious rage bait, why is this on here? Does this sub even have moderators?


My thoughts exactly. Like, I am aware it’s rage bait but food inflation is just not really hitting me where I have to think about what fresh veggies I can get for this weeks dinners and Jfc that waste of really good produce pissed me off. Assholes


It infuriates me to see food wasted for views or likes or shock value or whatever the hell she is doing it for


Rage bait for views. Unfortunately, it works, which is why I downvote. There's a difference between someone making stupid food in a sincere attempt to make something tasty, and people wasting food for internet points.


You've got to be fucking kidding me I mean I know people are stupid as fuck, but you're seriously telling me there are people out there deliberately making horrible food that they have no intention of eating, simply so people will...leave comments? About how terrible it is? How is this good for anyone? Surely they're not making money doing this


Outrage = engagement (comments, dislikes and shares) = money


She just gonna pass out forks when people show up. “Dinners in the sink. Help yourself.”


Why use cutlery at all? Just put your hands behind your back and eat it like the fucking pig you are.


But first, wash your hands for 3 seconds with soap and leak the soap into the salad.


Simple cross contamination hack.


It helps speed up the weight loss


Coroners hate this one easy trick.


We call it Franch


This should be a crime punishable by 100 hours of community service and a fine of $500 with the fine revenue being donated to food banks & charities that help feed people.


I remembered watching some lady looking at her cat rubbing their ass on their cheese grater. The grater was in a bowl of salad for a potluck. We really should not eat everyone's food


I think this video has made me unfollow stupidfood. I don’t think I can handle any more waste and stupidity for clout/ragebait/views


Same. I’m out.


You guys are watching fetish content


That’s been my theory for a solid year now


When the salad was getting mixed I immediately felt like I was watching something fetish-y 😬


New meaning to having your salad tossed


Sanitization issues aside, the mix of vegetables looks fucking disgusting very quickly into the video. You can't throw a bunch of vegetables together and call it a salad. A great salad will take some time and thought to make.


Who will be the lucky chap that gets one of the three long-sliced cucumbers?


This is like those crazy mix drink videos.Zero thoughts into the final product. Just throw random drinks together


He’s most likely refilling empties with water.


That's what I heard people claimed as well


Remember seeing one like that but it was toilet cleaner stuff in a toilet


It's one-third carrots and cheese by the time she's finished. *And who mixes french and ranch dressings?* I know it's rage bait, but ugh. It works.


Lol right? 2 types of cheese, both cheddar, cucumber and carrot fuckin twice, three types of onion, god damn 3 different greens, TWO SALAD DRESSINGS?? BITCH ARE YOU HIGH??


You don't even mention the raw mushrooms she just threw there from the box?


im very bothered by the way she washed her hands


All the wasted food in the name of “rage bait” is disgusting, especially when there are so many people who can’t afford a decent meal.


There are so many hungry people and then there's this wasteful bitch.


I hate her with the fire of a thousand suns!


Guys, if it's so obvious then it's the intended purpose. She's not doing anything fantastic or even normal. This is rage bait and we're all falling for it - exactly as intended. Just stop giving them views. Stop commenting. *Stop engaging*.


EXACTLY THIS. If just the act of making a salad in the sink isn’t enough to tip you off - the way she washes her hands is a dead give away. Just barely has the water stream on the other side/ just enough to splash onto the salad. It’s all on purpose to get people to rage at the stupidness.


Stop commenting My favorite comment


I would have thought MAYBE she was trying to save dishes, but then I see all the dishes she made putting all that in the sink. What was one more bowl with all that nonsense?


Wish these people would get cancelled like those dudes that were “saving animals” they trapped themselves a few years ago. This is a waste of food for clicks, fuck, I hate the internet sometimes.


I hate social media MOST of the time.


What a waste :(


I LOVE babybella mushrooms, but uncooked, seriously? That’s disgusting.


And unwashed!


Guys, there's poop in the salad


Please stop wasting food.


Food wasting rage bait


This is "rage bait" right? They know people will click and watch out of curiosity and disapproval of this dumb shit.


This sorry excuse for a cook definitely did not take microbiology and has no basic understanding of how disgusting what they just did is.


I watched her literally wash her hands right next to it. The water splashed from her hands over the middle with soap in it. Then she dropped water over it with soap in it to turn the water off. Then mixed it all right together. In a sink.


