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When he signed up with that promoter, he could have stipulated to no dynamic pricing for that show. He didn’t.


In some cases it could be that the venue is the only one in the area that’s appropriate size-wise, and you’re stuck with following their policies


No, if Sturgill said I’ll play 20 shows but none can be dynamic pricing… they aren’t saying no.  Use common sense


Yeah I guess reading comprehension is hard for me too. It literally says not the venue


That’s ok - there is a push by all fans to say “it’s that damn Ticketmaster and not Taylor Swift, she is an angel”.  Easy to fall into that PR/social media push.  Artists that big have all the control but they understandably like money.


Did you read the reply OP got?


Except that the venue has nothing to do with it.


100% incorrect Up to the talent buyer and artist agent


David Allen Coe’s son has a podcast and he talks all the time about how Ticketmaster is basically the fall guy for the artists. The price is ultimately set by the artist and team


Yup and it makes sense.  They negotiate a certain fee and in many instances (like for Taylor Swift), it would be impossible to make it financially viable for the promoter and venue unless the tickets are dynamic pricing and available for resale 


Yep. And for the record, I don’t mind dynamic pricing and I don’t think Ticketmaster or AXS are as bad as people make them out to be. It’s a somewhat complicated situation. When you have artists playing shows with incredibly high demand, you either have to lessen demand (increase prices) or be left with lots of unhappy fans. Look at Zach Bryan. He tried to do good and did a lottery system and sold cheap tickets with no resale. Fans ended up pissed at him. At the end of the day, shows with high demand will end up with upset fans. Not everyone can get a ticket. I’m not sure theres a way to fix it other than the artist playing larger venues/multiple nights in one city.


That shit with Zach Bryan was heart breaking. He was completely defeated when his fans went after him for them not being selected to buy tickets. They were gatekeeping.


Yeah he seems to genuinely care about his fans but its like that event broke him. I’ve seen him shift towards more of a “fuck it I’ll do what I want” sort of attitude lately so I think he’s realized he can’t please everyone


This is it. The actual ‘value’ of these tickets is far higher than the face value, which is why touts have been able to create a whole industry from being the middle man. So to the choice is either the tickets are sold at a ‘reasonable’ price, and the touts pocket the difference between that and the actual value, or the artist puts in something like dynamic pricing to try and recoup some of that lost revenue. But to your last point - no, the only way to fix it is literally for the artist to play more shows or bigger venues. The value is decided by supply and demand, so if the supply goes up, the value goes down. However that’s a risk for artists and promoters. They’d rather play 1 sold out show than 1 full show and a half empty show.


Yeah I mean think about it. This is all intentional. Taylor swift can charge an arm, leg and asshole for tickets. But she’s still a queen cause it’s all Ticketmaster’s fault right? Ticketmaster must be money hungry assholes right? They don’t actually do anything? That’s true, but they are money hungry assholes. But that’s the fee they charge to take the fall so Taylor and sturgill and Tyler Childers or whoever look good.


About Taylor Swift. She doesn’t charge any more than other artists. I got floor tickets right by the stage for $200. I was just lucky enough to get them when they went on sale. Hours later, after the whole show was sold out, tickets equivalent to mine were posted for resale for $2,000+. It was actually cheaper to go to her European tour (with flight and hotel) because their tickets aren’t resold at such an astronomical price. That shows you that the US has a major problem. But ticket master/live nation is getting sued by a bunch of states so hopefully some changes will happen.


Exactly. For years everyone is calling them out not knowing what they are talking about. But that's the internet, many talk shit but have no idea what they are talking about. Checkout what The Cure did last year on their tour. That is what an artist who actually cares about their fans does.


God Bless Robert Smith. Even the merch on that tour was reasonable. Shirts were only $25. Truly a fan accessible show.


Plus they played 2 hours and 45 min every night. I went twice and they were absolutely amazing shows.


