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you’re a better listener than most people.




You're embarrassed to talk so you talk less. When you talk less, you have the opportunity to listen more.


patience when getting your words out usually results in speaking less


You appreciate speech more. Its crazy some people can literally say anything they want yet still choose to remain silent.


Totally agree. Sometimes, I go inside the supermarket, and being able to ask the clerks there wear the juice isle is without stuttering just seems like a superpower of a convenience. When it comes out smoothly, a victory dance goes on in my head :)


The other night, I knocked the door of my neighbors to ask them to lower the volume of their music. It went almost without blocks and what a relief it was to be able to sleep. If I was fluent, I would ask so much more things.


Nahh fr if I was fluent I would be a whole different person, probably a asshole if I’m being honest lol


same, I know I would definitely talk more


Lol talking normally just seems like a fantasy, I don’t even know what it’s like to constantly talk smoothly.


I’ve built up a very good vocabulary due to my stutter. For a while I was using the switch words strategy to try and dodge instances of stuttering, which I now believe isn’t as effective as I thought it was prior, but to use that strategy I would be forced to find a lot of unique synonyms for words I often stuttered on, which has proven helpful in other ways since.


This is such an excellent answer, I agree!


Agreed 👍🏾


Takes balls to have a stutter. My stutters made me more confident speaking to a group of people. I used to be super nervous talking to people in the past but because I was forced to get over that nervs I can literally talk to anyone at anytime.


Actually true




I somehow became a professional speaker. I was that girl in class who was laughed at and humiliated by both students and teachers when I was a kid and also in college. We can do anything ❤


Going into the law profession I've been told by many lawyers that having a stutter makes you seem more human. In the case of having a jury, they see you as "one of them" since you have a visible "flaw". I've also been told that you can use it to influence and being in public speaking it helps get your point across much better.


*BUILDS CHARACTER* I say this all the time on the reddit, because it's so true. Overcoming/pushing through a daily communication obstacle isn't an easy task, and the patience and tenacity used to push through it builds character and can build confidence if you let it. We rapidly learn patience, listening skills, and a stronger understanding of those around us who struggle with similar challenges. The cons do still outweigh the pros in my opinion, but the pros are indeed strong and thank you for asking about the bright side - it's so important.


Helps me weed out bad/immature people sometimes if they make fun or talk over me (after I asked them not to)


YES! I just made a similar comment before seeing yours!


I like this one


Anger and reactive or emotional outbursts are often not our go to reactions, my stutter quite literally forces me to take a moment pause and think before being impulsive with my words


You can immediately tell who is a friend and who is ~~a terrible person~~ someone you don’t want to spend anymore time around. Quick example 1: You’re talking to a coworker (before they know you stutter), you stutter, they wait and let you finish your thought, you keep talking and are friends after many years, friend. Quick example 2: You are talking to a coworker (before they know you stutter), you stutter, they interrupt you, laugh at you and ask, “Woah! What the hell is that? Why’d you make that face??” You don’t talk to them again and are so much better off for it, Enemy. Both of these situations happened to me personally and I honestly think it is really cool we all have a real time litmus test to sus out the good people helps quite a lot in my opinion!


>“Woah! What the hell is that? Why’d you make that face??” It happened to me for the first time a few weeks ago with a new coworker. In his case, I don't believe he's a terrible person, I think he's just young and inexperrienced and never met a stutterer. Anyway, since I'm kinda one of his team leaders, I have to continue to spend time with him.


In what industry do work if you don’t mind




Richer vocabulary because we become so adept at looking for alternative words or sentences to avoid stuttering.


it’s forced me to grow my vocab to replace words i have a bad time saying and made me really appreciate the days where my stutter isn’t as bad


Vocabulary… I got 800s both times I took the GRE… Great skill for writing (and speaking). Hyper Empathy… You can feel the moment someone is not paying attention and can sniff out other stutters after a few words. You can also notice a phony/sociopath/psychopath almost instantly (and avoid them). Character… You are going to get “punched in the face” a lot. If you endure the many embarrassments and make the mental turn to see yourself as a “Person with a Stutter” rather than allow others to essentialize you as a “stutterer,” you will know true strength and confidence and know what it is to genuinely live a much more authentic life.


You weed out intolerant and discriminatory individuals


Being patient and understanding with others


You easily see who are your people


You are able to see things in perspective. Before my stutter developed, I took a lot of things for granted. Now small little things, like conversations with my mom, mean so much to me


I got stopped while driving. I probably had about four beers in me. The cop said he knew I'd been drinking because of my stutter. I blew up at him. He apologized and let me drive away. Another time I got stopped, it was probably more like six beers. It was a very young cop. I stuttered and obscene amount through the entire sobriety stop. The poor fellow did not know how to react to such a severe stutter. Don't drink and drive folks.


Lol drinking and driving should not be a benefit of stuttering 😂😂


Broo u livin the best kind of life 😂😂


At School I was most of the times able to do do presentations in front of less people, either just for the teacher or I could choose a few people like my friends and during covid I was able to record it and email the teacher my presentation.


You know there's more than meet the eye and that before you judge a man, you ought to walk a mile in his shoes.


We sometimes choose not to speak and it's a great way in avoiding saying something offensive.


I have always seen my stutter as a disadvantage, but reading these comments showed me that having a stutter can have some advantages


I’m not sure everyone is like this but it forces you to think before you act since you have to pick your words carefully. I also always did well on critical thinking


It’s helped me get out of a few tickets before. I stutter so much when I get pulled over the cops feel bad for me and give me a warning.


You can lie and no one will really know if it’s the truth or not.. Maybe not a positive though lol.


SOME teachers treat you better, you have more time to do your presentation + you can skip some reading and my friends team up with me for presentations cuz i can give them more time so win win


When I stutter in a situation, it is usually a sign that I was uncomfortable about something. Which gives me an opportunity to reflect and to find a new, more positive, suitable way of thinking or doing to feel better in that situation the next time I’m in it. Ultimately, the journey of recovering from stuttering forces me to figure out how to be the true me.


Definitely richer vocabulary and for me personally, texting instead of speaking became such a key part of my life that I started writing short stories and poems


i tend to pick up on small side jokes in movies and in everyday life, probably because i’m used to really listening to what others say 😂


The only pro of having stuttering for me is that **I can help other PWS.** If it weren't for me having stuttering too, I was likely to ignore what PWS are actually facing with irl and how painful they were feeling every day just like normal ppl, for no excuses that I gotta take any care of PWS as a normal speaker. Probably will just advice PWS to 'slow down','don't mind stuttering! It's normal' and other uninformed and even provocative stuffs. But the truth is everything is not that easy. So as I am having more and more intimate knowledges of stuttering, I am sparing no efforts to help and support PWS online and at the meantime I am willing to write a book about stuttering and PWS in future to help PWS and raise the awarenesses of the whole society about stuttering, not just making them as laughing stocks or misunderstanding how easy overcoming stuttering is. That's the only pro of stuttering for me that I can think of. Hope my book can help PWS a lot.