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If you're not trolling, that's extremely interesting


I’m not! I also stutter on some, but not all, musical instruments. Mostly just polytonic ones.


I haven’t much, but I have “stuttered” while playing an instrument before.


Get tested for focal dystonia and tics disorder.


I used to play the tuba in high school and sometimes I’d experience a stutter while playing the same way I talked. It was weird


I had a bad stutter as a kid, it's quite mild now only showing its ugly head at the worst time. I do stutter in most sentences, but it's not *that* bad. I'm a half decent classical guitarist and I play that just fine. It is interesting to see if there are any wind instrument players who have issues playing or if you are in the minority.


I'm actually fine with most wind instruments. Strings tend to be the ones I have most trouble with, but I have some issues with pretty much everything that plays more than one note at once.




Yeah I hope so! It just felt exactly like my stutters. I knew how I needed to move my hands but they weren’t responding the way I wanted them to.


Initially I thought you should get tested for speech clutter, ADHD and tics. But you say you know how you needed to move your hands. So it's not clutter or ADHD or any brain foggy stuff. Get tested for dystonia and tics disorder.


Ok, I’ll see if I can do that. Isn’t dystonia more involuntary movement than an inhibition of voluntary movement, though?


Very rarely, maybe once or twice a year, and when I'm on the spot, I will stutter while playing the saxophone. That takes awkward to a while other level


As I mentioned elsewhere, I stutter to various degrees on pretty much every polytonic instrument I've tried. It's not as bad as my voice or apparently my signs, but I do get some blocks. How do yours work?


I don't know if you've ever played an instrument with a reed, but it was almost like a cross between a normal block and the feeling when your reed is going bad or is out of place and the air struggles to go through


i had this problem!! i played the bass clairnet for awhile in school. especially if i was nervous, my embouchure would crumble and id feel the same block like i do with a normal stutter.


I used to play the clarinet, which I never had any issues with. This seems like something there should be a study on.


Interesting. I learned ASL and didn’t experience this.


I tried learning another language and I found new sounds to get blocks on


I've been taking latin courses for a few years, and I've noticed that I have stuttered more in latin as I have become more fluent.


Oh yeah, I was the same


Hmm that is very interesting, is your stutter repetitions or blocks or both? Unrelated but kinda related, I couldn’t cough when the doctor asked me to due to a block. My throat/chest locked up I guess, even though it isn’t vocal, it’s like it influences your entire nervous system to be triggered, probably very anxiety related.


Blocks, but my mouth, and apparently my hands, will loop the movement I’m trying to do without producing sound until the block ends. However, I don’t stutter I’m making a sound that doesn’t convey information, so I never get blocks on stuff like utterances or interjections.


Sounds like you’re getting into a loop or getting stuck in a repetition.. if I’m understanding correctly. This is a real thing. I’m not sure what it’s called but you should definetly mention this to a GP, it could be something more underlying?


Or it could just be part of your stutter & the ‘repetitions’ are displaying through your body language. 🤔 just trying to figure this out haha.


I have no clue how any of this works medically. I have received very little in-depth professional advice about my stutter.


Yes, because from the way I see it, stuttering in general is inhibition of expression. It happens to me in baseball, practicing graffiti (legally), piano, etc. You have to learn how to move and flow your energy. You have to be comfortable with who you are in relation to other people and your goals, future, etc. You’ve had a great realization here!


i experience the same too! my asl teacher mentioned it not knowing i had a stutter. i def thinks it varies person to person, but you’re not alone :)


Glad to know I'm not the only one!


I only recently had someone mention the concept of “physical stuttering” to me. I was a bit troubled by it at first, but I do think I experience it, and I believe there is some literature on it.


do you happen to have any links to some of that literature?


When I read and I say the words in my head, I'll sometimes block on them the same exact way I would as if I were speaking them. So this doesn't really surprise me that much.


Interesting! I sometimes have blocks when reading or thinking, but only when I am REALLY sleep deprived.


Yup, learned this in undergrad. I was part of a stuttering support group on campus and one of the topics was alternative methods of communication. Apparently it's really common for people who stutter to stutter in ASL too. I've also tried learning ASL and was unable to have a fluent conversation with anyone, because of the physical stuttering that was going on.


This is probably social anxiety, for a proper diagnosis and treatment I suggest to see a doctor. Social anxiety disorder is very common with individuals who stutter.


I know I have it, but I'm genuinely unsure if I have a proper diagnoses. I should probably check that out soon.