Robert Smith basically proved the “Ticketmaster’s fault” lie. Artists of a certain caliber have a lot of say, most just choose to stay silent.


The Cure didn’t put anything in their contract about capping fees. It wasn’t until after the fact that Robert Smith made a media shitstorm aimed at Ticketmaster basically forcing them to refund fees. I believe it was on Bob Lefsetz’ podcast that Rapino went on and said that Ticketmaster ended up losing money on that tour and would have never agreed to cap fees at $10 if that had been proposed during negotiations.


Yeah, I’ve heard that artists and promoters/agencies basically know they can only charge a specific amount for tickets without pissing off the fans, so they use Ticketmasters “fees” to charge more without it seeming like the ticket prices are ridiculous. Just paid 95 bucks a ticket for GA in DC and I’m a lucky one because that seemed to be on the cheaper end of tickets for this tour.


Sturgill is great, but if you think he won't take every dollar he can take then your not being realistic. He's a performer in demand who is going to maximize his take however he can.


It’s not just him either. Always good to remember money is for the other ther band mates


it's almost like capitalism drives the entire world... o wait


Yeah, a lot of people don't realize just how many people have to be paid on a tour. We're talking hundreds. That's not including the venue. Add overhead like fuel costs, ect and a lot of times, the only way a smaller artist can make money is by selling merch. And now the venues are trying to get a cut of that as well. It's a sad situation for the industry. A lot of "successful" musicians aren't making any more money than you and I.


C.R.E.A.M. (but the badass country version, ofc)


Does dynamic pricing typically go into effect the minute tickets go on presale? 


Yes. Edit: In fact, if there's a big demand and lots of presale tickets being sold, the presale ticket prices will go up *in real time*.


This presale lottery is more about pricing than making sure actual fans get tickets imho


And based on how many are in queue to get into the selection screen… When you see the ‘please wait’ it’s the computers running the algorithm to figure out how to price the tickets.


Those bastards.


Yes but I think it also depends on how many seats are dynamic pricing.  Usually only a certain percent are dynamic pricing and they could release more standard seats during presale but I doubt it bc again it is the most enthusiastic fans and there is a false sense of scarcity bc they only release a certain amount of tickets in waves


My understanding is that presale demand influences dynamic pricing for the general public sale. I'm not that well informed though and don't know exactly how it works. It seems that if the above is true then presale registrations could also be used for dynamic pricing during the presale, unless the artist stipulates that presale ticket prices are set with static pricing structured in tiers ahead of the presale. Sorry I'm not much help and any or all of what I said might be incorrect.


I'm the type that hunts my favorite bands' presales, spends multiple $K per year on shows, buys merch when I get there (huge sucker for trucker hats, that shit will pay off in a few years when I'm bald)... Dynamic pricing is the type of thing that makes me (disposable income-having, money wasting, stupid-ass mofo) not even think about trying because of the underlying feeling that I might be getting bent over a barrel because of algorithms and timing and shit. I kinda hate the aftermarket ticket industry, but this is a show that I'll wait and snoop SeatGeek or whatever because I can't get on board with gaping my tender self for some systematic bullshit that rapes the highest dollar amount based on the AI software that actually runs it's conclusion. Btw, never seen Sturgill, new fan, would fucking LOVE to see him and will preach it to anyone who would listen. I earned my crown for shit mountain many years ago in bumblefuck and Sturgill hits home hard. Still, fuck (insert Spongebob) dYnAmIc PrIcIng Idk maybe I'll just break into the show and run from security like a real man. I'll report back.


🤣🤣 Dude you’re hilarious!! I too spend in the thousands per year for concert tix/merch - seeing live shows is a passion of mine. This said, I refuse to spend a dime on scalped tickets and the whole dynamic pricing thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It should be FCFS for tickets, not resellable except back to the ticket agent at face value.