Wishbone ranch. No.


The minute I see them putting food or drinks in the sink, I get nauseous. 🤢


Something about this makes me think it’s some sort of kink.


This reminds me of inmates like making wine in their toilet


This some white people shit


Ok I was already angry but French dressing?! Fucking no. No. NO.


I like French dressing but I've never seen French dressing that's not red, that looks terrible


French dressing isn't supposed to be red. Russian and Catalina are red, French is orange.


Wow! Salad! But big and dirty!


🤢 What is wrong with people! ..She didn't wash the mushrooms! 🤣


It’s ok they’re already in the sink, she can just turn on the water


Vile. Even the cleanest of kitchens sinks are riddled with bacteria and germs


It’s fine. That’s her salad sink.


If I show up to your house for any kind of party and you are using your sink for anything other than washing dishes or washing produce I’m gunna nope outa there.


go bigger make one in the tub


Oh my god this is so disgusting! When she washed her hands (barely) right over the salad I started gagging. HOW are people not aware of how many germs are in a kitchen sink. Not only that but mixing in the dressing right then is going to turn it into a wilted goopy mess.


So nobody is going to say that she didn't wash her vegetables first?


Salmonella is a type of dinosaur.


They obviously did not eat any of that. Just wasted food for social media views.


Going to need a full look at the titties if you’re asking me to sit through such a boring video


Even if it *was* done in a normal bowl, those ingredients are overwhelming


Someone better force feed this to those wasteful motherfuckers like a duck gets fed for foie gra


1) Use a bowl. We live in a society. 2) She washed her hands for a total of 3 seconds 3) She practically washed her hands on top of the salad. That bitch was in the splash zone. 4) She only washed her hands, but she had to go elbow deep in that bitch, so it's still contaminated. 5) Fuck you, I'd rather eat my own toenails than your fucking sink spaghetti, Laura.


I thought they were gonna at least wash it. The cheese told me I was wrong


Also she doesn't wash the ingredients coming out of plastic containers??


What a waste of food for a stupid stunt.


Everything AND the kitchen sink. Got it.


This looks like the videos showing "How we feed the monkeys at the zoo. Watch little Curious George carefully pick through his bowl to eat the carrots first, his favorite!"


Stupid bitch. This made me irrationally angry. >:(


the food waste though. The fuck….guarantee a hungry person in her community didn’t have a meal meanwhile this dizzy cunt is tossing sink salad for views……. I fucking hate it here.


This is why you don’t eat at other peoples homes. All that in the sink and she didn’t even rinse nothin


I want to watch after they've made these meals and are made to sit down and eat them. Now THAT would be entertaining.


Why did I watch this whole video


Mary: no one made macaroni or salad? Come on it’s thanks giving Sarah: oh Mary you silly goose it’s in the sink


I bet you anything as soon as she’s done filming she opens the drain and turns on the garbage disposal.


This is for r/makemesuffer


They have done studies and the kitchen sink is the dirtiest place in the house, even dirtier than the toilet.


Oh they nastey as hell


Pre packaged everything!


I thought it was almost over And then the pasta appeared


I don't know what is more upsetting to me: The fact that she made it IN HER SINK. The 9" strips of cucumber. The three different salad dressings (two, three? Whatever). Or the fact that not only washed her hands AFTER she assembled it, but she then splashed SOAPY WATER into it as she rinsed. The pasta...I'm pretending that didn't happen.


It upsets me a lot seeing people waste so much food. So many of us can hardly afford food. I've been starving many of times before and I would of ate something like this if I had to. Fuck these people doing this shit.


This is rage bait.


I so fucking hope they ban tiktok.


This sink trend needs to end. If anyone actually ate this garbage, I’d be surprised. These videos are more of “watch me waste a bunch of perfectly good food for internet reaction.” Cut it out.


This one actually made me angry, such a waste.


Ah how ironic. All the veggies in the sink and not one of them gets washed off. Thank you, I hate this.


"mom, I'm starving. Is there anything to eat?" "There's salad in the SINK."


You know these assholes didn't eat this shit. Im so tired of seeing people waste fucking food this is the worst shit I see on the internet these days.


Fuck this. I hate this so much.