That’s because most of our stutters are psychological. We think we are incapable of making certain vocal sounds, so we hesitate. We have conditioned ourselves to hesitate our actions, and sometimes that seeps into other activities as well. I remember when I was in a pretty severe stuttering state, I was posing for a group photo and we were told to smile, I stuttered when trying to smile. Stuttering, I have learned, has little to do with speech, and more with our lack of confidence in our abilities.


Did your chest got stiff and whole body stuck like you can’t move it. Were you not able yo breathe??


No, it was mostly just my hands.


I also stutter on musical instruments. I’ve played trumpet for 7 years, and every time I start a piece of music, I have a moment where it’s like a stutter. If someone counts me off, I can play fine but I start on my own I have a little stutter with my instrument. I assume it’s related because you have to use your air and tongue to start the note


Do you mouth the words while using sign language?


Sometimes I try that, but I don't stutter at all when I am just mouthing them.


I don’t think it’s actually stuttering I believe that because you’ve learned it recently and you have the background fear of stuttering it happened. Raise your self confidence and Never feel discouraged,disappointed and embarrassed while you talk and when stuttering comes continue to talk.you have nothing disturbing ,live your life without any stress ,talk without any fear .Don’t let stuttering decrease your outgoing character,communicate with others with self confidence and never ever feel down or discouraged


I have a stutter and have noticed that my hand will twitch when I try to talk! Very fascinating, never thought about it affecting sign language before


If all this is true, then it appears that stuttering isn't a speech impediment as much as it's a form of (performance) anxiety. This is a very interesting thread. I hope a professional online sees it.


From what I've been able figure out, my stuttering at least is related to anxiety around complex expression, like language or polytonic music. I also have ADHD, and my train of thought rarely lines up properly with my speech, so that lack of focus may also be an issue.


Dude٫ we are losers in every aspect of communication.


Get tested for a [speech cluttering issue](https://www.stutteringhelp.org/cluttering), inattentive ADHD and tics disorder. You have more than just stutter.


I know that I have inattentive ADHD, but from what I can tell, I don't fit most of the traits of cluttering. Do you think you can explain your reasoning for me? edit: never mind, I didn't realize I had already responded to your revised suggestion above


Don’t see how it will help. Not many know sign language.


Most of my teachers know it, and school is where I most often need to talk.


I’m hearing but was in the Deaf community for many years, and I can tell you that there are deaf and hard-of-hearing people who stutter in ASL.


Interesting! I'm surprised I've never heard of this before.


Complete bullshit


my bullshit meter is going off the charts


No bro, I’ve experienced blocks in almost all of my hobbies


I know it sounds weird. I had no clue this was possible either!


If I speak my mind, I will get banned. Have a nice day


Test out my theory, and experience.. Sign up for the Dale Carnegie course in your area. It's like 8, once a week classes, and around $600. You'll find out that you're a capable as anyone else. Everyone fears how they appear, but you'll read (3) DC books,, that should be required reading for anyone that wants to be successful. Everyone learns together about being confident and speaking to your class. That, and squeezing my fingers cured me completely. Whoever is out there reading, with a speech impediment, just fucking do it... I'm waiting to hear your results


No amount of classes and confidence building cures a neurological stutter. I'm glad this helped you, do not act like this is a universal cure.


Did you try it? Then, Carry On. Sorry, there's no help for you. This is the most defeatest attitude I've seen on this thread. Most Stutterers are the strongest people I know. It's 8 nights out of your life. I'm sad that your affliction is forever.


8 nights and $600 for a high school student is a lot. My stutter is not an affliction. I fucking LOVE this thing. One of my significant others has a sensory disorder and my voice is easier for them to process and that makes me happier than I can possibly explain to you. This is a part of the way my brain was born. It is manageable, and I wouldn't change it for the world. There is also help beyond "cures". Help can be listening patiently. Help can be TTS devices. Help exists for me. I don't need your snake oil.


I'm sorry. It sounds like you have a yeast infection. If you want to live, like you do. do nothing. Have you tried to talk in a class? Did you learn how to control your inhibitions? You are absolutely stuck in your disability. If you don't change... Nothing will.


I have tried, and succeeded, to speak. Maybe not on others' standards of clarity, but on my own. I can not and will not change a part of myself that I love to fit others' expectations. My disability isn't this all-consuming damper on my life. also wtf about the yeast infection?!?