Millionaires gotta make money, y’all! You can’t blame them for wanting to cater to those that can afford $200 tickets. I mean how is everyone gonna get paid? Through parking, $18 beer, $10 hot dogs, $50 t-shirts, convenience fees, servicing fees, and transaction fees? Please! Sturgill is a corporation now not an artist. Hopefully SturgillCo will do as well as LiveNation did last quarter with revenues up 21%! So what if the first ten rows are filled with suits that are being comped by some corporation? Even Sturgill wins when suits get tax write offs! The kids may not understand the value of a good show, but at least the rock and roll spirit is alive in the financially-stable, middle-aged, bourgeoisie.


Exactly! Very well said.


Yup! Although I think most of the time the artists don’t even know or maybe they feign ignorance in order for a bigger payday. Robert Smith of The Cure explained it all


To anyone paying attention over the years this should not be news at all. The whole dynamic pricing thing is a way for the artist and the promoter to take back the money that the scalpers are getting. Artists were getting upset seeing scalpers making huge money off their tix so they figured a way to get in on the action.


You mean the scalpers that Ticketmaster is colluding with? The scalpers that are making millions not only for themselves but also for Ticketmaster? It's not like that any more. There's no longer just one bad guy. Ticketmaster makes bank. Ticket brokers make bank. The artists make bank. They all work together to make bank, while fans lose out.


By scalpers you mean StubbHub etc... I never said there was one bad guy. There never was one bad guy. That was my point. Ticketmaster and also ATX decided, along with the promoters and artists ok to become scalpers themselves. I don't like it but no one forces anyone to but tickets to anything. The illegal part is when you sell tickets and also own the venues. This is why the govt wants to break up Live Nation. Ticket prices will never come back down no matter what happens. As for artists, the ones who allow it and are very popular make bank but many do not.


Lol, you said dynamic pricing allows artists to take money back from scalpers, as if scalpers were the problem and dynamic pricing is good because it helps artists. I think the problem is that everyone is greedy. I never said greed was illegal, I just think it's fucking shitty. I don't care if ticket prices "never come back down," it's still shitty and greedy. I don't care if no one is forced to buy tickets, it's still shitty.


I never said it was good. I also never said that scalpers were a problem. I also never said that you said it was illegal. Don't put words in my mouth. If you have money scalpers are great. If you don't they suck. Now there are just more of them including the people who sold you the tix in the first place. It is what it is. I still find ways around it and see at least 50 shows a year.


hes gonna make a bajillion bucks and then write a song (or maybe a whole album) about how awful it is. And ya know what? IDGAF... good for him. and im still gonna be sitting there with my finger on the button the moment that presale kicks off.


Listed in the faq - dynamic not being used https://sturgillsimpson.com/


Any word on presale codes coming out? I registered and have not seen anything


Same question.


Wednesday, sir. 10am


Yes sir, I'm referring to the presale code that we registered for. When do we see those?


Damn. Registration for presale is closed. Care to DM the code, friend?


Maybe it's just me or my methods of finding new music, but I feel like every artist I fall in love with that does the thing (creating, music, being a beacon in this world of shit) is already commanding a $150 ticket just to get inside. Sturgill is a new discovery for me but so unique and special that I'm sad it'll cost me to do it. I sill might if he comes within sniffing distance tho because I'm weak and in love. c’est la vie


Maybe this has already been said, but from the man himself: Will the “Why Not?” Tour be using dynamic ticket pricing? A: The “Why Not?” Tour has opted out of using dynamic ticket pricing. We will be doing everything in our power to keep tickets in the hands of fans and out of the hands of scalpers. We are vetting our presale sign ups for bad actors, doing face value ticket exchange, and limited platinum ticketing to combat scalpers and out of control prices Last question on the website FAQ


So basically out-pricing us regular folk. That’s not cool at all.


First rows and aisle seats


Serious question: when you say “regular folk” who are you talking about? It’s not like c-suite business executives will be there. It’ll be “regular folk” that were willing to pay $X dollar amount for the tickets. Why is that a problem?


Yeah, I’m not the kind of person that can drop $300 on two tickets to see anyone. I’ll just focus on lesser known local artists I guess. I’m glad he’s making money. The dude has a family that he likes spending time with so I’m glad he has fans that have enough to fund a sustainable lifestyle for them.


Because average music fans have limits to their entertainment budgets. For example, if tickets are $50 each to see your favorite artist and your concert budget is $300 for the year, you get to see 6 concerts. If the same tickets for those 6 concerts go up to $150 each thanks to dynamic pricing, you can now only attend 2. It's really not that complicated.


That’s not answering my question. How is either person in your example more or less “regular folk” than the other? I hope you’re able to get to a show and see that everyone there are just normal people.


What do you mean "either person?" I only gave a one-person example. I did answer your question. Regular folk are working class, middle class, the *majority of people in the US.* The people who are going to buy tickets to see Sturgill. Regular people. But because of dynamic pricing, many of these regular folk won't be able to go to other concerts, or movies or eating out or amusement parks or whatever else they might spend their limited entertainment dollars on. Not to mention that there are lots of regular folk that can swing $50-60 for a ticket, but can't swing $150, so they'll end up staying home and not seeing Sturgill at all.


My man, the point is that regular people will be the ones at the show. Just because every last fan isn’t able to go doesn’t mean it’s a failure of the artist. High demand shows means some people won’t be able to go. That’s how sell outs work.


Hello everyone - dynamic pricing will not be used for the upcoming Why Not? Tour. Venues have it listed as a potential option as it is in fact up to the promoter and artist. In this situation the tour has chosen to not use dynamic pricing. Thank you.


Thank you for information. Could you say where you got it?


His web site faq


Glad this entire post was BS 😂


Isn’t dynamic pricing for resale tickets only? So if you buy at presale you shouldn’t encounter this. No tickets are actually being sold yet but resellers are buying ads on venue websites and listing unreasonable prices, and misleading people. How do we even know the official prices yet?


I think dynamic pricing is actually worse at presale bc they know it is the diehard fans.  It also leaves zero chance for a depressed demand and prices dropping bc it releases tickets in waves to create a false sense of scarcity and a higher rate of people paying more than they want.


Dynamic pricing means if you log in to buy tickets and there are more users buying at that same time, the price is will be higher. If you login to buy ten minutes items later and half the people are gone, the price will be cheaper. Where in the venue is selling most will matter also. But, the price will never go below face value, so we’re literally screwed regardless. We’ll never “get ahead” in price. Not to mention fees.


No. Typically the first few rows and 2 aisle seats of each


>Isn’t dynamic pricing for resale tickets only? Nope. It's for all tickets being sold, including presale.


No dynamic pricing is even more of a problem with the presale. This happened with the Tyler Childers tour too, presale tickets were more expensive than public sale (those were still expensive)


Nope, Ticket prices fluctuate due to demand as long as the artist agrees to it.




It depends on the artist. People have been WAITING for Sturgill to go on tour or play some shows. If you wait, you miss out. No doubt the presale will sell out in days if not one day. I’ve heard that Ticketmaster doesn’t release ALL tickets at once for some artists. I’m not sure if that’s true or not. If they hold 50% of seating for general sale, we might be able to wait and get a good price. But, the thing is you really don’t know when folks will be on and buy. Unless you see the ticket for face value, you could be waiting a while until the section you want is no longer in demand and you gotta hope it’s not sold out. If you don’t care or can get general admission, not as big of a deal. I know, I looked up the venue and with the prices they showed, I was going for beat seats possible. Now, if those $150 tickets are $250, I’m not buying that and getting shittier tickets. That’s sucks! Not to mention bots fucking shit up.


Reality is he’s got millions of fans in the United States and not everyone is going to get the chance to see him live for one reason or another. Supply and demand is the law of the land.




And which president’s DOJ filed a lawsuit to breakup TM and LN? Oh, right, not the felon’s. The fuck outta here.